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17999 無理 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 無理 (な-na declension, hiragana むり, romaji muri) 1.impossible 2.unreasonable or unjust 3.excessive; overdone; done by brute force [Derived terms] - 無理難題 (むりなんだい, muri-nandai) an unreasonable demand - 無理矢理, 無理やりに (むりやりに, muriyari-ni) by force - 無理心中 [Etymology] 無 (“lack”) + 理 (“reason”) [Noun] 無理 (hiragana むり, romaji muri) 1.something that is impossible; being impossible 2.something that is unreasonable; being unreasonable or unjust 3.something that is excessive; overdoing something; doing things by brute force [Usage notes] 無理 is emphasised into 無理矢理 / 無理やり, 無理無体, and 無理押し. [Verb] 無理 + する (irregular conjugation, hiragana むりする, romaji muri suru)無理する 無理 suru 1.work too hard, overwork [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ wu˧˥li˨˩˦ ][Adjective] 無理 (traditional, Pinyin wúlǐ, simplified 无理) 1.(Advanced Mandarin) unreasonable; unjust 2.(mathematics) irrational [References] - "無理" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2008-04-04. - 2007, Hanyu Da Cidian 3.0 (in Mandarin), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, ISBN 9789620702778: 0 0 2012/11/18 19:51
18000 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 玉 (“jade”) + phonetic 里 [Han character] 理 (radical 96 玉+7, 11 strokes, cangjie input 一土田土 (MGWG), four-corner 16114, composition ⿰王里) 1.reason, logic 2.manage 3.(in China) a surname [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 理 (Yale lei5) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 理 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 理 (hiragana り, romaji ri) 1.reason [Proper noun] 理 (hiragana おさむ, romaji Osamu) 1.A male given name [[Korean]] [Hanja] 理 (hangeul 리>이, revised ri>i, McCune-Reischauer ri>i, Yale li>i) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 理 (pinyin lǐ (li3), yá (ya2), Wade-Giles li3, ya2) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 理 (*liə̌) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 理 (lý, lí) 0 0 2012/11/18 19:51
18003 [[Translingual]] [Alternative forms] - 忄 (when used as a left Chinese radical) - 㣺 (sometimes when used as a bottom Chinese radical, like 慕) [Etymology] Pictogram (象形) – a heart, now highly stylized. [Han character] See images of Radical 61 心心 (radical 61 心+0, 4 strokes, cangjie input 心 (P), four-corner 33000) 1.heart 2.mind, intelligence 3.soul 4.center, core [[Cantonese]] ipa :/sɐm˥/[Hanzi] 心 (Yale sam1) 1.heart [[Japanese]] ipa :/kokoɾo/[Etymology 1] /ko2ko2ro2/: *[kəkərə] > [kokoro]. [Etymology 2] Cognate with ura (“inside”). [Etymology 3] [Etymology 4] [References] - 2002 [c. 759], Akihiro Satake; Hideo Yamada, Rikio Kudō, Masao Ōtani, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 3: Man'yōshū 3 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240003-4: [[Korean]] [Hanja] 心 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 심 (revised: sim, McCune-Reischauer: sim, Yale: sim) - Name (hangeul): 마음() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 心 (pinyin xīn (xin1), Wade-Giles hsin1) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 心 (*sim) [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 心 (POJ sim) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 心 (tâm, tấm, tim) 0 0 2012/11/05 16:54 2012/11/18 19:53
18004 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形): 一 + 皿 (“container”)Looks like blood in a container (chalice) in sacrifice. [Han character] See images of Radical 143 血血 (radical 143 血+0, 6 strokes, cangjie input 竹月廿 (HBT), four-corner 27100, composition ⿱丿皿) 1.blood [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 血 (Yale hyut3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 血 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 血 (hiragana ち, romaji chi) 1.blood [[Korean]] [Hanja] 血 (hangeul 혈, revised hyeol, McCune-Reischauer hyŏl, Yale hyel) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 血 (pinyin xiě (xie3), xuè (xue4), xuě (xue3), Wade-Giles hsieh3, hsüeh4, hsüeh3) [Noun] 血 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin xuě, xiě or xuè) 1.blood [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 血 (*xuet) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 血 (huyết, hoét, tiết) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:10 2012/11/18 19:54
18005 sedately [[English]] [Adverb] sedately (comparative more sedately, superlative most sedately) 1.Calmly, without excessive emotion. 2.With little energy. [Etymology] sedate +‎ -ly 0 0 2012/11/18 19:55
18006 decrepit [[English]] ipa :/dɪˈkɹɛp.ɪt/[Adjective] decrepit (comparative more decrepit, superlative most decrepit) 1.Weakened or worn out from age or wear [Alternative forms] - decrepid (obsolete) [Anagrams] - depicter [Etymology] From Latin decrepitus broken down, from crepare to creak. 0 0 2012/11/18 19:55
18007 建物 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 建物 (hiragana たてもの, romaji tatemono) 1.a building 東京は建物でいっぱいですね! とうきょうはたてものでいっぱいですね! Tōkyō wa tatemono de ippai desu ne! Tokyo is full of buildings isn't it! [[Korean]] [Noun] 建物 (geonmul) 1.Hanja form? of 건물, “building, construction, edifice”. 0 0 2012/11/18 19:55
18010 colonel [[English]] ipa :/ˈkɜːnəl/[Etymology] First attested 1548, from Middle French coronel, from Italian colonnello (“the officer of a small company of soldiers (column) that marched at the head of a regiment”), from compagna colonnella (“little column company”), from Latin columna (“pillar”). [Noun] colonel (plural colonels) 1.A commissioned officer in the army, air force, or marine corps. In U.S. military, it ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general. [[French]] [Noun] colonel m. (plural colonels) 1.colonel 2.an ice cream dessert consisting of lemon sherbet and vodka. [[Romanian]] [Etymology 1] from French colonel [Etymology 2] from German Kolonel [Noun] colonel m. (plural colonei) 1.a colonel, a military officer above lieutenant-colonel and below general-major. colonel n. 1.a letter in a type of font. 0 0 2012/06/03 22:09 2012/11/18 19:56
18013 [[Translingual]] [Alternative forms] - 髙 [Han character] See images of Radical 189 高高 (radical 189 高+0, 10 strokes, cangjie input 卜口月口 (YRBR), four-corner 00227, composition ⿳亠口冋) 1.high, tall 2.lofty, elevated [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 高 (Yale gou1) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 高 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 高 (hiragana たか, romaji taka) 1.maximum, the limit 2.高が知れている 3.高を括る 4.高々 [[Korean]] [Hanja] 高 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 고 (revised: go, McCune-Reischauer: ko, Yale: ko) - Name (hangeul): 높을() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 高 (pinyin gāo (gao1), Wade-Giles kao1) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 高 (*gɑu) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 高 (cao, sào) 0 0 2012/11/05 16:54 2012/11/18 19:57
18014 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogram (指事) – bank teller's cage.The left-most vertical stroke is done, from top to bottom. The top-most horizontal line, the right-most vertical line and the small line (はね) at the bottom of it are done as one from, from top-left going clockwise. The middle vertical stroke is done, from top to bottom. The lower horizontal stroke is done, from left to right. [Han character] 円 (radical 13 冂+2, 4 strokes, cangjie input 月中一 (BLM)) 1.round, circular [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 円 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 円 (hiragana えん, romaji en) 1.circle 2.yen (the Japanese currency) 円 (hiragana まる, romaji maru) 1.circle, ring [Related terms] - 円ら - 真ん円 - 円か - 円グラフ - 円み - 円建て [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 円 (yuán) 1.archaic form of 圆 0 0 2012/10/07 17:57 2012/11/18 20:14
18015 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Simplified from 國 (或 → 玉)In this simplified form, this character consists of 玉, the Chinese character for jade (or precious stone or gem) (representing the emperor), enclosed by the character meaning "erect," "proud," or "upright". In the Kangxi Dictionary of 1716 the character 国 is not included, but other characters like 囯, 囶 and 圀 are, as well as a character made up of three 秦. 國 is the original character. [Han character] 国 (radical 31 囗+5, 8 strokes, cangjie input 田一土戈 (WMGI), composition ⿴囗玉) 1.nation, country, nation-state [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 国 (traditional 國, Yale gwok3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 国 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji, shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai form 國) [Noun] 国 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 國, hiragana くに, romaji kuni) 1.a land, a large place 2.a country in general, a region 3.a country as in a nation, a state 4.the office of emperor, the crown; affairs of state 5.a province of ancient Japan 6.the national government in ancient Japan; the national capital in ancient Japan 7.one's birthplace [Synonyms] - (a land): 大地 (だいち, daichi), 土地 (とち, tochi), 陸地 (りくち, rikuchi) - (nation): 国家 (こっか, kokka), 国土 (こくど, kokudo) - (ancient national government): 国府 (こくふ, kokufu) - (birthplace): 出生地 (しゅっしょうち, shusshōchi), 生国 (しょうごく, shōgoku), 故郷 (ふるさと, furusato; こきょう, kokyō) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 国 (hangeul 국, revised guk, McCune-Reischauer kuk)Note: This Hanja character is not used or recognized in Korea. They teach only the original 國. [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 国 (traditional 國, pinyin guó (guo2), Wade-Giles kuo2) [Noun] 国 (simplified, Pinyin guó, traditional 國) 1.country; nation [[Min Nan]] ipa :[ kɔk˩˩ ][Hanzi] 国 (traditional 國, POJ kok) 0 0 2012/03/04 19:11 2012/11/18 20:15
18016 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogrammic compound (會意): 匸 (“bag, container”) + 矢 (“arrow”) – an arrow (矢) in a chest, indicating one of the early practices of doctors which was to pull the arrows out of wounded soldiers’ chests.Also Simplified from 醫. [Han character] 医 (radical 23 匸+5, 7 strokes, cangjie input 尸人大 (SOK), composition ⿷匚矢) 1.cure, heal 2.doctor, medical [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 医 (traditional 醫, Yale yi1) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 医 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 医 (hiragana い, romaji i) 1.medicine (vocation), healing, doctor, cure [Synonyms] - (medicine): 醫 [[Korean]] [Hanja] 医 (hangeul 예, 의, revised ye, ui, McCune-Reischauer ye, ŭi) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 医 (traditional 醫, pinyin yī (yi1), yì (yi4), Wade-Giles i1, i4) 0 0 2012/11/05 16:54 2012/11/18 20:19
18017 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 氵 (“water”) + phonetic 農 – a type of liquid. [Han character] 濃 (radical 85 水+13, 16 strokes, cangjie input 水廿田女 (ETWV), four-corner 35132) 1.thick, strong, concentrated [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 濃 (simplified 浓, Yale nung4) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 濃 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 濃 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 농 (revised: nong, McCune-Reischauer: nong, Yale: nong) - Name (hangeul): 짙을 농() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 濃 (simplified 浓, pinyin nóng (nong2), wō (wo1), Wade-Giles nung2, wo1) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 濃 (nùng, nống, nồng, nông) 0 0 2012/11/18 20:20
18018 封筒 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 封筒 (hiragana ふうとう, romaji fūtō) 1.envelope 0 0 2012/11/18 20:44
18019 重い [[Japanese]] [Adjective] 重い (い-i declension, hiragana おもい, romaji omoi) 1.heavy 0 0 2012/04/28 21:53 2012/11/18 20:45
18020 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 𡈼 + phonetic 東Thick [Han character] 重 (radical 166 里+2, 9 strokes, cangjie input 竹十田土 (HJWG), four-corner 20104, composition ⿱千里) 1.heavy, weighty 2.double [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 重 (Yale chung4, chung5, jung6)With pronunciation jung6 = 'still' [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] pe > ɸe > he. [Etymology 2] -pe > -ɸe > -we > -e. Cognate with he (“division”). The divergent phonological development is due to the non-null environment caused by being suffixed to the previous morpheme. [Etymology 3] [[Korean]] [Hanja] 重 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 중 (revised: jung, McCune-Reischauer: chung, Yale: cwung) - Name (hangeul): 무거울중 (Yale: mukewulcwung) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 重 (pinyin zhòng (zhong4), chóng (chong2), Wade-Giles ch'ung2, chung4)zhòng 1.n. weight 2.adj. heavy (physical) 3.adj. heavy, grave, serious, weighty 4.adj. important 5.adj. prudent 6.v. respect, attach importance tochóng 1.repeat 2.again 3.layer 4.overlappingUse of chóng in compound words is often analogous to the English prefix re- [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 重 (trọng, chồng, chuộng, trộng, trụng, trùng, chõng, trửng) 0 0 2012/03/04 19:05 2012/11/18 20:45
18021 重大 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 重大 (な-na declension, hiragana じゅうだい, romaji jūdai) 1.important, significant 2.grave, solemn [Noun] 重大 (hiragana じゅうだい, romaji jūdai) 1.importance, significance, seriousness, gravity [Synonyms] - 重要 (じゅうよう, jūyō) [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 重大 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin zhòngdà) 1.(Elementary Mandarin) important; of significance 2.(Elementary Mandarin) serious; grave 0 0 2012/03/04 19:05 2012/11/18 20:46
18023 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): phonetic 埶 + semantic 灬 (“fire”)Variant: 𤍠 (U+24306); The left-top part appears as 幸 instead of 坴. [Han character] 熱 (radical 86 火+11, 15 strokes, cangjie input 土戈火 (GIF), four-corner 45331) 1.hot 2.heat 3.fever 4.restless 5.zeal [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 熱 (Yale yit6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 熱 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 熱 (hangeul 열, revised yeol, McCune-Reischauer yŏl, Yale yel) [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 熱 (traditional, Pinyin rè, simplified 热) 1.hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 熱 (*njiɛt) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 熱 (nhiệt, nhét, nhẹt) 0 0 2012/11/18 20:51
18024 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形): a hanging percussion instrument.Borrowed for the word "south," for unknown reasons (phonetic resemblance?). Originally identical to the left side of 殼. [Han character] 南 (radical 24 十+7, 9 strokes, cangjie input 十月廿十 (JBTJ), four-corner 40227) [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 南 (Yale naam4) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 南 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 南 (hiragana みなみ, romaji minami) 1.the south 2.c. 762: Shōsōin Man'yōgana Monjo 和可夜之奈比乃 可波利爾波 於保末之末須 美奈美乃末知奈流奴乎 宇氣與止 於保止己可都可佐乃比止伊布 之可流可由恵爾 序禮宇氣牟比止良 久流末毛太之米弖 末都利伊禮之米太末布日 與禮良毛伊太佐牟 之可毛己乃波古美於可牟毛 阿夜布可流 可由恵爾 波夜久末可利太末布日之 於保己可ツ可佐奈比氣奈波 比止乃太氣太可比止 □己止波宇氣都流 [Proper noun] 南 (hiragana みなみ, romaji Minami) 1.A surname. [References] - 1962 November 12, Rizō Takeuchi, Nara Ibun: Volume 3 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Tōkyōdō Shuppan, ISBN 4-4903-0010-7: [[Korean]] [Hanja] 南 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 남 (revised: nam, McCune-Reischauer: nam, Yale: nam) - Name (hangeul): 남녘 (revised: namnyeok, McCune-Reischauer: namnyŏk, Yale: namnyekh) 1.the south [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 南 (pinyin nán (nan2), nā (na1), Wade-Giles nan2) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 南 (*nom, nʌm) [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 南 (POJ lâm) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 南 (nam) 1.south, southern 0 0 2012/11/18 20:52
18026 約束 [[Japanese]] ipa :/jaku̥soku/[Noun] 約束 (hiragana やくそく, romaji yakusoku) 1.a promise 2.an appointment (the meeting itself) 3.a convention; something that is conventional 4.something that is preordained [See also] - 予約 - ランデブー [Verb] 約束 + する (irregular conjugation, hiragana やくそくする, romaji yakusoku suru)約束する 約束 suru 1.promise [[Korean]] [Noun] 約束 (yaksok) 1.Hanja form? of 약속, “promise”. [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ yɛ˥˥ʂu˥˩ ][References] - "約束" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2008-02-17. [Synonyms] - (to restrict) shùfù 束縛; xiànzhì 限制 [Verb] 約束 (traditional, Pinyin yuēshù, simplified 约束) 1.(Advanced Mandarin) to restrict; to restrain 2.(literary) to agree upon; to appoint; to settle on 0 0 2012/10/14 20:30 2012/11/18 20:54
18027 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 約 (radical 120 糸+3, 9 strokes, cangjie input 女火心戈 (VFPI), 女火心一 (VFPM), four-corner 27920) (right side of character: 勺) 1.treaty, agreement, covenant [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 約 (simplified 约, Yale yeuk3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 約 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 約 (hangeul 약, 요, revised yak, yo, McCune-Reischauer yak, yo, Yale yak, yo) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 約 (simplified 约, pinyin jǐ (ji3), yuē (yue1), Wade-Giles chi3, yüeh1) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 約 (qiak) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 約 (ước, yêu) 0 0 2012/10/14 20:30 2012/11/18 20:54
18029 残念 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 残念 (な-na declension, hiragana ざんねん, romaji zannen) 1.feeling regret with pity, sadness, disappointment, and shame 残念なことに、火事で多くの絵画が失われた。 ざんねんなことに、かじでおおくのかいががうしなわれた。 Zan'nen-na kotoni, kaji de ōkuno kaiga ga ushinawareta. It was regret that many paintings were lost in the fire. 2.feeling regret with vexation or mortification (often used as Terminal form) 勝てたはずだったサッカーの試合に負けて残念だ。 かてたはずだったざっかーのしあいにまけてざんねんだ。 Katetahazu-datta sakkā no shiai ni makete zan'nen-da. I feel regret losing the soccer game that should be won. [Etymology] 残 (ざん, zan: “leave”, "remain") + 念 (ねん, nen: “mind”, “think”, "feeling") [Noun] 残念 (hiragana ざんねん, romaji zannen) 1.a regret with pity, sadness, disappointment, and shame その美術館の火事で貴重な絵画が燃えてしまったことは残念だ。 そのびじゅつかんのかじできちょうなかいががもえてしまったことはざんねんだ。 Sono bijyutsu-kan no kaji de kichō-na kaiga ga moete-shimmatta kotoha zan'nen-da. It's a pity losing the priceless paintings in the museum's fire. 2.a regret with vexation or mortification 勝てたはずだったサッカーの試合に負けて残念だ。 かてたはずだったざっかーのしあいにまけてざんねんだ。 Katetahazu-datta sakkā no shiai ni makete zan'nen-da. I feel regret losing the soccer game that should have been won. 0 0 2012/11/18 21:04
18030 [[Translingual]] [Alternative forms] Note the difference between the Japanese shinjitai and the Chinese simplified form, both of which use the same Unicode code point – see Han unification. Compare to 銭, 钱, where the different simplifications use different code points. [Etymology] Simplified from 殘 (戔 → 戋) – note that Japanese shinjitai uses different form of simplified phonetic: 戋 plus an added 一. [Han character] 残 (radical 78 歹+6, 10 strokes, cangjie input 一弓戈十 (MNIJ)) 1.injure, spoil 2.oppress 3.broken [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 残 (traditional 殘, Yale chaan4, chaan1) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 残 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 残 (hangeul 잔, revised jan, McCune-Reischauer chan, Yale can) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 残 (traditional 殘, pinyin cán (can2), Wade-Giles ts'an2) 0 0 2012/11/18 21:04
18031 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] 日 is from a pictographic representation of the sun.See the table at the Wikipedia article on Chinese character classification for other forms. [Han character] See images of Radical 72 日日 (radical 72 日+0, 4 strokes, cangjie input 日 (A), four-corner 60100, composition ⿴囗一) 1.sun 2.day 3.daytime 4.shorthand for 日本 (Japan) [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 日 (jyutping jat6, Yale yat6) [[Japanese]] ipa :/hi[Etymology 1] From Old Japanese /hi1/. This is distinct from 火 (hi), consistently rendered as /hi2/ in Old Japanese. See Jōdai Tokushu Kanazukai for details on Old Japanese readings. [Etymology 2] Apophonic form of /hi/. Obsolete; only used in compounds in modern Japanese. [Etymology 3] From Old Japanese. [Etymology 4] Apophonic form of /ka/. Obsolete; only used in certain set phrases in modern Japanese. [Kanji] 日 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.day 2.sun 3.counter for days 4.Japan [[Korean]] [Hanja] 日 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 일 (revised: il, McCune-Reischauer: il, Yale: il) - Name (hangeul): 날 (revised: nal, McCune-Reischauer: nal, Yale: nal) [[Mandarin]] [Antonyms] - 夜 [Noun] 日 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin rì) 1.(literary) sun 2.(literary) day 3.(literary) day of the month [Synonyms] - trad. 太陽, simpl. 太阳 sun - trad. 號, simpl. 号 day of the month - 天 day [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 日 (*njit) [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 日 (POJ ji̍t) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 日 (nhật) 0 0 2012/11/18 21:09
18034 gurgled [[English]] [Verb] gurgled 1.Simple past tense and past participle of gurgle. 0 0 2012/11/18 21:12
18035 gurgle [[English]] ipa :/ˈɡəː.ɡəl/[Anagrams] - glurge - lugger [Etymology] Back formation from Middle English gurguling "a rumbling in the belly". Akin to Middle Dutch and Middle Low German gorgelen "to gurgle", German gurgeln "to gargle", and perhaps to Latin gurgulio "throat" [Noun] gurgle (plural gurgles) 1.A gurgling sound. 2.1898, J. Meade Falkner, Moonfleet Chapter 4 Then the conversation broke off, and there was little more talking, only a noise of men going backwards and forwards, and of putting down of kegs and the hollow gurgle of good liquor being poured from breakers into the casks. [Verb] gurgle (third-person singular simple present gurgles, present participle gurgling, simple past and past participle gurgled) 1.To flow with a bubbling sound. The bath water gurgled down the drain. 2.To make such a sound. The baby gurgled with delight. [[German]] [Verb] gurgle 1.First-person singular present of gurgeln. 2.Imperative singular of gurgeln. 3.First-person singular subjunctive I of gurgeln. 4.Third-person singular subjunctive I of gurgeln. 0 0 2012/11/18 21:12
18036 culvert [[English]] [Etymology] Obscure, possibly dialect or related to the name of the long-forgotten inventor, or possibly from French couvert ("covered"), although couvert cannot be used in the same way, and the introduction of an l to make the English word is difficult to explain. [Noun] culvert (plural culverts) 1.A transverse channel under a road or railway for the draining of water. 2.1922, Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room, Vintage Classics, paperback edition, page 91 A raft of twigs stayed upon a stone, suddenly detached itself, and floated towards the culvert. 3.1996, Janette Turner Hospital, Oyster, Virago Press, paperback edition, page 167 After she left, I ran away for a day, and hid myself, solitary, in a culvert under the railway lines. 0 0 2012/11/18 21:12
18037 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形) – a head (of a decapitated criminal) hung upside down, with the hair hanging down. Compare 辟.Also Japanese shinjitai Simplified from 縣 (系 → [[ ]]) (elimination of 系). [Han character] 県 (radical 109 目+4, 9 strokes, cangjie input 月山女火 (BUVF)) 1.county, district, prefecture, subdivision [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 県 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 県 (hiragana あがた, romaji agata) 1.a historical administrative district 2.the countryside 県 (hiragana けん, romaji ken) 1.a type of administrative district, including 43 of the 47 prefectures of modern day Japan, Chinese counties, French departments, etc. [Proper noun] 県 (hiragana あがた, romaji Agata) 1.A surname. [[Korean]] [Hanja] 県 (hangeul 현, revised hyeon, McCune-Reischauer hyŏn, Yale hyen) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 県 (pinyin dèng (deng4), xiàn (xian4), yí (yi2), Wade-Giles teng4, hsien4, i2) 0 0 2012/11/18 21:18
18041 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 目 (“eyes”) + phonetic 坴 [Han character] 睦 (radical 109 目+8, 13 strokes, cangjie input 月山土金土 (BUGCG), four-corner 64014) 1.friendly, amiable, peaceful [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 睦 (Yale muk6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 睦 [[Korean]] [Hanja] 睦 (hangeul 목, revised mok, McCune-Reischauer mok, Yale mok) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 睦 (pinyin gāo (gao1), hào (hao4), mù (mu4), zé (ze2), Wade-Giles kao1, hao4, mu4, tse2) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 睦 (mục) 0 0 2012/11/18 21:24
18043 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Japanese Simplified from 發.Note that bottom component is not 开 (as in 開), but instead has a hook at the bottom end of the right character, as in 儿 (compare 元). [Han character] 発 (radical 105 癶+4, 9 strokes, cangjie input 弓人一大心 (NOMKP), composition ⿱癶⿻二儿) 1.issue, dispatch, send out, emit [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 発 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 発 (hangeul 발, revised bal, McCune-Reischauer pal, Yale pal) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 発 (pinyin fā (fa1), Wade-Giles fa1) 0 0 2012/11/18 21:36
18044 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形): stylized depiction of the human eye, rotated 90 degrees. [Han character] See images of Radical 109 目目 (radical 109 目+0, 5 strokes, cangjie input 月山 (BU), four-corner 60101) 1.eye 2.look, see 3.division, topic, (biology) order [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 目 (jyutping muk6, Yale muk6) 1.This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}. [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] Older, unbound form of me2. Cognate with miru (“to see”). [Etymology 2] /me2/ *[məj] > /me/ [me]. Compound of unbound ma with suffix i. [[Korean]] [Hanja] 目 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 목 (revised: mok, McCune-Reischauer: mok, Yale: mok) - Name (hangeul): 눈 (revised: nun, McCune-Reischauer: nun) 1.This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}. [[Mandarin]] [Etymology] Late Middle Chinese (Middle Chinese) mjuk入, Old Chinese *mjəkʷ. Cognate with Old Tibetan མིག (mig, “eye”).[1] [Hanzi] 目 (pinyin mù (mu4), Wade-Giles mu4) 1.This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}. [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 目 (mục, mụt) 1.This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}. 0 0 2012/11/18 21:39
18045 率直 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 率直 (な-na declension, hiragana そっちょく, romaji sotchoku) 1.frank, direct [Noun] 率直 (hiragana そっちょく, romaji sotchoku) 1.frankness, directness 0 0 2012/11/18 21:47
18046 試験 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 試験 (hiragana しけん, romaji shiken) 1.examination, exam, test 2.quiz [Synonyms] - テスト (tesuto) 0 0 2012/11/01 00:09 2012/11/18 21:52
18047 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 試 (radical 149 言+6, 13 strokes, cangjie input 卜口戈心一 (YRIPM), four-corner 03640, composition ⿰言式) 1.test, try, experiment [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 試 (simplified 试, Yale si3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 試 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 試 (hangeul 시, revised si, McCune-Reischauer si, Yale si) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 試 (simplified 试, pinyin shì (shi4), Wade-Giles shih4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 試 (thí, thử, thi, thía) 0 0 2011/05/16 03:37 2012/11/18 21:52
18049 医療 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 医療 (hiragana いりょう, romaji iryō) 1.medical treatment 0 0 2012/11/18 22:50
18050 SPC [[Translingual]] [Initialism] Wikipedia has articles on:SPCWikipediaSPC 1.St. Petersburg College 2.(patent law) Supplementary protection certificate 3.saeclum post Christum ("era after Christ") 4.Secretariat of the Pacific Community 5.Security in Pervasive Computing 6.Serum protein concentrate 7.Software Productivity Consortium 8.Southwest Preparatory Conference 9.Soy protein concentrate 10.Special Purpose Carbine 11.Special Purpose Cartridge 12.(Mongolia) State Property Committee 13.(US) Storm Prediction Center (United States NOAA) 14.Structure-property correlation 0 0 2012/11/19 09:16
18051 recon [[English]] ipa :/ˈri.kɑːn/[Anagrams] - crone - oncer [Etymology 1] Contracted form of reconnaissance [Etymology 2] Contracted form of recombination + -on 0 0 2012/11/19 10:30
18052 reconsider [[English]] [Anagrams] - considerer [Verb] reconsider (third-person singular simple present reconsiders, present participle reconsidering, simple past and past participle reconsidered)Wikipedia has an article on:ReconsiderWikipedia 1.To consider a matter thought already to have been decided. Is there any way I can get you to reconsider selling your car? 2.In parliamentary procedure, a motion to bring back for further debate and a revote a motion that has already been passed. 0 0 2012/11/19 10:30
18053 sordid [[English]] ipa :/ˈsɔː(ɹ).dɪd/[Adjective] sordid (comparative more sordid, superlative most sordid) 1.Dirty or squalid. 2.Morally degrading. 3.Grasping. [Anagrams] - dorids, 'droids, droids [Etymology] Latin sordidus, from sordēre (“be dirty”). [Synonyms] - See also Wikisaurus:greedy 0 0 2010/01/18 12:36 2012/11/19 10:30 TaN
18054 refresh [[English]] ipa :/ɹiˈfɹɛʃ/[Anagrams] - fresher [Etymology] From Old French refrescher (French: rafraîchir) [Noun] refresh (plural refreshes) 1.The periodic energizing required to maintain the contents of computer memory, the display luminance of a computer screen, etc. 2.(computing) The update of a display (in a web browser or similar software) to show the latest version of the data. [Verb] Wikipedia has an article on:RefreshWikipediarefresh (third-person singular simple present refreshes, present participle refreshing, simple past and past participle refreshed) 1.To renew or revitalize. 2.(computing) To reload a webpage on the internet. 3.2007, Beth Harbison, Shoe Addicts Anonymous She refreshed the page. She was still the high bidder. Good. 4.(computing) To cause (a web browser or similar software) to refresh its display. 5.2007, Philip C Plumlee, Test Driven Ajax (on Rails) You can save your code, refresh your browser, and see a change instantly. This simple trick turns a lowly web browser into a development environment... 6.To perform the periodic energizing required to maintain the contents of computer memory, the display luminance of a computer screen, etc. 0 0 2009/01/10 03:39 2012/11/19 10:59 TaN
18059 acid [[English]] ipa :/ˈæs.ɪd/[Adjective] acid (comparative more acid, superlative most acid) 1.Sour, sharp, or biting to the taste; tart; having the taste of vinegar. acid fruits or liquors 2.(figuratively) Sour-tempered. 3.Of or pertaining to an acid; acidic. 4.(music) Denoting a musical genre that is a distortion (as if hallucinogenic) of an existing genre, as in acid house, acid jazz, acid rock. [Anagrams] - cadi - caid [Antonyms] - alkaline - base - alkali - base [Derived terms] terms derived from “acid” types of acid [Etymology] From French acide, from Latin acidus (“sour, acid”), from aceō (“I am sour”). [Noun] acid (plural acids) 1.A sour substance. 2.(chemistry) Any of several classes of compound having the following properties:- 1.Any of a class of water-soluble compounds, having sour taste, that turn blue litmus red, and react with some metals to liberate hydrogen, and with bases to form salts. 2.Any compound that easily donates protons; a Brønsted acid 3.Any compound that can accept a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond; a Lewis acid(slang) lysergic acid diethylamide [References] - acid in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 [See also] - acerbic - acro- - pH [Synonyms] - acidic [[Romanian]] ipa :[aˈtʃid][Adjective] acid 4 nom/acc forms 1.acid, acidic [Etymology] From French acide, from Latin acidus (“sour, acid”). [Noun] acid m. (plural acizi) 1.acid 0 0 2009/04/22 14:03 2012/11/19 11:53 TaN
18062 guest [[English]] ipa :/ɡɛst/[Anagrams] - tegus [Derived terms] - guest of honour - guest book - guestfriendly - guestfriendship - guesthouse [Etymology] From Middle English gest, from Old Norse gestr, replacing Old English ġiest. [Noun] guest (plural guests) 1.a recipient of hospitality, specifically someone staying by invitation at the house of another 2.a patron or customer in a hotel etc. 3.an invited visitor or performer to an institution or to a broadcast [Verb] guest (third-person singular simple present guests, present participle guesting, simple past and past participle guested) 1.(intransitive) to appear as a guest, especially on a broadcast 2.(intransitive) as a musician, to play as a guest, providing an instrument that a band/orchestra does not normally have in its line up (for instance, percussion in a string band) 0 0 2012/11/19 12:00
18063 hobby [[English]] ipa :-ɒbi[Etymology 1] Shortened from hobby-horse, from Middle English hobyn, hobin (“small horse, pony”). The meaning of hobby-horse shifted from "small horse, pony" to "child's toy riding horse" to "favorite pastime or avocation" with the connecting notion being "activity that doesn't go anywhere". Possibly originally from a proper name for a horse, a diminutive of Robert or Robin (compare dobbin). [Etymology 2] Wikipedia has an article on:Hobby_(bird)WikipediaFrom Old French hobet, from Medieval Latin hobētus, diminutive of hobe. [[Czech]] [Noun] hobby n. 1.hobby (activity) [[Danish]] [Noun] hobby c. (singular definite hobbyen, plural indefinite hobbyer) 1.hobby (activity) [Synonyms] - fritidsinteresse [[Dutch]] [Noun] hobby m. (plural hobby's, diminutive hobby'tje) 1.hobby (activity) [[Finnish]] [Noun] hobby 1.hobby (activity) [Synonyms] - harrastus [[French]] [Etymology] from English [Noun] hobby m. (plural hobbies) (alternative plural hobbys) 1.hobby (activity) [Synonyms] - passe-temps [[Interlingua]] [Noun] hobby 1.hobby (activity) [[Italian]] [Noun] hobby m. inv. 1.hobby (activity) 2.(in the plural) hobbies [[Polish]] [Noun] hobby 1.hobby (activity) [[Portuguese]] [Noun] hobby m. (plural hobbys) (plural hobbies) 1.hobby (activity) [[Spanish]] [Etymology] From English. [Noun] hobby m. (plural hobbys) 1.hobby (activity) [[Swedish]] [Noun] hobby c. 1.hobby (activity) 0 0 2012/03/26 18:57 2012/11/19 12:25 jack_bob
18068 encroaching [[English]] [Adjective] encroaching (not comparable) 1.Describing something that encroaches. [Verb] encroaching 1.Present participle of encroach. 0 0 2012/11/19 22:05
18070 ballasted [[English]] [Anagrams] - deballast [Verb] ballasted 1.Simple past tense and past participle of ballast. 0 0 2012/11/19 22:06
18071 ballast [[English]] ipa :/ˈbæl.əst/[Etymology] From Middle Low German, from Old Norse  (bar, “bare”) +  (last, “load”) [Noun] ballast (uncountable) 1.(nautical) Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship (or in the gondola of a balloon), to provide stability. 2.(figuratively) Anything that steadies emotion or the mind. 3.Coarse gravel or similar material laid to form a bed for roads or railroads. 4.(construction) A material, such as aggregate or precast concrete pavers, which employs its mass and the force of gravity to hold single-ply roof membranes in place. 5.(electronics) device used for stabilizing current in an electric circuit (e.g.in a tube lamp supply circuit) - Ballast provides a supporting bed for rail tracks - Several typical styles of magnetic ballasts for fluorescent lamps [Verb] ballast (third-person singular simple present ballasts, present participle ballasting, simple past and past participle ballasted) 1.To stabilize or load a ship with ballast. 2.To lay ballast on the bed of a railroad track. [[Swedish]] [Adjective] ballast 1.superlative predicative form of ball. 0 0 2012/11/19 22:06
18072 dispiritedly [[English]] [Adverb] dispiritedly (comparative more dispiritedly, superlative most dispiritedly) 1.In a dispirited manner. 0 0 2012/11/19 22:15
18073 foliage [[English]] ipa :/ˈfəʊliɪdʒ/[Etymology] From Middle French feuillage. [Noun] foliage (countable and uncountable; plural foliages) 1.The leaves of plants 2.An architectural ornament representing foliage. 0 0 2012/11/19 22:16
18074 dejected [[English]] ipa :/dɪˈdʒɛktəd/[Adjective] dejected (comparative more dejected, superlative most dejected) 1.Sad and dispirited. [Synonyms] - disheartened, down in the mouth - despondent [Verb] dejected 1.Simple past tense and past participle of deject. 0 0 2012/11/19 22:16
18079 closer [[English]] ipa :/kləʊsə/[Anagrams] - cresol [Etymology 1] From close (adjective) + -er [Etymology 2] From close (verb) + -er 0 0 2012/11/20 09:58
18080 pleaser [[English]] [Anagrams] - leapers - presale - relapse - repeals [Noun] pleaser (plural pleasers) 1.Someone or something which pleases. 0 0 2012/11/20 18:21 jack_bob

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