- B. A. S., B.A.S., B.A.s, BAS, BAs, BSA, SAB, SBA, Sab., bas, sab
1.plural of Ab
[Proper noun]
1.plural of Ab
2021/12/14 13:32
ipa :/æb/[Anagrams]
- -ba-, B. A., B.A., BA, Ba, ba, ba'
[Etymology 1]
edit AbsAbbreviation of abdominal muscles.
[Etymology 2]
editAbbreviation of abscess.
[Etymology 3]
[Etymology 4]
editFrom the spelling books and the fact that it was the first of the letter combinations.[2]
1. ^ Lesley Brown, editor-in-chief; William R. Trumble and Angus Stevenson, editors (2002), “ab”, in The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles, 5th edition, Oxford; New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 2.
2. ^ Mathews, Mitford M, ed. A Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles. 1st. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956.
- “ab”, in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th edition, Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 2000, →ISBN.
- "ab" in Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 2002.
- “ab” in Dictionary.com Unabridged, Dictionary.com, LLC, 1995–present.
ipa :/ɑb/[Etymology]
editBorrowed from Persian آب (āb).
- Otto Ladstätter, Andreas Tietze, Die Abdal (Äynu) in Xinjiang (1994)
ipa :[ɑb][Etymology]
editFrom Persian آب (āb).
editab (definite accusative abı, plural ablar)
1.(Classical Azerbaijani) water
Synonym: su
- A. Schapper (citing Steinhauer), Elevation in the spatial deictic systems of Alor-Pantar languages, in The Alor-Pantar languages: History and Typology, edited by Marian Klamer
- ASJP, citing L. C. Robinson and G. Holton, Internal classification of the Alor-Pantar language family using computational methods applied to the lexicon (2012)
ipa :/ap/[Preposition]
1.Obsolete form of amb.
ipa :/ab/[Etymology 1]
editFrom Latin ab (“of, from”).
[Etymology 2]
editSee abe (“to ape, mimic”).
[Further reading]
- “ab” in Den Danske Ordbog
[[East Central German]]
1.(Strehlen and Schömberg, Silesian) negative particle, do not
[[East Yugur]]
ipa :/abqʰə/[Etymology]
editFrom Proto-Mongolic *ab-, compare Mongolian авах (avakh).
1.to take
Ci ghudal kelese bu cini arasini xuulj' abqu.
If you tell a lie I will skin you [take your skin].
ipa :/ap/[Etymology 1]
editFrom Middle High German abe, ab, from Old High German ab, from Proto-West Germanic *ab, from Proto-Germanic *ab.
[Etymology 2]
editFrom adverbial use of the preposition in verbs such as abschlagen, abgehen etc.
[Related terms]
- abseits
ipa :/abˠ/[Etymology 1]
editFrom Latin abbas (“father”), from Ancient Greek ἀββᾶς (abbâs), from Aramaic אַבָּא (’abbā, “father”).
[Etymology 2]
editContraction of the relative particle a and the prevocalic variant of the past/conditional copula particle b’.
[Further reading]
- "ab" in Foclóir Gaeilge–Béarla, An Gúm, 1977, by Niall Ó Dónaill.
- Entries containing “ab” in English-Irish Dictionary, An Gúm, 1959, by Tomás de Bhaldraithe.
- Entries containing “ab” in New English-Irish Dictionary by Foras na Gaeilge.
ipa :/aːɓ/[Noun]
- Allen J. Christenson, Kʼiche-English dictionary, page 7
[Further reading]
- Johannes A. Z'Graggen, The Madang-Adelbert Range Sub-Phylum (1975) (as ʌb)
- Bemal Organized Phonology Data (as ab)
ipa :/ab/[Alternative forms]
- ā (not used before a vowel or h)
- abs
- af (archaic)
editFrom Proto-Italic *ab, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂epó (“off, away”) (whence English off, of and after). See also po-. Cognate with ᾰ̓πό (apó).
editab (+ ablative)
1.(indicating ablation): from, away from, out of
2.(indicating ablation): down from
3.(indicating agency): (source of action or event) by, by means of
Rex ab suis appellatur ― He is saluted king by his men (Caesar, de Bello Gallico, VII, 4)
4.(indicating instrumentality): (source of action or event) by, by means of, with
5.106 BCE – 43 BCE, Cicero, Oration in favor of P. Sestius Pro P. Sestio Oratio.Ch. 42, sect. 92:
Horum utro uti nolumus, altero est utendum. vim volumus exstingui, ius valeat necesse est, id est iudicia, quibus omne ius continetur; iudicia displicent aut nulla sunt, vis dominetur necesse est. hoc vident omnes: Milo et vidit et fecit, ut ius experiretur, vim depelleret. altero uti voluit, ut virtus audaciam vinceret; altero usus necessario est, ne virtus ab audacia vinceretur.
...so that virtue might not be overwhelmed by insolence.
6.(indicating association): to, with
7.Heauton Timorumenos (“The Self-Tormentor”) by Publius Terentius Afer
Homo sum, humani nihil ā me alienum puto.
I am a man, I consider nothing that is human alien to me.
8.(indicating location): at, on, in
9.(time) after, since
- ab in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- ab in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
- Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
- a gentle ascent: collis leniter ab infimo acclivis (opp. leniter a summo declivis)
- the east winds are blowing: venti ab ortu solis flant
- the Rhone[TR2] is the frontier between the Helvetii and the Sequani: Rhodanus Sequanos ab Helvetiis dividit
- to be far from town: longe, procul abesse ab urbe
- to devote every spare moment to...; to work without intermission at a thing: nullum tempus intermittere, quin (also ab opere, or ad opus)
- in the fifth year from the founding of the city: anno ab urbe condita quinto
- to be always at a person's side: ab alicuius latere non discedere
- to turn one's gaze away from an object: oculos deicere, removere ab aliqua re
- to trace one's descent from some one: originem ab aliquo trahere, ducere
- a native of England: ortus ab Anglis or oriundus ex Anglis
- from one's entry into civil life: ab ineunte (prima) aetate (De Or. 1. 21. 97)
- to begin with a thing: initium capere; incipere ab aliqua re
- to start from small beginnings: ab exiguis initiis proficisci
- the motive, cause, is to be found in..: causa repetenda est ab aliqua re (not quaerenda)
- to originate in, arise from: ab aliqua re proficisci
- to rescue from destruction: ab exitio, ab interitu aliquem vindicare
- to gain a person's esteem, friendship: gratiam inire ab aliquoor apud aliquem
- to look favourably upon; to support: propenso animo, studio esse or propensa voluntate esse in aliquem (opp. averso animo esse ab aliquo)
- to gain one's point with any one: aliquid ab aliquo impetrare
- to win golden opinions from every one: maximam ab omnibus laudem adipisci
- to have a good or bad reputation, be spoken well, ill of: bene, male audire (ab aliquo)
- to use up, make full use of one's spare time: otio abūti or otium ad suum usum transferre
- to draw away some one's attention from a thing: alicuius animum ab aliqua re abducere
- to hold the same views: idem sentire (opp. dissentire ab aliquo)
- to apply to a person for advice: consilium petere ab aliquo
- to rescue from oblivion: aliquid ab oblivione vindicare
- to be quite uncivilised: ab omni cultu et humanitate longe abesse (B. G. 1. 1. 3)
- to be educated by some one: litteras discere ab aliquo
- to receive instruction from some one: institui or erudiri ab aliquo
- to derive an argument from a thing: argumentum ducere, sumere ex aliqua re or petere ab aliqua re
- to disagree with a person: dissentire, dissidere ab or cum aliquo
- to go back to the remote ages: repetere ab ultima (extrema, prisca) antiquitate (vetustate), ab heroicis temporibus
- to have no taste for the fine arts: abhorrere ab artibus (opp. delectari artibus)
- to go a long way back (in narrative): longe, alte (longius, altius) repetere (either absolute or ab aliqua re)
- no sound passed his lips: nulla vox est ab eo audita
- to extract an answer from some one: responsum ab aliquo ferre, auferre
- to translate from Plato: ab or de (not ex) Platone vertere, convertere, transferre
- to form, derive a word from... (used of the man who first creates the word): vocabulum, verbum, nomen ducere ab, ex...
- the word amicitia comes from amare: nomen amicitiae (or simply amicitia) dicitur ab amando
- to be separated by a deadly hatred: capitali odio dissidere ab aliquo (De Am. 1. 2)
- to prevent some one from growing angry, appease his anger: animum alicuius ab iracundia revocare
- to revenge oneself on some one: ulcisci aliquem, poenas expetere ab aliquo
- to revenge oneself on another for a thing or on some one's behalf: poenas alicuius or alicuius rei repetere ab aliquo
- to protect any one from wrong: ab iniuria aliquem defendere
- to neglect one's duty: ab officio discedere
- to neglect one's duty: de, ab officio decedere
- to let oneself be perverted from one's duty: ab officio abduci, avocari
- to have an inclination for a thing: propensum, proclivem esse ad aliquid (opp. alienum, aversum esse, abhorrere ab aliqua re)
- the principles which I have followed since I came to man's estate: meae vitae rationes ab ineunte aetate susceptae (Imp. Pomp. 1. 1.)
- to summon some one from the dead: aliquem ab inferis or a mortuis evocare, excitare (passive ab inferis exsistere)
- to ask for an oracular response: oraculum petere (ab aliquo)
- from beginning to end: ab ovo usque ad mala (proverb.)
- the conversation began with..: sermo ortus est ab aliqua re
- something has been left as a legacy by some one: hereditate aliquid relictum est ab aliquo
- I have received a legacy from a person: hereditas ad me or mihi venit ab aliquo (Verr. 2. 1. 10)
- to lend, borrow money at interest: pecuniam fenori (fenore) alicui dare, accipere ab aliquo
- to borrow money from some one: pecuniam mutuari or sumere mutuam ab aliquo
- to demand an account, an audit of a matter: rationem alicuius rei reposcere aliquem or ab aliquo
- to demand an account, an audit of a matter: rationem ab aliquo reptere de aliqua re (Cluent. 37. 104)
- to gain some one's favour: gratiam inire apud aliquem, ab aliquo (cf. sect. V. 12)
- to be on a person's side (not ab alicuius partibus): ab (cum) aliquo stare (Brut. 79. 273)
- to hold different views in politics: ab aliquo in re publica dissentire
- to deliver some one from slavery: ab aliquo servitutem or servitutis iugum depellere
- to exact a penalty from some one: poenam petere, repetere ab aliquo
- to exact a penalty from some one: poenas expetere ab aliquo
- to lay down arms: ab armis discedere (Phil. 11. 33)
- to demand satisfaction, restitution: res repetere (ab aliquo) (Off. 1. 11. 36)
- to gain a victory over the enemy: victoriam reportare ab hoste
- putting aside, except: cum discessi, -eris, -eritis ab
Latin Dictionary, Lewis and Short, 1879.Lingua Latina, Hans H. Ørberg, 2005.
1.(archaic) or
1.(archaic) around
- vaiedit
- ap
ipa :/ɑb/[Noun]
1.(anatomy) shoulder
2.Tiit-Rein Viitso, Valts Ernštreits (2012–2013), Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārōntõz, Tartu, Rīga: TÜ, LVA
pǟ um abūd vaisõ sizzõl viedtõd
recoiled, flinched (lit. "head is drawn in shoulders")
[[Middle Irish]]
[Alternative forms]
- aband, abann
editFrom Old Irish aub, from Proto-Celtic *abū.
editab f (genitive aba)
[[Norwegian Bokmål]]
ipa :/ɑːb/[Etymology 1]
editFrom German ab (“from”), from Middle High German ab, from Old High German ab (“of”), from Proto-Germanic *ab (“away, away from”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂epó (“off, away”).
[Etymology 2]
editFrom Latin ab (“from, away from, on, in”), from Proto-Italic *ab, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂epó (“off, away”).
[Etymology 3]
editAbbreviation of avbetaling (“installment”), verbal noun form of avbetale (“to pay off”), a compound of av + betale, first part av (“of, from, by, off”), from Old Norse af (“of, from, off, by”), from Proto-Germanic *ab (“away from”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂epó (“off, away”) + second part betale (“pay, purchase”), from Middle Low German betalen (“of, from, off, by”), last part is the suffix -ing (“-ing”), from Old Norse -ingr m, -ingi m, -ing f, from Proto-Germanic *-ingō, *-ungō.
1.(colloquial) Abbreviation of avbetaling (“installment”).
2.1974, Kari Bakke, Gråspurven, page 22:
møbler og vaskemaskin på AB
furniture and washing machine on installments
1.(economics) from; (i.e. delivered) for the seller's expense at a location and forwarded for the buyer's expense
ab Frankfurt ― from Frankfurt
ab varelager ― from inventory
ab fabrikk ― from factory
2.(economics, obsolete) as of
ab mai
as of Mayeditab
1.Only used in ab ovo (“ab ovo”)
- “ab_1” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).
- “ab_2” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).
- “ab_3” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).
- “ab” in Store norske leksikon
[Alternative forms]
- amb
- dab (Gascon)
- damb (Gascon, Aranese)
- ambé (Provençal)
- embé (Provençal, Niçard)
editFrom Latin ab.
1.(Guardiol) with
- Pei, Mario A. 1948. Ab and the survival of the Latin genitive in Old Italian. Italica 25. 104–106.
[[Old French]]
editReduced form of Latin apud.
1.(10th century) with
- avoec (used throughout Old French into the Middle and modern French periods)
[[Old High German]]
editFrom Proto-Germanic *ab.
[[Old Occitan]]
editReduced form of Latin apud
2.circa 1000, unknown, Lo Poèma de Boecis:
Non comprarias ab mil liuras d’argent.
[That] you couldn't buy with a thousand pounds of silver.
[[Pennsylvania German]]
editCompare German ab, Dutch af, English off.
editab m (plural ab)
ipa :/ab/[Etymology]
editUncertain. Compare English hobble, Dutch hobbelen (“to lurch”), Danish happe (“to stutter”), Norwegian jabba (“to stammer”) and colloquial Swedish happla (“to stutter”). [1]
editab (plural abs)
1.(Orkney) impediment, hindrance
2.(Orkney) objection
1. ^ https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/snd/ab
- “ab” in the Dictionary of the Scots Language, Edinburgh: Scottish Language Dictionaries.
editab (third-person singular simple present abs, present participle abin, simple past abt, past participle abt)
1.(Orkney) to hinder
[[Scottish Gaelic]]
editab m (genitive singular aba, plural abachan)
1.Alternative form of aba
1.Romanization of 𒀊 (ab)
[Alternative forms]
- âb
editFrom Ottoman Turkish آب (āb, “water”), from Persian آب (āb).
editab (definite accusative abı, plural ablar)
1.(obsolete, poetic) water
- Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–), “ab”, in Nişanyan Sözlük
editBorrowed from German aber (“but”).
ipa :/ab/[Antonyms]
- ach
- ferch
editFrom fab, soft mutation of mab (“son”).
1.A patronymic indicator; son of.
- R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “ab”, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies
1.a/an (singular indefinite article)
2009/03/12 17:31
2021/12/14 13:32
- “Ab” in Dictionary.com Unabridged, Dictionary.com, LLC, 1995–present.
1.(chemistry, obsolete) alabamine
ipa :/ɑb/[Anagrams]
- -ba-, B. A., B.A., BA, Ba, ba, ba'
[Etymology 1]
editThe first letter of each of the two syllables of antibody.
[Etymology 2]
editBorrowed from Hebrew אָב (āv).
[Etymology 3]
editShort form of Abner.
[Etymology 4]
editFrom the nineteenth-century Lepsius transcription, ȧb, of Egyptian jb (“heart, mind, intention”), .
[Etymology 5]
editBorrowed from Hebrew אָב (āv).
[Proper noun]
editAb m
1.(Judaism) Av, the eleventh month of the Jewish calendar.
- ba
1.(Finland) Abbreviation of aktiebolag.
2018/06/25 11:35
2021/12/14 13:32
ipa :/ˈkiːp.seɪk/[Etymology]
editFrom keep + sake.
editkeepsake (plural keepsakes)
1.Some object given by a person and retained in memory of something or someone; something kept for sentimental or nostalgic reasons.
She gave him a lock of hair as a keepsake of their time together.
2.(historical) Specifically, a type of literary album popular in the nineteenth-century, containing scraps of poetry and prose, and engravings.
- memento
- souvenir
- (plural): memorabilia
ipa :/kip.sɛk/[Etymology]
editFrom English keepsake.
[Further reading]
- “keepsake” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
editkeepsake m (plural keepsakes)
1.(historical) keepsake, literary album
2009/04/07 18:57
2021/12/14 13:34
put through
- throughput
editput through (plural put throughs)
1.(finance) A transaction by a broker outside the stock exchange, bringing a buyer and seller together.
editput through (third-person singular simple present puts through, present participle putting through, simple past and past participle put through)
1.(idiomatic) To connect (a telephone caller with intended callee).
Please hold the line a moment while I put you through to the sales office.
2.(idiomatic) to cause to endure
After all the grief my wife has put me through, I wonder why I'm still with her.
3.(transitive, soccer) To pass the ball to (someone) giving them a one-on-one scoring opportunity.
4.2011 February 1, Mandeep Sanghera, “Man Utd 3 - 1 Aston Villa”, in BBC[1]:
Friedel again had to save as he parried a Patrice Evra shot before gathering the ball after the left-back had been put through by Ryan Giggs.
5.Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see put, through.
2021/12/14 13:38
ipa :/peɪs/[Anagrams]
[Etymology 1]
editBorrowed into Middle English from Anglo-Norman pas, Old French pas, and their source, Latin passus. Doublet of pas; cf. also pass. Cognate with Spanish pasear.
[Etymology 2]
editFrom Latin pāce (“in peace”), ablative form of pāx (“peace”).
[Etymology 3]
editAlteration of archaic Pasch.
1. ^ How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement: English Customary Weights and Measures, © Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (§: Distance, ¶ № 6)
editpaco + -e
1.third-person singular present indicative of pacer
2.second-person singular imperative of pacer
ipa :/ˈpa.tse/[Noun]
editpace (uncountable)
ipa :/ˈpa.t͡ʃe/[Adverb]
1.(colloquial) peace be with you; that's it; end of the story
pace e amen ― peace be with you and amen
- cape
editFrom Latin pācem, accusative of pāx (“peace”), from Proto-Indo-European *peh₂ǵ-.
editpace f (plural paci)
ipa :/ˈpaː.ke/[Noun]
1.ablative singular of pāx
[[Middle English]]
1.proceed; go forward
2.1387-1410, Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, General Prologue
Er that I ferther in this tale pace, / Me thynketh it acordaunt to resoun / To telle yow al the condicioun / Of ech of hem, so as it semed me, / And whiche they weren, and of what degree […]
[Alternative forms]
editAlternative forms
- 𑀧𑀘𑁂 (Brahmi script)
- पचे (Devanagari script)
- পচে (Bengali script)
- පචෙ (Sinhalese script)
- ပစေ or ပၸေ (Burmese script)
- ปเจ or ปะเจ (Thai script)
- ᨷᨧᩮ (Tai Tham script)
- ປເຈ or ປະເຈ (Lao script)
- បចេ (Khmer script)
1.first-person singular present/imperative middle of pacati (“to cook”)
2.singular optative active of pacati (“to cook”)
ipa :/ˈpa.t͡sɛ/[Noun]
editpace m anim
1.nominative/accusative/vocative plural of paceditpace f
1.nominative/accusative/vocative plural of pacaeditpace f
1.dative/locative singular of paka
- război
editFrom Latin pācem, accusative of pāx (“peace”), from Proto-Indo-European *peh₂ǵ-.
editpace f (uncountable)
1.Informal second-person singular (tú) affirmative imperative form of pacer.
2.Formal second-person singular (usted) present indicative form of pacer.
3.Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present indicative form of pacer.
2021/09/06 13:41
2021/12/14 13:38
ipa :/ˈdɛəɹɪŋ/[Adjective]
editdaring (comparative more daring, superlative most daring)
1.Adventurous, willing to take on or look for risks; overbold.
2.1905, Baroness Emmuska Orczy, chapter 1, in The Tremarn Case[1]:
“There the cause of death was soon ascertained ; the victim of this daring outrage had been stabbed to death from ear to ear with a long, sharp instrument, in shape like an antique stiletto, which […] was subsequently found under the cushions of the hansom. […] ”
3.Courageous or showing bravery; doughty.
4.c. 1596-97, William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act II scene i[2]:
[…] By this scimitar,
That slew the Sophy and a Persian prince
That won three fields of Sultan Solyman,
I would outstare the sternest eyes that look,
Outbrave the heart most daring on earth,
Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear,
Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey,
To win thee, lady. […]
5.Racy; sexually provocative.
6.2013, Randy Rawls, Best Defense (page 59)
Just what I wanted, seeing my mom in a daring bikini—or worse yet, my being in one. I had the perfect drawer I could bury it in.
- Dargin, Gardin, drag in, gradin, radgin
editdaring (usually uncountable, plural darings)
- (adventurous): audacious, dareful, bold, venturesome
- (courageous): See Thesaurus:braveedit
- boldness; see also Thesaurus:courage
1.present participle of dare
ipa :/ˈdarɪŋ/[Antonyms]
- luar jaringan, luring
[Etymology 1]
editBlend of dalam (“on”) + jaringan (“network”).
[Etymology 2]
editClipping of kelas daring (“online class”).
[Further reading]
- “daring” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Daring, Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 2016.
- dalam jaringan
1.small fish
2021/06/03 17:54
2021/12/14 13:39
ipa :/dɛə(ɹ)/[Anagrams]
- 'eard, Dear, Rade, Read, Reda, ared, dear, rade, read
[Etymology 1]
editFrom Middle English durren, from Old English durran, from Proto-West Germanic *durʀan, from Proto-Germanic *durzaną (“to dare”), from Proto-Indo-European *dʰedʰórse (“to dare”), reduplicated stative of the root *dʰers- (“to be bold, to dare”), an *-s- extension of *dʰer- (“to hold, support”). CognatesCognate with Low German dören, Dutch durven, Sanskrit दधर्ष (dadhárṣa), but also with Ancient Greek θρασύς (thrasús), Albanian nder, Lithuanian drįsti, Russian дерза́ть (derzátʹ).
[Etymology 2]
editFrom Middle English, from Old English darian.
[Etymology 3]
[[Crimean Tatar]]
1.(music) tambourine
ipa :[ˈdarɛ][Noun]
1.vocative singular of dar
ipa :/daʁ/[Interjection]
ipa :/ˈda.re/[Anagrams]
- arde, rade, reda
editFrom Latin dare, present active infinitive of dō, from Proto-Italic *didō, from Proto-Indo-European *dédeh₃ti, from the root *deh₃- (“give”).
editdare m (plural dari)
editdàre (first-person singular present (with following syntactic gemination) dò or (with written accent, with following syntactic gemination) dò, first-person singular past historic dièdi or dètti, past participle dàto, first-person singular future darò, first-person singular present subjunctive dìa, first-person singular imperfect subjunctive déssi, second-person singular imperative dài or da' or (with written accent, with following syntactic gemination) dà, auxiliary avere) (transitive)
1.to give (to transfer the possession/holding of something to someone else)
2.to yield, to bear, to produce, to return
3.(ditransitive) to name, to call, to refer to [+ del (object)] [+ al (object)]
Il bue che dà del cornuto all’asino ― The ox who calls the donkey horned
1.Rōmaji transcription of だれ
ipa :/ˈda.re/[Verb]
1.present active infinitive of dō
2.second-person singular present passive imperative of dō
editFrom Latin dare, present active infinitive of dō, from Proto-Italic *didō, from Proto-Indo-European *dédeh₃ti, from the root *deh₃- (“give”).
1.to give
edit(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
editdare ? (plural dares)
1.(continental Normandy, anatomy) belly, stomach
- ventre (Jersey, Guernsey), vãtr (Sark)
editda + -re
editdare f (plural dări)
editdare (Cyrillic spelling даре)
1.vocative singular of dar
1.locative singular of dar
editFrom Latin dare.
- [1]
1.to give
ipa :/dɑˈɾə/[Noun]
editdare f
2009/04/03 16:16
2021/12/14 13:39
ipa :/ˈpɑkɪt/[Adjective]
editpocket (not comparable)
1.Of a size suitable for putting into a pocket.
a pocket dictionary
2.Smaller or more compact than usual.
pocket battleship, pocket beach
3.1990, Stephen King, The Moving Finger
She ate, drank, worked, danced, and made love in exactly the same way: con brio. She came into the apartment like a pocket hurricane.
4.(Texas hold'em poker) Referring to the two initial hole cards.
a pocket pair of kings
[Derived terms]
editTerms derived from the adjective, noun, or verb "pocket"
- air pocket
- burn a hole in one's pocket
- fob pocket
- line one's pockets
- pickpocket
- piss in someone's pocket
- pocketbook
- pocket flask
- pocketknife
- pocket veto
- pocket watch
editFrom Middle English pocket (“bag, sack”), from Anglo-Norman poket, Old Northern French poquet, poquete, diminutive of poque, poke (“bag, sack”) (compare modern French pochette from Old French pochete, from puche), from Frankish *poka (“pouch”), from Proto-Germanic *pukkô, *pukô (“bag; pouch”), from Proto-Indo-European *bew- (“to blow, swell”). Cognate with Middle Dutch poke, Alemannic German Pfoch (“purse, bag”), Old English pocca, pohha (“poke, pouch, pocket, bag”), Old Norse poki (“bag, pocket”). Compare the related poke ("sack or bag"). See also Modern French pochette and Latin bucca.
editpocket (plural pockets)
1.A bag stitched to an item of clothing, used for carrying small items.
2.1905, Baroness Emmuska Orczy, chapter 1, in The Case of Miss Elliott[1]:
“Do I fidget you ?” he asked apologetically, whilst his long bony fingers buried themselves, string, knots, and all, into the capacious pockets of his magnificent tweed ulster.
3.Such a receptacle seen as housing someone's money; hence, financial resources.
I paid for it out of my own pocket.
4.2012, Simon Heffer, "In Fagin's Footsteps", Literary Review, 403:
There was, for much of the period, no cheap public transport; and even the Underground, or one of Shillibeer's horse-drawn omnibuses, was beyond the pocket of many of the poor.
6. (sports, billiards, pool, snooker) An indention and cavity with a net sack or similar structure (into which the balls are to be struck) at each corner and one centered on each side of a pool or snooker table.
7.An enclosed volume of one substance surrounded by another.
8.2012, John Branch, “Snow Fall : The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek”, in New York Time[2]:
She knew from avalanche safety courses that outstretched hands might puncture the ice surface and alert rescuers. She knew that if victims ended up buried under the snow, cupped hands in front of the face could provide a small pocket of air for the mouth and nose. Without it, the first breaths could create a suffocating ice mask.
The drilling expedition discovered a pocket of natural gas.
9.(Australia) An area of land surrounded by a loop of a river.
10.(Australian rules football) The area of the field to the side of the goal posts (four pockets in total on the field, one to each side of the goals at each end of the ground). The pocket is only a roughly defined area, extending from the behind post, at an angle, to perhaps about 30 meters out.
11.(American football) The region directly behind the offensive line in which the quarterback executes plays.
12.(military) An area where military units are completely surrounded by enemy units.
13.(rugby) The position held by a second defensive middle, where an advanced middle must retreat after making a touch on the attacking middle.
14.2011 October 1, Tom Fordyce, “Rugby World Cup 2011: England 16-12 Scotland”, in BBC Sport[3]:
Matt Stevens was crumpled by Euan Murray in another scrum, allowing Parks to kick for the corner, and when Richie Gray's clean take from the subsequent line-out set up a series of drives under the posts, Parks was back in the pocket to belt over a drop-goal to make it 9-3 at the interval.
15.(surfing) The unbroken part of a wave that offers the surfer the most power.
16.A large bag or sack formerly used for packing various articles, such as ginger, hops, or cowries; the pocket of wool held about 168 pounds.
17.(architecture) A hole or space covered by a movable piece of board, as in a floor, boxing, partitions, etc.
18.(mining) A cavity in a rock containing a nugget of gold, or other mineral; a small body of ore contained in such a cavity.
19.(nautical) A strip of canvas sewn upon a sail so that a batten or a light spar can placed in the interspace.
20.The pouch of an animal.
21.(bowling) The ideal point where the pins are hit by the bowling ball.
22.A socket for receiving the base of a post, stake, etc.
23.A bight on a lee shore.
24.(dentistry) A small space between a tooth and the adjoining gum, formed by an abnormal separation of the two.
25.A small, isolated group or area.
26.2020 November 4, Paul Bigland, “At no point have I felt unsafe...”, in Rail, page 47:
They are comfortable trains with decent windows, ideal for observing a line which is one of the last pockets of manually operated crossing gates and semaphore signalling - [...].
- “pocket”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
[See also]
- bag
- pouch
- purse
- sack
- (in billiards, etc): pot
- (take and keep, etc): trouseredit
- (of a size suitable for a pocket): pocket-size, pocket-sized
editpocket (third-person singular simple present pockets, present participle pocketing, simple past and past participle pocketed)
1.(transitive) To put (something) into a pocket.
2.c. 1606–1607, William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Anthonie and Cleopatra”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio), London: […] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act II, scene ii], page 346, column 1:
[Y]ou / Did pocket vp my Letters: and with taunts / Did gibe my Miſive out of audience.
3.(sports, billiards, snooker, pool) To cause a ball to go into one of the pockets of the table; to complete a shot.
4.(transitive, slang) To take and keep (something, especially money, that is not one's own).
Record executives pocketed most of the young singer's earnings.
5.(transitive, slang) To shoplift; to steal. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
The thief was caught on camera pocketing the diamond.
6.(transitive, slang, dated) To put up with; to bear without complaint.
7.1810, Great Britain. Parliament, The Parliamentary Register (page 557)
As long as the house suffered the practice to prevail, they must submit to pocket the insult of being told that it existed.
editpocket m (plural pocketow or pocketys)
ipa :/ˈpɔ.kət/[Etymology]
editBorrowed from English pocket.
editpocket m (plural pockets)
1.A pocket book, a portable book of compact size, usually a paperback.
editpocket c
1.paperback; book with flexible binding
- pocketbok
[Alternative forms]
- pucket
edit(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
1.a lump of bread
- Jacob Poole (1867), William Barnes, editor, A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith
2021/08/04 08:51
2021/12/14 13:39
editin-kind (not comparable)
1.(payment or gift) consisting of goods or commodities (as opposed to cash)
I made an in-kind donation to the charity after cleaning out old clothing from my closet.
As a self-funded museum, we only receive in-kind support from the government, which provides us with some documents and articles of historic significance.
Free guarana soda from 2pm on is just one of the many in-kind benefits for employees here.
editA calque translation of the Latin phrase in specie
- non-monetary
2021/12/14 13:46
ipa :/ˈmʌnɪtɹi/[Adjective]
editmonetary (not comparable)
1.Of, pertaining to, or consisting of money.
- myronate, naometry
editFrom Middle French monétaire, from Late Latin monētārius (“pertaining to money”), from Latin monētārius (“of a mint”), from monēta (“mint, coinage”).
2013/04/18 06:10
2021/12/14 13:46
ipa :/fɪɹd/[Anagrams]
- Fareed, Freeda, ad-free, afeerd, deafer, faeder, fæder
[Etymology 1]
editFrom fear + -ed.
[Etymology 2]
editFrom Middle English ferd, feerd, fered, equivalent to fear + -ed.
2009/02/05 13:29
2021/12/14 16:44
ipa :/ˈiɡɚ/[Anagrams]
- aeger, agree, eagre, geare, æger
[Etymology 1]
editFrom Middle English egre, eger, from Old French egre (French aigre), from Latin acer (“sharp, keen”); see acid, acerb, etc. Compare vinegar, alegar.
[Etymology 2]
editSee eagre.
[Further reading]
- eager in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
- eager in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.
- eager at OneLook Dictionary Search
2021/12/14 17:39
- aeger, agree, eagre, geare, æger
[Proper noun]
editEager (plural Eagers)
1.A surname.
- According to the 2010 United States Census, Eager is the 13246th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 2305 individuals. Eager is most common among White (88.29%) individuals.
2021/12/14 17:39
ipa :/ˈfaʊndɪd/[Adjective]
editfounded (comparative more founded, superlative most founded)
1.Having a basis.
She offered a well-founded hypothesis.
- fondued
1.past participle of found
2.(nonstandard, childish) simple past tense and past participle of find
3.To set up; to launch; to institute.
2021/12/14 18:11
ipa :/tɜːs/[Adjective]
editterse (comparative terser, superlative tersest)
1.(by extension) Of speech or style: brief, concise, to the point.
Synonyms: concise, succinct; see also Thesaurus:concise
Antonyms: prolix, verbose, wordy; see also Thesaurus:verbose
2.1777, [George Riley], The Asses Ears, a Fable. Addressed to the Author of The Goat's Beard [William Whitehead], London: Printed for G. Riley, […], OCLC 1012057172; quoted in “Art. VIII. Asses Ears: A Fable. Addressed to the Author of The Goat’s Beard. 4to. 6d. Riley. 1777. [book review]”, in The Monthly Review; or, Literary Journal, Enlarged, volume LVI, London: Printed for R[alph] Griffiths; and sold by T[homas] Becket, […], March 1777, OCLC 901376714, page 194:
In eight terse lines has Phædrus told / (So frugal were the Bards of old) / A Tale of Goats; and clos'd with grace / Plan, Moral, all, in that ſhort space.
3.1832 September, [John Wilson], “Noctes Ambrosianae. No. LXII.”, in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, volume XXXII, number CXCVIII, Edinburgh: William Blackwood; London: T[homas] Cadell, […], OCLC 1781863, page 409:
Your last series contains some of the neatest, tersest, and most unpretendingly original criticism, I have lately met with.
4.1902, G. W. Parker, “Things and Other Things: Letters to Living Authors—IX. Sir [Arthur] Conan Doyle”, in Donald Macleod, editor, Good Words, London: Isbister and Company Limited […], OCLC 611177933, page 817, column 1:
The book contains some happily done portrait touches of Napoleon, [...] and this and other aphoristical sentences scattered throughout this volume, [...] form as terse and trenchant a character-sketch of the Emperor as may be found almost anywhere.
5.1946, Clayton Knight, The Quest of the Golden Condor, New York, N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf, OCLC 1686491, page 94:
Many protested that they had nothing to do with the fighting. At a word from the General the soldiers ripped off the men's shirts and examined the front of their shoulders. If they found bruises that might have been made from the butt of a gun when it had been fired—the terse order was, "Shoot him!" And many of the young men of Trujillo had disappeared.
6.1977, John Barth, “The Literature of Exhaustion”, in Malcolm Bradbury, editor, The Novel Today: Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction, Manchester: Manchester University Press by arrangement with Fontana Books; Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, →ISBN, page 73:
[...] [Samuel] Beckett has become virtually mute, musewise, having progressed from marvellously constructed English sentences through terser and terser French ones to the unsyntactical, unpunctuated prose of Comment C'est and 'ultimately' to wordless mimes.
7.1979 August 23, John Richard Harrison, Speaker of the House; Francis Duncan O’Flynn, “[Questions for Oral Answer] Leased Cars—Exemptions”, in Parliamentary Debates (Hansard): First Session, Thirty-ninth Parliament (House of Representatives), volume 425, Wellington: P. D. Hasselberg, government printer, published 1980, OCLC 191255532, page 2480:
Mr SPEAKER: If the honourable member could be terse. / Mr O'Flynn: I shall be very terse. It may be my fault, Mr Speaker, but I doubt if you have quite appreciated the point.
8.2012 June 4, Lewis Smith, “Queen’s English Society says enuf is enough, innit?: Society formed 40 years ago to protect language against poor spelling and grammar closes because too few people care”, in The Guardian[1], London, archived from the original on 10 March 2016:
Having attempted to identify a role for the society and its magazine, Quest, "for the next 40 years", the society chairman, Rhea Williams, decided it was time to close. She announced the group's demise in a terse message to members following the annual meeting, which just 22 people attended.
9.(by extension) Of manner or speech: abruptly or brusquely short; curt.
Synonyms: abrupt, brusque, (dialectal) mardy, short-spoken
10.2008, Julia James, The Italian's Rags-to-riches Wife (Bedded by … Blackmail; Harlequin Presents; 2716), Toronto, Ont.; New York, N.Y.: Harlequin, →ISBN, page 107:
'Laura!' The voice halting her was terse. Brusque. She turned. [...] 'Before I go,' he said, and his voice was terse, tighter than ever. 'I want to ensure you understand something.'
11.2018, Zara Cox, Close to The Edge (Mills & Boon Dare), London: Mills & Boon, →ISBN:
My voice was terser than I intended, but what the hell. The night was turning out to be interesting in some ways and extremely frustrating in others.
12.(obsolete) Burnished, polished; fine, smooth; neat, spruce. [from early 17th c.]
13.1601, Ben Jonson, Poetaster or The Arraignment: […], London: […] [R. Bradock] for M[atthew] L[ownes] […], published 1602, OCLC 316392309, Act III, scene i:
By Phœbus, here's a moſt neate fine ſtreete; is't not? I proteſt to thee, I am enamord of this ſtreete now, more then of halfe the ſtreetes of Rome, againe; tis ſo polite, and terſe; [...]
- Ester, Reset, Steer, Trees, ester, estre, re-est., reest, reset, retes, seter, steer, stere, teers, teres, trees
editFrom Latin tersus (“clean, cleansed, rubbed or wiped off; neat, spruce; terse”), perfect passive participle of tergō, tergeō (“to clean, cleanse, rub, wipe, wipe off”),[1] from Proto-Indo-European *terh₁- (“to rub; to turn”).
[Further reading]
- concision on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
1. ^ Compare “terse, adj.”, in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, 1911; “terse”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
ipa :/ˈterseˣ/[Anagrams]
- Ester
1.(humorous) hi, hello
ipa :/tɛʁs/[Anagrams]
- ester, estre, êtres, reste, resté, stère, stéré
1.first-person singular present indicative of terser
2.third-person singular present indicative of terser
3.first-person singular present subjunctive of terser
4.third-person singular present subjunctive of terser
5.second-person singular imperative of terser
- Ester, reste
[Etymology 1]
[Etymology 2]
1.vocative masculine singular of tersus
editterse f pl
1.feminine plural of terso
2009/01/28 16:05
2021/12/14 18:16
ipa :/mʌnθ/[Alternative forms]
- moneth (dialectal)
editFrom Middle English month, moneth, from Old English mōnaþ (“month”), from Proto-Germanic *mēnōþs (“month”), from Proto-Indo-European *mḗh₁n̥s (“moon, month”), probably from Proto-Indo-European *meh₁- (“to measure”), referring to the moon's phases as the measure of time, equivalent to moon + -th. Cognate with Scots moneth (“month”); North Frisian muunt (“month”); Saterland Frisian Mound (“month”), Dutch maand (“month”); German Low German Maand, Monat (“month”); German Monat (“month”); Danish and Norwegian Bokmål måned (“month”); Norwegian Nynorsk and Swedish månad (“month”); Icelandic mánuði (“month”); Latin mēnsis (“month”); Ancient Greek μήν (mḗn); Armenian ամիս (amis); Old Irish mí; Old Church Slavonic мѣсѧць (měsęcĭ). See also moon.
editmonth (plural months or (rare) month)
1.A period into which a year is divided, historically based on the phases of the moon.
July is my favourite month.
2.2013 August 3, “Boundary problems”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8847:
Economics is a messy discipline: too fluid to be a science, too rigorous to be an art. Perhaps it is fitting that economists’ most-used metric, gross domestic product (GDP), is a tangle too. GDP measures the total value of output in an economic territory. Its apparent simplicity explains why it is scrutinised down to tenths of a percentage point every month.
3.A period of 30 days, 31 days, or some alternation thereof.
We went on holiday for two months.
4.1959, Georgette Heyer, chapter 1, in The Unknown Ajax:
Charles had not been employed above six months at Darracott Place, but he was not such a whopstraw as to make the least noise in the performance of his duties when his lordship was out of humour.
5.2011 September 29, Jon Smith, “Tottenham 3-1 Shamrock Rovers”, in BBC Sport:
With the north London derby to come at the weekend, Spurs boss Harry Redknapp opted to rest many of his key players, although he brought back Aaron Lennon after a month out through injury.
6.(obsolete, in the plural) A woman's period; menstrual discharge.
7.1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], The Anatomy of Melancholy: […], 2nd edition, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps, OCLC 54573970:
Sckenkius hath two other instances of two melancholy and mad women, so caused from the suppression of their months.
[See also]
- calendar
- day
- time
- week
- year
- (Gregorian calendar months) Gregorian calendar month; January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (Category: en:Gregorian calendar months)
- (Hebrew calendar months) Hebrew calendar month; Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar, Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul (Category: en:Hebrew calendar months)
- (Islamic calendar months) Islamic calendar month; Muharram, Safar, Rabi I, Rabi II, Jumada I, Jumada II, Rajab, Sha'aban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhu al-Qida, Dhu al-Hijjah (Category: en:Islamic months)
[[Middle English]]
1.Alternative form of moneth
2010/06/02 00:13
2021/12/14 18:25
ipa :/ˈwɜːldwaɪd/[Adjective]
editworldwide (comparative more worldwide, superlative most worldwide)
1.Spanning the world; global.
A large meteorite impact would cause worldwide extinction of life.
editworldwide (not comparable)
1.Throughout the world.
Synonyms: around the world, globally, internationally
The character of James Bond is known worldwide.
English is spoken worldwide.
editFrom world + -wide.
2021/12/14 18:26
ipa :/ˈtɪtjʊlə/[Adjective]
edittitular (not comparable)
1.Of, relating to, being, derived from, or having a title.
2.Existing in name only; nominal.
3.1667, John Milton, “Book 5”, in Paradise Lost. A Poem Written in Ten Books, London: […] [Samuel Simmons], […], OCLC 228722708; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: […], London: Basil Montagu Pickering […], 1873, OCLC 230729554:
If these magnific titles yet remain / Not merely titular.
4.Named or referred to in the title.
editBorrowed from Middle French titulaire, from Latin titulāris, from titulus (“title”).
edittitular (plural titulars)
1.One who holds a title.
2.The person from whom a church takes its special name; distinguished from a patron, who must be canonized or an angel.
[See also]
- eponym
- eponymous
ipa :/ti.tuˈla/[Etymology 1]
editBorrowed from Late Latin titulāris.
[Etymology 2]
editBorrowed from Late Latin titulāre, present active infinitive of titulō.
[Further reading]
- “titular” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.
- “titular” in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana.
- “titular” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
[Etymology 1]
editFrom título + -ar, or borrowed from Late Latin titulāris.
[Etymology 2]
editBorrowed from Late Latin titulāre, present active infinitive of titulō.
[Further reading]
- “titular” in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa.
- “titular” in Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa. Porto: Porto Editora, 2003–2021.
- “titular” in Dicionário inFormal.
editFrom French titulaire.
edittitular m (plural titulari)
[Etymology 1]
editFrom título + -ar, or borrowed from Late Latin titulāris.
[Etymology 2]
editBorrowed from Late Latin titulāre, present active infinitive of titulō. Doublet of tildar.
[Further reading]
- “titular” in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014.
2017/06/21 14:47
2021/12/14 18:26
editstar-studded (comparative more star-studded, superlative most star-studded)
1.Having a large number of celebrities (colloquially stars).
It was a star-studded cast, until the money ran out and they all went back to Hollywood.
2.Having a large number of visible celestial stars.
The star-studded sky at that latitude was breathtakingly clear and bright.
2021/12/14 18:39
ipa :/ˈstʌdɪd/[Adjective]
editstudded (comparative more studded, superlative most studded)
1.Having studs.
2.2009 March 28, Rosie DiManno, “Jacko's moonwalk into the sunset”, in Toronto Star[1]:
Some of the outer layers of the Wacko Jacko phenomenon, however, are now on display here at the Grammy Museum: 10 of the singer's bechained, braided, studded, rhinestone and Swarovski-encrusted pseudomilitary jackets.
She had studded boots.
Use of studded tires is regulated in most countries.
3.(figuratively, in combination) Having many of some specified thing.
a star-studded sky
a celebrity-studded gala
2021/12/14 18:39
ipa :/stʌd/[Anagrams]
- Dust, UDTs, dust, duts
[Etymology 1]
editFrom Middle English stood, stod, from Old English stōd, from Proto-Germanic *stōdą. Cognate with Middle Low German stōt, German Stute, Dutch stoet and Old Norse stóð.
[Etymology 2]
editFrom Old English studu.
[Etymology 3]
- Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, Springfield, Massachusetts, G.&C. Merriam Co., 1967
ipa :[ˈstut][Etymology]
editFrom Old Czech stud, from Proto-Slavic *studъ (“cold, shame”) .
[Further reading]
- stud in Příruční slovník jazyka českého, 1935–1957
- stud in Slovník spisovného jazyka českého, 1960–1971, 1989
editstud m inan
1.shame (uncomfortable or painful feeling)
ipa :[ˈsd̥uˀð][Noun]
editstud c (singular definite studen, plural indefinite stude)
1.bullock, steer
2.boor, oaf
- “stud” in Den Danske Ordbog
editstud m (plural studs, diminutive studje n)
1.colloquial (in the Netherlands) abbreviation of student
- M. J. Koenen & J. Endepols, Verklarend Handwoordenboek der Nederlandse Taal (tevens Vreemde-woordentolk), Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1969 (26th edition) [Dutch dictionary in Dutch]
ipa :/styd/[Etymology]
editFrom English
editstud m (plural studs)
1.stud where stallions and mares are bred to improve the equine race
2.assembly of horses for sale or racing
- Nouveau Petit Larousse illustré. Dictionnaire encyclopédique. Paris, Librairie Larousse, 1952, 146th edition
editFrom Proto-Slavic *studъ.
editstȗd f (Cyrillic spelling сту̑д)
1.(expressively) cold
2012/05/25 14:29
2021/12/14 18:39
[[Alemannic German]]
editFrom Middle High German stud, from Old High German *stud, from Proto-Germanic *stuþs (“support, prop, post”). Cognate with English stud (“vertical post”), Icelandic stoð (“post, pillar”), Swedish stöd (“support”).
editStud f
1.(Uri) post, pole
- Abegg, Emil, (1911) Die Mundart von Urseren (Beiträge zur Schweizerdeutschen Grammatik. IV.) [The Dialect of Urseren], Frauenfeld, Switzerland: Huber & Co., page 19.
2021/12/14 18:39
ipa :/ɔːd/[Adjective]
editawed (comparative more awed, superlative most awed)
1.Filled with awe.
2.Having or showing awe.
3.1887, H. Rider Haggard, She: A History of Adventure[1]:
Even now my heart faints before the recollection of it, as she stood and smiled at our awed faces, and I would give half my remaining time upon this earth to see her once like that again.
- Dawe, Dewa, Wade, wade
- (filled with awe): thunderstruck; awestruck, awestricken
1.simple past tense and past participle of awe
2010/03/02 13:31
2021/12/14 18:40
ipa :/ɔː/[Alternative forms]
- aww
- W. A., W.A., WA, Wa, Wa., wa
1.Used to express disappointment or dismay.
Aw, that's too bad...
2.Used to express mild protest, entreaty, consternation, or disapproval.
Aw, dad, why can't we go to Legoland?
3.Used to express affection.
Aw, you've got such a cute baby bird!
editaw (plural aws)
1.An instance of aw.
2.2009 June 17, Randal C. Archibold, “Election at a Draw, Arizona Town Cuts a Deck”, in New York Times[1]:
Mr. McGuire, 64, a retired science teacher and two-term incumbent on the Town Council, selected a card, the six of hearts, drawing approving oos and aws from his supporters.
1.your (plural)
1.you (plural)
ipa :/aw/[Noun]
- Mark Hepner, Bargam Dictionary (2002)
- Carol and Mark Hepner, Bargam phonology essentials (1989) and Bargam Organised Phonology Data (1992)
[Etymology 1]
[Etymology 2]
editA reverse spelling of wala.
[[Central Kurdish]]
editaw (aw)
1.Latin spelling of ئاو (aw, “water”)
editaw (comparative awey)
1.raw, uncooked
editFrom Old Irish om (“raw, uncooked”) (compare Irish amh), from Proto-Celtic *omos (compare Welsh of), from Proto-Indo-European *h₃emós, *h₂eh₃mós. Cognates include Ancient Greek ὠμός (ōmós), Sanskrit आम (āmá) and Old Armenian հում (hum, “raw”).
[[Middle English]]
1.Alternative form of awe
[Alternative forms]
- áw (obsolete)
editFrom Pre-Nauruan *ae, from Proto-Micronesian *afe, from Eastern Proto-Oceanic *ave.
1.to swim
ipa :/ɑː/[Etymology 1]
[Etymology 2]
ipa :/ʔau/[Etymology]
editPossibly from English ow (“cry of pain”).
1.(informal, colloquial) ouch (an expression of one's own physical pain)
Synonyms: aray, a
1.(Dimli) water
- Tood, A Grammar of Dim(i)li (2008)
- uwe
2017/06/20 08:05
2021/12/14 18:40
1.(metrology) Symbol for attowatt, an SI unit of power equal to 10−18 watts.
2021/12/14 18:41
1.The ISO 3166-1 two-letter (alpha-2) code for Aruba.
ipa :/ˈɑːˌveː/[Noun]
editAW c
1.Initialism of afterwork.
2021/12/14 18:41
[Proper noun]
editAw (plural Aws)
1.A surname.
2021/12/14 18:41
ipa :/ˈɡɹeɪtfəl/[Adjective]
editgrateful (comparative gratefuller or more grateful, superlative gratefullest or most grateful)
1.Appreciative; thankful.
I'm grateful that you helped me out.
I'm grateful to you for helping me out.
2.2012 May 5, Phil McNulty, “Chelsea 2-1 Liverpool”, in BBC Sport[1]:
Carroll thought he had equalised with his header against the bar with eight minutes left. Liverpool claimed the ball had cross the line and Chelsea were grateful for a miraculous intervention from Cech to turn his effort on to the woodwork.
3.(obsolete) Pleasing, welcome.
4.c. 1593, William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, Act II, Scene 1,[2]
Neighbour, this is a gift very grateful, I am sure of it.
5.1659–1660, Thomas Stanley, “[The Doctrine of Epicurus.] Chapter XXIII. Of Fortitude, against Discontent of Mind.”, in The History of Philosophy, the Third and Last Volume, […], volume III, London: […] Humphrey Moseley, and Thomas Dring, […], OCLC 1205532072, 5th part (Containing the Epicurean Sect), 3rd part of philosophy (Ethick, or Morals), page 261:
[T]he aſſwagement of his [a wise man's] diſcontent conſiſts in two things, formerly preſcribed as remedies againſt corporeall pain; viz. Diverſion of his thoughts from his loſſe, or the cause of it; and an application of them to thoſe things, which he knowes to be gratefull and pleaſant to his mind.
6.1839, Robert Hooper, Klein Grant, Lexicon Medicum: or, Medical Dictionary (4th edition, page 1177)
[…] its glands give forth gum arabic; and its flowers an odour of a very grateful fragrance.
7.1841, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Skeleton in Armor,”[3]
Fell I upon my spear,
Oh, death was grateful!
8.1847, Herman Melville, Omoo, Chapter 67,[4]
[…] grateful underfoot was the damp and slightly yielding beach, from which the waves seemed just retired.
[Alternative forms]
- gratefull (archaic)
- ungrateful
editFrom Latin gratus (“pleasing, agreeable”) + -ful, morphologically grate + -ful.
[Further reading]
- grateful in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
- grateful in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.
- grateful at OneLook Dictionary Search
- thankful
- appreciative
2018/09/10 21:10
2021/12/14 18:45
much as
ipa :/ˈmʌt͡ʃ ˌæz/[Anagrams]
- Schaum, as much, cumsha, cushma, shumac, sumach
editmuch as
1.As much as; however much; although; even though.
Synonyms: howbeit; see also Thesaurus:even though
2.1837, Washington Irving, chapter XVI, in The Rocky Mountains: Or, Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Far West; […], volume I, Philadelphia, Pa.: [Henry Charles] Carey, [Isaac] Lea, & Blanchard, OCLC 1256105404, page 168:
The Blackfeet knew and marked him as he passed; their eyes glared with vindictive fury; he was within bowshot of their ambuscade; yet, much as they thirsted for his blood, they forbore to launch a shaft; sparing him for the moment, that he might lead them to their prey.
3.1894 December – 1895 November, Thomas Hardy, chapter VI, in Jude the Obscure, 1st American edition, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, publishers, […], published 1896, OCLC 3807889, part V (At Aldbrickham and Elswhere), page 360:
And then bills were sent in, and the question arose, what could Jude do with his great-aunt's heavy old furniture if he left the town to travel he knew not whither? This, and the necessity of ready money, compelled him to decide on an auction, much as he would have preferred to keep the venerable goods.
4.1927, M[ohandas] K[aramchand] Gandhi, “Child Marriage”, in Mahadev Desai, transl., The Story of My Experiments with Truth: Translated from the Original in Gujarati, volume I, Ahmedabad, Gujarat: Navajivan Press, OCLC 875661731, part I, page 26:
Much as I wish that I had not to write this chapter, I know that I shall have to swallow many such bitter draughts in the course of this narrative. And I cannot do otherwise, if I claim to be a worshipper of Truth.
5.Largely in the same way as.
Synonym: like as
6.1888, J[ames] M[atthew] Barrie, “The Old Dominie”, in Auld Licht Idylls, London: Hodder and Stoughton, […], OCLC 580485, page 138:
[H]e disappeared into his house much as a startled weazel makes for its hole.
7.2017 September 7, Ferdinand Mount, “Umbrageousness”, in Mary-Kay Wilmers, editor, London Review of Books[1], volume 39, number 17, London: LRB Ltd., ISSN 0260-9592, OCLC 848524821, archived from the original on 19 April 2021:
[Kartar] Lalvani does not undervalue the achievements of the Mughal Empire, but its canals and irrigation tanks and roads had fallen into decay after the terrible Persian and Afghan invasions of the mid-18th century. For his part, [Shashi] Tharoor cannot forbear to praise the achievements of men like Arthur Cotton, whose Godavari Delta irrigation scheme remains much as he left it in 1852.
8.2020 September 1, Tom Lamont, “The butcher’s shop that lasted 300 years (give or take)”, in The Guardian[2], London: Guardian News & Media, ISSN 0261-3077, OCLC 229952407, archived from the original on 19 May 2021:
Much as a single shop may pass down through the children and grandchildren of a family, losing or gaining with each generation, its fortunes and its reputation in flux, so the British high street has been improved and degraded through successive waves of stewardship
editFrom much (“used to compare, demonstrate, or indicate the quantity of something”) + as.
[Further reading]
- “much as” under “much, adj., adv., pron., and n.”, in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, June 2021.
- “much as, phrase”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
- much as at OneLook Dictionary Search
2021/12/14 20:52
ipa :/dʒɪˈɒɡɹəfi/[Etymology]
editFrom Middle French géographie, from Latin geōgraphia, from Ancient Greek γεωγραφία (geōgraphía, “a description of the earth”), from γῆ (gê, “earth”) + γράφω (gráphō, “write”).Use in reference to lavatories derives from the mid-20th century euphemism "show one the geography of the house" in reference to pointing out the toilets.
editgeography (countable and uncountable, plural geographies)
1.A description of the earth: a treatise or textbook on geography; (archaic) an atlas or gazetteer.
2.2021, Mark Steyn, “Our Increasingly Unrecognizable Civilization”, in Imprimis, volume 50, number 4/5, Hillsdale College, ISSN 0277-8432, OCLC 3890282, page 3:
These days, instead of going off behind the bike shed during recess to learn about sex, kids need to sneak behind the bike shed to do a little bit of closeted geography or closeted Latin.
3.The study of the physical properties of the earth, including how humans affect and are affected by them.
4.Terrain: the physical properties of a region of the earth.
5.1973, Helen Miller Bailey, Abraham Phineas Nasatir, Latin America: the development of its civilization
The geography of the Andes approaches never made transportation easy; routes to Bogota, Quito, La Paz, and Cuzco were so precipitous as to slow down the development of those Spanish cities in the interior.
6.Any subject considered in terms of its physical distribution.
7.(astronomy) Similar books, studies, or regions concerning other planets.
8.The physical arrangement of any place, particularly (UK, slang) a house.
9.(chiefly upper-class UK, euphemistic) The lavatory: a room used for urination and defecation.
10.1967 December 21, The Listener, p. 802:
The Business Man Jocular: ‘I say, where's the geography, old son?’
11.(figuratively) The relative arrangement of the parts of anything.
12.(chiefly business and marketing) A territory: a geographical area as a field of business or market sector.
- Oxford English Dictionary. "geography, n."
[See also]
- geography on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- (upper-class British slang for lavatory): loo; see also Thesaurus:bathroom
2021/12/14 20:59
ipa :/ˌdɪsˈtɹʌkʃən/[Anagrams]
- introducest
- construction
editFrom Middle English destruccioun, from Old French destrucion, from Latin dēstructiō, dēstructiōnem.
editdestruction (countable and uncountable, plural destructions)
1.The act of destroying.
The destruction of the condemned building will take place at noon.
2.The results of a destructive event.
Amid the seemingly endless destruction, a single flower bloomed.
[See also]
- devastation
ipa :/dɛs.tʁyk.sjɔ̃/[Etymology]
editFrom Old French destrucion, borrowed from Latin destructio, destructionem.
[Further reading]
- “destruction” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
editdestruction f (plural destructions)
2021/12/15 08:55
ipa :/ˈɛk.wɪ.tə.bəl/[Adjective]
editequitable (comparative more equitable, superlative most equitable)
1.Marked by or having equity.
2.Fair, just, or impartial.
3.1748, David Hume, Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral, London: Oxford University Press, 1973. § 33.
I may justly require you to produce that argument; nor have you any pretence to refuse so equitable a demand.
4.1834, Letitia Elizabeth Landon, Francesca Carrara, volume 2, page 254:
Security can be obtained but by defined rights, and these can be ensured only by equitable laws.
5.(law) Relating to the general principles of justice that correct or supplement the provisions of the law.
[Alternative forms]
- æquitable (obsolete)
editFrom French équitable, from Old French, from equité (“equity”).
[See also]
- equitabilis
[[Middle French]]
editequitable m or f (plural equitables)
1.equitable (fair, just, even, balanced)
[Alternative forms]
- aequitable
2021/12/15 09:50
ipa :/ˈθɹɪlə/[Etymology]
editthrill + -er
editthriller (plural thrillers)
1.Something that thrills.
2.2012 December 29, Paul Doyle, “Arsenal's Theo Walcott hits hat-trick in thrilling victory over Newcastle”, in The Guardian[1]:
While Arsenal had enjoyed a Boxing Day break thanks to the cancellation of their game against West Ham, Newcastle had come out of the wrong end of a thriller at Old Trafford and Pardew said that strain accounted for his side conceding four goals at the Emirates after Demba Ba had drawn Newcastle level for the third time in the 69th minute.
3.(film, literature) A suspenseful, sensational genre of story, book, play or film.
[See also]
- chiller
- page-turner
- (A suspenseful, sensational genre of fiction): pulp novel
editBorrowed from English thriller.
[Further reading]
- thriller in Kartotéka Novočeského lexikálního archivu
editthriller m
1.thriller (suspenseful, sensational genre of story, book, play or film.)
ipa :/tʁi.lɛʁ/[Etymology]
editBorrowed from English thriller.
[Further reading]
- “thriller” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
editthriller m (plural thrillers)
Hyponym: éco-thriller
ipa :/ˈtril.ler/[Etymology]
editBorrowed from English thriller.
[Further reading]
- thriller in Treccani.it – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
editthriller m (invariable)
1.thriller (film, book etc)
1. ^ thriller in Luciano Canepari, Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)
ipa :/ˈtri.lɛr/[Etymology]
editFrom English thriller.
[Further reading]
- thriller in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- thriller in Polish dictionaries at PWN
editthriller m inan
1.(film, literature) thriller
Synonym: dreszczowiec
editUnadapted borrowing from English thriller.
editthriller n (plural thrillere)
ipa :/ˈθɾileɾ/[Etymology]
editUnadapted borrowing from English thriller.
[Further reading]
- “thriller” in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014.
editthriller m (plural thrillers or thriller)
1.thriller (film, book etc.)
2009/02/20 00:51
2021/12/15 09:55
ipa :/ˌɹɛst(ə)ɹəˈtɜː/[Alternative forms]
- restauranteur (but see usage note)
editBorrowed from French restaurateur.
editrestaurateur (plural restaurateurs)
1.The owner of a restaurant.
ipa :/ʁɛs.tɔ.ʁa.tœʁ/[Etymology 1]
editFrom Late Latin restaurator.
[Etymology 2]
editrestaurer + -ateur
[Further reading]
- “restaurateur” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
2021/12/15 09:58
hit the road
[See also]
- hit it
edithit the road (third-person singular simple present hits the road, present participle hitting the road, simple past and past participle hit the road)
1.(idiomatic) To begin traveling in an automobile or other road vehicle.
If we're gonna make it by sunset, we'd better hit the road.
Synonym: hit the pavement
2.(idiomatic) To leave a place; to go away.
It's time for me to hit the road and walk home.
Synonym: hit the trail
2021/12/15 14:13
ipa :[hɪt][Etymology]
editBorrowed from English hit.
editHit m (genitive Hits, plural Hits)
1.hit (A success, especially in the entertainment industry.)
2.(slang) hit (A dose of an illegal or addictive drug.)
3.(computing, Internet) hit
- (computing, Internet): Treffer
2021/05/12 08:37
2021/12/15 14:13
- Thi, iht, ith, thi-
editHIT (plural HITs)
1.Acronym of high-intensity interval training.
2.Acronym of high-intensity training.
3.Abbreviation of hyperspectral imaging technique. or Abbreviation of hyper-spectral imaging technique.
4.Acronym of human intelligence task.
5.Abbreviation of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
6.Abbreviation of herd immunity threshold.
2021/05/12 08:37
2021/12/15 14:13
ipa :/spəʊk/[Anagrams]
- kepos, pokes, posek
[Etymology 1]
editFrom Middle English spoke, spok, spook, from Old English spāca, from Proto-Germanic *spaikǭ.
[Etymology 2]
1.plural of spook
1.(archaic) singular present subjunctive of spoken
[[Middle English]]
ipa :/ˈspɑːk(ə)/[Alternative forms]
- spook, spok, spak, spake
editFrom Old English spāca, from Proto-Germanic *spaikǭ.
editspoke (plural spokes or spoken)
1.A spoke (support radiating from the middle of a wheel)
2.A sharp spike or projection on the edge of a wheel.
2009/03/18 13:23
2021/12/15 14:31
in the midst of
editin the midst of
1.In the middle of. Amidst. Amongst.
2.2010, March 14, “Paul Harris”, in Carlos Slim: The world's wealthiest man[The Observer]:
He has been the master of the fire sale, swooping in to snap up bargains in the midst of panics and sell-offs.
3.2019 November 21, Samanth Subramanian, “How our home delivery habit reshaped the world”, in The Guardian[1]:
The pace of e-commerce was flying, and Magna Park 1 opened in the midst of a spell in which, between 2006 and 2016, the share of John Lewis deliveries going direct to customers rose 12-fold.
2021/12/15 14:41
ipa :/səˈpɔːt/[Etymology 1]
editFrom Middle English supporten, from Old French supporter, from Latin supportō. Displaced Old English underwreþian and Old English fultum.
[Etymology 2]
editFrom Middle English support, from Anglo-Norman and Middle French support. Displaced Old English underwreþung.
ipa :/sy.pɔʁ/[Etymology]
editFrom the verb supporter.
[Further reading]
- “support” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
editsupport m (plural supports)
3.(heraldry) supporter
2009/02/25 11:03
2021/12/17 18:50
ipa :[be̞ɾɯ̟ᵝɡʲiː][Alternative forms]
- 白耳義 (rare)
editFrom Dutch België[1][2]
[Proper noun]
editベルギー • (Berugī)
1.Belgium (a country in Europe)
1. ^ 1995, 大辞泉 (Daijisen) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
2.↑ 2.0 2.1 1997, 新明解国語辞典 (Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten), Fifth Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
[See also]
- ベルギー王(おう)国(こく) (Berugī Ōkoku)
2017/11/30 09:37
2021/12/19 10:24
ipa :/ˈmunˌlaɪt/[Etymology]
editFrom Middle English monelight, monelicht, from Old English mōnan lēoht (“moonlight”, literally “moon's light, light of the moon”). Equivalent to moon + light. Compare Scots munelicht, muinlicht, West Frisian moanneljocht, Dutch maanlicht, German Mondlicht.
editmoonlight (usually uncountable, plural moonlights)
1.(sometimes attributive) The light reflected from the Moon.
2.c. 1387, Geoffrey Chaucer, The Tale of Sir Thopas in The Canterbury Tales,[1]
His bridle as the sunne shone,
Or as the moonelight.
3.c. 1595, William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act II, Scene 1[2]
If you will patiently dance in our round
And see our moonlight revels, go with us;
If not, shun me, and I will spare your haunts.
4.c. 1596, William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act V, Scene 1,[3]
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
5.1751, Tobias Smollett, The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, Chapter 24,[4]
[…] the sight of the blade which glistened by moonlight in his face, checked, in some sort, the ardour of his assailant […]
6.1798, William Wordworth, “The Idiot Boy,” lines 1-4,[5]
’Tis eight o’clock,—a clear March night,
The moon is up,—the sky is blue,
The owlet, in the moonlight air,
Shouts from nobody knows where;
7.1830, Oliver Wendell Holmes, “Ballad of the Oysterman,” lines 5-6,[6]
It was the pensive oysterman that saw a lovely maid,
Upon a moonlight evening, a-sitting in the shade;
8.1849, Currer Bell [pseudonym; Charlotte Brontë], chapter 13, in Shirley. A Tale. […], volume (please specify |volume=I, II, or III), London: Smith, Elder and Co., […], OCLC 84390265:
She passed away noiselessly, and the moonlight kissed the wall which her shadow had dimmed.
9.1889, Robert Louis Stevenson, The Master of Ballantrae, Chapter 12,[7]
“ […] What say you, gentlemen, shall we have a moonlight hunt?”
10.1897, Bram Stoker, Dracula, Chapter 3,[8]
The windows were curtainless, and the yellow moonlight, flooding in through the diamond panes, enabled one to see even colours, whilst it softened the wealth of dust which lay over all and disguised in some measure the ravages of time and the moth.
11.1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Chapter 6,[9]
They were still under the white plum tree and their faces were touching except for a pale thin ray of moonlight between.
12.1937, J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, Del Rey, 1982, Chapter 16, p. 272,[10]
It was as if a globe had been filled with moonlight and hung before them in a net woven of the glint of frosty stars.
13.1957, Sylvia Dee, “Moonlight Swim” (song recorded by Nick Noble and Elvis Presley),[11]
Let’s go on a moonlight swim
Far away from the crowd
All alone upon the beach
Our lips and our arms
Close within each other’s reach
Will be on a moonlight swim
14.1958, Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, London: William Heinemann, Chapter 2,
On a moonlight night it would be different. The happy voices of children playing in open fields would then be heard. And perhaps those not so young would be playing in pairs in less open places, and old men and women would remember their youth.
- Moonlight on Wikipedia.Wikipedia edit
1. ^ Mish, Drederick C. (ed.). 1995. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.
2. ^ Treffry, Diana (ed.). 1999. Collins Paperback English Dictionary. 4th ed. Glasgow: HarperCollins.
editmoonlight (third-person singular simple present moonlights, present participle moonlighting, simple past and past participle moonlighted)
1.To work on the side (at a secondary job), often in the evening or during the night.
2.2004 July, Richard Porter; Paul Kerensa, Top Gear (2002 TV series), season 4, episode 7, BBC Two, United Kingdom; Isle of Man; Channel Islands, OCLC 1048213736, 00:22:29 from the start:
There are three individual rear seats. They all slide, they all fold, or they can all be removed completely, so that you can moonlight as a van.
3.2014, Elizabeth Kolbert, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, Picador, →ISBN, page 240:
Believing the bones to belong to a cave bear, the quarry owner passed them on to a local schoolteacher, Johann Carl Fuhlrott, who moonlighted as a fossilist.
4.(by extension) To engage in an activity other than what one is known for.
5.(by extension, of an inanimate object) To perform a secondary function substantially different from its supposed primary function, as in protein moonlighting.
6.(Britain, dated) To carry out undeclared work.
2021/12/19 14:56
to date
[Alternative forms]
- to-date
- ATEOTD, toated
editto + date
[Prepositional phrase]
editto date
1.(idiomatic) Until now; until the present time.
To date, they have sold only 500 copies of the book.
- erenow, so far, thus far; see also Thesaurus:hitherto
2021/12/19 17:54
ipa :/ˌɛksplɔɪˈteɪʃn̩/[Etymology]
editBorrowed from French exploitation, from exploiter (“exploit”), from Latin explicō (“unfold, deploy”).
[Further reading]
- "exploitation" in Raymond Williams, Keywords (revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 130.
editexploitation (countable and uncountable, plural exploitations)
1.The act of utilizing something; industry.
2.1936, Harold Laski, “The Rise of European Liberalism”, in Collected Works of Harold Laski, London: Routledge, published 1997, page 20:
Whereas in the middle ages the idea of acquiring wealth was limited by a body of moral rules imposed under the sanction of religious authority, after 1500 those rules, and the institutions, habits, and ideas to which they had given birth, were no longer deemed adequate. They were felt as constraint. There were evaded, criticized, abandoned, because it was felt that they interfered with the exploitation of the means of production.
3.The improper use of something for selfish purposes.
the exploitation of children in beauty pageants
4.The act or result of forcibly depriving someone of something to which they have a natural right.
Undocumented migrants are vulnerable to exploitation
5.The marketing and promotion of a film.
6.1928, Canada. Dept. of Trade and Commerce, Annual Report
This territory continued to be the greatest field for the exploitation and distribution of our films non-theatrically, […]
7.2017, Finola Kerrigan, Film Marketing
The difference is that obtaining increased financial input during the production phase of the film reduces the risk during the exploitation phase.
ipa :/ɛk.splwa.ta.sjɔ̃/[Etymology]
editexploiter + -ation, Medieval Latin exploitationem
[Further reading]
- “exploitation” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
editexploitation f (plural exploitations)
2021/07/24 16:37
2021/12/20 11:17
exploitation film
editexploitation film (plural exploitation films)
1.A film that relies on lurid subject matter for its appeal.
- exploitationer
2021/12/20 11:17
[Alternative forms]
- sweat shop
editsweat (“to extract money, labour, etc.”, verb) + shop
[Further reading]
- sweatshop on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
editsweatshop (plural sweatshops)
1.A factory or other place of work where pay is low and conditions are poor or even illegal. [from 1892]
2.2001 February 19, quoting Jonah Peretti, “Jonah Peretti and Nike”, in The Guardian[1]:
I was thrilled to be able to build my own shoes, and my personal iD was offered as a small token of appreciation for the sweatshop workers poised to help me realize my vision.
- Douglas Harper (2001–2021), “sweatshop”, in Online Etymology Dictionary.
- sweat factory
2009/04/03 16:09
2021/12/20 11:18
spin up
- pin-ups, pinups
- spin down
editspin up (third-person singular simple present spins up, present participle spinning up, simple past and past participle spun up)
1.(computing, intransitive, of a disk drive) To reach a sufficient spinning speed for reads and writes to take place.
2.1987, PC: The Independent Guide to IBM Personal Computers (volume 6, page 222)
Plated hard disk surfaces are actually harder and more scratch resistant than read-write heads are. The hard magnetic medium effectively protects itself from head crashes caused by contaminants and the drive's spinning up or down.
3.2005, R. T. Stone, The Journals Book II: Into the Gulf (page 28)
The hard drive spun up. The gray screen flickered. The smiley Mac face appeared and soon I was ready to dazzle the world with The Journals Book II.
4.(computing, transitive) To power up, launch, or instantiate.
We spun up a virtual server in the cloud to handle the additional load.
2021/06/19 08:35
2021/12/20 11:20
[Further reading]
- “Spin” in Duden online
editSpin m (genitive Spins, plural Spins)
1.(physics) spin
editFrom spin.
[Proper noun]
editSpin m (genitive/dative lui Spin)
1.A surname.
2018/07/19 09:30
2021/12/20 11:20
[Proper noun]
editMatter (plural Matters)
1.A surname.
- According to the 2010 United States Census, Matter is the 11069th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 2870 individuals. Matter is most common among White (92.65%) individuals.
2021/12/20 18:49
ipa :-æt[Proper noun]
editMatt (plural Matts)
1.A diminutive of the male given name Matthew
2.A diminutive of the male given name Matthias
3.A British patronymic surname, from given names, a rare variant of Matthews.
4.A German surname, from German.
5.A village in Glarus canton, Switzerland.
ipa :/mat/[Further reading]
- “Matt” in Duden online
editMatt n (genitive Matts, plural Matts)
1.(chess) mate, checkmate
ipa :/mat/[Further reading]
- Online Hunsrik Dictionary
editMatt m (plural Matte)
Synonym: Tee
ipa :/mɑt/[Etymology]
editFrom Middle High German motte. Cognate with German Motte, Dutch mot, English moth.
editMatt f (plural Matten)
2021/12/20 18:49
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