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16125 keiken [[Japanese]] [Noun] keiken (hiragana けいけん) 1.経験: one's own experience 2.敬虔: pious, devout 0 0 2012/09/01 20:31
16126 けいけん [[Japanese]] [Noun] けいけん (romaji keiken) 1.経験: one's own experience 2.敬虔: pious, devout 0 0 2012/08/10 19:45 2012/09/01 20:31
16129 しょくどう [[Japanese]] [Noun] しょくどう (romaji shokudō) 1.食道: oesophagus, gullet, esophagus 2.食堂: cafeteria, dining hall 0 0 2012/09/01 20:37
16130 みなと [[Japanese]] [Noun] みなと (romaji minato) 1.港: port 0 0 2012/09/01 20:40
16131 しょうせつ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しょうせつ (romaji shōsetsu) 1.小説: novel 2.勝絶: 4th note of the ancient chromatic scale 3.小節: (music) bar, measure 4.小雪: (solar term) minor snow 5.章節: chapters and sections 6.消雪: thawing snow 7.詳説: detailed explanation 0 0 2012/09/01 20:48
16132 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 白 (“white”) + phonetic 勺的 and 勺 had roughly similar pronunciations in Old Chinese; Baxter-Sagart reconstruct 的 as *t-lˤewk, compared with 勺 *m-t-qewk. (The m- and t- here are prefixes.)The original meaning was "bright," hence the 白 semantic. [Han character] 的 (radical 106 白+3, 8 strokes, cangjie input 竹日心戈 (HAPI), four-corner 27620, composition ⿰白勺) 1.possessive, adjectival suffix 2.target, mark 3.indeed [[Cantonese]] [See also] - 嘅 [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 的 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 的 (hiragana まと, romaji mato) 1.target, mark Accent: 0 [Suffix] 的 (hiragana てき, romaji -teki) 1.-like, -ical, -ish, suffix for forming na-adjectives (形容動詞) from nouns (名詞) Accent: compound formed is of accent type 0 [[Korean]] [Hanja] 的 (hangeul 적, revised jeok, McCune-Reischauer chŏk, Yale cek) [[Mandarin]] [Adverb] 的 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dí) 1.really; truly [Noun] 的 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dì) 1.target; objective [Particle] 的 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin de) 1.Indicates that the previous word has possession of the next one. In English it functions like ’s (or like the word “of” but with the position of possessor and possessee switched.) 2.John 1.9 那光是真光,照亮一切生在世上的人。 Nà guāng shì zhēn guāng, zhàoliàng yīqiè shēng zaì shìshàng de rén. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 3.Indicates the relation between two nouns. 4.[1] 首先看到的是 Thames 河 的出海口 蛇的毒 the snake’s poison 5.Indicates a noun in relation to another noun trad. 眾人的國家, simpl. 众人的国家 the People’s Country [Syllable] 的 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dí) 1.phonetic element [Synonyms] - 之 (zhī) - 嘅 (kài) (Cantonese) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 的 (dek) [[Min Nan]] [Noun] 的 (traditional and simplified, POJ tek) 1.target; objective [Particle] 的 (traditional and simplified, POJ ê) 1.Indicates that the previous word has possession of the next one. In English it functions like ’s (or like the word “of” but with the position of possessor and possessee switched.) 2.Indicates the relation between two nouns. 蛇的毒 chôa ê to̍k the snake’s poison 3.Indicates a noun in relation to another noun. trad. 眾人的國家, simpl. 众人的国家 chèng-lâng ê kok-ka the People’s Country [See also] - 個 - 个 [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 的 (đích, đét, đít, điếc, đếch) 0 0 2012/09/01 20:51
16133 付ける [[Japanese]] [Suffix] 付ける (hiragana つける, romaji -tsukeru) 1.be accustomed to, be used to 2.perform an action vigorously, perform an action vehemently 3.perceive, detect 付ける (hiragana づける, romaji -zukeru) 1.give, impart, provide with [Verb] 付ける (transitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana つける, romaji tsukeru) 1.attach, affix, stick, fasten, add, add on, append; set, put, put one thing on another コップに口を付ける コップにくちをかわる Koppu ni kuchi o tsukeru Put one's lips to a glass 2.apply, put on 3.leave a mark on 4.write, make an entry 5.give, impart, direct, direct one's attention 6.set, set a price 7.provide with an attendant, provide a person with an attendant, place a person in attendance, place a person in attendance on 8.follow, trail, shadow 9.settle, bring to terms 0 0 2012/09/01 20:53
16134 付け [[Japanese]] [Etymology] Nominative form of 付ける (tsukeru, "attach," "affix") [Noun] 付け (hiragana つけ, romaji tsuke) 1.bill 2.account, credit [Prefix] 付け (hiragana つけ, romaji tsuke-) 1.attached, fixed 2.external, external medicine 3.false, false mustache, sham [Suffix] 付け (hiragana つけ, romaji -tsuke) 1.one's favorite, accustomed 付け (hiragana づけ, romaji -zuke) 1.attaching, affixing 2.dated 0 0 2012/09/01 20:53
16135 ねむい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] ねむい (い-i declension, kanji 眠い, romaji nemui) 1.sleepy 0 0 2012/09/01 20:57
16136 ひえる [[Japanese]] [Verb] ひえる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, kanji 冷える, romaji hieru) 1.冷える: to grow cold, to get chilly, to cool down 0 0 2012/07/04 21:39 2012/09/01 20:59
16138 かわ [[Japanese]] [Noun] かわ (romaji kawa) 1.佳話: A good story. 2.歌話: The story of a 和歌 (waka, “traditional Japanese waka poem”). 3.川: A river, stream, or brook. 4.河: A river, a stream. 5.側: A side of something; a part of something. 6.皮: An animal skin, hide, pelt, fur, or leather; a fruit or vegetable skin, bark, peel, husk, shell. 7.革: Leather. 8.鈹: Matte: the molten metal sulfide phases typically formed during smelting of copper, nickel, and other base metals. 0 0 2009/12/28 10:08 2012/09/01 21:02 TaN
16139 かわく [[Japanese]] [Verb] かわく (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji kawaku) 1.乾く: be dry 2.渇く: be thirsty 0 0 2012/09/01 21:02
16140 ちょうし [[Japanese]] [Noun] ちょうし (romaji chōshi) 1.調子: condition 2.銚子: decanter for sake 3.長子: eldest child, especially eldest son 4.長姉: eldest sister 5.弔詞: message of condolence 0 0 2012/08/10 19:51 2012/09/01 21:05
16142 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogrammic compound (會意): 舁 + 同 (“together”) [Han character] 興 (radical 134 臼+9, 15 strokes, cangjie input 竹X月金 (HXBC), four-corner 77801) 1.thrive, prosper, flourish [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 興 (simplified 兴, Yale hing1, hing3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 興 (grade 5 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 興 (hiragana きょう, romaji kyō) 1.entertainment; pleasure; interest [[Korean]] [Hanja] 興 (hangeul 흥, revised heung, McCune-Reischauer hŭng, Yale hung) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 興 (simplified 兴, pinyin xīng (xing1), xìng (xing4), Wade-Giles hsing1, hsing4) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 興 (*xièng, *xiəng) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 興 (hưng, hăng, hên, hứng) 0 0 2012/09/01 21:09
16143 [[Translingual]] [Alternative forms] Note that in Japanese this is a traditional (kyujitai) character, and the left component is written as 𠊊 rather than as 飠 (食). [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 飠 (“food”) + phonetic 臽 – a kind of food. [Han character] 餡 (radical 184 食+8, 17 strokes, cangjie input 人戈弓竹X (OINHX), four-corner 87777) 1.pastry filling, stuffing [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 餡 (simplified 馅, Yale haam5, haam2) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 餡 [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ɕiɛn˥˩ ][Hanzi] 餡 (simplified 馅, pinyin xiàn (xian4), Wade-Giles hsien4) [Noun] 餡 (traditional, Pinyin xiàn, simplified 馅) 1.(Advanced Mandarin) filling (for dumplings etc.) [References] - 1985, Jingrong (ed.) Wu, The Pinyin CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY (in Mandarin/English), Beijing, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, ISBN 0471867969: - 2000, Jingmin (ed.) Shao, HSK Dictionary (HSK汉语水平考试词典) (in Mandarin/English), Shanghai: Huadong Teachers College Publishers, ISBN 7561720785: [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 餡 (hãm) 0 0 2012/09/01 21:14
16144 りよう [[Japanese]] [Noun] りよう (romaji riyō) 1.理容: haircutting 2.利用: use [Verb] りよう + する (irregular conjugation, romaji riyō suru)りようする りよう suru 1.利用: use 0 0 2012/09/01 21:15
16145 さんせい [[Japanese]] [Noun] さんせい (romaji sansei) 1.賛成: approval 2.産生: production 3.酸性: acidic 4.三省: frequent meditation 5.三世: third-generation Japanese Americans 6.参政: participation in government 7.三聖: one various lists of three enlightened men [Verb] さんせい + する (irregular conjugation, romaji sansei suru)さんせいする さんせい suru 1.賛成: support, agree, favor 2.産生: produce 3.三省: frequent meditation 0 0 2012/09/01 21:45
16146 あいさつ [[Japanese]] [Noun] あいさつ (kanji 挨拶, romaji aisatsu) 1.A greeting, a salutation. 2.An address given at an official function or ceremony. 3.Greetings or respects such as given at holidays or funerals. 0 0 2012/09/01 21:47
16148 きかい [[Japanese]] [Noun] きかい (romaji kikai) 1.機会: opportunity 2.機械, 器械: machine 3.奇怪: strange, mysterious 4.棋界: the shogi world 0 0 2012/09/01 21:58
16150 きけん [[Japanese]] ipa :/kikeɴ/[Noun] きけん (romaji kiken) 1.危険: danger; (adjectival noun) dangerous 2.棄権: withdrawal, abstention 3.鬼犬: a ghost dog (see also おにいぬ, oniinu): a devil dog) 0 0 2012/09/01 21:59
16151 じゆう [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] じゆう (な-na declension, romaji jiyū) 1.自由: free [Noun] じゆう (romaji jiyū) 1.自由: freedom (not being imprisoned or enslaved), liberty 2.事由: cause 0 0 2012/09/01 22:01
16152 きめる [[Japanese]] [Verb] きめる (transitive, ichidan conjugation, romaji kimeru) 1.決める: decide, choose 0 0 2012/03/13 21:44 2012/09/01 22:05
16153 うまい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] うまい (い-i declension, romaji umai) 1.good at そいつはうまい考えだ。 そいつはうまいかんがえだ。 soitsu wa umai kangae da. That is a good idea. 1.delicious 飯がうまい。 めしがうまい。 meshi ga umai. The meal tastes good (literally as well as as an analogy to show satisfaction over some issues). 0 0 2012/09/01 22:12
16154 るす [[Japanese]] [Noun] るす (romaji rusu) 1.留守: absence, being away from home; house-sitting 0 0 2012/09/01 22:32
16155 にがい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] にがい (い-i declension, romaji nigai) 1.苦い: bitter 0 0 2012/08/19 18:58 2012/09/01 22:37
16157 かお [[Japanese]] [Noun] かお (romaji kao) 1.顔: face 0 0 2012/09/01 22:48
16159 しごと [[Japanese]] [Noun] しごと (romaji shigoto) 1.仕事: work, occupation, employment 0 0 2012/09/01 22:54
16160 authors [[English]] [Noun] authors 1.Plural form of author. [Verb] authors 1.Third-person singular simple present indicative form of author. 0 0 2012/09/02 13:39
16162 migration [[English]] ipa :/mʌɪˈɡɹeɪʃ(ə)n/[Etymology] From Middle French migration and its source, Latin migrātiō, from the participle stem of migrāre (“to migrate”). [Noun] migration (plural migrations) 1.moving a place to live to another place for a while 2.seasonal moving for animals, birds or fishes to breed or find a new home 3.(computing) changing a platform from an environment to another one [[French]] [Noun] migration f. (plural migrations) 1.migration (of animals) 2.migration (of people) [[Swedish]] [Noun] migration c. 1.migration 0 0 2009/02/19 22:44 2012/09/02 13:40 TaN
16163 Pollyanna [[English]] ipa :-ænə[Etymology] The sense of a persistent optimist comes from the name of the protagonist in a book by Eleanor Porter. [Noun] Pollyanna (plural Pollyannas) 1.One who is persistently cheerful and optimistic, even when given cause not to be so. You call her an optimist, but I call her an obnoxious Pollyanna. 2.(colloquial, US, Southeastern Pennsylvania) A secret Santa gift exchange. [Proper noun] Pollyanna 1.A female given name derived from Polly and Anna; rare in the real world. [See also] - Panglossian - quixotic 0 0 2012/09/02 14:52
16164 variation [[English]] [Etymology] From Latin variātiō. [Noun] variation (plural variations) 1.The act or state of varying; a partial change in the form, position, state, or qualities of a thing; modification; alternation; mutation; diversity; deviation; as, a variation of color in different lights; a variation in size; variation of language. 2.A related but distinct thing. When the process didn't work, we tried a variation. All of his songs are variations on a single theme. 3.(nautical) The angular difference at the vessel between the direction of true north and magnetic north. Also called magnetic declination. 4.(board games) a line of play that differs from the original 5.(music) a technique where material is repeated with alterations to the melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre, texture, counterpoint or orchestration. [References] - US FM 55-501 MARINE CREWMAN’S HANDBOOK; 1 December 1999 - variation in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 - variation in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911 [[Swedish]] [Etymology] variera +‎ -tion [Noun] variation c. 1.a variation 0 0 2009/02/03 14:57 2012/09/03 20:15 TaN
16167 decipher [[English]] ipa :/dɪˈsaɪfə(ɹ)/[Alternative forms] - decypher [Anagrams] - ciphered [Verb] decipher (third-person singular simple present deciphers, present participle deciphering, simple past and past participle deciphered) (transitive) 1.To decode or decrypt a code or cipher to plain text. 2.To read text that is almost illegible or obscure. 3.To find a solution to a problem. 0 0 2010/01/18 00:20 2012/09/03 20:53 TaN
16168 nowadays [[English]] ipa :/ˈnaʊ.ə.deɪz/[Adverb] nowadays (not comparable) 1.At the present time; in the current era. [from 14th c.] 2.1594, William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, First Folio 1621, Act III, Scene I: to say the truth, reason and loue keepe little company together, nowadayes. 3.1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, II.27: What is it that now adaies makes all our quarrels mortall? 4.1762, A. F. Busching, A New System of Geography, volume 4, translated from German, p. 4: The appellation of Germany, is seldom used now-a-days any where but in the title of the Emperor and Elector of Mentz. 5.2012, Dick Vinegar, The Guardian, 11 Jun 2012: My favourite reading nowadays is Pulse, one of the house magazines for GPs. [Alternative forms] - now adaies - nowadayes - now-a-days [Etymology] From now +‎ adays. [Synonyms] - (at the present time): currently, now, in this day and age, these days 0 0 2012/09/03 20:53
16171 brevity [[English]] ipa :/ˈbɹɛv.ɪ.ti/[Etymology] First attested in English in 1509[1]; either: - from Latin brevitatem;[1] or - from Anglo-Norman brevite, from Old French brievete;[2]from Latin brevitās, from brevis (“short”).[1][3] [Noun] brevity (usually uncountable; plural brevities) 1.(uncountable) The quality of being brief in duration. 2.2005, Bill Bryson, A short history of nearly everything: Thanks to Global Positioning Systems we can see that Europe and North America are parting at about the speed a fingernail grows—roughly two yards in a human lifetime. If you were prepared to wait long enough, you could ride from Los Angeles all the way up to San Francisco. It is only the brevity of lifetimes that keeps us from appreciating the changes. 3.(uncountable) Succinctness; conciseness. 4.1966, Jackson E. Morris, Principles of scientific and technical writing: A good technical writing style will now be defined as a style possessing clarity, brevity, and variety. 5.(rare, countable) A short piece of writing. 0 0 2009/07/02 19:10 2012/09/03 21:33 TaN
16172 demeanor [[English]] ipa :/dɪˈmiːnə(ɹ)/[Alternative forms] - demeanour [Anagrams] - enamored - one-armed [Etymology] Middle English demenen, demeinen, from Anglo-Norman demener, from Old French demener, from de- + mener (“to conduct, lead”) + -or, from Latin mināre and Latin minārī "to threaten" [Noun] demeanor (countable and uncountable; plural demeanors) 1.the social non-verbal behaviours (such as body language and facial expressions) that characterise a person The man's demeanor made others suspicious of his intentions. A confident demeanor is crucial for persuading others. 2.a. 1587, Raphael Holinshed quoting Strabo, Historie of England[1], Book III: At this present (saith he) certeine princes of Britaine, procuring by ambassadors and dutifull demeanors the amitie of the emperour Augustus, haue offered in the capitoll vnto the gods presents or gifts, and haue ordeined the whole Ile in a manner to be appertinent, proper, and familiar to the Romans. 3.1993, “Interrogation: The Kinesics Technique”, in John J. Fay editor, Encyclopedia of Security Management[2], ISBN 0750696605, page 418: Demeanors that are apologetic and overly polite are inherently contradictory to demeanors that exhibit fear and anger. [Synonyms] - behavior - comportment 0 0 2009/10/21 09:47 2012/09/03 21:34 TaN
16176 either [[English]] ipa :/ˈiːð.ə(ɹ)/[Adverb] either (not comparable) 1.(conjunctive, after a negative) as well I don't like him and I don't like her either. [Anagrams] - theire [Conjunction] either 1.Introduces the first of two options, the second of which is introduced by "or". Either you eat your dinner or you go to your room. [Determiner] either 1.Each of two. [from 9th c.] 2.1936, Djuna Barnes, Nightwood, Faber & Faber 2007, p. 31: Her hands, long and beautiful, lay on either side of her face. 3.One or the other of two. [from 14th c.] 4.2006 December 5, Jackie Mason, quoted in “Mason drops lawsuit vs. Jews for Jesus”, USA Today: You can't be a table and a chair. You're either a Jew or a gentile. [Etymology] Old English ǣġhwæþer, from West Germanic, ultimately corresponding to ay + whether [Pronoun] either 1.(obsolete) Both, each of two (people or things). 2.1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book VII: Than ayther departed to theire tentis and made hem redy to horsebacke as they thought beste. 3.1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.i: And either vowd with all their power and wit, / To let not others honour be defaste [...]. 4.One or other of two people or things. [See also] - neither - nor - or [Statistics] - Most common English words before 1923: girl · during · several · #333: either · whether · city · held [Synonyms] - (one or the other): - (each of two): both, each - neither - too [Usage notes] - When there are more than two alternatives, "any" is used instead. 0 1 2009/02/25 10:54 2012/09/04 01:27
16177 dissatisfy [[English]] [Etymology] dis- +‎ satisfy [Verb] dissatisfy (third-person singular simple present dissatisfies, present participle dissatisfying, simple past and past participle dissatisfied) 1.To fail to satisfy. 2.To displease. 0 1 2012/06/30 22:55 2012/09/04 01:28
16187 manners [[English]] ipa :/ˈmæn.ɚz/[Noun] manners 1.Plural form of manner. 2.Etiquette (always plural in this sense). 0 0 2012/09/04 04:53
16188 manner [[English]] ipa :/ˈmænə/[Etymology] From Anglo-Norman manere, from Old French maniere, from Vulgar Latin *manaria, from feminine of Latin manuarius (“belonging to the hand”), from manus (“hand”) [Noun] manner (plural manners) 1.Mode of action; way of performing or effecting anything; method; style; form; fashion. The treacherous manner of his mournful death. - Shakespeare 2.Characteristic mode of acting, conducting, carrying one's self; bearing; habitual style. His natural manner makes him seem like the boss. 3.Customary method of acting; habit. These people have strange manners. 4.Carriage; behavior; deportment; also, becoming behavior; well-bred carriage and address. 5.The style of writing or thought of an author; characteristic peculiarity of an artist. 6.Certain degree or measure; as, it is in a manner done already. 7.Sort; kind; style All manner of persons participate. 8.standards of conduct cultured and product of mind. [Statistics] - Most common English words before 1923: kept · business · mean · #384: manner · following · fell · different [[Finnish]] [Alternative forms] - mantere [Noun] manner 1.continent (in geological sense) Euraasia on manner, mutta Eurooppa ei ole. Eurasia is a continent, but Europe is not (in this sense). 2.The main island of Åland archipelago (Ahvenanmaan manner). 3.As a modifier in compound terms, of or pertaining to the continent. [[Luxembourgish]] [Adjective] manner 1.comparative form of mann 0 0 2012/09/04 04:53
16195 sentiment [[English]] [Etymology] From French sentiment, itself from Latin sentimentum.. [Noun] sentiment (plural sentiments) 1.A general thought, feeling, or sense. [[Catalan]] [Etymology] Latin sentimentum. [Noun] sentiment m. (plural sentiments) 1.emotion; feeling; sentiment [See also] - emoció [[French]] [Etymology] From Old French sentement, from Latin sentimentum. [Noun] sentiment m. (plural sentiments) 1.A sentiment, general thought, sense or feeling. 2.An opinion. 0 0 2012/01/03 20:01 2012/09/04 04:58
16197 tomb [[English]] ipa :/tuːm/[Etymology] From Latin tumba from Ancient Greek τύμβος (tumbos, “a sepulchral mound, tomb, grave”). [Noun] Governor John R. Tanner's tombtomb (plural tombs) 1.A small building (or "vault") for the remains of the dead, with walls, a roof, and (if it is to be used for more than one corpse) a door. It may be partly or wholly in the ground (except for its entrance) in a cemetery, or it may be inside a church proper or in its crypt. Single tombs may be permanently sealed; those for families (or other groups) have doors for access whenever needed. [Verb] tomb (third-person singular simple present tombs, present participle tombing, simple past and past participle tombed) 1.(transitive) To bury. 0 1 2012/05/04 01:57 2012/09/04 12:52 TaN
16198 hurtling [[English]] [Verb] hurtling 1.Present participle of hurtle. 0 1 2009/05/28 17:24 2012/09/04 13:45 TaN
16199 nutrient [[English]] ipa :/ˈnjuː.tɹi.ənt/[Adjective] nutrient (comparative more nutrient, superlative most nutrient) 1.providing nourishment [Etymology] From Latin nutriens, present participle of nutrire (“to suckle, nourish, foster”). [External links] - nutrient in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 - nutrient in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911 [Noun] nutrient (plural nutrients) 1.A source of nourishment, such as food, that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy and build tissue. [Related terms] - nourish - nourishment - nurse - nursery - nutriment - nutrition - nutritional - nutritious - nutritive [Synonyms] - nutriment [[Latin]] [Verb] nūtrient 1.third-person plural future active indicative of nūtriō 0 1 2009/11/15 20:42 2012/09/04 13:46
16200 multiply [[English]] ipa :/ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/[Adverb] multiply 1.In many or multiple ways. [Verb] to multiply (third-person singular simple present multiplies, present participle multiplying, simple past and past participle multiplied) 1.(transitive) To increase the amount, degree or number of (something). 2.(transitive, arithmetic) To perform multiplication on (a number). 3.(intransitive) To grow in number. 4.(intransitive) To breed or propagate. 5.(intransitive, arithmetic) To perform multiplication. 0 1 2009/03/18 16:34 2012/09/04 13:52
16203 interaction [[English]] [Etymology] inter- + action [Noun] Wikipedia has an article on:InteractionWikipediainteraction (plural interactions) 1.the act of some things interacting, or acting upon one another. Be aware of interactions between different medications. 2.A conversation or exchange between people. I enjoyed the interaction with a bunch of like-minded people. [[French]] [Etymology] Maybe from English or inter- + action [Noun] interaction f. (plural interactions) 1.interaction 0 1 2010/05/31 11:44 2012/09/04 18:56
16204 poverty [[English]] ipa :/ˈpɒvəti/ audio:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/En-us-poverty.ogg [Etymology] From Middle English, Old French poverte, from Latin paupertās, from pauper (“‘poor’”) + -tas (“‘noun of state suffix’”). Cognates include pauper, "poor", French pauvreté. [Noun] poverty (plural poverties) 1.The quality or state of being poor or indigent; want or scarcity of means of subsistence; indigence; need. 2.Any deficiency of elements or resources that are needed or desired, or that constitute richness; as, poverty of soil; poverty of the blood; poverty of ideas.Part or all of this page has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing. 0 1 2009/05/26 13:32 2012/09/04 19:04 TaN
16205 valid [[English]] [Adjective] valid (comparative more valid, superlative most valid) 1.Well grounded or justifiable, pertinent. I will believe him as soon as he offers a valid answer. 2.Acceptable, proper or correct. A valid format for the date is MM/DD/YY. Do not drive without a valid license. 3.Related to the current topic, or presented within context, relevant. 4.(logic) A formula or system that evaluates to true regardless of the input values. 5.(logic) An argument whose conclusion is always true whenever its premises are true. An argument is valid if and only if the set consisting of both (1) all of its premises and (2) the contradictory of its conclusion is inconsistent. [Antonyms] - invalid [Etymology] From Middle French valide [Synonyms] - (in logic: formula which evaluates to true regardless of its input values): tautological [[Norwegian]] [Adjective] valid 1.valid 0 0 2012/09/05 10:31
16207 vehicle [[English]] ipa :/viːəkl/[Etymology] From French véhicule, from Latin vehiculum (“a carriage, conveyance”), from vehere (“to carry”). [External links] - vehicle in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 - vehicle in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911 - vehicle at OneLook Dictionary Search [Noun] vehicle (plural vehicles) 1.A conveyance; a device for carrying or transporting substances, objects or individuals. 2.A medium for expression of talent or views. 3.A liquid content (e.g. oil) which acts as a binding and drying agent in paint. (FM 55-501). 4.(Hinduism) An animal or (rarely) a plant on which a Hindu deity rides or sits 5.An entity to achieve an end. 6.(Buddhism) A yana. [Synonyms] - (Hinduism): vahan [[Catalan]] [Noun] vehicle m. (plural vehicles) 1.vehicle 0 1 2009/02/25 02:27 2012/09/05 13:51
16209 colleague [[English]] [Etymology] From Old French collegue, from Latin collega (“a partner in office”), from com- (“with”) + legare (“to send on an embassy”), from lex (“law”). [Noun] Wikipedia has an article on:ColleagueWikipedia colleague (plural colleagues) 1.A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization; an associate [Synonyms] - coworker - workmate - See also Wikisaurus:associate 0 1 2012/03/08 19:23 2012/09/05 14:13
16211 うごかす [[Japanese]] [Verb] うごかす (godan conjugation, romaji ugokasu) 1.動かす: to move something 0 0 2012/05/30 21:50 2012/09/06 21:43
16212 りょこう [[Japanese]] [Noun] りょこう (romaji ryokō) 1.旅行: travel [Verb] りょこう + する (irregular conjugation, romaji ryokō suru)りょこうする りょこう suru 1.旅行: travel 0 0 2012/09/06 21:57

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