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16379 わる [[Japanese]] [Verb] わる (godan conjugation, romaji waru) 1.割る: To divide or separate, to cut or break apart. 0 0 2012/09/01 22:38 2012/09/26 20:59
16380 みずから [[Japanese]] [Adverb] みずから (romaji mizukara) 1.自ら: without the help of others, by oneself, personally [Noun] みずから (romaji mizukara) 1.自ら: oneself [Pronoun] みずから (romaji mizukara) 1.自ら: (obsolete) first person singular, I 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16381 たつ [[Japanese]] [Noun] たつ (romaji tatsu) 1.竜, 龍: dragon 2.辰: dragon, in Chinese zodiac [Verb] たつ (godan conjugation, romaji tatsu) 1.立つ: to stand 2.建つ: to build 3.発つ: to leave 4.断つ: to cut, to sever 5.経つ: (time) to pass 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16382 あばく [[Japanese]] [Verb] あばく (transitive, godan conjugation, kanji 暴く, romaji abaku) 1.disclose (a secret), expose (a crime), lay bare, divulge 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16383 おこる [[Japanese]] [Verb] おこる (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji okoru) 1.起こる: to happen 2.興る: to become prosperous 3.熾る: (of a fire) to start burning (alternative to 起こる)おこる (transitive and intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji okoru) 1.怒る: to become angry; to scold 0 0 2012/07/18 23:54 2012/09/26 20:59
16384 かわる [[Japanese]] [Verb] かわる (transitive and intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji kawaru) 1.変わる, 変る: change, be changed 2.替わる, 替る: substitute, be substituted, take one's place 3.代わる, 代る take one's place 4.換わる, 換る: be replaced 0 0 2011/12/18 19:14 2012/09/26 20:59
16385 あかり [[Japanese]] [Noun] あかり (romaji akari) 1.明かり: light 2.灯かり: light 0 0 2012/03/13 21:34 2012/09/26 20:59
16386 あか [[Japanese]] [Noun] あか (romaji aka) 1.赤: red 2.紅: crimson 3.朱: vermilion 4.緋: red (silk red) 5.絳: red (dark red similar to 緋) 6.丹: red (light vermilion) 7.赭: red, rouge, clay (colour) 8.赬: red 9.垢: dirt, grime 10.淦: bilge 11.閼伽: water (old Japanese or used in Buddhism) 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16388 まさる [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] まさる (romaji Masaru) 1.優: A male given name 2.勝: A male given name 3.将: A male given name 4.將: A male given name 5.賢: A male given name [Verb] まさる (godan conjugation, romaji masaru) 1.勝る, 優る: surpass 2.増さる: increase 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16389 ただす [[Japanese]] [Verb] ただす (transitive, godan conjugation, romaji tadasu) 1.正す: to correct 2.質す: to inquire 3.糺す: to interrogate 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16390 おもい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] おもい (い-i declension, romaji omoi) 1.重い: heavy [Noun] おもい (romaji omoi) 1.思い, 想い: thought 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16391 あつまる [[Japanese]] [Verb] あつまる (godan conjugation, romaji atsumaru) 1.集まる, 集る: to gather; to come together 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16392 あつめる [[Japanese]] [Verb] あつめる (ichidan conjugation, romaji atsumeru) 1.集める: to gather, to collect, to assemble 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16393 わかれる [[Japanese]] [Verb] わかれる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, romaji wakareru) 1.分かれる: to split, to fork, to branch off 2.別れる: to separate 3.Passive form of “沸く” 4.Passive form of “湧く” 0 0 2011/11/05 14:44 2012/09/26 20:59
16395 しぬ [[Japanese]] [Verb] しぬ (godan conjugation, romaji shinu) 1.死ぬ: to die 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16396 こう [[Japanese]] [Adverb] こう (kanji 斯う, romaji kō) 1.like this, in this way, so, thus [Kanji reading] こう (romaji kō) 1.口: mouth, opening, entrance, hole; kind, sort; job 2.工: work, craft, art, skill; workman, artisan 3.孔: hole, cavity 4.公: prince, lord; public 5.甲: "A", first, the former, the one; shell, armor, tortoise shell, crab shell; back of the hand; instep; the back 6.功: efficiency, merit, distinguished services, achievement, success, exploit, honor, credit 7.光: light, ray, beam; radiance, brilliance, brightness; shine, flash, gleam, glitter, glimmer, twinkle, sparkle, glow, luster, gloss 8.江: river, creek; inlet, bay 9.香: fragrant, sweet smelling; incense 10.校: (prefix) school; military field officer 11.項: section, member, term 12.鉱: mine; mineral, ore 13.綱: heavy rope, hawser; main points; (biological classification) class 14.稿: draft, manuscript, rough copy 15.鋼: steel; hard, strong, tough 16.衡: measure, weigh, judge, consider 17.購: buy, purchase; hire 18.亘 19.交 [Proper noun] こう (romaji Kō) 1.光: A male given name 2.巧: A male given name [Verb] こう (godan conjugation, romaji kou) 1.請う: ask, beg, request, entreat, appeal, solicit 0 0 2011/12/18 19:01 2012/09/26 20:59
16400 ゆうしょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] ゆうしょう (romaji yūshō) 1.優勝: victory; championship 2.有償: for profit; onerous 3.勇将: a brave general 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16401 しんがく [[Japanese]] [Noun] しんがく (romaji shingaku) 1.神学: theology 2.進学: going on to university 3.心学: Edo-period popularized blend of Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian ethical teachings 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16402 かんか [[Japanese]] [Noun] かんか (romaji kanka) 1.乾果: fruits which dry up in ripening 2.寒家: a poor family 3.寒花: flowers which bloom in cold seasons 4.勘過: investigating well 5.官家: particular south Korean area which served Japan before Taika era 6.官暇: a vacation given by the government 7.寛仮: forgiving a person generously 8.干戈: weapons; shields and pikes; fighting, war 9.患家: a house with a patient 10.患禍: a disaster 11.感化: influence, inspiration, reform, correction 12.感果: (a Buddhist Word) getting a good news in return for its cause 13.感荷: being impressed deeply 14.換価: doing appraisal 15.柑果: a species of fruit similar to orange 16.漢家: imperial house of Hang 17.看過: read through, connivance 18.管下: a range ruled by certain country, government or organization 19.坩堝: crucible, pot 20.閑暇: leisure 21.轗軻, 坎軻: separation from the world 22.鰥寡: widow, widower, lonely people 23.環化: cyclization 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16403 ばしょ [[Japanese]] [Noun] ばしょ (romaji basho) 1.場所: place, location; seat; Sumo tournament 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16404 図書館 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] From 図書 (tosho, “books”) + 館 (kan, “building”). [Noun] 図書館 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 圖書館, hiragana としょかん, romaji toshokan) 1.library (building) [See also] - 図書室 (としょしつ, toshoshitsu), library (room) - (Mandarin) trad. 圖書館, simpl. 图书馆 (túshūguǎn) - (Min Nan) trad. 圖書館, simpl. 图书馆 (tô·-su-kóan) 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16407 あそぶ [[Japanese]] [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [Verb] あそぶ (godan conjugation, romaji asobu) 1.遊ぶ: to play 0 0 2012/08/23 22:13 2012/09/26 20:59
16408 のる [[Japanese]] [Verb] のる (godan conjugation, romaji noru) 1.乗る: to ride, to take, to get on 2.載る: to record 0 0 2012/08/19 18:58 2012/09/26 20:59
16409 さいきん [[Japanese]] [Adverb] さいきん (romaji saikin) 1.最近: latest, most recent, nowadays, recently 2.マンガで分かるLisp (Manga Guide to Lisp) みりん。地域猫。最近までマクロのことをマグロと思っていた。 みりん。ちいきねこ。さいきんまでまくろのことをまぐろとおもっていた。 Mirin. Chiiki neko. Saikin made makuro no koto o maguro to omotte ita. Mirin: A neighbours' cat. Until recently often confused macros with maguro. [Noun] さいきん (romaji saikin) 1.細菌: bacterium 0 0 2011/12/12 21:56 2012/09/26 20:59
16410 じしん [[Japanese]] [Noun] じしん (romaji jishin) 1.地震: earthquake 2.自身: oneself 3.自信: confidence 4.時針: hour hand 5.磁心: magnetic core 6.磁針: magnetic needle 7.慈心: benevolence, mercy 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16411 かえる [[Japanese]] [Noun] かえる (katakana カエル, romaji kaeru) 1.蛙: frog [Synonyms] - かわず (kawazu; historical kana usage: かはづ) [Verb] かえる (romaji kaeru) 1.換える, 替える, 代える: to exchange, substitute 2.変える: to change 3.帰る: to return home 4.孵る: to be hatched 5.返る: to return (go back) 6.還る: to return (send back) 7.反る: to turn over 8.買える: potential form of 買う 9.飼える: potential form of 飼う 0 0 2011/12/26 22:27 2012/09/26 20:59
16412 わたる [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] わたる (romaji Wataru) 1.亘: A male given name 2.弥: A male given name 3.渉: A male given name 4.航: A male given name [Verb] わたる (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji wataru) 1.亘る: extend over 2.渡る: go over 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16413 しやくしょ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しやくしょ (romaji shiyakusho) 1.市役所: city hall 0 0 2012/06/07 00:05 2012/09/26 20:59
16414 たんじょうび [[Japanese]] [Noun] たんじょうび (romaji tanjōbi) 1.誕生日: birthday 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16415 [[Japanese]] ipa :[bi][Etymology] The hiragana character ひ (hi) with a dakuten (゛). [Syllable] び (Hepburn romanization bi) 1.The hiragana syllable び (bi), whose equivalent in katakana is ビ (bi). 0 0 2012/03/11 21:40 2012/09/26 20:59
16416 やさい [[Japanese]] [Noun] やさい (romaji yasai) 1.野菜: vegetable [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16417 さんか [[Japanese]] [Noun] さんか (romaji sanka) 1.参加: participation 2.酸化: oxidation, combustion 3.惨禍: catastrophe, disaster 4.傘下: subsidiary 5.産科: obstetrics 6.賛歌, 讃歌, 讚歌: song of praise, hymn, paean 7.山家: mountain villa 8.山窩: Sanka, Japanese mountain nomads 9.三夏: the three summer months [Verb] さんか + する (irregular conjugation, romaji sanka suru)さんかする さんか suru 1.酸化: oxidize, become oxidized 2.参加: participate, join, take part 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16418 さんかする [[Japanese]] [Noun] さんか (romaji sanka) 1.参加: participation 2.酸化: oxidation, combustion 3.惨禍: catastrophe, disaster 4.傘下: subsidiary 5.産科: obstetrics 6.賛歌, 讃歌, 讚歌: song of praise, hymn, paean 7.山家: mountain villa 8.山窩: Sanka, Japanese mountain nomads 9.三夏: the three summer months [Verb] さんか + する (irregular conjugation, romaji sanka suru)さんかする さんか suru 1.酸化: oxidize, become oxidized 2.参加: participate, join, take part 0 0 2012/06/09 18:29 2012/09/26 20:59
16419 ぶんじょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] ぶんじょう (romaji bunjō) 1.分譲: selling real estate in lots 2.分乗: riding separately 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16420 ぶん [[Japanese]] [Kanji reading] ぶん (bun) [Noun] ぶん (romaji bun) 1.分: portion, part 2.文: sentence, text 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16421 ぶんしょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] ぶんしょう (romaji bunshō) 1.文章: sentence 2.文相: Minister of Education, Science and Culture 3.分掌: division of duties 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16422 しゅみ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しゅみ (romaji shumi) 1.趣味: hobby; one's taste 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16423 べんきょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] べんきょう (romaji benkyō) 1.勉強: study 0 0 2012/05/30 22:39 2012/09/26 21:00
16424 たいへん [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] たいへん (な-na declension, romaji taihen) 1.大変: serious, grave, terrible, difficult, hard [Adverb] たいへん (romaji taihen) 1.大変: very, greatly [Noun] たいへん (romaji taihen) 1.大変: major incident, disaster 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16425 かんじ [[Japanese]] [Adjective] かんじ (たり-tari declension, romaji kanji) 1.莞爾: Smiling, with a smile. [Noun] かんじ (romaji kanji) 1.冠字: Coming of age for a male; a subtitle on a work of art or writing. 2.冠辞: A modifier (word); a conventional epithet for something. 3.寒じ: The state of being cold through; such a deep and penetrating cold. 4.勘事: A reprimand. 5.完治: A complete recovery from an illness or hurt. 6.官事: Public affairs, administration, administrative work 7.官寺: An imperial temple, such as Kokubunji; in the middle ages, one of the 15 major temples of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism. 8.官次: A seating arrangement based on ministerial rank. 9.寛治: The name of a Japanese 年号 (nengō, “era”) starting at the ascension of Japanese Emperor Horikawa in 1087, lasting until 1094. 10.幹事: A manager or secretary (as in Secretary General; not as in a general clerical worker). 11.感じ: A feeling, a sensation, an impression of something. 12.甘子, 柑子: Alternate reading for kōji, a type of citrus tree and fruit, Citrus leiocarpa. 13.漢字: Han Chinese characters used to write Japanese: kanji. 14.甘辞: Flattering words, flattery. 15.監事: An inspector or auditor. 16.監寺: An official position at a Zen temple, responsible for temple oversight and leadership of the temple's monks and priests. 17.閑事: Idleness, wasting time; busy work. [Proper noun] かんじ (romaji Kanji) 1.完二: A male given name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16426 おぼえる [[Japanese]] [Verb] おぼえる (ichidan conjugation, romaji oboeru) 1.覚える: to recall; to memorize 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16427 じしょ [[Japanese]] [Noun] じしょ (romaji jisho) 1.辞書: dictionary 2.字書: character dictionary 3.自書: personal writing 4.自署: signature 5.地所: estate 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16428 [[Japanese]] ipa :[t͡sɯᵝ][Counter] つ (romaji tsu) 1.small items [Etymology] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 川 in the cursive sōsho style. [Syllable] つ (Hepburn romanization tsu) 1.The hiragana syllable つ (tsu), whose equivalent in katakana is ツ (tsu). It is the eighteenth syllable of the gojūon order, and its position in gojūon tables is た行う段 (TA-gyō, U-dan; “row TA, section U”). [Synonyms] - 個 0 0 2012/08/02 09:36 2012/09/26 21:00
16429 すずき [[Japanese]] [Noun] すずき (romaji suzuki) 1.鱸, スズキ: sea bass [Proper noun] すずき (romaji Suzuki) 1.鈴木: a Japanese family name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16430 つづく [[Japanese]] [Verb] つづく (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji tsuzuku) 1.続く: to continue; to be continued 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16431 [[Japanese]] ipa :[te̞][Etymology] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 天 in the cursive sōsho style. [Noun] て (romaji te) 1.手: hand [Particle] て (romaji te) 1.Request maker sentence-final particle. [Syllable] て (Hepburn romanization te) 1.The hiragana syllable て (te), whose equivalent in katakana is テ (te). It is the nineteenth syllable of the gojūon order, and its position in gojūon tables is た行え段 (TA-gyō, E-dan; “row TA, section E”). 0 0 2011/09/13 23:40 2012/09/26 21:00
16432 てん [[Japanese]] [Counter] てん (romaji -ten) 1.点: goods or items purchased [Kanji reading] てん (romaji ten) [Noun] てん (romaji ten) 1.店: store, shop, establishment 2.典: ceremony, celebration, law code 3.天: heaven, sky 4.点: spot, mark, point, dot [Suffix] てん (romaji -ten) 1.店: store 2.点: point 3.展: exhibition, show 0 0 2011/10/07 21:40 2012/09/26 21:00
16433 からい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] からい (い-i declension, romaji karai) 1.辛い, 鹹い: spicy 2.辛い: harsh on somebody [Noun] からい (romaji karai) 1.渦雷: cyclonic thunderstorm 2.花蕾: flower bud 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16434 こうちゃ [[Japanese]] [Noun] こうちゃ (romaji kōcha) 1.紅茶: black tea 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16435 むずかしい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] むずかしい (い-i declension, kanji 難しい, romaji muzukashii) 1.難しい: difficult 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16436 温泉 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] 温 (おん, on, “warm”) + 泉 (せん, sen, “spring”) [Noun] 温泉 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 溫泉, hiragana おんせん, romaji onsen, historical hiragana をんせん) 1.a hot spring 2.a spa, an onsen [See also] - 銭湯 (せんとう, sentō, “bath house”) [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 温泉 (simplified, Pinyin wēnquán, traditional 溫泉) 1.a hot spring 2.a spa, an onsen [References] - 温泉 on the Mandarin Wikipedia.zh.Wikipedia - hot spring on Wikipedia.Wikipedia:hot spring - 1985, Jingrong (ed.) Wu, The Pinyin CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY (in Mandarin/English), Beijing, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, ISBN 0471867969: 0 0 2012/02/01 22:16 2012/09/26 21:00

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