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16451 ねる [[Japanese]] [Verb] ねる (ichidan conjugation, romaji neru) 1.寝る: to sleepねる (godan conjugation, romaji neru) 1.練る: to knead, to polish, to train 0 0 2012/06/09 22:01 2012/09/26 21:00
16452 タレント [[Japanese]] ipa :/tarento/[Etymology] From English talent. [Noun] タレント (romaji tarento) 1.acting or academic ability 2.one with a talent 3.one who appears in various television shows; a TV-star [See also] - 芸能人 (geinōjin) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16453 初めて [[Japanese]] [Adverb] 初めて (hiragana はじめて, romaji hajimete) 1.for the first time, first 彼は初めてアメリカに来た。 かれははじめてあめりかにきた。 Kare wa hajimete amerika ni kita. He traveled to America for the first time. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16454 はれる [[Japanese]] [Verb] はれる (ichidan conjugation, romaji hareru) 1.腫れる: (of a body part) to swell (from inflammation) 2.晴れる: (weather) to clear 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16455 しんぱい [[Japanese]] [Noun] しんぱい (romaji shinpai) 1.心配: worry, concern, anxiety, care 2.親拝: worship by the emperor at a shrine 0 0 2012/08/15 19:48 2012/09/26 21:00
16456 ならう [[Japanese]] [Verb] ならう (godan conjugation, romaji narau) 1.習う: to learn 2.倣う: to imitate, to follow 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16458 本物 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 本物 (hiragana ほんもの, romaji honmono) 1.the real thing 2.being lifelike 3.state of being real 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16459 会議 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 会議 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 會議, hiragana かいぎ, romaji kaigi) 1.(business): meeting, conference [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [Synonyms] - 会合 (かいごう, kaigō, “meeting”) 0 0 2010/03/07 01:08 2012/09/26 21:00
16460 出席 [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ tʂʰu˥˥ɕi˧˥ ][Verb] 出席 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin chūxí) 1.(Elementary Mandarin) to attend; to be present 2.(archaic) to leave one's seat; to stand up 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16461 早く [[Japanese]] [Adverb] 早く (hiragana はやく, romaji hayaku) 1.early 彼は早く家に戻って来た。 かれははやくいえにもどってきた。 kare wa hayaku ie ni modotte kita. He came back home early. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16462 知らせる [[Japanese]] [See also] - 知る(しる, shiru) [Verb] 知らせる (ichidan conjugation, hiragana しらせる, romaji shiraseru) 1.let people know 2.notify; report; give noticeConjugation of "知らせる" (See Appendix:Japanese verbs.) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16463 生まれる [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] - 生れる [See also] - 生む (うむ, umu): give birth [Verb] 生まれる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana うまれる, romaji umareru) 1.be born 2.come into existence 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16464 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 弟 (radical 57 弓+4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 金弓中竹 (CNLH), four-corner 80227, composition ⿳丷弔丿 or 丷弓丨丿) 1.young brother 2.junior 3.I, me [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 弟 (Yale dai6) [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] Cognate with the verb otor- (“to be lesser, inferior”). [Etymology 2] otopito > otoɸito > otowito > *otowuto > otouto > otoːto. Compound of 弟 (oto, “younger sibling”) and 人 (pito, “person”). [[Korean]] [Hanja] 弟 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 제 (revised: je, McCune-Reischauer: che, Yale: cey) - Name (hangeul): 아우 (revised: au, McCune-Reischauer: au, Yale: awu) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 弟 (pinyin dì (di4), Wade-Giles ti4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 弟 (đệ, dễ) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16465 放送 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 放送 (hiragana ほうそう, romaji hōsō) 1.broadcast (a radio or TV transmission on air) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16466 借りる [[Japanese]] [Verb] 借りる (transitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana かりる, romaji kariru) 1.borrow 2.rent 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16467 遅い [[Japanese]] [Adjective] 遅い (い-i declension, hiragana おそい, romaji osoi) 1.late 2.slow [Antonyms] - (early): 早い (はやい, hayai) - (fast): 速い (はやい, hayai) [Synonyms] - (late coming): 遅刻 (ちこく, chikoku): (noun) - (postpone, go late, come late): 遅れる (おくれる, okureru): (verb) - (slowly): ゆっくり (yukkuri): (adverb) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16468 事故 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 事故 (hiragana じこ, romaji jiko) 1.accident; incident; trouble これは事故だ! これはじこだ! Kore wa jikoda! It was an accident! [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [Synonyms] - (accident): アクシデント (akushidento) - (incident): 事件 (じけん, jiken) [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ʂɚ˥˩ku˥˩ ][Noun] 事故 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin shìgù) 1.accident; mishap 事故的處理要嚴格按照國家法律規定的條例來執行。 (trad.) 事故的处理要严格按照国家法律规定的条例来执行。 (simp.) Shìgù de chǔlǐ yào yángé ànzhào guójiā fǎlǜ guīdìng de tiáolì lái zhíxíng. Laws and regulations need to be strictly followed when responding to accidents. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16469 電車 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] 電 (でん, den) "electric" + 車 (しゃ, sha) "vehicle" [Noun] 電車 (hiragana でんしゃ, romaji densha) 1.an electric multiple unit train [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [See also] - 電車 on the Japanese Wikipedia.ja.Wikipedia [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ tiɛn˥˩tʂʰə˥˥ ][Noun] 電車 (traditional, Pinyin diànchē, simplified 电车) 1.trolley; tram [[Min Nan]] ipa :[ tɪɛn˨˩tɕʰia˥˥ ][Noun] 電車 (traditional, POJ tiān-chhia, simplified 电车) 1.trolley; tram 2.electric multiple unit train 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16471 大会 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 大会 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 大會, hiragana たいかい, romaji taikai) 1.convention; rally; mass meeting 2.tournament [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ta˥˩xuei˥˩ ][Noun] 大会 (simplified, Pinyin dàhuì, traditional 大會) 1.convention; assembly; rally 2.plenary session; mass meeting [References] - "大会" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2008-02-17. [Verb] 大会 (simplified, Pinyin dàhuì, traditional 大會) 1.(literary) to meet in large numbers; to hold a mass meeting 0 0 2012/01/02 14:57 2012/09/26 21:00
16472 上手 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 上手 (な-na declension, hiragana じょうず, romaji jōzu) 1.skillful [Antonyms] - 下手 (へた, heta) [Noun] 上手 (hiragana じょうず, romaji jōzu) (alternate reading hiragana うわて, romaji uwate) 1.skill, dexterity 上手 (hiragana かみて, romaji kamite) (alternate reading hiragana うわて, romaji uwate) 1.upper part 2.stage left 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16474 作文 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 作文 (hiragana さくぶん, romaji sakubun) 1.writing, essay, composition 2.作文を書く さくぶんをかく sakubun o kaku to write an essay 3.作文の題 さくぶんのだい sakubun no dai the subject of a composition [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16475 手帳 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 手帳 (hiragana てちょう, romaji techō) 1.notebook [Synonyms] - ノート (nōto) - 帳面 (ちょうめん, chōmen) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16476 以上 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 以上 (hiragana いじょう, romaji ijō, historical hiragana いじやう) 1.the aforementioned, the foregoing 2.The End. (Used at the end of a text to indicate there is nothing further.) 3.equal to or more; includes the base number 4.(Plain form Verb) + 以上は: since, now that, so long as, once 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16477 飼う [[Japanese]] [Verb] 飼う (godan conjugation, hiragana かう, romaji kau) 1.to raise; to feed 牛を飼って生計を立てている。 うしをかってせいけいをたてている。 Ushi o katte seikei o tatete iru. He makes his living by raising cattle. 私は大きな犬を飼ってます。 わたしはおおきないぬをかってます。 watashi wa ōkina inu o katte masu. I have a big dog. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16478 死ぬ [[Japanese]] [Etymology] si+inu(死+往ぬ) [Synonyms] - 亡くなる (nakunaru) (polite) - お亡くなりになる (o-nakunari-ni-naru) (honorific) - 崩御する (hougyo-suru) (most honorific) king, queen, emperor, empress - 身罷る (mimakaru) (classic), (more honorific) - 去ぬ (inu) (classic) - くたばる (kutabaru) (vulgar) - タヒる (tahiru) (slang), (net jargon) [Trivia] The only modern Japanese verb which ends in ぬ (an older example is 去ぬ (いぬ, inu, “to go, to leave”), which is now archaic). Accordingly, it is used in textbooks to illustrate conjugation of such verbs, despite its morbid subject. [Verb] 死ぬ (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana しぬ, romaji shinu) 1.to die 2.to become lifeless, to lack vitality, to be loss of vigor 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16479 焼く [[Japanese]] [Verb] 焼く (godan conjugation, hiragana やく, romaji yaku) 1.To burn 2.To tan 3.To grill 4.To roast 5.To toast 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16480 専門 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 専門 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 專門, hiragana せんもん, romaji senmon) 1.speciality/specialty; subject of study; subject of expertise; profession 「ご専門は?」 「ごせんもんは?」 "go-senmon wa?" "What is your area of specialty?"; "Your area of specialty is. . .?" [Synonyms] - (area of study): 専攻 (せんこう, senkō, “academic major”) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16482 携帯 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 携帯 (hiragana けいたい, romaji keitai) 1.holding 2.(colloquial) cell phone [Synonyms] - (holding): 所持 (しょじ, shoji) - (mobile phone): 携帯電話 (けいたいでんわ, keitaidenwa) (formal) - (mobile phone): ケータイ (kētai) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16483 機能 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 機能 (hiragana きのう, romaji kinō) 1.a function いっさいの機能が停止した。 いっさいのきのうがていしした。 issai no kinō ga teishishita. All its functions are suspended. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16484 複雑 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 複雑 (な-na declension, hiragana ふくざつ, romaji fukuzatsu) 1.complex (not simple or straightforward) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16485 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 声 (radical 33 士+4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 土日竹 (GAH)) 1.sound, voice, noise 2.tone 3.music [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 声 (traditional 聲, Yale seng1, sing1) [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] /kowe/ > /koe/. [Etymology 2] [References] - 1989 August 22 [905], Noriyuki Kojima; Arai Eizō, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 5: Kokin Wakashū (in Japanese), Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240005-0: [[Korean]] [Hanja] 声 (hangeul 성, revised seong, McCune-Reischauer sŏng) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 声 (traditional 聲, pinyin shēng (sheng1), Wade-Giles sheng1) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16486 会社 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 会社 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 會社, hiragana かいしゃ, romaji kaisha) 1.a company; a business corporation [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/05/15 11:16 2012/09/26 21:00 jack_bob
16487 そら [[Japanese]] [Noun] そら (romaji sora) 1.空: sky, air, heaven 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16488 松本 [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] 松本 (hiragana まつもと, romaji Matsumoto) 1.A surname. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16489 熱心 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 熱心 (な-na declension, hiragana ねっしん, romaji nesshin) 1.earnest, enthusiastic [Etymology] From 熱 (netsu, “showing intense feeling”) + 心 (shin, “heart”) [Noun] 熱心 (hiragana ねっしん, romaji nesshin) 1.enthusiasm, zeal, fervor, earnestness [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 熱心 (traditional, Pinyin rèxīn, simplified 热心) 1.enthusiastic [Noun] 熱心 (traditional, Pinyin rèxīn, simplified 热心) 1.enthusiasm 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16491 おく [[Japanese]] [Noun] おく (romaji oku) 1.億: 108 = 100×10⁶ = 100 million 2.奥: inside [Verb] おく (godan conjugation, romaji oku) 1.置く: to put 2.(following a て-form verb) to do in advance; to do for some future purpose 0 0 2012/08/17 16:00 2012/09/26 21:00
16492 こうき [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] こうき (romaji Kōki) 1.弘規: A male given name 2.甲輝: A male given name 3.洸貴: A male given name 4.幸希: A male given name 5.幸喜: A male given name 6.虹気: A male given name 7.幸妃: A male given name 8.恒貴: A male given name 9.晃樹: A male given name 10.興毅: A male given name 11.功貴: A male given name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16493 道路 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 道路 (hiragana どうろ, romaji dōro) 1.a road; a street; an alley; a way for local traffic [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [[Mandarin]] [Etymology] [Noun] 道路 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dàolù) 1.road 2.path 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16494 渋滞 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 渋滞 (hiragana じゅうたい, romaji jūtai) 1.congestion, traffic jam 2.delay, stagnation [Verb] 渋滞 + する (irregular conjugation, hiragana じゅうたいする, romaji jūtai suru)渋滞する 渋滞 suru 1.(for traffic to) jam, become congested, back up 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16497 かんそう [[Japanese]] [Noun] かんそう (romaji kansō) 1.感想: thoughts, impressions 2.乾燥: dry, dehydrated 3.完走: running the race, crossing the finish line 4.換装: exchanging parts to improve performance 5.歓送: a send-off 6.観想: meditation 7.観相: physiognomy 8.盥漱: washing your hands and rinsing your mouth [Verb] かんそう + する (irregular conjugation, romaji kansō suru)かんそうする かんそう suru 1.完走: finish the race 2.換装: exchange parts to improve performance 3.乾燥: dry 4.歓送: give a farewell 5.感想: think about, feel 6.観想: meditate, contemplate 7.盥漱: wash one's hands and rinse one's feet 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16498 平日 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 平日 (hiragana へいじつ, romaji heijitsu) 1.weekday [[Mandarin]] [Adverb] 平日 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin píngrì) 1.(literary) ordinarily [References] - "平日" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2010-12-19. - 2007, Hanyu Da Cidian 3.0 (in Mandarin), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, ISBN 9789620702778: 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16499 しょうぎ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しょうぎ (romaji shōgi) 1.勝義 the true meaning of a word; (Buddhism) the absolutely true reason for something 2.商議: business talks, a business conference, a business consultation 3.娼妓, 倡伎: a prostitute 4.将棋, 象棋, 象戯: shogi, Japanese chess 5.床几, 床机, 牀几, 将几: a folding stool 6.小儀: a small ceremony conducted at the imperial court 7.小妓: a young geisha still in training 8.小技: minor or slight skill 9.小義: a minor or slight duty 10.彰義: a clear indication of duty / righteousness / morality 11.省議: a meeting at the cabinet department level 12.証義: (Buddhism) a critic or commentator on the translation of the sutras; a critic or commentator on Buddhist essays 13.詳議: fine-grained or detailed deliberation 14.象魏: a gate to the imperial palace; a tall gate; a law or religious dictum [Verb] しょうぎ + する (irregular conjugation, romaji shōgi suru)しょうぎする しょうぎ suru 1.商議: to confer about business, to hold a business conference, to consult about business 2.彰義: to clearly indicate or make evident duty / righteousness / morality 3.省議: to hold a meeting at the cabinet department level 4.詳議: to deliberate about details 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16500 うかがう [[Japanese]] [Verb] うかがう (godan conjugation, romaji ukagau) 1.伺う: to visit, to ask 2.窺う, 覗う: to peek, to search, to watch 0 0 2012/08/24 18:38 2012/09/26 21:00
16501 げんざい [[Japanese]] [Adverb] げんざい (kanji 現在, romaji genzai) 1.現在: now [Noun] げんざい (romaji genzai) 1.現在: the present 2.原罪: original sin 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16502 バレーボール [[Japanese]] [Noun] バレーボール (romaji barēbōru) 1.volleyball 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16503 暖かい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] 暖かい (い-i declension, hiragana あったかい, romaji attakai) (colloquial) 暖かい (い-i declension, hiragana あたたかい, romaji atatakai) 1.warm [Antonyms] - 涼しい (すずしい, suzushii, “cool (of the weather)”) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16504 便利 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 便利 (な-na declension, hiragana べんり, romaji benri) 1.convenient [Antonyms] - 不便 (ふべん, fuben) [Noun] 便利 (hiragana べんり, romaji benri) 1.convenience [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 便利 (traditional and simplified) (biànlì) 1.convenient 2.lucky [Etymology] 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16505 禁止 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 禁止 (hiragana きんし, romaji kinshi) 1.prohibition [Verb] 禁止 + する (transitive, irregular conjugation, hiragana きんしする, romaji kinshi suru)禁止する 禁止 suru 1.ban, prohibit [[Korean]] [Noun] 禁止 (geumji) 1.Hanja form? of 금지, “prohibition”. [[Mandarin]] [Verb] 禁止 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin jìnzhǐ) 1.to prohibit [[Min Nan]] [Verb] 禁止 (traditional and simplified, POJ kìm-chí) 1.to prohibit 0 0 2012/09/26 21:17
16508 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 姉 (radical 38 女+5, 8 strokes, cangjie input 女十月 (VJB), 女卜中月 (VYLB), composition ⿰女市) 1.elder sister [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] 姐 [Kanji] 姉 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 姉 (hiragana あね, romaji ane) 1.one's own older sister [Synonyms] - お姉さん (onē-san) - お姉ちゃん (onē-chan) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 姉 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 자 (revised: ja, McCune-Reischauer: cha) - Name (hangeul): 손윗누이 (revised: sonwitnui, McCune-Reischauer: sonwitnui) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 姉 (pinyin zǐ (zi3), Wade-Giles tzu3) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 姉 (chị, tỷ) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:23
16509 自転車 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 自転車 (hiragana じてんしゃ, romaji jitensha) 1.a bicycle 自転車を持っていない。 じてんしゃをもっていない。 Jitensha o motte inai. I don't have a bicycle. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:25
16510 男性 [[Cantonese]] [Noun] 男性 (traditional and simplified, Yale naam4 sing3) 1.male [[Japanese]] [Antonyms] - 女の人 (onna no hito, “woman”) - 女性 (josei, “female”) [Noun] 男性 (hiragana だんせい, romaji dansei) 1.man, especially a boy, male person, adult man 2.(grammar) masculine gender [Synonyms] - 男の人 (otoko no hito, “man”) [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 男性 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin nánxìng) 1.male [Antonyms] - 女性 0 0 2011/10/07 21:44 2012/09/26 21:26

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