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18602 咲く [[Japanese]] [Verb] 咲く (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana さく, romaji saku) 1.to bloom 0 0 2013/01/06 14:04
18603 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] 口 + 关 [Han character] 咲 (radical 30 口+6, 9 strokes, cangjie input 口廿大 (RTK), X口廿大 (XRTK)) 1.smile, laugh, giggle 2.snicker 3.(flowers) bloom, come out [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 咲 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 咲 (hangeul 소, revised so, McCune-Reischauer so) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 咲 (pinyin hāi (hai1), hái (hai2), kài (kai4), xiào (xiao4), Wade-Giles hai1, hai2, k'ai4, hsiao4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 咲 (tiếu) 0 0 2013/01/06 14:04
18604 [[Japanese]] ipa :/ɕi/[Etymology 1] Cognate with demonstrative pronoun so. [Etymology 2] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 之 in the cursive sōsho style. [Etymology 3] [Etymology 4] [Etymology 5] [References] - 1989 December 24, Sadakazu Fujii; Keiji Inaga, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 18: Ochikubo Monogatari, Sumiyoshi Monogatari (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240018-2: - 1989 December 24, Masaharu Hasegawa; Yūichirō Imanishi, Hiroshi Itō, Hiroshi Yoshioka, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 24: Tosa Nikki, Kagerō Nikki, Murasaki Shikibu Nikki, Sarashina Nikki (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240024-7: - 1999 [c. 759], Akihiro Satake; Hideo Yamada, Rikio Kudō, Masao Ōtani, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 1: Man'yōshū 1 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240001-8: - 2003 [c. 759], Akihiro Satake; Hideo Yamada, Rikio Kudō, Masao Ōtani, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 4: Man'yōshū 4 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240004-2: 0 0 2012/02/06 22:34 2013/01/06 14:05
18605 ぐったり [[Japanese]] [Adverb] ぐったり (romaji guttari) 1.limply from fatigue, extremely tiredly [Verb] ぐったり + する (irregular conjugation, romaji guttari suru)ぐったりする ぐったり suru 1.be dead tired 0 0 2013/01/06 14:09
18606 [[Japanese]] ipa :[ɡɯᵝ][Counter] ぐ (romaji gu) 1.具: sets (armor, furniture) [Etymology] The hiragana character く (ku) with a dakuten (゛). [Noun] ぐ (romaji gu) 1.具: tool [Suffix] ぐ (romaji gu) 1.具: tool, ingredient [Syllable] ぐ (Hepburn romanization gu) 1.The hiragana syllable ぐ (gu), whose equivalent in katakana is グ (gu). 0 0 2013/01/06 14:09
18607 地面 [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ti˥˩miɛn˥˩ ][Noun] 地面 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dìmiàn) 1.(Elementary Mandarin) the ground; the earth's surface [References] - "地面" (in Mandarin/English). Pleco Dictionary. URL accessed on 2011-01-08. - "地面" (in Mandarin/English). Dr. eye. URL accessed on 2011-01-08. 0 0 2013/01/06 14:10
18608 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 地 (radical 32 土+3, 6 strokes, cangjie input 土心木 (GPD), four-corner 44112, composition ⿰土也) 1.earth 2.soil, ground 3.region [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 地 (Yale dei6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 地 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.earth; ground [Noun] 地 (hiragana ち, romaji chi) 1.earth; land; ground 2.a place; a region; a piece of land 3.territory; dominion 4.(of a crate, etc) the bottom地 (hiragana じ, romaji ji, historical hiragana ぢ) 1.earth; dirt 2.(game of Go) territory [Suffix] 地 (hiragana ち, romaji -chi) 1.place, area [[Korean]] [Hanja] 地 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 지 (revised: ji, McCune-Reischauer: chi) - Name (hangeul): 땅 (revised: ttang, McCune-Reischauer: ttang, Yale: ttang) 1.(땅 지, ttang-): earth, land, ground 2.(지위 지, jiwi-): status, rank [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 地 (pinyin dì (di4), de (de5), Wade-Giles ti4) [Noun] 地 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dì) 1.the earth 2.land 地是空虛混沌。淵面黑暗。神的靈運行在水面上。 地是空虚混沌。渊面黑暗。神的灵运行在水面上。 Dì shì kōngxū hùndùn. Yuānmiàn hēi'àn. Shén de líng yùnxíng zài shuǐmiàn shang. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 地 (*dhì) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 地 (địa, rịa) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:08 2013/01/06 14:10
18609 広がる [[Japanese]] [Verb] 広がる (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana ひろがる, romaji hirogaru) 1.to spread 0 0 2013/01/06 14:27
18610 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Simplified from 廣 (黃 → 厶); shinjitai.Current form 广 + 厶. [Han character] 広 (radical 53 广+2, 5 strokes, cangjie input 戈戈 (II), X戈戈 (XII), composition ⿸广厶) 1.broad, wide, extensive [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 広 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.vast, wide [Proper noun] 広 (hiragana ひろし, romaji Hiroshi) 1.A male given name [[Korean]] [Hanja] 広 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 광 (revised: gwang, McCune-Reischauer: kwang) - Name (hangeul): 넓을() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 広 (pinyin guǎng (guang3), Wade-Giles kuang3) 0 0 2013/01/06 14:27
18611 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 落 (radical 140 艸+9, 15 strokes, cangjie input 廿水竹口 (TEHR), four-corner 44164, composition ⿱艹洛) 1.fall, drop 2.net income, surplus [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 落 (Yale lok6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 落 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.to fall 2.to leave behind [See also] - 落ちる [[Korean]] [Hanja] 落 (hangeul 락>낙, revised rak>nak, McCune-Reischauer rak>nak, Yale lak>nak) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 落 (pinyin luò (luo4), Wade-Giles lo4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 落 (lạc, lác, lát, nhác, rác, rạc, xạc) 0 0 2012/08/11 21:19 2013/01/06 14:28
18612 落下傘 [[Korean]] [Noun] 落下傘 (nakasan) 1.Hanja form? of 낙하산, “parachute, chute”. 0 0 2013/01/06 14:29
18613 飛ぶ [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] - 跳ぶ - 翔ぶ [Verb] 飛ぶ (godan conjugation, hiragana とぶ, romaji tobu) 1.to fly 2.to jump 3.to go quickly 0 0 2013/01/06 14:32
18614 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形): looks like a bird's flying up.In modern form, resembles a tasseled 升. [Han character] See images of Radical 183 飛飛 (radical 183 飛+0, 9 strokes, cangjie input 弓人竹廿人 (NOHTO), four-corner 12413) 1.fly 2.go quickly 3.dart 4.high [[Cantonese]] [Verb] 飛 (traditional, Romanization fei1, simplified 飞) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 飛 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.rook (as used in Shogi, or Japanese chess) [Noun] 飛 (hiragana ひ, romaji hi) - (abbreviation of 飛車, "hisha") [[Korean]] [Hanja] 飛 (hangeul 비, revised bi, McCune-Reischauer pi, Yale pi) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 飛 (simplified 飞, pinyin fēi (fei1), Wade-Giles fei1) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 飛 (*biəi) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 飛 (phi) 0 0 2013/01/06 14:32
18615 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 引 (radical 57 弓+1, 4 strokes, cangjie input 弓中 (NL), four-corner 12200) 1.to pull, draw out, attract 2.to stretch [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 引 (Yale yan5) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 引 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.pull 2.tug 3.admit [[Korean]] [Hanja] 引 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 인 (revised: in, McCune-Reischauer: in, Yale: in) - Name (hangeul): 끌() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 引 (pinyin yǐn (yin3), Wade-Giles yin3) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 引 (dẫn, dợn, giỡn, dận, giận) 0 0 2012/06/09 19:44 2013/01/06 14:36
18616 走る [[Japanese]] [Verb] 走る (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana はしる, romaji hashiru) 1.to run 車が走っている。 くるまがはしっている。 kuruma ga hashitteiru. A car is running. / Cars are running マラソン選手が走り出した。 マラソンせんしゅがはしりだした。 marason senshu ga hashiridashita. Marathon athlete started running. / Marathon athletes started running. 0 0 2012/11/05 18:27 2013/01/06 14:36
18619 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 起 (radical 156 走+3, 10 strokes, cangjie input 土人口山 (GORU), 土人尸山 (GOSU), four-corner 47801, composition ⿺走己) 1.rise, stand up 2.go up 3.begin 4.numerary adjunct for legal caseNote: The right part can be seen as 巳 instead of 己 in some old printings. [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 起 (Yale hei2) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 起 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 起 (hangeul 기, revised gi, McCune-Reischauer ki, Yale ki) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 起 (pinyin dì (di4), qǐ (qi3), Wade-Giles ti4, ch'i3) [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 起 (POJ khí) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 起 (khởi, khỉ) 0 0 2012/10/31 23:16 2013/01/06 14:37
18620 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic ⺼ (“meat, body”) + phonetic 北 [Han character] 背 (radical 130 肉+5, 9 strokes, cangjie input 中心月 (LPB), four-corner 11227, composition ⿱北月) 1.back 2.back side 3.behind 4.betray [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 背 (Yale bui3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 背 (grade 6 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 背 (hangeul 배, 패, revised bae, pae, McCune-Reischauer pae, p'ae, Yale pay, phay) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 背 (pinyin bèi (bei4), Wade-Giles pei4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 背 (bối, bội, bổi, bồi) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00 2013/01/06 14:40
18622 遅れる [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] - 後れる [Antonyms] - 早まる [Synonyms] - 遅刻 (ちこく, chikoku) - 遅い (おそい, osoi) [Verb] 遅れる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana おくれる, romaji okureru) 1.to become late 0 0 2013/01/06 14:48
18623 遅れ [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] - 後れ [Noun] 遅れ (hiragana おくれ, romaji okure) 1.delay, postponement, lag 0 0 2013/01/06 14:48
18624 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Japanese shinjitai Simplified from 遲 (犀 → 𡱝) (𡱝 = 尸 + 羊).In present form Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 辶 (“motion”) + phonetic 𡱝; fuller decomposition 辶 + 尸 + 羊. [Han character] 遅 (radical 162 辵+9, 13 strokes, cangjie input 卜尸廿手 (YSTQ)) 1.late, tardy 2.slow 3.delay [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 遅 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 遅 (hangeul 지, revised ji, McCune-Reischauer chi, Yale ci) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 遅 (pinyin chí (chi2), Wade-Giles ch'ih2) 0 0 2012/12/14 00:41 2013/01/06 14:48
18625 晴れる [[Japanese]] [Conjugation] Conjugation of "晴れる" (See Appendix:Japanese verbs.) [Derived terms] - 晴れ(はれ, hare): - (Noun, weather only) clear weather - (when appended to a time or season) weather of ... [Verb] 晴れる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana はれる, romaji hareru) 1.(weather) to clear 2.enter a better mental situation; refresh 3.get cleared of suspicion 0 0 2013/01/06 14:48
18626 晴れ [[Japanese]] [Noun] 晴れ (hiragana はれ, romaji hare) 1.fine weather 2.fine dressing [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2013/01/06 14:48
18627 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 晴 (radical 72 日+8, 12 strokes, cangjie input 日手一月 (AQMB), four-corner 65027, composition ⿰日青) 1.clear weather, fine weather [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 晴 (jyutping cing4, Yale ching4) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 晴 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 晴 (hangeul 청, revised cheong, McCune-Reischauer ch'ŏng, Yale cheng) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 晴 (pinyin qíng (qing2), zhěng (zheng3), Wade-Giles ch'ing2, cheng3) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 晴 (tình, tạnh, tành, thanh) 0 0 2013/01/06 14:48
18628 開く [[Japanese]] [Verb] 開く (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana あく, romaji aku) 1.to open 2.to begin 開く (transitive and intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana ひらく, romaji hiraku) 1.to open, lift, uncover, unpack 2.to bloom 3.to start, open (a store) 0 0 2013/01/06 14:51
18630 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形) – a cloud with drops of rain falling from it. [Han character] See images of Radical 173 雨雨 (radical 173 雨+0, 8 strokes, cangjie input 一中月卜 (MLBY), four-corner 10227) 1.rain 2.rainy 3.KangXi radical 173 雨 [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 雨 (Yale yu5) [[Japanese]] ipa :[á̠.me̞][Etymology 1] Cognate with same (“rain”). Found both alone and in compounds. Perhaps derived from /same/ > /ame/ with loss of the initial /s/; see same. [Etymology 2] Cognate with ame (“rain”). Found in compounds. The /s/ either represents epenthesis between two vowels in compounds or, more likely, is a reflex of an older form of the word ame (“rain”) only maintained in fossilized compounds. See Derived terms. [Kanji] 雨 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji) [References] - 1968 December 16 [931-938], Shitagō Minamoto; Kyōto Daigaku Bungakubu Kokugogaku Kokubungaku Kenkyūshitu, Shohon Shūsei Wamyō Ruijushō: Honbunhen (in Japanese), Kyōto: Rinsen, ISBN 4-653-00507-9: [[Korean]] [Hanja] 雨 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 우 (revised: u, McCune-Reischauer: u, Yale: wu) - Name (hangeul): 비() - Compounds: - 雨傘 (우산, usan) - 雨雹 (우박, ubak) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 雨 (pinyin yǔ (yu3), Wade-Giles yü3) [Noun] 雨 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin yǔ) 1.rain 傾盆大雨。 (trad.) 倾盆大雨。 (simp.) Raining cats and dogs. [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 雨 (*hiǒ) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 雨 (vũ) 0 0 2011/10/20 11:30 2013/01/06 14:54 jack_bob
18632 湿 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 湿 (radical 85 水+9, 12 strokes, cangjie input 水日廿金 (EATC)) 1.wet, moist, humid, damp 2.illness [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 湿 (traditional 濕, Yale sap1) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 湿 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 湿 (hangeul 습, revised seup, McCune-Reischauer sŭp, Yale sup) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 湿 (traditional 濕, pinyin shī (shi1), Wade-Giles shih1) 0 0 2013/01/06 14:59
18633 散歩 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 散歩 (hiragana さんぽ, romaji sanpo) 1.a walk, a stroll. 散歩に出た。 さんぽにでた。 sanpo ni deta. I went out for a walk. [Verb] 散歩 + する (irregular conjugation, hiragana さんぽする, romaji sanpo suru)散歩する 散歩 suru 1.take a walk 0 0 2013/01/06 15:26
18634 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 散 (radical 66 攴+8, 12 strokes, cangjie input 廿月人大 (TBOK), four-corner 48240) 1.scatter, disperse, break up 2.medicinal powder [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 散 (Yale saan2, saan3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 散 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 散 (hangeul 산, revised san, McCune-Reischauer san, Yale san) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 散 (pinyin sàn (san4), Wade-Giles san4, or sǎn (san3)) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 散 (tán, tản, tảng, tan, tởn) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:20 2013/01/06 15:26
18635 [[Translingual]] [Letter] å lower case (upper case Å) 1.The letter a with a ring above, considered an individual letter by most languages where it is used. [[Danish]] ipa :/ɔː/[Etymology 1] From Old Norse á (“ow!”). [Etymology 2] From Old Norse á (“river”), from Proto-Germanic *ahwō, from Proto-Indo-European *akʷā- (“water”). [Letter] å (upper case Å) 1.the last (29th) letter of the Danish alphabet [[Finnish]] [Letter] å (lowercase, uppercase Å) 1.The third to last letter of the Finnish alphabet. [[Norwegian Bokmål]] ipa :/ɔː/[Etymology 1] Formed by conjoining an "A" and an "a", with the lower case letter on top of the capital letter. The letter was invented in Germany during the late Middle Ages and was first introduced to Swedish in the 1500s. Thence it spread to Norway and Denmark, but it was first declared an official letter in the Norwegian alphabet in 1917. [Etymology 2] From Old Norse at, a preposition which originally meant "by" or "to". Related to Old Norse þat ("that") and English that. Also the origin of the Norwegian at and ad [Etymology 3] From Old Norse ó, was used in the same sense. [Etymology 4] From Old Norse á, related to Latin aqua ("water"). [Letter] - The 29th letter of the Norwegian alphabet. [References] - “å” in The Ordnett Dictionary - “å” in The Bokmål Dictionary / The Nynorsk Dictionary – Dokumentasjonsprosjektet. - J.Fritnzer's dictionary. - examples of locations named Å [[Norwegian Nynorsk]] [Etymology 1] Formed by conjoining an "A" and an "a", with the lower case letter on top of the capital letter. The letter was invented in Germany during the late Middle Ages and was first introduced to Swedish in the 1500's. From there it spread to Norway and Denmark, but it was first declared an official letter in the Norwegian alphabet in 1917. [Etymology 2] From Old Norse at, a preposition which originally meant "by" or "to". Related to Old Norse þat ("that") and English that. Also the origin of the Norwegian at and ad [Etymology 3] From Old Norse preposition á, "on, on top of". [Etymology 4] From Old Norse ó, was used in the same sense. [Etymology 5] From Old Norse á, related to Latin aqua ("water"). [References] - “å” in The Ordnett Dictionary - “å” in The Bokmål Dictionary / The Nynorsk Dictionary – Dokumentasjonsprosjektet. - J.Fritnzer's dictionary. - examples of locations named Å [[Swedish]] ipa :/oː/[Etymology 1] From Old Norse á, from Proto-Germanic *ahwō. [Etymology 2] From Old Norse á, from Proto-Germanic *ana. [Letter] å lower case (upper case Å) 1.the third to last letter of the Swedish alphabet, called å and written in the Latin script. 0 0 2012/12/12 09:36 2013/01/07 04:01
18636 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogram (指事): from a pictograph of a pregnant woman.[1] [Han character] See images of Radical 158 身身 (radical 158 身+0, 7 strokes, cangjie input 竹X竹 (HXH), four-corner 27400) 1.body 2.trunk, hull [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 身 (Yale san1) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 身 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 身 (hiragana み, romaji mi) 1.body 2.main part 3.oneself 4.sword 身 (hiragana むくろ, romaji mukuro) 1.dead body, corpse [[Korean]] [Hanja] 身 (hangeul 신, revised sin, McCune-Reischauer sin, Yale sin) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 身 (pinyin juān (juan1), shēn (shen1), yuán (yuan2), Wade-Giles chüan1, shen1, yüan2) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 身 (*shin) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 身 (thân) 0 0 2012/10/07 17:50 2013/01/07 16:26
18637 fruits [[English]] [Noun] fruits pl. 1.Plural form of fruit. [Verb] fruits 1.Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fruit. [[French]] ipa :/fʁɥi/[Noun] fruits m. pl. 1.Plural form of fruit. 0 0 2013/01/07 17:19
18639 weds [[English]] [Anagrams] - dews [Verb] weds 1.Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wed. 0 0 2013/01/08 21:54
18641 rusty [[English]] ipa :-ʌsti[Adjective] rusty (comparative rustier, superlative rustiest) 1.Affected by rust. 2.Of the rust color, reddish or reddish-brown. 3.Having red or reddish-brown hair. 4.Lacking recent experience, out of practice, especially with respect to a skill or activity. 5.2010 December 29, Sam Sheringham, “Liverpool 0 - 1 Wolverhampton”, BBC: Before the match, Hodgson had expressed the hope that his players would be fresh rather than rusty after an 18-day break from league commitments because of two successive postponements. 6.discolored and rancid; reasty rusty bacon [Anagrams] - yurts [Etymology] rust +‎ -y 0 0 2013/01/09 10:02
18642 relieved [[English]] [Adjective] relieved (comparative more relieved, superlative most relieved) 1.Experiencing or exhibiting relief. 2.2011, Phil McNulty, Euro 2012: Montenegro 2-2 England [1] In a single moment Montenegro and their supporters were given fresh impetus and encouragement. Beciraj tested Hart with a low shot before teenager Phil Jones, on his England debut, suffered an anxious moment when Stevan Jovetic went down under his challenge, leaving the youngster clearly relieved to see referee Stark wave away Montenegro's appeals. [Verb] relieved 1.Simple past tense and past participle of relieve. 0 0 2009/04/03 13:22 2013/01/09 10:08 TaN
18645 gusty [[English]] ipa :/ˈɡʌs.ti/[Adjective] gusty (comparative gustier, superlative gustiest) 1.(of wind) blowing in gusts; blustery [Anagrams] - gutsy [Etymology] From gust +‎ -y 0 0 2013/01/09 10:19
18646 windings [[English]] [Noun] windings 1.Plural form of winding. 0 0 2013/01/10 13:20
18647 winding [[English]] [Anagrams] - dwining [Etymology 1] wind +‎ -ing, from wind (“to wrap”). [Etymology 2] wind +‎ -ing, from wind (“movement of air”), as the wind was used to assist turning. 0 0 2013/01/10 13:20
18649 neutral [[English]] ipa :/ˈnjuːtɹəl/[Adjective] neutral (comparative more neutral, superlative most neutral) 1.Not taking sides in a conflict such as war; nonaligned. 2.Favouring neither the supporting nor opposing viewpoint of a topic of debate; unbiased. 3.(grammar) Neither positive nor negative. 4.Neither beneficial nor harmful. 5.Having no sex; neuter. 6.Having no obvious colour; gray 7.(physics) Neither positive nor negative; possessing no charge or equivalent positive and negative charge such that there is no imbalance. 8.(chemistry) Having a pH of 7, neither acidic nor alkaline. [Anagrams] - unalter [Etymology] From Middle French neutral (French: neutre), from Latin neutralis. [Noun] neutral (plural neutrals) 1.A nonaligned state, or a member of such a state. 2.A person who takes no side in a dispute. 3.An individual or entity serving as an arbitrator or adjudicator (jargon / legal). 4.A neutral hue. 5.The position of a set of gears in which power cannot be transmitted to the drive mechanism. 6.An electrical terminal or conductor which has zero or close to zero voltage with respect to the ground. [[German]] [Adjective] neutral (comparative neutraler, superlative am neutralsten) 1.neutral [[Swedish]] [Adjective] neutral 1.neutral 2.(grammar) intransitive[1] [References] 1.^ Transitiv in Nordisk familjebok (2nd ed., 1919) 0 0 2013/01/10 13:33
18652 combi [[English]] [Noun] combi (plural combis) 1.(attributively) Combination. My old combi boiler broke down. 2.(South Africa) Alternative form of kombi. 0 0 2013/01/10 19:39
18654 かし [[Japanese]] [Noun] かし (romaji kashi) 1.菓子: sweet, confection 2.歌詞: lyrics 3.下歯: lower teeth 4.仮死: apparent death, suspended animation 5.樫: evergreen oak 6.可視: visible 7.河岸: riverbank; fish market 8.華氏: Prefix of Fahrenheit temperature notation 9.瑕疵: defect, flaw 10.歌誌: Tanka magazine(短歌雑誌) 11.下賜: imperial donation 0 0 2012/05/24 01:41 2013/01/11 00:34
18656 [[Japanese]] ipa :[jɯᵝ][Etymology 1] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 由 in the cursive sōsho style. [Etymology 2] Attaches to the irrealis form of verbs. Conjugates as a lower bigrade: ye, ye, yu, yuru, yure, -. 0 0 2011/12/05 23:25 2013/01/11 00:34
18659 nazca [[Spanish]] [Verb] nazca (infinitive nacer) 1.First-person singular (yo) present subjunctive form of nacer. 2.Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present subjunctive form of nacer. 3.Formal second-person singular (usted) imperative form of nacer. 0 0 2013/01/11 14:08 TaN
18661 warranty [[English]] [Etymology] From Anglo-Norman warantie, Old Northern French variant of Old French guarantie (Modern French garantie). More at warrant, guarantee and guaranty. [Noun] warranty (plural warranties) 1.Security; warrant; guarantee. The stamp was a warranty of the public. -John Locke. 2.(obsolete, law) A covenant real, whereby the granter of an estate of freehold and his heirs were bound to warrant and defend the title, and, in case of eviction by title paramount, to yield other lands of equal value in recompense. This warranty has long since become obsolete, and its place supplied by personal covenants for title. Among these is the covenant of warranty, which runs with the land, and is in the nature of a real covenant. 3.(law) An engagement or undertaking, expressed or implied, that a certain fact regarding the subject of a contract is, or shall be, as it is expressly implied or promised to be. In sales of goods by persons in possession, there is an implied warranty of title. 4.(insurance law) A stipulation or engagement by a party insured, that certain things, relating to the subject of insurance, or affecting the risk, exist, or shall exist, or have been done, or shall be done. These warranties, when expressed, should appear in the policy; but there are certain implied warranties. 5.(rare) Justifying mandate or precept; authority; warrant. Shakespeare If they disobey precept, that is no excuse to us, nor gives us any warranty . . . to disobey likewise. -Kettlewe. [References] - warranty in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 [Synonyms] - guarantee - warrant [Verb] warranty (third-person singular simple present warranties, present participle warrantying, simple past and past participle warrantied) 1.To warrant; to guarantee. 0 0 2009/04/01 16:50 2013/01/13 09:31 TaN
18662 merchantability [[English]] [Noun] merchantability (uncountable) 1.The state of being merchantable 0 0 2013/01/13 09:31
18666 Version [[German]] [Noun] Version f. (genitive Version, plural Versionen) 1.version 0 0 2009/01/10 04:00 2013/01/13 09:31 TaN
18667 civic [[English]] ipa :/ˈsɪvɪk/[Adjective] civic (comparative more civic, superlative most civic) 1.Of, relating to, or belonging to a city, a citizen, or citizenship; municipal or civil. Thousands of people came to the Civic Center to show off their civic pride. [Etymology] From Latin cīvicus (“pertaining to a city or citizens”). 0 0 2012/12/31 12:52 2013/01/13 09:31
18668 結合 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 結合 (hiragana けつごう, romaji ketsugō) 1.combination; coupling; binding; bonding [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 結合 (traditional, Pinyin jiéhé, simplified 结合) 1.combination; fusion; link; integration [Verb] 結合 (traditional, Pinyin jiéhé, simplified 结合) 1.to combine; to fuse; to link; to integrate 0 0 2013/01/13 09:31
18669 teach [[English]] ipa :/tiːtʃ/[Anagrams] - cheat - tache - theca [Antonyms] - (intransitive, to pass on knowledge): learn [Etymology] From Middle English techen, from Old English tǣċan (“to show, declare, demonstrate; teach, instruct, train; assign, prescribe, direct; warn; persuade”), from Proto-Germanic *taikijanan (“to show”), from Proto-Indo-European *deyǵe-, *deyḱe- (“to show, point out, declare, tell”). Cognate with Scots tech, teich (“to teach”), German zeigen (“to show, point out”), Gothic 𐌲̴̷̰̹̰̈́̿ (gateihan, “to announce, declare, tell”), Latin dīcō (“speak, say, tell”), Ancient Greek δείκνυμι (deíknumi, “show, point out, explain, teach”). More at token. [Synonyms] - (transitive, to pass on knowledge): educate, instruct [Verb] teach (third-person singular simple present teaches, present participle teaching, simple past and past participle taught) 1.(obsolete, transitive) To show (someone) the way; to guide, conduct. 2.1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book VI: Than Sir Launcelot armed hym and toke his horse, and so he was taughte to the abbey. 3.(transitive) To pass on knowledge. Can you teach me to sew? Can you teach sewing to me? 4.(intransitive) To pass on knowledge, especially as one's profession; to act as a teacher. She used to teach at university. [[Irish]] ipa :[tʲax][Etymology] From Old Irish tech, from Proto-Celtic *tegos, from Proto-Indo-European *tegos (“cover, roof”). [Mutation] [Noun] teach m. (genitive tí, nominative plural tithe) 1.house, dwelling 0 0 2009/10/01 14:52 2013/01/13 11:45
18670 Teach [[English]] ipa :/ˈtit͡ʃ/[Anagrams] - cheat - tache - theca [Proper noun] Teach 1.(slang) Nickname for a teacher. I'm not in trouble again, am I, Teach? 0 0 2013/01/13 11:45
18673 cubic [[English]] ipa :/ˈkjuː.bɪk/[Adjective] cubic (not comparable) 1.(geometry) Used in the names of units of volume formed by multiplying a unit of length by itself twice. cubic metre, cubic foot 2.(algebraic geometry) Of a class of polynomial of the form 3.(crystallography) Having three equal axes and all angles 90°. [Alternative forms] - cubick (obsolete) [Noun] cubic (plural cubics) 1.(algebraic geometry) A cubic curve. [See also] - cube - linear - quadratic - quartic - quintic - square [Synonyms] - cubic curve 0 0 2013/01/14 05:32

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