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16486 会社 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 会社 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 會社, hiragana かいしゃ, romaji kaisha) 1.a company; a business corporation [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/05/15 11:16 2012/09/26 21:00 jack_bob
16487 そら [[Japanese]] [Noun] そら (romaji sora) 1.空: sky, air, heaven 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16488 松本 [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] 松本 (hiragana まつもと, romaji Matsumoto) 1.A surname. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16489 熱心 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 熱心 (な-na declension, hiragana ねっしん, romaji nesshin) 1.earnest, enthusiastic [Etymology] From 熱 (netsu, “showing intense feeling”) + 心 (shin, “heart”) [Noun] 熱心 (hiragana ねっしん, romaji nesshin) 1.enthusiasm, zeal, fervor, earnestness [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 熱心 (traditional, Pinyin rèxīn, simplified 热心) 1.enthusiastic [Noun] 熱心 (traditional, Pinyin rèxīn, simplified 热心) 1.enthusiasm 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16491 おく [[Japanese]] [Noun] おく (romaji oku) 1.億: 108 = 100×10⁶ = 100 million 2.奥: inside [Verb] おく (godan conjugation, romaji oku) 1.置く: to put 2.(following a て-form verb) to do in advance; to do for some future purpose 0 0 2012/08/17 16:00 2012/09/26 21:00
16492 こうき [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] こうき (romaji Kōki) 1.弘規: A male given name 2.甲輝: A male given name 3.洸貴: A male given name 4.幸希: A male given name 5.幸喜: A male given name 6.虹気: A male given name 7.幸妃: A male given name 8.恒貴: A male given name 9.晃樹: A male given name 10.興毅: A male given name 11.功貴: A male given name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16493 道路 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 道路 (hiragana どうろ, romaji dōro) 1.a road; a street; an alley; a way for local traffic [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [[Mandarin]] [Etymology] [Noun] 道路 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dàolù) 1.road 2.path 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16494 渋滞 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 渋滞 (hiragana じゅうたい, romaji jūtai) 1.congestion, traffic jam 2.delay, stagnation [Verb] 渋滞 + する (irregular conjugation, hiragana じゅうたいする, romaji jūtai suru)渋滞する 渋滞 suru 1.(for traffic to) jam, become congested, back up 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16497 かんそう [[Japanese]] [Noun] かんそう (romaji kansō) 1.感想: thoughts, impressions 2.乾燥: dry, dehydrated 3.完走: running the race, crossing the finish line 4.換装: exchanging parts to improve performance 5.歓送: a send-off 6.観想: meditation 7.観相: physiognomy 8.盥漱: washing your hands and rinsing your mouth [Verb] かんそう + する (irregular conjugation, romaji kansō suru)かんそうする かんそう suru 1.完走: finish the race 2.換装: exchange parts to improve performance 3.乾燥: dry 4.歓送: give a farewell 5.感想: think about, feel 6.観想: meditate, contemplate 7.盥漱: wash one's hands and rinse one's feet 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16498 平日 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 平日 (hiragana へいじつ, romaji heijitsu) 1.weekday [[Mandarin]] [Adverb] 平日 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin píngrì) 1.(literary) ordinarily [References] - "平日" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2010-12-19. - 2007, Hanyu Da Cidian 3.0 (in Mandarin), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, ISBN 9789620702778: 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16499 しょうぎ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しょうぎ (romaji shōgi) 1.勝義 the true meaning of a word; (Buddhism) the absolutely true reason for something 2.商議: business talks, a business conference, a business consultation 3.娼妓, 倡伎: a prostitute 4.将棋, 象棋, 象戯: shogi, Japanese chess 5.床几, 床机, 牀几, 将几: a folding stool 6.小儀: a small ceremony conducted at the imperial court 7.小妓: a young geisha still in training 8.小技: minor or slight skill 9.小義: a minor or slight duty 10.彰義: a clear indication of duty / righteousness / morality 11.省議: a meeting at the cabinet department level 12.証義: (Buddhism) a critic or commentator on the translation of the sutras; a critic or commentator on Buddhist essays 13.詳議: fine-grained or detailed deliberation 14.象魏: a gate to the imperial palace; a tall gate; a law or religious dictum [Verb] しょうぎ + する (irregular conjugation, romaji shōgi suru)しょうぎする しょうぎ suru 1.商議: to confer about business, to hold a business conference, to consult about business 2.彰義: to clearly indicate or make evident duty / righteousness / morality 3.省議: to hold a meeting at the cabinet department level 4.詳議: to deliberate about details 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16500 うかがう [[Japanese]] [Verb] うかがう (godan conjugation, romaji ukagau) 1.伺う: to visit, to ask 2.窺う, 覗う: to peek, to search, to watch 0 0 2012/08/24 18:38 2012/09/26 21:00
16501 げんざい [[Japanese]] [Adverb] げんざい (kanji 現在, romaji genzai) 1.現在: now [Noun] げんざい (romaji genzai) 1.現在: the present 2.原罪: original sin 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16502 バレーボール [[Japanese]] [Noun] バレーボール (romaji barēbōru) 1.volleyball 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16503 暖かい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] 暖かい (い-i declension, hiragana あったかい, romaji attakai) (colloquial) 暖かい (い-i declension, hiragana あたたかい, romaji atatakai) 1.warm [Antonyms] - 涼しい (すずしい, suzushii, “cool (of the weather)”) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16504 便利 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 便利 (な-na declension, hiragana べんり, romaji benri) 1.convenient [Antonyms] - 不便 (ふべん, fuben) [Noun] 便利 (hiragana べんり, romaji benri) 1.convenience [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 便利 (traditional and simplified) (biànlì) 1.convenient 2.lucky [Etymology] 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16505 禁止 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 禁止 (hiragana きんし, romaji kinshi) 1.prohibition [Verb] 禁止 + する (transitive, irregular conjugation, hiragana きんしする, romaji kinshi suru)禁止する 禁止 suru 1.ban, prohibit [[Korean]] [Noun] 禁止 (geumji) 1.Hanja form? of 금지, “prohibition”. [[Mandarin]] [Verb] 禁止 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin jìnzhǐ) 1.to prohibit [[Min Nan]] [Verb] 禁止 (traditional and simplified, POJ kìm-chí) 1.to prohibit 0 0 2012/09/26 21:17
16508 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 姉 (radical 38 女+5, 8 strokes, cangjie input 女十月 (VJB), 女卜中月 (VYLB), composition ⿰女市) 1.elder sister [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] 姐 [Kanji] 姉 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 姉 (hiragana あね, romaji ane) 1.one's own older sister [Synonyms] - お姉さん (onē-san) - お姉ちゃん (onē-chan) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 姉 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 자 (revised: ja, McCune-Reischauer: cha) - Name (hangeul): 손윗누이 (revised: sonwitnui, McCune-Reischauer: sonwitnui) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 姉 (pinyin zǐ (zi3), Wade-Giles tzu3) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 姉 (chị, tỷ) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:23
16509 自転車 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 自転車 (hiragana じてんしゃ, romaji jitensha) 1.a bicycle 自転車を持っていない。 じてんしゃをもっていない。 Jitensha o motte inai. I don't have a bicycle. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:25
16510 男性 [[Cantonese]] [Noun] 男性 (traditional and simplified, Yale naam4 sing3) 1.male [[Japanese]] [Antonyms] - 女の人 (onna no hito, “woman”) - 女性 (josei, “female”) [Noun] 男性 (hiragana だんせい, romaji dansei) 1.man, especially a boy, male person, adult man 2.(grammar) masculine gender [Synonyms] - 男の人 (otoko no hito, “man”) [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 男性 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin nánxìng) 1.male [Antonyms] - 女性 0 0 2011/10/07 21:44 2012/09/26 21:26
16512 捨てる [[Japanese]] ipa :su̥teɺu[Alternative forms] - 棄てる [Verb] 捨てる (transitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana すてる, romaji suteru) 1.to throw away 2.to abandon 彼は古い家を捨てた。 彼はふるいいえをすてた。 Kare wa furui ie o suteta. He abandoned an old house. 3.to desert; to jilt 反乱軍は負傷兵を捨てて撤退した。 はんらんぐんはふしょうへいをすてててったいした。 hanran gun wa fushō hei o sutete tettai shita. The rebel forces deserted the wounded and retreated. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:32
16514 分かれる [[Japanese]] [Verb] 分かれる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana わかれる, romaji wakareru) 1.diverge, branch 2.split, separate 0 0 2012/09/26 21:34
16515 別れる [[Japanese]] [Verb] 別れる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana わかれる, romaji wakareru) 1.to separate 0 0 2012/09/26 21:34
16517 じゅ [[Japanese]] [Kanji reading] じゅ (romaji ju) 1.儒 2.入 [Noun] じゅ (romaji ju) 1.綬: cordon, ribbon [Syllable] じゅ (Hepburn romanization ju) 1.The hiragana syllable じゅ (ju), whose equivalent in katakana is ジュ (ju). 0 0 2011/01/28 00:21 2012/09/26 21:41
16518 しゅうにゅう [[Japanese]] [Noun] しゅうにゅう (romaji shūnyū) 1.収入: income, receipts, revenue 0 0 2012/09/26 21:42
16519 虫歯 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 虫歯 (hiragana むしば, romaji mushiba) 1.bad tooth; dental caries 0 0 2012/09/26 21:43
16520 いしゃ [[Japanese]] [Noun] いしゃ (romaji isha) 1.医者: doctor 0 0 2012/09/26 21:46
16521 時間 [[Japanese]] [Counter] 時間 (hiragana じかん, romaji jikan) 1.hour-long periods; school hours [Noun] 時間 (hiragana じかん, romaji jikan) 1.Time. 時間は何ですか。 じかんはなんですか。 Jikan wa nan desu ka? What is the time? 2.An hour. 何時間もかかるそうです。 なんじかんもかかるそうです。 Nan jikan mo kakaru sō desu. Apparently it will take many hours. [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ʂɚ˧˥tɕiɛn˥˥ ][Noun] 時間 (traditional, Pinyin shíjiān, simplified 时间) 1.(uncountable) time; the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past. 时间催人老。 shíjiān cuī rén lǎo Time ages us. 时间还来得及。 shíjiān hái láidejí All in good time. 2.(uncountable) time; a quantity of availability in time 3.(countable) time; a measurement of a quantity of time; a numerical indication of a length of time [[Min Nan]] ipa :[ ɕi˨˩kan˥˥ ][Noun] 時間 (traditional, POJ sî-kan, simplified 时间) 1.(uncountable) time; the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past. 2.(uncountable) time; a quantity of availability in time 3.(countable) time; a measurement of a quantity of time; a numerical indication of a length of time 0 0 2012/05/15 11:16 2012/09/26 21:47 jack_bob
16522 先輩 [[Japanese]] [Antonyms] - 後輩 (-kōhai) [Noun] 先輩 (hiragana せんぱい, romaji senpai) 1.a senior; one who has seniority [Suffix] 先輩 (hiragana せんぱい, romaji -senpai) 1.applied to the name of one who is a senior or has seniority 0 0 2012/09/26 21:49
16523 後輩 [[Japanese]] [Antonyms] - 先輩 (せんぱい, senpai) [Noun] 後輩 (hiragana こうはい, romaji kōhai) 1.junior member of a group; kohai 0 0 2012/09/26 21:50
16525 機会 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 機会 (hiragana きかい, romaji kikai) 1.opportunity, chance 核問題の解決には絶好の機会だ。 かくもんだいのかいけつにはぜっこうのきかいだ。 kaku mondai no kaiketsu ni wa zekkō no kikai da. This is the best opportunity to solve the nuclear problem. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:53
16526 機械 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 機械 (hiragana きかい, romaji kikai) 1.machine [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 機械 (traditional, Pinyin jīxiè, simplified 动画) 1.mechanical [Noun] 機械 (traditional, Pinyin jīxiè, simplified 动画) 1.machine 0 0 2012/07/25 05:18 2012/09/26 21:53
16527 乗る [[Japanese]] [Verb] 乗る (godan conjugation, hiragana のる, romaji noru) 1.to get on (a bus, a train, a bicycle); to get in (a car); to mount (a horse) バスに乗る。 バスにのる。 Basu ni noru. To get on the bus.Conjugation of "乗る" (See Appendix:Japanese verbs.) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:54
16528 帰国 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 帰国 (hiragana きこく, romaji kikoku) 1.a return to one's country [Verb] 帰国 + する (irregular conjugation, hiragana きこくする, romaji kikoku suru)帰国する 帰国 suru 1.return to one's country 0 0 2012/09/26 21:55
16529 伝える [[Japanese]] [Verb] 伝える (shinjitai kanji, transitive, kyūjitai 傳える, ichidan conjugation, hiragana つたえる, romaji tsutaeru) 1.to convey, to communicate 0 0 2012/09/26 21:56
16530 元気 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 元気 (shinjitai kanji, な-na declension, kyūjitai 元氣, hiragana げんき, romaji genki) 1.healthy 2.energetic 3.in a good mood [Etymology] From Chinese yuán qì. Literally "souce spirit", in Chinese cosmology represented the fundamental force that permiates through all matter and life. Early Japanese borrowed this word and meaning. Confused with homophonous genki (“recovery from a disease”) resulting in modern "healthy" sense. [Noun] 元気 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 元氣, hiragana げんき, romaji genki) 1.the fundamental force that permiates through all matter and life 2.health, healthfulness 3.元気になる げんきになる genki ni naru to get well (recover from sickness) 4.good spirits 5.(personal) energy, enthusiasm 6.元気を出す げんきをだす genki o dasu to cheer up; to recover one's strength 0 0 2012/09/26 21:58
16531 安心 [[Japanese]] ipa :[a̠ɴɕiɴ][Adjectival noun] 安心 (な-na declension, hiragana あんしん, romaji anshin) 1.unworrying, safe [Etymology] From Chinese 安心. [Noun] 安心 (hiragana あんしん, romaji anshin) 1.relief 2.lack of worry, peace of mind安心 (hiragana あんじん, romaji anjin) 1.(Buddhism) equanimity [Synonyms] - (relief): 安堵 (あんど, ando) [Verb] 安心 + する (irregular conjugation, hiragana あんしんする, romaji anshin suru)安心する 安心 suru 1.to have one's heart at ease, to feel easy, to be relieved [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ an˥˥ɕɪn˥˥ ][References] - 1985, Jingrong (ed.) Wu, The Pinyin CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY (in Mandarin/English), Beijing, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, ISBN 0471867969: - 2000, Jingmin (ed.) Shao, HSK Dictionary (HSK汉语水平考试词典) (in Mandarin/English), Shanghai: Huadong Teachers College Publishers, ISBN 7561720785: - "安心" (in Mandarin/English). Dr. eye. URL accessed on 2009-06-04. [Verb] 安心 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin ānxīn) 1.(Elementary Mandarin) to be relieved; to feel at ease 2.(Elementary Mandarin) to keep one's mind on something 0 0 2012/02/06 22:46 2012/09/26 21:59
16532 左側 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 左側 (hiragana ひだりがわ, romaji hidarigawa) 1.left hand side [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 左側 (traditional, Pinyin zuǒcè, simplified 左侧) 1.(literary) left side; the left [References] - "左側" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2008-08-10. - 2007, Hanyu Da Cidian 3.0 (in Mandarin), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, ISBN 9789620702778: 0 0 2012/09/26 22:00
16533 更新 [[Mandarin]] [References] - 2006, Marianne (ed.) Davidson; Julie Kleeman, Sarah Waldram, Collins Chinese Dictionary, edition 2nd edition (in English/Chinese), Glasgow, New York: Collins, ISBN-13 978-0-00-722391-6: [Verb] 更新 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin gēngxīn) 1.to update 更新博客 to update a blog 2.to replace 更新設備 (trad.) 更新设备 (simp.) to replace old equipment 3.to renew 更新知識 (trad.) 更新知识 (simp.) to renew one's knowledge 0 0 2012/09/26 22:01
16536 年齢 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 年齢 (hiragana ねんれい, romaji nenrei) 1.someone's age 0 0 2012/09/26 23:08
16537 福岡 [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] 福岡 (hiragana ふくおか, romaji Fukuoka) 1.Fukuoka, the name of a prefecture and city on the island of Kyushu, Japan 2.Fukuoka, the name for several smaller places in Japan 3.Fukuoka, a Japanese surname. 0 0 2012/09/26 23:30
16538 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Late Middle Chinese pjuk入, Old Chinese *pjək (Li Fanggui (1971)). Cognate with Chinese 富 (OC *pjəg, MC pjəu去), Old Tibetan ཕྱུགས (phyugs, “livestock”).[1]Phono-semantic, 示 (semantic) + 畐 (phonetic). [Han character] 福 (radical 113 示+9, 14 strokes, cangjie input 戈火一口田 (IFMRW), four-corner 31266) 1.blessing 2.happiness 3.good fortune [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 福 (Yale fuk1) [[Japanese]] [Antonyms] - 咒 "curse" [Kanji] 福 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Synonyms] - (bless(ing)): 祝 - (spells): 祝福, 福, 祝福する [[Korean]] [Hanja] 福 (hangeul 복, revised bok, McCune-Reischauer pok, Yale pok) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 福 (pinyin fú (fu2), fù (fu4), Wade-Giles fu2, fu4) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 福 (biuk) [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 福 (POJ hok) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 福 (phúc, phước) 0 0 2012/09/26 23:30
16539 大丈夫 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 大丈夫 (hiragana だいじょうぶ, romaji daijōbu) 1.all right; okay; in good health; uninjured 2.大丈夫ですか。 Are you all right? [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 大丈夫 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dàzhàngfū) 1.(literary) a true man; a real man; a man of character [References] - "大丈夫" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2008-01-26. [Related terms] - 丈夫 (husband) - 男子汉 0 0 2012/09/26 23:36
16541 ぬれる [[Japanese]] [Verb] ぬれる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, romaji nureru) 1.濡れる: get wet, be wet 0 0 2012/09/01 20:59 2012/09/27 00:06
16542 whistling [[English]] [Verb] whistling 1.Present participle of whistle. 0 0 2012/09/27 15:38
16544 instantaneously [[English]] [Adverb] instantaneously (not comparable) 1.Without any delay; in an instantaneous manner. [Etymology] instantaneous +‎ -ly [Synonyms] - (without delay): immediately, in a flash, instantly, outright, right now 0 1 2012/08/01 15:14 2012/09/27 19:03
16545 intention [[English]] ipa :/ɪnˈtɛnʃən/ audio:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/En-us-intention.ogg [Noun] intention (plural intentions) 1.A course of action that a person intends to follow. My intention was to marry a wealthy widow. 2.The goal or purpose behind a specific action or set of actions The intention of this legislation is to boost the economy. [[Finnish]] [Noun] intention 1.Genitive singular form of intentio. [[French]] audio:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cb/Fr-intention.ogg [Noun] intention f. (plural intentions) 1.intention dans l'intention de devenir roi with the intention of becoming king 0 1 2010/01/30 11:32 2012/09/27 19:10 TaN
16548 消す [[Japanese]] [Reciprocal] - 消える [Usage notes] - 電気を消す: turn off the light [Verb] 消す (transitive, godan conjugation, hiragana けす, romaji kesu) 1.to erase (something) 2.to cut power to something 3.(slang) to rub out: to murder 4.to extinguish or put out 0 0 2012/09/27 20:18
16559 ew [[English]] ipa :/ɪu/[Alternative forms] - eww - euw - ieuw - ehw [Anagrams] - we, w/e [Interjection] ew (with as many extra ‘e’s and/or ‘w’s as needed for emphasis) 1.Expression of disgust or nausea. “Ew! There’s a fly in my soup.” 0 0 2012/09/29 00:56 TaN
16562 josei [[English]] [Anagrams] - Josie [Noun] josei (uncountable) 1.a class of manga written for an older female audience, also josei manga [[Japanese]] [Noun] josei (kanji 女性, hiragana じょせい) 1.woman, female 0 0 2012/09/29 02:27 TaN
16565 da [[Translingual]] [Symbol] da 1.(metrology) Symbol for the prefix deca-, indicating to the tenth power. [[English]] ipa :/də/[Anagrams] - ad , ad., AD [Etymology 1] Abbreviation of dad [Etymology 2] From Russian да (da). [Etymology 3] Representing pronunciation of the in informal speech. [[Basque]] [Verb] da 1.is [[Breton]] [Etymology 1] From Proto-Celtic *tu (“to”). [Etymology 2] From Proto-Celtic *tu (“your, thy”). [[Dalmatian]] [Etymology] From Latin de ab. Compare Italian da. [Preposition] da 1.from 2.of [[Danish]] [Adverb] da 1.surely 2.then [Conjunction] da 1.when Da jeg var ung, fandtes der ikke computere. When I was young, there were no computers. 2.as, at the same time as Da jeg kom, gik hun. As I arrived, she left. [[Dena'ina]] [Adverb] da 1.there [Conjunction] da 1.when 2.if [[Esperanto]] [Preposition] da 1.Of (used instead of de with quantities, to emphasize the quantity rather than the thing quantified, or to indicate the unity of a shape and its material, a container and its contents, or a group and its members)[1][2] glaso da vino — a glass of wine kilogramo da viando — a kilogram of meat grupo da homoj — a group of people kvar metroj da ĉi tiu ŝtofo kostas naŭ frankojn — four meters of this cloth costs nine francs Li ligis la tri florojn en bukedon, kaj prezentis al ŝi tiun bukedon da floroj — He tied the three flowers into a bouquet, and presented her with this bouquet of flowers listo da kandidatoj — a list of candidates (of their names: confer listo da kondiĉoj de la kandidatoj 'a list of conditions from the candidates') skatolo da ĉokolado – a box of chocolates (a boxful of chocolate: confer skatolo de ĉokolado 'a chocolate box' (the box itself, made for chocolates, but now perhaps used to store paper clips), and skatolo el ĉokolado 'a box (made) of chocolate') la spektaklo daŭris duonon da horo — the show lasted half an hour (confer tri estas duono de ses 'three is half of six') Damasko [...] estos amaso da ruinaĵoj — Damascus will be a mass of ruins tuto da kondiĉoj kaj cirkonstancoj, en kiuj iu troviĝas — all of the conditions and circumstances in which we find ourselves sistemo da sonoj por la esprimado de pensoj — a system of sounds for the expression of thought ho, se mia kapo havus sufiĉe da akvo kaj miaj okuloj estus fonto da larmoj! — oh, if my head had enough water, and my eyes were a spring of tears! (confer fonto de akvo 'a spring of water', which indicates the kind of spring rather than a unity of eyes and tears) [References] 1.^ Sergio Pokrovskij (2007) 'La artikolo', in Lingva Kritiko: Studoj kaj notoj pri la Internacia Lingvo 2.^ 'Da' Reta vortaro [[Ewe]] [Noun] da 1.bow 2.mother 3.snake [[Galician]] [Contraction] da f. (masculine do, masculine plural dos, feminine plural das) 1.of the; from the [Etymology] From contraction of preposition de (“of, from”) + feminine definite article a (“the”) [[German]] ipa :[daː][Adverb] da 1.there, here 2.1918, Elisabeth von Heyking, Aus dem Lande der Ostseeritter, in Zwei Erzählungen, Phillipp Reclam jun., page 78: Am liebsten entfloh sie dem allem in den großen Garten. Da verbrachte sie ihre schönsten Stunden. She liked best to escape from all of that into the big garden. There she spent her most pleasant hours. 3.then 4.so [Conjunction] da 1.since, as, given that, because 2.1931, Arthur Schnitzler, Flucht in die Finsternis, S. Fischer Verlag, page 51: Und da er keinen Grund hatte, ihr seinen Namen zu verhehlen, so stellte er sich in aller Form vor. And because he had no reason to conceal his name from her, he introduced himself in all due form. [Etymology] From Old High German dār. [[Ido]] [Preposition] da 1.by La patri esas amata da sua filii. The parents are loved by their children. [[Interlingua]] [Verb] da 1.present of dar 2.imperative of dar [[Italian]] [Anagrams] - ad , AD [Etymology 1] From Latin de (“of, from”) + a/ab (“of, from”). In the meaning of “at, near, by”, da probably comes from Latin unde + ad.[1] [Etymology 2] [References] 1.^ Angelo Prati, "Vocabolario Etimologico Italiano", Torino, 1951 [[Japanese]] [Noun] da (hiragana だ) 1.だ: Hiragana syllable だ (da) 2.ダ: Katakana letter ダ (da) [Particle] 1.Declarative particle; enforces a statement [See also] - desu (です) [Syllable] da 1.The hiragana syllable だ (da) or the katakana syllable ダ (da) in Hepburn romanization. [Verb] da (hiragana だ) 1.だ: to be [[Latin]] [Verb] dā 1.second-person singular present active imperative of dō "give!" da mihi osculum. Give me a kiss. [[Lojban]] [Cmavo] da (rafsi dav, dza) 1.(pro-sumti) someone/something which exists #1 (multiple occurrences of da in logically connected sentences refer to the same thing) ro da poi plini la solri ku'o de poi mluni zo'u da se mluni de For every planet x orbiting around the Sun, there exists a moon y such that x is orbited by y. ro da poi plini la solri cu se mluni de poi mluni [1] Every planet orbiting around the Sun has an orbiting moon. [References] 1.^ John Woldemar Cowan, The Lojban Reference Grammar, §16.5: Dropping the prenex. [[Mandarin]] [Romanization] da (form of da0 or da5) 1.墰: an earthenware jar; a jug 2.疶: 3.繨: a knot (of a rope) 4.跴: step on, tread on; search for 5.蹽: da 1.Nonstandard spelling of dā. 2.Nonstandard spelling of dá. 3.Nonstandard spelling of dǎ. 4.Nonstandard spelling of dà. [[Manx]] [Etymology] From Old Irish do. [Preposition] da 1.to 2.for [Pronoun] da 1.3rd person singular of da to him/it [[Navajo]] [Adverb] da 1.(used with doo) not doo yáʼátʼééh da — it is not good [Conjunction] da 1.including, as well as, and [[North Frisian]] [Article] da 1.the (plural) [See also] - di - jü - dåt [[Norwegian]] [Conjunction] da 1.when (past tense) 2.then 3.because [[Old English]] ipa :/dɑː/[Noun] dā f. 1.doe, female fallow deer [[Polish]] ipa :/da/[Verb] da 1.Third-person singular future indicative form of dać. [[Portuguese]] ipa :/da/[Alternative forms] - d’a (obsolete) [Etymology] From Old Portuguese da, from de (“of”) + a (“feminine definite article”). [Preposition] da f. sg. (plural das, masculine do, masculine plural dos) 1.Contraction of de + a (“of the”) 2.2005, Lya Wyler (translator), J. K. Rowling (English author), Harry Potter e o Enigma do Príncipe (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince), Rocco, page 104: Ela estava sentada no parapeito da janela do quarto [...] She was sitting on the parapet of the window of the room [...] [[Romanian]] ipa :/da/[Etymology 1] Most likely from a Slavic language (e.g. Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Russian). Another (controversial) theory argues that, being such a common and basic word, a borrowing seems unusual and it perhaps derived originally from the Latin ita, one of several ways to say "thus", "so" or "yes", and that it may have been influenced by the da, also meaning "yes", in the surrounding Slavic languages before reaching its present state. [1] See also dacă. Nonetheless, Romanian etymological dictionaries derive it from a Slavic language [2]. [Etymology 2] From Latin dāre, present active infinitive of dō. Compare Aromanian dau. [References] 1.^ A Latin etymology for Romanian da = yes, by Keith Andrew Massey, 2008-06-30 2.^ Romanian Explanatory Dictionary [[Romansch]] [Alternative forms] - (before vowels) dad [Etymology] From Latin dē. [Preposition] da 1.of, from 2.about [[Scottish Gaelic]] [Pronoun] da 1.Alternative form of dha. [[Serbo-Croatian]] [Conjunction] da (Cyrillic spelling да) 1.that rekao je da će doći he said that he would come odgovorio sam mu da nemam pojma o čemu prića I've told him that I have no idea what he was talking about 2.in order to, to došao je da mi sve ispriča he came to tell me everything stigao je u našu zemlju da nauči naš jezik he arrived in our country in order to learn our language 3.to (when the subjects of both clauses are not the same) on hoće da mu pokažete put do stanice he wants you to show him the way to the station 4.(Serbian) to (when the subjects of both clauses are the same; for western Serbo-Croatian use infinitive instead of da + present tense) on želi da priča s vama (Serbian) on želi pričati s vama (Croatian) he wants to talk with you 5.if da sam na vašem m(j)estu, ne bih se puno zamarao takvim detaljima if I were you, I wouldn't bother too much with such details da si više radio, zaradio bi više novca if you worked harder, you would have earned more money 6.(with kȁo) as if, like s(j)ećam se, kao da je bilo juče(r) I remember, as if it were yesterday kao da ne znaš o čemu pričam as if you don't know what I'm talking about 7.(a + da + ne) without (usually after negative verbs) ne mogu se uključiti u raspravu, a da ne napravim nered I cannot enter a discussion without making a mess odlazi, a da nije rekao ni zbogom he's leaving without even saying goodbye 8.(a + i + da) even if a i da jesam to napravio, ne bi to učinilo neku razliku even if I did it, it wouldn't have made much of a difference [Etymology] From Proto-Slavic *da, probably old imperative of the word dȁti, itself from Proto-Indo-European *deh₃- (“to give”). [Particle] da (Cyrillic spelling да) 1.yes Je li tako? Da! — Is that so? Yes! 2.used when starting a question (This is true only in Serbian. According to Croatian grammar, in Croatian, "je li" should be used.) da li ste žedni? — are you thirsty? reci mi da li je to istina? — tell me if that is true? 3.in combination with other words, expressing wish, command etc. da se nisi usudio! — don't you dare! dȃ Bog! — may God grant it! da počnemo! — let's begin! [[Slovene]] [Antonyms] - ne [Interjection] da 1.yes [[Spanish]] [Verb] da (infinitive dar) 1.Formal second-person singular (usted) present indicative form of dar. 2.Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present indicative form of dar. 3.Informal second-person singular (tú) affirmative imperative form of dar. [[Tolai]] [Alternative forms] - dat (when not preceding a verb) [Pronoun] da 1.First-person inclusive plural pronoun: you (many) and I, you (many) and me [[Turkish]] [Adverb] da 1.as well, too, also o da sorunun cevabını biliyor - he/she/it also knows the answer of the question Oğuzhan da bizimle geliyor - Oğuzhan is coming with us as well Yağız da dondurma yemeyi sever - Yağız likes eating ice cream, too. [Synonyms] - de [[Uzbek]] [Particle] da (Cyrillic spelling да) 1.Locative case marker. It is used to show the time or the place of an action. Equates to "in", or "at" in English. 2.Samarqandda yashayman "I live in Samarqand." 3.Soat uchda boraman. "I go at 3 o'clock." [[Vietnamese]] ipa :/ja/[Noun] da 1.skin (of human, animal, and fruit), hide, leather, pelt [[Volapük]] [Preposition] da 1.through 2.throughout [[Welsh]] ipa :[dɑː][Adjective] da m & f (plural da, equative cystal, comparative gwell, superlative gorau) 1.good, well [Noun] da m. 1.goodness 2.(collective noun) goods, cattle 0 0 2009/04/03 16:16 2012/09/29 03:06 TaN

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