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16351 realm [[English]] ipa :/rɛlm/[Anagrams] - lamer, maerl, Maler, marle [Etymology] From Old French reaume, realme (“kingdom”), of unclear origins. A postulated *rēgālimen, Late Latin cross of regimen with rēgālis is usually cited. [Noun] realm (plural realms) 1.An abstract sphere of influence, real or imagined. 2.1907, Tada Kanai, translated by Arthur Lloyd, Seven Buddhist Sermons, "The World and How to Pass Through It" Why should we despise anything in the realm of Buddha? 3.2006, Christian Neef, "Diary of a Collapsing Superpower", Spiegel Magazine, November 22, At home in Moscow, Mikhail Sergeyevitch Gorbachev, who had launched a campaign to rejuvenate the Soviet realm […] 4.The domain of a certain abstraction. 5.1922, Judson Eber Conant,The Church The Schools and Evolution, "Truth Must be Classified Scientifically", One thing more which the scientific man does is to accord primacy to that realm of truth which is primary in importance. 6.(formal or law) A territory or state, as ruled by a specific power, and particularly those territories ruled by a king. 7.1874, Horatio Alger, Brave and Bold, Chapter XXXI, And, of this island realm, he and his companion were the undisputed sovereigns. 8.1913, Leslie Alexander Toke, Catholic Encyclopedia, "St. Dunstan", Then seeing his life was threatened he fled the realm and crossed over to Flanders, […] [Synonyms] - (A territory or state): country, land, kingdom - (A sphere of activity or influence): field, province 0 1 2012/03/03 20:07 2012/09/26 20:26
16352 明太子 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] Derived from Korean 명태 (myeongtae, “Alaska or walleye pollock”) (formerly spelled with the hanja 明太) + Japanese 子 (ko, “child, roe”). [Noun] 明太子 (hiragana めんたいこ, romaji mentaiko) 1.The marinated roe of the Alaska or walleye pollock (species Theragra chalcogramma). A common ingredient in Japanese cuisine. Originated from 명란젓 (myeongnan jeot) of Korean cuisine[1], introduced to Japan after the Russo-Japanese War. The typical seasoning and flavor is slightly different in Japan. 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16355 やぶる [[Japanese]] [Verb] やぶる (transitive, godan conjugation, romaji yaburu) 1.破る: to tear, destroy; break a promise; break a password; violate, infringe 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16356 こしょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] こしょう (romaji koshō) 1.コショウ, 胡椒: pepper 2.故障: breakdown 3.呼称: giving a name 4.湖沼: lakes and marshes 5.古称: former name 6.小姓: a page 7.誇称: boasting, exaggeration [Verb] こしょう + する (irregular conjugation, romaji koshō suru)こしょうする こしょう suru 1.故障: break, break down, have a fault 2.誇称: boast, exaggerate 3.呼称: give a name, designate 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16357 こしょうする [[Japanese]] [Noun] こしょう (romaji koshō) 1.コショウ, 胡椒: pepper 2.故障: breakdown 3.呼称: giving a name 4.湖沼: lakes and marshes 5.古称: former name 6.小姓: a page 7.誇称: boasting, exaggeration [Verb] こしょう + する (irregular conjugation, romaji koshō suru)こしょうする こしょう suru 1.故障: break, break down, have a fault 2.誇称: boast, exaggerate 3.呼称: give a name, designate 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16359 こうしょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] こうしょう (romaji kōshō) 1.巧匠: craftsman, skilled workman 2.校章: school badge 3.交床: kettle rest 4.咬傷: bite (wound) 5.好尚: interest, leaning 6.行省: province, an old Chinese administrative division 7.行章: badge of a bank 8.行障: white cloth covering the coffin 9.行粧: putting on make-up, titivation 10.行賞: award(ing) 11.降将: military generals who surrendered 12.綱掌: a kind of priesthood 13.高昌: Gaochang, an ancient oasis city 14.高承: polite form of 承知 - to know, to understand 15.高姓: nobles, aristocrat 16.高唱: loud singing 17.高声: loud voice 18.高尚: dignity, high class, magnificence 19.高小: short for 高等小学校 - higher primary school 20.高商: short for 高等商業学校 - higher commercial school 21.高翔: to fly high 22.高蹤: noble character 23.翺翔: hovering 24.後章: subsequent chapter 25.後証: future proofs 26.康正: a Japanese reign title (1455-1457) 27.康尚: 康尚, a Japanese busshi in the Heian period 28.紅晶: red crystals 29.甲匠: armor manufacturer/craftsman 30.考証: confirmation through research, textual criticism 31.講頌: to sing in a chorus 32.講誦: to read poems and articles aloud 33.巧笑: charming smile 34.高笑: to laugh out loud 35.交鈔: Chinese currency used in Jin and Yuan dynasties 36.交渉: negotiation 37.交睫: sleep 38.鉱床: mineral deposit 39.黄鐘: = 黃鍾 40.工匠: craftsman 41.工商: industry and commerce 42.公傷: industrial injury 43.公称: public announcement 44.公相: chancellor, one who assists the emperor 45.公娼: registered prostitute 46.工廠: factory (of weapon/ammunition manufacture) 47.厚相: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan 48.厚賞: generous award 49.口承: to hand down orally 50.口証: oral proof 51.口誦: recitation, chanting 52.公証: notarisation; formal proof 53.鴻鐘:・洪鐘: large bell, mighty bell 54.洪昇: Hong Sheng, a Chinese playwright (1645-1704) 55.哄笑: cachinnation, guffaw 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16360 やくそく [[Japanese]] [Noun] やくそく (romaji yakusoku) 1.約束: a promise, an arrangement [Verb] やくそく + する (irregular conjugation, romaji yakusoku suru)やくそくする やくそく suru 1.約束: promise 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16361 まもる [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] まもる (romaji Mamoru) 1.執: A male given name 2.守: A male given name 3.衛: A male given name 4.護: A male given name [Verb] まもる (transitive, godan conjugation, kanji 守る, romaji mamoru) 1.protect; defend 2.abide (by rules); observe (regulations) 3.watch carefully 0 0 2012/01/18 23:43 2012/09/26 20:59
16362 けんか [[Japanese]] [Noun] けんか (romaji kenka) 1.喧嘩, ケンカ: fight 2.献花: floral tribute 3.県下: in the prefecture 4.県花: prefectural flower 5.県歌: prefectural song 6.鹸化, けん化: saponification 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16363 やむ [[Japanese]] [Verb] やむ (godan conjugation, romaji yamu) 1.止む: stop, subside 2.病む: fall ill 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16365 文書 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 文書 (hiragana もんじょ, romaji monjo) 1.a document 2.(in palaeography) a written text between two parties 文書 (hiragana ぶんしょ, romaji bunsho) 1.a document, a written record 文書でお問い合わせください。 ぶんしょでおといあわせください。 Bunsho de o-toiawase kudasai. Please contact us in writing. 物語を丸ごと文書に書き留めた。 ものがたりをまるごとぶんしょにかきとめた。 Monogatari o marugoto bunsho ni kakitometa. She wrote down the whole story. / She got the whole story down on paper. 2.a letter, an epistle  文書を頻繁に交わしていた。 ぶんしょをひんぱんにかわしていた。 Bunsho o hinpan ni kawashite ita. They frequently exchanged letters. [Synonyms] - (writing): 文章 - (letter, epistle): 手紙 [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 文書 (traditional, Pinyin wénshū, simplified 文书) 1.document [References] - "文書" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2008-02-03. 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16366 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogram (指事): a man with a painted or tattooed chest. In current form, tattoo has vanished, so simply an outline of a man (head, outstretched arms, legs, chest). Compare 大, which has no chest. [Han character] See images of Radical 67 文文 (radical 67 文+0, 4 strokes, cangjie input 卜大 (YK), four-corner 00400) 1.literature, culture, writing, language 2.used as a surname [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 文 (jyutping man4, man6, Yale man4) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 文 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 文 (hiragana ぶん, romaji bun) 1.(grammar) sentence 文 (hiragana ふみ, romaji fumi) 1.letter [Synonyms] - 手紙 [[Korean]] [Hanja] 文 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 문 (revised: mun, McCune-Reischauer: mun, Yale: mun) - Name (hangeul): 글월() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 文 (pinyin wén (wen2), Wade-Giles wen2) [Noun] 文 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin wén) 1.language, culture [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 文 (IPA *mʉn, by Zhengzhang (鄭張尚芳)) [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 文 (POJ bûn) [[Old Chinese]] [Han character] 文 (IPA *mɯn, by Zhengzhang (鄭張尚芳)) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 文 (văn, von) 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16367 さむい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] さむい (い-i declension, romaji samui) 1.寒い: chilly, cold 0 0 2012/08/15 18:58 2012/09/26 20:59
16368 まど [[Japanese]] [Noun] まど (romaji mado) 1.窓: window 0 0 2012/01/30 23:02 2012/09/26 20:59
16369 おくる [[Japanese]] [Verb] おくる (godan conjugation, romaji okuru) 1.送る: to send (in general) 2.贈る: to send (as a present or gift) 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16370 いわい [[Japanese]] [Noun] いわい (romaji iwai) 1.祝い: celebration, a present 0 0 2012/08/19 19:47 2012/09/26 20:59
16371 ふりがな [[Japanese]] [Noun] ふりがな (romaji furigana) 1.振り仮名: Furigana - The furigana are kana written at the right side (in vertical writing) of or above (in horizontal writing) kanji to show how to pronounce them.   [See also] - カタカナ (片仮名, katakana) - かな (仮名, kana) - かんじ (漢字, kanji) - ひらがな (平仮名, hiragana) - Index:Japanese Kana 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16372 いぬ [[Japanese]] [Noun] いぬ (katakana イヌ, romaji inu) 1.犬: a dog 犬に毎日えさをあげてください。 いぬにまいにちえさをあげてください。 Inu ni mainichi esa o agetekudasai. Please feed the dog every day. [Verb] いぬ (godan conjugation, romaji inu) 1.去ぬ: to leave 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16373 かむ [[Japanese]] [Noun] かむ (romaji kamu) 1.カム: cam 2.家務: family affairs [Verb] かむ (godan conjugation, romaji kamu) 1.噛む, 咬む, 嚙む, 嚼む: to chew, to bite 2.擤む: blow one's nose 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16374 やぶれる [[Japanese]] [Verb] やぶれる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, romaji yabureru) 1.破れる: to be torn 2.敗れる: to lose; to be defeated 0 0 2012/04/12 00:53 2012/09/26 20:59
16375 オートバイ [[Japanese]] [Etymology] Wasei eigo (和製英語), auto bike [Noun] オートバイ (romaji ōtobai) 1.motorcycle 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16376 うける [[Japanese]] [Verb] うける (ichidan conjugation, romaji ukeru) 1.受ける, 請ける: get an order or suffering, take a test, receive a letter. 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16377 はこ [[Japanese]] [Noun] はこ (romaji hako) 1.箱, 函: box, case 0 0 2012/09/01 21:52 2012/09/26 20:59
16378 はこぶ [[Japanese]] [Verb] はこぶ (godan conjugation, romaji hakobu) 1.運ぶ: convey, move, transport 0 0 2012/08/24 18:16 2012/09/26 20:59
16379 わる [[Japanese]] [Verb] わる (godan conjugation, romaji waru) 1.割る: To divide or separate, to cut or break apart. 0 0 2012/09/01 22:38 2012/09/26 20:59
16380 みずから [[Japanese]] [Adverb] みずから (romaji mizukara) 1.自ら: without the help of others, by oneself, personally [Noun] みずから (romaji mizukara) 1.自ら: oneself [Pronoun] みずから (romaji mizukara) 1.自ら: (obsolete) first person singular, I 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16381 たつ [[Japanese]] [Noun] たつ (romaji tatsu) 1.竜, 龍: dragon 2.辰: dragon, in Chinese zodiac [Verb] たつ (godan conjugation, romaji tatsu) 1.立つ: to stand 2.建つ: to build 3.発つ: to leave 4.断つ: to cut, to sever 5.経つ: (time) to pass 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16382 あばく [[Japanese]] [Verb] あばく (transitive, godan conjugation, kanji 暴く, romaji abaku) 1.disclose (a secret), expose (a crime), lay bare, divulge 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16383 おこる [[Japanese]] [Verb] おこる (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji okoru) 1.起こる: to happen 2.興る: to become prosperous 3.熾る: (of a fire) to start burning (alternative to 起こる)おこる (transitive and intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji okoru) 1.怒る: to become angry; to scold 0 0 2012/07/18 23:54 2012/09/26 20:59
16384 かわる [[Japanese]] [Verb] かわる (transitive and intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji kawaru) 1.変わる, 変る: change, be changed 2.替わる, 替る: substitute, be substituted, take one's place 3.代わる, 代る take one's place 4.換わる, 換る: be replaced 0 0 2011/12/18 19:14 2012/09/26 20:59
16385 あかり [[Japanese]] [Noun] あかり (romaji akari) 1.明かり: light 2.灯かり: light 0 0 2012/03/13 21:34 2012/09/26 20:59
16386 あか [[Japanese]] [Noun] あか (romaji aka) 1.赤: red 2.紅: crimson 3.朱: vermilion 4.緋: red (silk red) 5.絳: red (dark red similar to 緋) 6.丹: red (light vermilion) 7.赭: red, rouge, clay (colour) 8.赬: red 9.垢: dirt, grime 10.淦: bilge 11.閼伽: water (old Japanese or used in Buddhism) 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16388 まさる [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] まさる (romaji Masaru) 1.優: A male given name 2.勝: A male given name 3.将: A male given name 4.將: A male given name 5.賢: A male given name [Verb] まさる (godan conjugation, romaji masaru) 1.勝る, 優る: surpass 2.増さる: increase 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16389 ただす [[Japanese]] [Verb] ただす (transitive, godan conjugation, romaji tadasu) 1.正す: to correct 2.質す: to inquire 3.糺す: to interrogate 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16390 おもい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] おもい (い-i declension, romaji omoi) 1.重い: heavy [Noun] おもい (romaji omoi) 1.思い, 想い: thought 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16391 あつまる [[Japanese]] [Verb] あつまる (godan conjugation, romaji atsumaru) 1.集まる, 集る: to gather; to come together 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16392 あつめる [[Japanese]] [Verb] あつめる (ichidan conjugation, romaji atsumeru) 1.集める: to gather, to collect, to assemble 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16393 わかれる [[Japanese]] [Verb] わかれる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, romaji wakareru) 1.分かれる: to split, to fork, to branch off 2.別れる: to separate 3.Passive form of “沸く” 4.Passive form of “湧く” 0 0 2011/11/05 14:44 2012/09/26 20:59
16395 しぬ [[Japanese]] [Verb] しぬ (godan conjugation, romaji shinu) 1.死ぬ: to die 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16396 こう [[Japanese]] [Adverb] こう (kanji 斯う, romaji kō) 1.like this, in this way, so, thus [Kanji reading] こう (romaji kō) 1.口: mouth, opening, entrance, hole; kind, sort; job 2.工: work, craft, art, skill; workman, artisan 3.孔: hole, cavity 4.公: prince, lord; public 5.甲: "A", first, the former, the one; shell, armor, tortoise shell, crab shell; back of the hand; instep; the back 6.功: efficiency, merit, distinguished services, achievement, success, exploit, honor, credit 7.光: light, ray, beam; radiance, brilliance, brightness; shine, flash, gleam, glitter, glimmer, twinkle, sparkle, glow, luster, gloss 8.江: river, creek; inlet, bay 9.香: fragrant, sweet smelling; incense 10.校: (prefix) school; military field officer 11.項: section, member, term 12.鉱: mine; mineral, ore 13.綱: heavy rope, hawser; main points; (biological classification) class 14.稿: draft, manuscript, rough copy 15.鋼: steel; hard, strong, tough 16.衡: measure, weigh, judge, consider 17.購: buy, purchase; hire 18.亘 19.交 [Proper noun] こう (romaji Kō) 1.光: A male given name 2.巧: A male given name [Verb] こう (godan conjugation, romaji kou) 1.請う: ask, beg, request, entreat, appeal, solicit 0 0 2011/12/18 19:01 2012/09/26 20:59
16400 ゆうしょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] ゆうしょう (romaji yūshō) 1.優勝: victory; championship 2.有償: for profit; onerous 3.勇将: a brave general 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16401 しんがく [[Japanese]] [Noun] しんがく (romaji shingaku) 1.神学: theology 2.進学: going on to university 3.心学: Edo-period popularized blend of Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian ethical teachings 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16402 かんか [[Japanese]] [Noun] かんか (romaji kanka) 1.乾果: fruits which dry up in ripening 2.寒家: a poor family 3.寒花: flowers which bloom in cold seasons 4.勘過: investigating well 5.官家: particular south Korean area which served Japan before Taika era 6.官暇: a vacation given by the government 7.寛仮: forgiving a person generously 8.干戈: weapons; shields and pikes; fighting, war 9.患家: a house with a patient 10.患禍: a disaster 11.感化: influence, inspiration, reform, correction 12.感果: (a Buddhist Word) getting a good news in return for its cause 13.感荷: being impressed deeply 14.換価: doing appraisal 15.柑果: a species of fruit similar to orange 16.漢家: imperial house of Hang 17.看過: read through, connivance 18.管下: a range ruled by certain country, government or organization 19.坩堝: crucible, pot 20.閑暇: leisure 21.轗軻, 坎軻: separation from the world 22.鰥寡: widow, widower, lonely people 23.環化: cyclization 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16403 ばしょ [[Japanese]] [Noun] ばしょ (romaji basho) 1.場所: place, location; seat; Sumo tournament 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16404 図書館 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] From 図書 (tosho, “books”) + 館 (kan, “building”). [Noun] 図書館 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 圖書館, hiragana としょかん, romaji toshokan) 1.library (building) [See also] - 図書室 (としょしつ, toshoshitsu), library (room) - (Mandarin) trad. 圖書館, simpl. 图书馆 (túshūguǎn) - (Min Nan) trad. 圖書館, simpl. 图书馆 (tô·-su-kóan) 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16407 あそぶ [[Japanese]] [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [Verb] あそぶ (godan conjugation, romaji asobu) 1.遊ぶ: to play 0 0 2012/08/23 22:13 2012/09/26 20:59
16408 のる [[Japanese]] [Verb] のる (godan conjugation, romaji noru) 1.乗る: to ride, to take, to get on 2.載る: to record 0 0 2012/08/19 18:58 2012/09/26 20:59
16409 さいきん [[Japanese]] [Adverb] さいきん (romaji saikin) 1.最近: latest, most recent, nowadays, recently 2.マンガで分かるLisp (Manga Guide to Lisp) みりん。地域猫。最近までマクロのことをマグロと思っていた。 みりん。ちいきねこ。さいきんまでまくろのことをまぐろとおもっていた。 Mirin. Chiiki neko. Saikin made makuro no koto o maguro to omotte ita. Mirin: A neighbours' cat. Until recently often confused macros with maguro. [Noun] さいきん (romaji saikin) 1.細菌: bacterium 0 0 2011/12/12 21:56 2012/09/26 20:59
16410 じしん [[Japanese]] [Noun] じしん (romaji jishin) 1.地震: earthquake 2.自身: oneself 3.自信: confidence 4.時針: hour hand 5.磁心: magnetic core 6.磁針: magnetic needle 7.慈心: benevolence, mercy 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16411 かえる [[Japanese]] [Noun] かえる (katakana カエル, romaji kaeru) 1.蛙: frog [Synonyms] - かわず (kawazu; historical kana usage: かはづ) [Verb] かえる (romaji kaeru) 1.換える, 替える, 代える: to exchange, substitute 2.変える: to change 3.帰る: to return home 4.孵る: to be hatched 5.返る: to return (go back) 6.還る: to return (send back) 7.反る: to turn over 8.買える: potential form of 買う 9.飼える: potential form of 飼う 0 0 2011/12/26 22:27 2012/09/26 20:59
16412 わたる [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] わたる (romaji Wataru) 1.亘: A male given name 2.弥: A male given name 3.渉: A male given name 4.航: A male given name [Verb] わたる (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji wataru) 1.亘る: extend over 2.渡る: go over 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59

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