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16441 へや [[Japanese]] [Noun] へや (romaji heya) 1.部屋: room (of a house or hotel), chamber, apartment, flat 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16442 ねだん [[Japanese]] [Noun] ねだん (romaji nedan) 1.(colloquial) 値段, 直段: price, the cost of something このラジオの値段はいくらですか。 このラジオのねだんはいくらですか。 Kono rajio no nedan wa ikura desu ka? How much is the price of this radio? あの自転車の値段は高すぎました。 あのじてんしゃのねだんはたかすぎました。 Ano jitensha no nedan wa takasugimashita. The price of that bicycle was too high. [Synonyms] - (price, cost): 価格 (かかく, kakaku) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16443 みどり [[Japanese]] [Noun] みどり (romaji midori) 1.緑, 翠: green, the colour green; greenery, fresh verdure [Proper noun] みどり (romaji Midori) 1.緑: A female given name 2.緑: A surname. 3.翠: A male given name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16444 おおい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] おおい (い-i declension, romaji ōi) 1.多い: many, much [Noun] おおい (romaji ōi) 1.覆い, 被い, 蓋い, 蔽い: covert, cover 0 0 2012/04/28 21:52 2012/09/26 21:00
16445 けっせき [[Japanese]] [Noun] けっせき (romaji kesseki) 1.欠席: absence 2.結石: (medicine) calculus 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16446 たかぎ [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] たかぎ (romaji Takagi) 1.高木: (literally, tall tree) A surname. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16447 むり [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] むり (な-na declension, romaji muri) 1.無理: impossible; unreasonable [Noun] むり (romaji muri) 1.無理: impossibility [Verb] むり (romaji muri) 1.無理: overwork oneself 0 0 2012/08/23 22:13 2012/09/26 21:00
16448 ゆうめい [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] ゆうめい (な-na declension, romaji yūmei) 1.有名: famous, renowned, well-known, celebrated [Noun] ゆうめい (romaji yūmei) 1.勇名: a reputation for bravery 2.幽冥: faintness, dimness, and darkness; the underworld 3.幽明: darkness and light, the good and the bad; this world and the underworld 4.有名: fame, renown 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16449 すず [[Japanese]] [Noun] すず (romaji suzu) 1.鈴: a bell 2.錫: tin (metal) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16450 やさしい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] やさしい (い-i declension, romaji yasashii) 1.易しい: easy, simple 2.優しい: kind, gentle, tender [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16451 ねる [[Japanese]] [Verb] ねる (ichidan conjugation, romaji neru) 1.寝る: to sleepねる (godan conjugation, romaji neru) 1.練る: to knead, to polish, to train 0 0 2012/06/09 22:01 2012/09/26 21:00
16452 タレント [[Japanese]] ipa :/tarento/[Etymology] From English talent. [Noun] タレント (romaji tarento) 1.acting or academic ability 2.one with a talent 3.one who appears in various television shows; a TV-star [See also] - 芸能人 (geinōjin) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16453 初めて [[Japanese]] [Adverb] 初めて (hiragana はじめて, romaji hajimete) 1.for the first time, first 彼は初めてアメリカに来た。 かれははじめてあめりかにきた。 Kare wa hajimete amerika ni kita. He traveled to America for the first time. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16454 はれる [[Japanese]] [Verb] はれる (ichidan conjugation, romaji hareru) 1.腫れる: (of a body part) to swell (from inflammation) 2.晴れる: (weather) to clear 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16455 しんぱい [[Japanese]] [Noun] しんぱい (romaji shinpai) 1.心配: worry, concern, anxiety, care 2.親拝: worship by the emperor at a shrine 0 0 2012/08/15 19:48 2012/09/26 21:00
16456 ならう [[Japanese]] [Verb] ならう (godan conjugation, romaji narau) 1.習う: to learn 2.倣う: to imitate, to follow 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16458 本物 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 本物 (hiragana ほんもの, romaji honmono) 1.the real thing 2.being lifelike 3.state of being real 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16459 会議 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 会議 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 會議, hiragana かいぎ, romaji kaigi) 1.(business): meeting, conference [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [Synonyms] - 会合 (かいごう, kaigō, “meeting”) 0 0 2010/03/07 01:08 2012/09/26 21:00
16460 出席 [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ tʂʰu˥˥ɕi˧˥ ][Verb] 出席 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin chūxí) 1.(Elementary Mandarin) to attend; to be present 2.(archaic) to leave one's seat; to stand up 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16461 早く [[Japanese]] [Adverb] 早く (hiragana はやく, romaji hayaku) 1.early 彼は早く家に戻って来た。 かれははやくいえにもどってきた。 kare wa hayaku ie ni modotte kita. He came back home early. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16462 知らせる [[Japanese]] [See also] - 知る(しる, shiru) [Verb] 知らせる (ichidan conjugation, hiragana しらせる, romaji shiraseru) 1.let people know 2.notify; report; give noticeConjugation of "知らせる" (See Appendix:Japanese verbs.) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16463 生まれる [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] - 生れる [See also] - 生む (うむ, umu): give birth [Verb] 生まれる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana うまれる, romaji umareru) 1.be born 2.come into existence 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16464 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 弟 (radical 57 弓+4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 金弓中竹 (CNLH), four-corner 80227, composition ⿳丷弔丿 or 丷弓丨丿) 1.young brother 2.junior 3.I, me [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 弟 (Yale dai6) [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] Cognate with the verb otor- (“to be lesser, inferior”). [Etymology 2] otopito > otoɸito > otowito > *otowuto > otouto > otoːto. Compound of 弟 (oto, “younger sibling”) and 人 (pito, “person”). [[Korean]] [Hanja] 弟 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 제 (revised: je, McCune-Reischauer: che, Yale: cey) - Name (hangeul): 아우 (revised: au, McCune-Reischauer: au, Yale: awu) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 弟 (pinyin dì (di4), Wade-Giles ti4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 弟 (đệ, dễ) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16465 放送 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 放送 (hiragana ほうそう, romaji hōsō) 1.broadcast (a radio or TV transmission on air) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16466 借りる [[Japanese]] [Verb] 借りる (transitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana かりる, romaji kariru) 1.borrow 2.rent 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16467 遅い [[Japanese]] [Adjective] 遅い (い-i declension, hiragana おそい, romaji osoi) 1.late 2.slow [Antonyms] - (early): 早い (はやい, hayai) - (fast): 速い (はやい, hayai) [Synonyms] - (late coming): 遅刻 (ちこく, chikoku): (noun) - (postpone, go late, come late): 遅れる (おくれる, okureru): (verb) - (slowly): ゆっくり (yukkuri): (adverb) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16468 事故 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 事故 (hiragana じこ, romaji jiko) 1.accident; incident; trouble これは事故だ! これはじこだ! Kore wa jikoda! It was an accident! [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [Synonyms] - (accident): アクシデント (akushidento) - (incident): 事件 (じけん, jiken) [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ʂɚ˥˩ku˥˩ ][Noun] 事故 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin shìgù) 1.accident; mishap 事故的處理要嚴格按照國家法律規定的條例來執行。 (trad.) 事故的处理要严格按照国家法律规定的条例来执行。 (simp.) Shìgù de chǔlǐ yào yángé ànzhào guójiā fǎlǜ guīdìng de tiáolì lái zhíxíng. Laws and regulations need to be strictly followed when responding to accidents. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16469 電車 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] 電 (でん, den) "electric" + 車 (しゃ, sha) "vehicle" [Noun] 電車 (hiragana でんしゃ, romaji densha) 1.an electric multiple unit train [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [See also] - 電車 on the Japanese Wikipedia.ja.Wikipedia [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ tiɛn˥˩tʂʰə˥˥ ][Noun] 電車 (traditional, Pinyin diànchē, simplified 电车) 1.trolley; tram [[Min Nan]] ipa :[ tɪɛn˨˩tɕʰia˥˥ ][Noun] 電車 (traditional, POJ tiān-chhia, simplified 电车) 1.trolley; tram 2.electric multiple unit train 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16471 大会 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 大会 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 大會, hiragana たいかい, romaji taikai) 1.convention; rally; mass meeting 2.tournament [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ta˥˩xuei˥˩ ][Noun] 大会 (simplified, Pinyin dàhuì, traditional 大會) 1.convention; assembly; rally 2.plenary session; mass meeting [References] - "大会" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2008-02-17. [Verb] 大会 (simplified, Pinyin dàhuì, traditional 大會) 1.(literary) to meet in large numbers; to hold a mass meeting 0 0 2012/01/02 14:57 2012/09/26 21:00
16472 上手 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 上手 (な-na declension, hiragana じょうず, romaji jōzu) 1.skillful [Antonyms] - 下手 (へた, heta) [Noun] 上手 (hiragana じょうず, romaji jōzu) (alternate reading hiragana うわて, romaji uwate) 1.skill, dexterity 上手 (hiragana かみて, romaji kamite) (alternate reading hiragana うわて, romaji uwate) 1.upper part 2.stage left 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16474 作文 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 作文 (hiragana さくぶん, romaji sakubun) 1.writing, essay, composition 2.作文を書く さくぶんをかく sakubun o kaku to write an essay 3.作文の題 さくぶんのだい sakubun no dai the subject of a composition [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16475 手帳 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 手帳 (hiragana てちょう, romaji techō) 1.notebook [Synonyms] - ノート (nōto) - 帳面 (ちょうめん, chōmen) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16476 以上 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 以上 (hiragana いじょう, romaji ijō, historical hiragana いじやう) 1.the aforementioned, the foregoing 2.The End. (Used at the end of a text to indicate there is nothing further.) 3.equal to or more; includes the base number 4.(Plain form Verb) + 以上は: since, now that, so long as, once 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16477 飼う [[Japanese]] [Verb] 飼う (godan conjugation, hiragana かう, romaji kau) 1.to raise; to feed 牛を飼って生計を立てている。 うしをかってせいけいをたてている。 Ushi o katte seikei o tatete iru. He makes his living by raising cattle. 私は大きな犬を飼ってます。 わたしはおおきないぬをかってます。 watashi wa ōkina inu o katte masu. I have a big dog. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16478 死ぬ [[Japanese]] [Etymology] si+inu(死+往ぬ) [Synonyms] - 亡くなる (nakunaru) (polite) - お亡くなりになる (o-nakunari-ni-naru) (honorific) - 崩御する (hougyo-suru) (most honorific) king, queen, emperor, empress - 身罷る (mimakaru) (classic), (more honorific) - 去ぬ (inu) (classic) - くたばる (kutabaru) (vulgar) - タヒる (tahiru) (slang), (net jargon) [Trivia] The only modern Japanese verb which ends in ぬ (an older example is 去ぬ (いぬ, inu, “to go, to leave”), which is now archaic). Accordingly, it is used in textbooks to illustrate conjugation of such verbs, despite its morbid subject. [Verb] 死ぬ (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana しぬ, romaji shinu) 1.to die 2.to become lifeless, to lack vitality, to be loss of vigor 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16479 焼く [[Japanese]] [Verb] 焼く (godan conjugation, hiragana やく, romaji yaku) 1.To burn 2.To tan 3.To grill 4.To roast 5.To toast 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16480 専門 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 専門 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 專門, hiragana せんもん, romaji senmon) 1.speciality/specialty; subject of study; subject of expertise; profession 「ご専門は?」 「ごせんもんは?」 "go-senmon wa?" "What is your area of specialty?"; "Your area of specialty is. . .?" [Synonyms] - (area of study): 専攻 (せんこう, senkō, “academic major”) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16482 携帯 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 携帯 (hiragana けいたい, romaji keitai) 1.holding 2.(colloquial) cell phone [Synonyms] - (holding): 所持 (しょじ, shoji) - (mobile phone): 携帯電話 (けいたいでんわ, keitaidenwa) (formal) - (mobile phone): ケータイ (kētai) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16483 機能 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 機能 (hiragana きのう, romaji kinō) 1.a function いっさいの機能が停止した。 いっさいのきのうがていしした。 issai no kinō ga teishishita. All its functions are suspended. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16484 複雑 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 複雑 (な-na declension, hiragana ふくざつ, romaji fukuzatsu) 1.complex (not simple or straightforward) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16485 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 声 (radical 33 士+4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 土日竹 (GAH)) 1.sound, voice, noise 2.tone 3.music [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 声 (traditional 聲, Yale seng1, sing1) [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] /kowe/ > /koe/. [Etymology 2] [References] - 1989 August 22 [905], Noriyuki Kojima; Arai Eizō, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 5: Kokin Wakashū (in Japanese), Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240005-0: [[Korean]] [Hanja] 声 (hangeul 성, revised seong, McCune-Reischauer sŏng) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 声 (traditional 聲, pinyin shēng (sheng1), Wade-Giles sheng1) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16486 会社 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 会社 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 會社, hiragana かいしゃ, romaji kaisha) 1.a company; a business corporation [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/05/15 11:16 2012/09/26 21:00 jack_bob
16487 そら [[Japanese]] [Noun] そら (romaji sora) 1.空: sky, air, heaven 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16488 松本 [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] 松本 (hiragana まつもと, romaji Matsumoto) 1.A surname. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16489 熱心 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 熱心 (な-na declension, hiragana ねっしん, romaji nesshin) 1.earnest, enthusiastic [Etymology] From 熱 (netsu, “showing intense feeling”) + 心 (shin, “heart”) [Noun] 熱心 (hiragana ねっしん, romaji nesshin) 1.enthusiasm, zeal, fervor, earnestness [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 熱心 (traditional, Pinyin rèxīn, simplified 热心) 1.enthusiastic [Noun] 熱心 (traditional, Pinyin rèxīn, simplified 热心) 1.enthusiasm 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16491 おく [[Japanese]] [Noun] おく (romaji oku) 1.億: 108 = 100×10⁶ = 100 million 2.奥: inside [Verb] おく (godan conjugation, romaji oku) 1.置く: to put 2.(following a て-form verb) to do in advance; to do for some future purpose 0 0 2012/08/17 16:00 2012/09/26 21:00
16492 こうき [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] こうき (romaji Kōki) 1.弘規: A male given name 2.甲輝: A male given name 3.洸貴: A male given name 4.幸希: A male given name 5.幸喜: A male given name 6.虹気: A male given name 7.幸妃: A male given name 8.恒貴: A male given name 9.晃樹: A male given name 10.興毅: A male given name 11.功貴: A male given name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16493 道路 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 道路 (hiragana どうろ, romaji dōro) 1.a road; a street; an alley; a way for local traffic [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [[Mandarin]] [Etymology] [Noun] 道路 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dàolù) 1.road 2.path 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16494 渋滞 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 渋滞 (hiragana じゅうたい, romaji jūtai) 1.congestion, traffic jam 2.delay, stagnation [Verb] 渋滞 + する (irregular conjugation, hiragana じゅうたいする, romaji jūtai suru)渋滞する 渋滞 suru 1.(for traffic to) jam, become congested, back up 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16497 かんそう [[Japanese]] [Noun] かんそう (romaji kansō) 1.感想: thoughts, impressions 2.乾燥: dry, dehydrated 3.完走: running the race, crossing the finish line 4.換装: exchanging parts to improve performance 5.歓送: a send-off 6.観想: meditation 7.観相: physiognomy 8.盥漱: washing your hands and rinsing your mouth [Verb] かんそう + する (irregular conjugation, romaji kansō suru)かんそうする かんそう suru 1.完走: finish the race 2.換装: exchange parts to improve performance 3.乾燥: dry 4.歓送: give a farewell 5.感想: think about, feel 6.観想: meditate, contemplate 7.盥漱: wash one's hands and rinse one's feet 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16498 平日 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 平日 (hiragana へいじつ, romaji heijitsu) 1.weekday [[Mandarin]] [Adverb] 平日 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin píngrì) 1.(literary) ordinarily [References] - "平日" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2010-12-19. - 2007, Hanyu Da Cidian 3.0 (in Mandarin), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, ISBN 9789620702778: 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00

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