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13602 方針 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 方針 (hiragana ほうしん, romaji hōshin) 1.A plan どのような方針によるものなのですか? どのようなほうしんによるものなのですか donoyōna hōshin ni yoru mono nano desuka? According to what plan has it been carried out? [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 方針 (traditional, Pinyin fāngzhēn, measure word 個/隻/頂, simplified 方针) 1.policy 2.guiding principle [References] - (Can we date this quote?) Wenlin 3.0 (in Mandarin/English): 0 0 2012/03/04 19:06
13603 保険 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 保険 (hiragana ほけん, romaji hoken) 1.A means of indemnity upon occurrence of a fortuitous event; insurance. 0 0 2012/03/04 19:07
13604 экономика [[Russian]] [Noun] экономика • (ekonómika) f. 1.economy (production and distribution and consumption) [Synonyms] - хозяйствование 0 0 2012/03/04 19:09
13605 経済学 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 経済学 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 經濟學, hiragana けいざいがく, romaji keizaigaku) 1.economics 0 0 2012/03/04 19:09
13608 中性 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 中性 (hiragana ちゅうせい, romaji chūsei) 1.(grammar) neuter gender 2.neutrality [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 中性 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin zhōngxìng) 1.neutral 2.neuter 3.androgynous 0 0 2012/03/04 19:11
13609 государство [[Russian]] ipa :[gəsʊˈdarstvə][Noun] государство • (gosudárstvo) n. 1.(government) State Пока́ есть госуда́рство, нет свобо́ды. Когда́ бу́дет свобо́да, не бу́дет госуда́рства. (Влади́мир Ле́нин) Poká est' gosudárstvo, net svobódy. Kogdá búdet svobóda, ne búdet gosudárstva. (Vladímir Lénin) While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State. (Vladimir Lenin) 0 0 2012/03/04 19:10 2012/03/04 19:11
13610 国家 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 国家 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 國家, hiragana こっか, romaji kokka) 1.nation [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ kuɔ˧˥tɕia˥˥ ][Adjective] 国家 (simplified, Pinyin guójiā, traditional 國家) 1.national [Noun] 国家 (simplified, Pinyin guójiā, traditional 國家) 1.(Beginning Mandarin) nation; state [References] - 2000, Shao, Jingmin (ed.), HSK Dictionary (HSK汉语水平考试词典) (in Mandarin/English), Shanghai: Huadong Teachers College Publishers, ISBN 7561720785: [[Min Nan]] ipa :[ kɔk˥˥ka˥˥ ][Adjective] 国家 (simplified, POJ kok-ka, traditional 國家) 1.national [Noun] 国家 (simplified, POJ kok-ka, traditional 國家) 1.nation; state 0 0 2012/03/04 19:11
13613 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 辶 (“walk”) + phonetic 朮; in current form 朮 has been simplified to 术. [Han character] 述 (radical 162 辵+5, 9 strokes, cangjie input 卜戈木 (YID), 卜戈十金 (YIJC), four-corner 33309) 1.narrate, state, express [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 述 (Yale seut6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 述 (grade 5 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 述 (hangeul 술, revised sul, McCune-Reischauer sul, Yale swul) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 述 (pinyin shù (shu4), Wade-Giles shu4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 述 (thuật) 0 0 2012/03/04 19:12
13614 общество [[Russian]] ipa :[ˈopɕɪstvə][Noun] общество • (óbščestvo) n. 1.society 2.company 3.association 4.community 0 0 2012/03/04 19:12
13615 交際 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 交際 (hiragana こうさい, romaji kōsai) 1.association, relationship [[Mandarin]] [Verb] 交際 (traditional, Pinyin jiāojì, simplified 交际) 1.to socialize [[Min Nan]] [Verb] 交際 (traditional, POJ kau-chè, simplified 交际) 1.to socialize 0 0 2012/03/04 19:12
13617 грабить [[Russian]] [Verb] грабить (grábit’) impf., ограбить (ográbit’) pf. 1.to rob, to loot, to plunder 0 0 2012/03/04 19:16
13618 略奪 [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] - 掠奪 [Noun] 略奪 (hiragana りゃくだつ, romaji ryakudatsu) 1.acquisition by force 0 0 2012/03/04 19:16
13619 不正 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 不正 (な-na declension, hiragana ふせい, romaji fusei) 1.injustice 2.impropriety 3.fraud [Noun] 不正 (hiragana ふせい, romaji fusei) 1.unjust 2.improper 3.fraudulent 0 0 2012/03/04 19:17
13620 対格 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 対格 (hiragana たいかく, romaji taikaku) 1.(grammar) accusative case 0 0 2012/03/04 19:17
13621 воровство [[Russian]] [Noun] воровство • (vorovstvó) n. 1.theft, stealing, larceny [Synonyms] - кража 0 0 2012/03/04 19:17
13622 盗み [[Japanese]] [Etymology] From the continuative form of 盗む (ぬすむ, nusumu, “to steal”). [Noun] 盗み (hiragana ぬすみ, romaji nusumi) 1.theft 彼女は盗みを働く。 かのじょはぬすみをはたらく。 Kanojo wa nusumi o hataraku。 She commits theft. 0 0 2012/03/04 19:17
13623 しばしば [[Japanese]] [Adverb] しばしば (shibashiba) 1.屡: often, frequently, repeatedly, again and again, every so often 0 0 2012/03/04 19:21
13626 война [[Russian]] ipa :/vɐj'na/[Antonyms] - мир [Noun] война (vojná) f. 1.war, warfare 0 0 2012/03/04 19:22
13627 主権 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 主権 (kyūjitai 主權, hiragana しゅけん, romaji shuken) 1.(government) sovereignty (of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.) 0 0 2012/03/04 19:23
13628 польский [[Russian]] [Adjective] польский (pól’skij)  1.Polish [Noun] польский • (pól’skij) m. 1.Polish 0 0 2012/03/04 19:26
13630 угощать [[Russian]] [Verb] угощать (ugoščát’) impf., угости́ть (ugostít’) pf. 1.to treat (someone, to something) 2.to entertain 0 0 2012/02/05 13:34 2012/03/04 20:23
13632 [[Japanese]] ipa :/mi/[Etymology] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 美 in the cursive sōsho style. [Syllable] み (Hepburn romanization mi) 1.The hiragana syllable み (mi), whose equivalent in katakana is ミ (mi). It is the thirty-second syllable of the gojūon order, and its position in gojūon tables is ま行い段 (MA-gyō, I-dan; “row MA, section I”). 0 0 2011/12/18 17:46 2012/03/04 20:57
13635 のう [[Japanese]] [Noun] のう (romaji nō) 1.能: Noh, No; a form of classical Japanese musical drama 2.脳: brain 3.膿: pus 4.農: agriculture 0 0 2012/03/04 20:59
13636 しょ [[Japanese]] [Counter] しょ (romaji -sho) 1.所: places [Kanji reading] しょ (romaji sho) [Noun] しょ (romaji sho) 1.書: handwriting; document [Prefix] しょ (romaji sho-) 1.諸: various [Suffix] しょ (romaji -sho) 1.書: document 2.所: place [Syllable] しょ (Hepburn romanization sho) 1.The hiragana syllable しょ (sho), whose equivalent in katakana is ショ (sho). 0 0 2011/12/08 23:55 2012/03/04 21:01
13637 しょう [[Japanese]] [Counter] しょう (romaji -shō) 1.勝: victories 2.床, 牀: beds [Kanji reading] しょう (romaji shō) [Noun] しょう (romaji shō) 1.章: chapter; badge 2.象: phenomenon 3.賞: prize 4.笙: sho, an instrument used in Japanese court music 5.小: smallness; small size, small 6.簫: xiao, a Chinese bamboo flute 7.升: sho, a unit of capacity 8.省: ministry, government department, office; Chinese province [Prefix] しょう (romaji shō-) 1.小: small, -ette, -let 2.省: saving, conservation 3.正: exactly (of a number) [Proper noun] しょう (romaji Shō) 1.将: A male given name 2.庄: A male given name 3.翔: A male given name [Suffix] しょう (romaji -shō) 1.症: illness 2.商: quotient; dealer 3.賞: prize, award 4.荘, 庄: manor 5.性: nature of a thing 6.省: ministry 7.相: minister of state 8.小: elementary school 0 0 2012/03/04 21:01
13638 しょうにん [[Japanese]] [Noun] しょうにん (romaji shōnin) 1.商人: trader, shopkeeper, merchant 2.小人: child, small person 3.証人: (law) witness 4.承認: recognition, acknowledgment, approval, consent, agreement 5.上人: holy priest, saint 6.陞任: advancement, promotion 7.昇任: promotion [See also] - しようにん - じょうにん 0 0 2012/03/04 21:01
13639 室町 [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] 室町 (hiragana むろまち, romaji Muromachi) 1.Muromachi era (period in Japanese history running from approximately 1336 to 1573) 0 0 2012/03/04 21:03
13641 [[Japanese]] ipa :/se/[Etymology] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 世 in the cursive sōsho style. [Noun] せ (romaji se) 1.背: back, stature, ridge, spine 2.瀬: rapids, current [Syllable] せ (Hepburn romanization se) 1.The hiragana syllable せ (se), whose equivalent in katakana is セ (se). It is the fourteenth syllable of the gojūon order, and its position in gojūon tables is さ行え段 (SA-gyō, E-dan; “row SA, section E”). 0 0 2012/02/05 13:35 2012/03/04 21:05
13644 めいじ [[Japanese]] [Noun] めいじ (romaji meiji) 1.明示: specification [Proper noun] めいじ (romaji Meiji) 1.明治: (historical) primarily the Meiji period 0 0 2012/03/04 21:09
13645 明治 [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] 明治 (hiragana めいじ, romaji Meiji) 1.(historical) The Meiji era: the Japanese era beginning in 1868 and ending in 1912. The previous era was 慶応 Keiō and the next era was 大正 Taishō. 明治二年 めいじにねん Meiji ni nen the second year of Meiji (1869 in the Gregorian calendar)明治 (hiragana あきはる, romaji Akiharu) 1.A male given name 0 0 2012/03/04 21:09
13647 たいしょう [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] たいしょう (な-na declension, romaji taishō) 1.対称: symmetrical [Noun] たいしょう (romaji taishō) 1.対象: object 2.対照: contrast, comparison 3.大正: Taishō era 4.対称: symmetry 5.隊商: a caravan 6.大勝: crushing victory 7.大賞: first prize 8.大将: (military rank) general, admiral 9.大笑: uproarious laughter 0 0 2012/03/04 21:10
13648 しょうわ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しょうわ (romaji shōwa) 1.小話: anecdote 2.唱和: singing in chorus 3.笑話: funny story [Proper noun] しょうわ (romaji Shōwa) 1.昭和: the Shōwa era, December 25, 1926 to January 7, 1989 2.正和: Shōwa era of the Kamakura period 0 0 2012/03/04 21:11
13649 昭和 [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] 昭和 (hiragana しょうわ, romaji Shōwa) 1.The Japanese era beginning in 1926 and ending in 1989; the previous era is 大正 and the next is 平成. 昭和元年 しょうわがんねん Shōwa gannen the first year of Shōwa (1926 by the Gregorian calendar) 0 0 2012/03/04 21:11
13651 平成 [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] 平成 (hiragana へいせい, romaji Heisei) 1.The Heisei era; The Japanese era beginning in 1989; the previous era was Showa (昭和). 平成元年 the first year of Heisei (1989 in the Gregorian calendar) 0 0 2012/03/04 21:12
13652 ポーランド [[Japanese]] [Noun] ポーランド (romaji pōrando) 1.(country) Poland [Synonyms] - (Official) ポーランド共和国 (Pōrando kyōwakoku): Republic of Poland 0 0 2012/03/04 21:25
13653 せんたく [[Japanese]] [Noun] せんたく (romaji sentaku) 1.選択: a selection, a choice, an option (kyūjitai 選擇) 2.2002, episode Hellfire of the Hellsing anime お前の選択だ。 おまえのせんたくだ。 Omae no sentaku da. It's your choice. 3.洗濯: laundry, washing 0 0 2012/03/04 21:28
13654 選択 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 選択 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 選擇, hiragana せんたく, romaji sentaku) 1.選択: a selection, a choice, an option 2.2002, episode Hellfire of the Hellsing anime お前の選択だ。 おまえのせんたくだ。 Omae no sentaku da. It's your choice. 0 0 2012/03/04 21:28
13655 りょ [[Japanese]] [Kanji reading] りょ (ryo) [Syllable] りょ (Hepburn romanization ryo) 1.The hiragana syllable りょ (ryo), whose equivalent in katakana is リョ (ryo). 0 0 2012/02/01 21:57 2012/03/04 21:43
13656 領土 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 領土 (hiragana りょうど, romaji ryōdo) 1.territory, realm, dominion [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 領土 (traditional, Pinyin lǐngtǔ, simplified 领土) 1.territory 0 0 2012/03/04 21:43
13657 economist [[English]] [Alternative forms] - œconomist (archaic) [Anagrams] - emoticons [Etymology] From Middle French économiste (“household manager”) [Noun] economist (plural economists) 1.An expert in economics, especially one who studies economic data and extracts higher-level information or proposes theories. 2.One concerned with political economy. 3.(obsolete) One who manages a household. 4.(obsolete) One who economizes, or manages domestic or other concerns with frugality; one who expends money, time, or labor, judiciously, and without waste. [References] - “economist” in the Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper, 2001 [See also] - Economist on Wikipedia.Wikipedia [Synonyms] - (one who economizes): economiser, economizer, miser 0 0 2012/03/05 01:19 TaN
13658 debris [[English]] ipa :/ˈdɛbɹiː/[Alternative forms] - débris [Anagrams] - birdes, brides, rebids [Etymology] From French débris, itself from dé- (“de-”) + bris (“broken, crumbled”), or from Middle French debriser (“to break apart”), from Old French debrisier, itself from de- + brisier (“to break apart, shatter, bust”), of Germanic origin, from Frankish *brestan (“to break violently, shatter, bust”), from Proto-Germanic *brestanan (“to break, burst”), from Proto-Indo-European *bhrest- (“to separate, burst”). Cogante with Old High German bristan (“to break asunder, burst”), Old English berstan (“to break, shatter, burst”). More at burst. [Noun] debris (uncountable) 1.Rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed. 2.Litter and discarded refuse. 3.The ruins of a broken-down structure 4.(geology) Large rock fragments left by a melting glacier etc. 0 0 2012/03/06 09:36
13666 expansion [[English]] [Antonyms] - (act of expanding): contraction [Etymology] This definition is lacking an etymology or has an incomplete etymology. You can help Wiktionary by giving it a proper etymology. [Noun] expansion (plural expansions) 1.The act or process of expanding. The expansion of metals and plastics in response to heat is well understood. 2.The fractional change in unit length per unit length per unit temperature change. 3.A new addition. My new office is in the expansion behind the main building. 4.A product to be used with a previous product. "This expansion requires the original game-board." [[French]] [Noun] expansion f. (plural expansions) 1.expansion 0 0 2012/03/06 09:42
13667 tainted [[English]] [Adjective] tainted (comparative more tainted, superlative most tainted) 1.corrupted or filled with imperfections. Hey, get that away from me! It was bought with tainted money. [Synonyms] - corrupt - impure - imperfect [Verb] tainted 1.Simple past tense and past participle of taint. 0 0 2012/03/06 09:42
13673 groundless [[English]] [Adjective] groundless (comparative more groundless, superlative most groundless) 1.Without any grounds to support it; baseless. [Anagrams] - groundsels [Etymology] ground +‎ -less 0 0 2010/01/26 09:43 2012/03/06 09:48 TaN
13675 incinerate [[English]] [Anagrams] - creatinine [Etymology] This definition is lacking an etymology or has an incomplete etymology. You can help Wiktionary by giving it a proper etymology. Medieval Latin incineratus, past participle of incinerare, from Latin in- + ciner-, cinis ashes; akin to Greek konis dust, ashes (date : 1555 ; source webster collegiate) [Verb] incinerate (third-person singular simple present incinerates, present participle incinerating, simple past and past participle incinerated) 1.To destroy by burning [[Latin]] [Verb] incinerāte 1.second-person plural present active imperative of incinerō 0 0 2012/03/06 09:49
13681 gland [[English]] [Etymology 1] From Latin glans (“acorn”). [Etymology 2] 19th century. Etymology unknown. [[French]] ipa :/ɡlɑ̃/[Etymology] Latin glans, gland-. [Noun] gland m. (plural glands) 1.acorn 2.(anatomy) glans 3.1785, Donatien Alphonse François de Sade, Les 120 journées de Sodome, ou l'École du libertinage Brise-cul, vingt-huit ans, l'air d un satyre, son vit est tortu; la tête ou le gland en est énorme: il a huit pouces trois lignes de tour, et le corps du vit huit pouces sur seize de long; ce vit majestueux est absolument cambré. 4.tassel 5.(vulgar, slang) (of a person) prick, wanker [[Romanian]] [Noun] gland n. 1.glans penis 0 0 2012/03/06 09:52
13684 womanize [[English]] [Alternative forms] Wikipedia has an article on:WomanizeWikipedia - womanise (UK or archaic) [Verb] womanize (third-person singular simple present womanizes, present participle womanizing, simple past and past participle womanized) 1.(said of a man) To seduce women, especially lecherously. 0 0 2012/03/06 18:26
13685 womanizer [[English]] [Alternative forms] - womaniser (British) [Etymology] womanize +‎ -er [Noun] womanizer (plural womanizers) 1.(American) A habitual seducer of women. [Synonyms] - See also Wikisaurus:libertine 0 0 2012/03/06 18:26
13688 一致 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 一致 (hiragana いっち, romaji itchi) 1.agreement 0 0 2012/03/07 11:45
13697 annually [[English]] [Adverb] annually (not comparable) 1.Once every year without fail, yearly [Etymology] annual +‎ -ly [Synonyms] - perennially 0 0 2012/03/07 14:35
13698 predicted [[English]] [Adjective] predicted (not comparable) 1.That which has been foretold. The predicted storm hit, doing as much damage as expected. [Verb] predicted 1.Simple past tense and past participle of predict. 0 0 2012/03/07 14:36

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