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15413 abscond [[English]] ipa :/əbˈskɒnd/[Etymology] - First attested in 1565. - Either from Middle French abscondre or directly from Latin abscondere, present active infinitive of abscondō (“hide”); formed from abs, ab (“away”) + condō (“put together, store”), from con (“together”) + dō (“put”)[1]. - Cognate with sconce (“a type of light fixture”). [References] 1.^ 2004 [1998], Dobbie, Elliott K.; Dunmore, C. William, et al., Barnhart, Robert K. editor, Chambers Dictionary of Etymology, Edinburgh, Scotland: Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd, ISBN 0550142304, page 4: [Verb] abscond (third-person singular simple present absconds, present participle absconding, simple past and past participle absconded) 1.(intransitive) To hide; to withdraw; to be concealed : 2.The rabbit absconds to avoid detection from predators 3.(intransitive) To depart secretly; to steal away, particularly to avoid arrest or prosecution : 4.1848: Thomas Babington Macaulay, The History of England, Ch. 13 ... that very homesickness which, in regular armies, drives so many recruits to abscond at the risk of stripes and of death. 5.1911: Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary Spring beckons! All things to the call respond; The trees are leaving and cashiers abscond. 6.(intransitive) To withdraw from, to leave from; to hide from : 7.She absconded the feast. 8.The captain absconded his responsibility. 9.(transitive, obsolete) To hide [something], to conceal [something]; to take away [something] : 10.“They try to abscond his wages [...]” — National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Inc, 15 February 2005 news release [1]. [[French]] [Verb] abscond 1.third-person singular present indicative of abscondre il abscond — he hides 0 0 2012/06/30 22:34
15416 depravity [[English]] ipa :/dəˈprævɪti/[Noun] depravity (plural depravities) 1.(uncountable) The state or condition of being depraved; moral debasement. 2.1850, Herman Melville, White Jacket, or, The World on a Man-of-War, ch. 34, Depravity in the oppressed is no apology for the oppressor. 3.(countable) A particular depraved act or trait. 4.1914, Julian Hawthorne, The Subterranean Brotherhood, ch. 16, There were men there who had committed merciless robberies, cruel murders, heartless swindles, abominable depravities. 5.(uncountable, Christian theology) Inborn corruption, entailing the belief that every facet of human nature has been polluted, defiled, and contaminated by sin. 6.1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter, ch. 8, Here is a child of three years old, and she cannot tell who made her! Without question, she is equally in the dark as to her soul, its present depravity, and future destiny! [References] - “depravity” in An American Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster, 1828. - depravity in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 - “depravity” in Dictionary.com Unabridged, v1.0.1, Lexico Publishing Group, 2006. - "depravity" in Encarta® World English Dictionary [North American Edition] © & (P)2007 Microsoft Corporation. - "depravity" in the Wordsmyth Dictionary-Thesaurus © Wordsmyth 2002. - "depravity" in Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press 2007. - Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1989. - Random House Webster's Unabridged Electronic Dictionary, 1987-1996. [Synonyms] - wickedness 0 0 2012/06/30 22:39
15419 probity [[English]] ipa :/ˈpɹəʊbɪti/[Antonyms] - wickedness [Etymology] From French probité, from Latin probitas (“uprightness, honesty”), from probus (“good, excellent, honest”); see probe, prove. [Noun] probity (plural probities) 1.integrity 2.1748, David Hume, Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of morals, London: Oxford University Press, 1973, § 1, … they can but bend our hearts to the love of probity and true honour, … [Synonyms] - honesty - goodness - decency - honor - virtue - godliness - saintliness 0 0 2012/06/30 22:39
15420 inquired [[English]] [Verb] inquired 1.Simple past tense and past participle of inquire. 0 0 2012/06/30 22:39
15421 inquire [[English]] ipa :/ɪnˈkwaɪɹ/[Alternative forms] - enquire (chiefly British) [See also] - inquest - inquisition - inquisitive - inquisitor [Synonyms] - frain [Verb] inquire (third-person singular simple present inquires, present participle inquiring, simple past and past participle inquired) (intransitive or transitive) 1.(US) To ask (about something). 2.To make an inquiry or an investigation. [[Latin]] [Verb] inquīre 1.second-person singular present active imperative of inquīrō 0 0 2012/06/30 22:39
15422 apprising [[English]] [Verb] apprising 1.Present participle of apprise. 0 0 2012/06/30 22:39
15423 apprise [[English]] ipa :/ˈə.praɪz/[Anagrams] - sappier [Etymology] From French appris, apprise, past participle of apprendre, from Latin apprehendere, present active infinitive of apprehendō. Cognate to apprehend. [See also] - appraise [Synonyms] - keep (someone) abreast, up to date/up-to-date [Verb] apprise (third-person singular simple present apprises, present participle apprising, simple past and past participle apprised) 1.(transitive) To notify, or to make aware; to inform. [[French]] [Anagrams] - papiers [Verb] apprise f. 1.feminine past participle of apprendre 0 0 2012/06/30 22:39
15424 dithering [[English]] [Verb] dithering 1.Present participle of dither. 0 0 2012/06/30 22:39
15425 dither [[English]] ipa :-ɪðə(r)[Anagrams] - drieth - rideth [Etymology] From didder from Middle English didderen, meaning "to tremble". [Verb] dither (third-person singular simple present dithers, present participle dithering, simple past and past participle dithered) 1.(obsolete) To tremble, shake, or shiver with cold. 2.To be uncertain or unable to make a decision about doing something. 3.To do something nervously. 4.(computer graphics) To render an approximation of (an image, etc.) by using dot patterns in similar colours to those that are unavailable on the system. 0 0 2009/10/27 11:12 2012/06/30 22:39 TaN
15430 spotted [[English]] [Adjective] spotted (comparative more spotted, superlative most spotted) 1.Discoloured by spots; stained. 2.(no comparative or superlative) Characterized by spots (used especially of animals and plants). the spotted hyena [Synonyms] - (discoloured by spots): blotched, blotchy, stained, spotty [Verb] spotted 1.Simple past tense and past participle of spot. 0 0 2012/06/30 22:43
15432 dissatisfied [[English]] ipa :/dɪsˈsætəsˌfaɪd/[Adjective] dissatisfied (comparative more dissatisfied, superlative most dissatisfied) 1.Feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment 2.Not satisfied (with the quality of something) [Etymology] from Latin dis- (apart) + satis (enough) + facere (to make). [Verb] dissatisfied 1.Simple past tense and past participle of dissatisfy. 0 0 2012/06/30 22:55
15434 かける [[Japanese]] [Conjunction] かける (kanji 掛ける, romaji kakeru) 1.(mathematics) times [Verb] かける (ichidan conjugation, romaji kakeru) 1.掛ける: to lock; to hang, to suspend; to cover; to spend (time, money) 2.賭ける: to gamble 3.欠ける: to be incomplete, to wane (moon) 4.書ける: to be able to write; potential form of 書く 5.描ける: to be able to draw; potential form of 描くかける (godan conjugation, romaji kakeru) 1.駆ける: to run 0 0 2012/06/30 23:38
15436 かく [[Japanese]] [Noun] かく (romaji kaku) 1.佳句: beautiful passage of literature 2.各: each, every 3.核: nucleus, kernel 4.画: stroke 5.格: status, character, case 6.角: angle, bishop (shogi) 7.劃: divide [Proper noun] かく (romaji Kaku) 1.格: A male given name 2.郭: A Chinese surname. [Verb] かく (godan conjugation, romaji kaku) 1.書く: to write 2.掻く: to scratch, to perspire 3.描く: to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe 4.欠く: to lack, to break, to crack, to chip 0 0 2012/06/30 23:38
15437 さだまる [[Japanese]] [Verb] さだまる (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji sadamaru) 1.定まる: settle, become settled 0 0 2012/06/30 23:38
15438 さだめる [[Japanese]] [Verb] さだめる (transitive, ichidan conjugation, romaji sadameru) 1.定める: establish, determine 0 0 2012/06/30 23:38
15439 ばかり [[Japanese]] [Particle] ばかり (romaji bakari) 1.just (recently completed action) – 〜たばかり 食べたばかりだ。 たべたばかりだ。 Tabeta bakari da. I just ate. 2.full of – Noun+ばかり 東京は人ばかりだ。 とうきょうはひとばかりだ。 Tōkyō wa hito bakari da. Tokyo is just full of people. 3.only, always – 〜てばかり 彼は食べてばかり居る。 かれはたべてばかりいる。 Kare wa tabete bakari iru. He's always eating. [Synonyms] - ばかし - ばっか (informal, speech) 0 0 2012/06/30 23:38
15440 クラブ [[Japanese]] [Etymology] From English club. [Noun] クラブ (romaji kurabu) 1.倶楽部: a club , a social association 0 0 2012/06/30 23:38
15441 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 遣 (radical 162 辵+10, 14 strokes, cangjie input 卜中一口 (YLMR), four-corner 35307) 1.send, dispatch 2.send off, exile [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 遣 (Yale hin2) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 遣 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 遣 (hangeul 견, revised gyeon, McCune-Reischauer kyŏn, Yale kyen) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 遣 (pinyin qiǎn (qian3), Wade-Giles ch'ien3) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 遣 (khiển, khiến) 0 0 2012/06/30 23:38
15443 よう [[Japanese]] [Interjection] よう (yō) 1.A very informal greeting similar to yo. 2.よう、元気? - Yo! Howdy? 3.A very informal (rude) interjection similar to hey. Women don't use usually. 4.よう、待てよ - Hey, wait.Women or gentle men generally use ねえ instead of よう. よう is manful but gives a rudish impression at times. ねえ is more graceful. [Kanji reading] よう - 洋: ocean - 要: the main point - 幼: juvenile - 八: eight [Noun] よう (romaji yō) 1.用: business, engagement 2.酔う: to become tipsy or drunk 3.陽: positive [Synonyms] - やあ - ねえ - オッス [Verb] よう (yō) 1.(auxiliary) Expressing one's will to do something. 2.そろそろ寝よう - I go to bed before long. 3.そうしよう - I will do so. 4.(auxiliary) Inducing or stimulating other person to do something. 5.さあ、始めよう - Let's get started. 0 0 2012/06/30 23:39
15445 しん [[Japanese]] [Noun] しん (romaji shin) 1.神: gods, mind, soul 2.心: heart 3.森: forest, wood 4.新: new 5.親: parent, kinship 6.真: truth, genuine, veritable 7.芯: core, heart 8.津: water, moist 9.信: trust, faith [Prefix] しん (kanji 新, romaji shin-) 1.新: new 0 0 2012/02/06 22:35 2012/06/30 23:43
15446 返事 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 返事 (hiragana へんじ, romaji henji) 1.reply, response 2.answer 0 0 2012/05/10 22:21 2012/06/30 23:44
15448 みおくる [[Japanese]] [Verb] みおくる (transitive, godan conjugation, romaji miokuru) 1.見送る: see off 0 0 2012/06/30 23:45
15449 せいし [[Japanese]] [Noun] せいし (romaji seishi) 1.生死: life or death; safety; fate 2.精子: spermatozoa, sperm 3.製紙: paper making 4.正史: correct history 5.姓氏: family name 6.制止: control, restraint 7.整枝: pruning, cutting off undesired branches from a fruit tree or in a garden 8.正視: looking someone straight in the eye 9.世子: heir, successor 10.製糸: silk reeling, spinning 11.誓詞: vow, oath, pledge 12.誓紙: written oath 13.静思: meditation 14.世嗣: heir, successor 15.静止: stillness 16.勢至: Mahasthamaprapta [Verb] せいし + する (irregular conjugation, romaji seishi suru)せいしする せいし suru 1.静思: meditate 2.静止: come to a standstill 3.制止: restrain, control 4.正視: look straight at, look straight ahead 0 0 2012/04/27 01:05 2012/06/30 23:51
15450 せい [[Japanese]] [Counter] せい (romaji -sei) 1.世: generations [Kanji reading] せい 1.声: voice 2.清: pure 3.政: politics 4.西: west [Noun] せい (romaji sei) 1.性: sex, gender, state of nature 2.生: life, raw 3.製: made 4.制: system 5.聖: holy 6.世: world 7.星: star 8.姓: surname 9.勢: force 10.所為: reason, fault [Suffix] せい (romaji -sei) 1.性: the nature of something 2.製: -made, made in (some country) 3.制: system 4.世: (geology) epoch 0 0 2012/06/30 23:51
15452 credenza [[English]] [Noun] credenza (plural credenzas) 1.A sideboard or buffet. 2.a horizontal filing cabinet, typically placed behind a desk. - For usage examples of this term, see the citations page. [[Italian]] [Etymology] From Medieval Latin credentia, from Latin credens. [Noun] credenza f. (plural credenze) 1.belief, credit 2.sideboard 0 0 2012/07/01 10:12
15454 comfy [[English]] [Adjective] comfy (comparative comfier, superlative comfiest) 1.(informal) Comfortable. The robe and slippers were so warm and comfy she just fell asleep in her chair. 0 0 2012/07/01 14:11
15455 cobblestone [[English]] [Etymology] From Middle English kobilstane, from cobble (probably a diminutive of one of various words cob, presumed to stem from a Proto-Germanic root kubb- "something rounded") + Old English stan (“stone”) [Noun] cobblestone (plural cobblestones) 1.A rounded stone from a river bed, fit for use as ballast in ships and for paving roads. [References] - Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, Springfield, Massachusetts, G.&C. Merriam Co., 1967 [Synonyms] - cobble (as backformation) 0 0 2012/07/01 14:22
15456 けつろ [[Japanese]] [Noun] けつろ (romaji ketsuro) 1.結露: (physics) condensation 2.血路: way to escape 0 0 2012/07/01 14:55
15457 結論 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 結論 (hiragana けつろん, romaji ketsuron) 1.A decision reached after careful thought; conclusion. [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 結論 (traditional, Pinyin jiélùn, simplified 结论) 1.(logical) conclusion 0 0 2012/07/01 14:55
15458 ろん [[Japanese]] [Noun] ろん (romaji ron) 1.論: theory, argument, view 0 0 2012/07/01 14:55
15460 定員 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 定員 (hiragana ていいん, romaji teiin) 1.capacity (number of people allowed in an elevator, boat, building, etc) 0 0 2012/07/01 15:03
15463 pretendership [[English]] [Etymology] pretender +‎ -ship [Noun] pretendership (usually uncountable; plural pretenderships) 1.The character or claims of a pretender. (Can we find and add a quotation of Swift to this entry?)Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing. 0 0 2012/07/01 16:19
15465 wail [[English]] ipa :/weɪl/[Etymology] Probably from Old Norse væla[1] [Noun] wail (plural wails) 1.A prolonged cry, usually high-pitched, especially as of grief or anguish. She let out a loud, doleful wail. 2.Any similar sound as of lamentation; a howl. The wail of snow-dark winter winds. A bird's wail in the night. [Verb] wail (third-person singular simple present wails, present participle wailing, simple past and past participle wailed) 1.To cry out, as in sorrow or anguish. 2.To weep, lament persistently or bitterly. 3.To make a noise like mourning or crying. The wind wailed and the rain streamed down. 4.(slang) (music) To perform, express emotion in an exceptionally exciting way. 0 0 2012/01/28 15:48 2012/07/01 16:32
15466 destitution [[English]] ipa :/dɛstɪtjuːʃ(ə)n/[Etymology] From French destitution, from Latin dēstitūtiōnem (“abandoning”), from dēstituere. [Noun] destitution (plural destitutions) 1.(obsolete) The action of deserting or abandoning. 2.(now rare) Discharge from office; dismissal. 3.The condition of lacking something. 4.1906, ‘Mark Twain’, in The Bible According to Mark Twain, 1996, p. 330: He requires of his fellow man obedience to a very creditable code of morals, but he observes without shame or disapproval his God's utter destitution of morals. 5.An extreme state of poverty, in which a person is almost completely lacking in resources or means of support. 6.2009, Rahila Gupta, The Guardian, 4 Aug 2009: Destitution forces many asylum seekers to end up working for extremely low wages in catering, cleaning and construction, for example, without any protection against unscrupulous employers. [[French]] ipa :/dɛstitysjɔ̃/[Etymology] Borrowed from Latin dēstitūtiōnem. [Noun] destitution f. (plural destitutions) 1.discharge, dismissal 2.deposition (of a politician etc.) 0 0 2012/07/01 16:32
15467 bifurcation [[English]] ipa :/ˌbaɪfəˈkeɪʃən/[Etymology] From bifurcate 'to divide into branches', from medieval Latin bifurcatus, the past participle of bifurcare, from Latin bifurcus 'two-pronged', itself from bi- + furca 'fork' [Noun] bifurcation (plural bifurcations) 1.(biology) A division into two branches. 2.(by extension) Any place where one thing divides into two. 3.The act of bifurcating; branching or dividing in two. 4.Either of the forks or other branches resultant from such a division. 5.(geography) A place where two roads, tributaries etc. part or meet. 6.(nautical) The point where a channel divides when proceeding from seaward. 7.(mathematics) The change in the qualitative or topological structure of a given family as decribed by bifurcation theory. 8.(computer science) A command than execute one bloc or other of commands depending the result of a condition. [Synonyms] - (division into two branches): branched, branching, forked, forking [[French]] [Etymology] From bifurcate 'to divide into braches', from medieval Latin bifurcatus, the past participle of bifurcare, from Latin bifurcus 'two-spronged', itself from bi- + forca 'fork' [Noun] bifurcation f. (plural bifurcations) 1.A bifurcation, where two roads etc. part or meet 0 0 2012/07/01 16:33
15470 stared [[English]] [Anagrams] - darest, daters, derats, desart, trades, treads [Verb] stared 1.Simple past tense and past participle of stare. 0 0 2012/07/01 18:35
15471 stare [[English]] ipa :-ɛə(r)[Anagrams] - arste, aster, rates, resat, setar, tares, tarse, Taser, taser, tears, teras [Etymology] From Middle English staren, from Old English starian (“to stare”), from Proto-Germanic *starājanan (“to be fixed, be rigid”), from Proto-Indo-European *stere-, *strē- (“strong, steady”). Cognate with Dutch staren (“to stare”), German starren (“to stare”), Norwegian stare (“to stare”), German starr (“stiff”). More at start. [Noun] stare (plural stares) 1.A persistent gaze. [Verb] stare (third-person singular simple present stares, present participle staring, simple past and past participle stared) 1.(intransitive, construed with at) To look fixedly (at something). 2.1749, John Cleland, Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Part 2 Her sturdy stallion had now unbutton'd, and produced naked, stiff, and erect, that wonderful machine, which I had never seen before, and which, for the interest my own seat of pleasure began to take furiously in it, I star'd at with all the eyes I had [[Dutch]] [Anagrams] - Aster [Verb] stare 1.singular present subjunctive of staren. [[Italian]] ipa :/ˈstaː.re/[Anagrams] - resta, sarte, tersa [Etymology] From Latin stāre, present active infinitive of stō. [Synonyms] - (to stay, remain) restare, rimanere - (to be) essere - (to live) vivere, abitare - (to keep etc) attenersi (a) - (to be up to) toccare (a), spettare (a) [Verb] stare (intransitive) 1.To stay, to remain. 2.To be. 3.To live. 4.Mia sorella sta a Roma. - My sister lives in Rome. 5.(followed by a) To keep or stick. 6.(followed by a) To be up to. 7.Sta a te decidere. - It's up to you to decide. 8.(mathematics) To be. 9.4 sta a 8 come 5 sta a 10. - 4 is to 8 as 5 is to 10. [[Latin]] [Verb] stāre 1.present active infinitive of stō 1."to stand" 2."to stay, to remain" [[Polish]] [Adjective] stare 1.Neuter form of stary [[Romanian]] [Etymology] From the verb sta. [Noun] stare f. (plural stări) 1.status, standing, situation, position, condition [[Swedish]] [Noun] stare c. 1.starling (a bird) [[Tarantino]] [Verb] stare (intransitive) 1.To stay, remain 2.To be 0 0 2012/07/01 18:35
15472 Stare [[German]] ipa :/ˈʃtaːʀə/[Noun] Stare 1.Plural form of Star: starlings 2.(archaic) dative singular form of Star. 0 0 2012/07/01 18:35
15473 salutation [[English]] [Etymology] From Latin salutatio “a greeting, a wishing health to,” from saluto “wish one’s health, greet,” from salus “well-being.” Compare the Latin greeting salve “be well.” [Noun] salutation (plural salutations)Wikipedia has an article on:SalutationWikipedia 1.A greeting, salute, or address; a hello. 2.The act of greeting. 3.The title in your name, such as Mr, Mrs, Ms., Dr. or Rev.. [[French]] [Etymology] Borrowed from Latin salutatio, salutationem. [Noun] salutation f. (plural salutations) 1.greeting 0 0 2012/07/01 19:37
15476 gelid [[English]] ipa :/ˈdʒɛl.ɪd/[Adjective] gelid (comparative more gelid, superlative most gelid) 1.Very cold; icy or frosty. 2.New Yorker. (Can we date this quote?) A man of gelid reserve. 3.2005 - Robert Jordan, Knife of Dreams In the worst of summer the tower remained cool, yet the air seemed feverish and gelid when sisters of different Ajahs came too close. [Anagrams] - glide [Etymology] First attested in 1630. From Latin gelidus (“cold”), from gelu (“frost”). [[Dutch]] ipa :-ɪt[Anagrams] - gilde, ledig [Noun] gelid n. (plural gelederen, ??? please provide the diminutive!) 1.an organizational rank, especially a military rankgelid n. (plural geleden, ??? please provide the diminutive!) 1.a joint, a point of articulation 0 0 2012/07/01 19:38
15477 geli [[Catalan]] [Verb] geli 1.First-person singular present subjunctive form of gelar. 2.Third-person singular present subjunctive form of gelar. 3.Third-person singular imperative form of gelar. [[Italian]] [Anagrams] - egli, gilè, glie [Noun] geli m. 1.Plural form of gelo. [[Latin]] [Noun] gelī 1.genitive singular of gelum 0 0 2012/02/02 11:09 2012/07/01 19:38
15479 tantamount [[English]] ipa :/ˈtæn.təˌmaʊnt/[Adjective] tantamount (comparative more tantamount, superlative most tantamount) 1.Equivalent in meaning or effect. It's tantamount to fraud. In this view, disagreement and treason are tantamount. [Etymology] From Anglo-Norman tant amunter. [Noun] tantamount (plural tantamounts) 1.(obsolete) Something which has the same value or amount (as something else). (attributive use passing into adjective, below) 2.1977, the Last Essays of Maurice Hewlett, page 42: For end thereof, not despondency but madness : for when Cossey understood that Hobday had called his wife a tantamount, he waited for him outside, and gave him what he called a pair of clippers over the ear. [Verb] tantamount (third-person singular simple present tantamounts, present participle tantamounting, simple past and past participle tantamounted) 1.(obsolete) To amount to as much; to be equivalent. 0 0 2012/07/01 20:12
15481 utilitarian [[English]] ipa :/juˌtɪl.ɪˈteɪɹ.i.ən/[Adjective] utilitarian (comparative more utilitarian, superlative most utilitarian) 1.of or relating to utility 2.practical and functional, not just for show. [Derived terms] - utilitarianism - futilitarianism [Etymology] 1781 utility +‎ -arian [Noun] utilitarian (plural utilitarians) 1.Someone who practices or advocates utilitarianism. 0 0 2012/07/01 20:57
15482 valise [[English]] ipa :/vəˈliːz/[Anagrams] - aviles [Etymology] French, akin to Medieval Latin valisia.Though valise sounds similar to the Italian valigia, these words are not likely to be kin to one another. For explanation see http://nq.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/issue_pdf/frontmatter_pdf/s9-X/247.pdf [Noun] valise (plural valises) 1.A piece of hand luggage such as a suitcase or travelling bag. [[French]] ipa :/va.liz/[Anagrams] - levais, salive, salivé [Noun] valise f. (plural valises) 1.case, suitcase. 0 0 2012/07/01 20:59
15484 acquaintance [[English]] ipa :/əˈkweɪntəns/[Alternative forms] - acquaintaunce [Etymology] From Old French acointance. Compare French accointance. [Noun] acquaintance (plural acquaintances) 1.(uncountable) A state of being acquainted, or of having intimate, or more than slight or superficial, knowledge; personal knowledge gained by intercourse short of that of friendship or intimacy I know of the man; but have no acquaintance with him. 2.1799, William Jones (translator), Hito'pade'sa, in The Works, Volume 6, page 22, Contract no friendſhip, or even acquaintance, with a guileful man : he reſembles a coal, which when hot burneth the hand, and when cold blacketh it. 3.(countable) A person or persons with whom one is acquainted. 4.1848, Thomas Babington Macaulay, The History Of England From the Accession of James II, Chapter XVI, Montgomery was an old acquaintance of Ferguson. [References] - acquaintance in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 - acquaintance at OneLook Dictionary Search [Synonyms] - familiarity - fellowship - intimacy - knowledge - See also Wikisaurus:acquaintance 0 0 2012/03/03 20:07 2012/07/01 21:25
15486 senescence [[English]] ipa :/sɨnˈɛsəns/[Etymology] From Latin senescere (“to grow old”). [Noun] senescence (usually uncountable; plural senescences) 1.(biology) The state or process of ageing, especially in humans; old age. 2.(cell biology) Ceasing to divide by mitosis because of shortening of telomeres or excessive DNA damage. 3.(gerontology) Old age; accumulated damage to macromolecules, cells, tissues and organs with the passage of time. 4.(botany) Fruit senescence, leading to ripening of fruit. 0 0 2012/05/29 21:39 2012/07/01 21:29
15487 obstructive [[English]] [Adjective] obstructive (comparative more obstructive, superlative most obstructive) 1.Causing obstructions. 2.I wanted to see his report on me, but my manager was being obstructive. 0 0 2012/07/01 21:30
15492 seducing [[English]] [Verb] seducing 1.Present participle of seduce. 0 0 2012/07/01 21:38
15493 seduce [[English]] [Anagrams] - deuces - educes [Etymology] Borrowed from Latin seducere (“to lead apart or astray”), from se- (“aside, away, astray”) + ducere (“to lead”); see duct. Compare adduce, conduce, deduce, etc. [Verb] seduce (third-person singular simple present seduces, present participle seducing, simple past and past participle seduced) 1.To beguile or lure someone away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct. To lead astray. 2.To entice or induce someone to engage in a sexual relationship 3.To win over or attract someone [[Italian]] [Verb] seduce 1.third-person singular present indicative of sedurre [[Latin]] [Verb] sēdūce 1.second-person singular present active imperative of sēdūcō [[Romanian]] ipa :[seˈdutʃe][Etymology] From Latin sēdūcēre, present active infinitive of sēdūcō. [Verb] a seduce 3rd conj. 1.(transitive) to seduce [[Spanish]] [Verb] seduce (infinitive seducir) 1.Informal second-person singular (tú) affirmative imperative form of seducir. 2.Formal second-person singular (usted) present indicative form of seducir. 3.Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present indicative form of seducir. 0 0 2012/07/01 21:38
15494 penetrates [[English]] [Verb] penetrates 1.Third-person singular simple present indicative form of penetrate. 0 0 2012/07/03 12:45
15501 disconsolately [[English]] [Adverb] disconsolately (comparative more disconsolately, superlative most disconsolately) 1.In a cheerless, dreary manner; in a manner which suggests that one is beyond consolation. [Antonyms] - consolably [Synonyms] - (in a cheerless, dreary manner): bleakly, drearily - (in a manner suggesting one's being beyond consolation): dejectedly, inconsolably, unconsolably 0 0 2012/07/04 05:02

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