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15682 терпеливый [[Russian]] [Adjective] терпеливый (terpelívyj)  1.patient (not losing one’s temper while waiting), enduring 0 0 2012/08/08 18:14
15683 忍耐 [[Japanese]] [Antonyms] - 激怒 (げきど, gekido): wrath [Noun] 忍耐 (hiragana にんたい, romaji nintai) 1.patience; patient [Synonyms] - 辛抱 - 我慢 0 0 2012/08/08 18:15
15684 文句 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 文句 (hiragana もんく, romaji monku) 1.complaint 文句あるか? もんくあるか? monku aruka? Any problems? 0 0 2012/08/08 18:21
15686 ごろ [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] - ころ [Particle] ごろ (romaji goro) 1.頃: around, about, approximately (Alternate form for ころ.) 0 0 2012/08/08 18:28
15687 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形) – a burning bush. Phonetic loan (假借) for abstract meanings. [Han character] 者 (radical 125 老+4, 8 strokes, cangjie input 十大日 (JKA), four-corner 44600) 1.that which 2.he/she who 3.those who 4.someone whose [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 者 (Yale je2) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 者 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 者 (hiragana もの, romaji mono) 1.person [Suffix] 者 (hiragana しゃ, romaji -sha) 1.someone of that type, someone who does that [[Korean]] [Hanja] 者 (hangeul 자, revised ja, McCune-Reischauer cha, Yale ca) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 者 (pinyin zhě (zhe3), Wade-Giles che3) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 者 (giả, trả, dã) 0 0 2012/08/08 18:28
15688 забияка [[Russian]] ipa :/zəbʲɪˈjækə/[Noun] забия́ка • (zabijáka) m. and f. animate 1.bully 2.squabbler 0 0 2012/08/08 18:28
15689 задира [[Russian]] ipa :/zɐˈdʲirə/[Noun] зади́ра • (zadíra) m. and f. animate 1.tease 2.bully 0 0 2012/08/08 18:28
15690 зад [[Russian]] ipa :/zat/[Noun] зад • (zad) m. 1.back, rear 2.bottom, buttocks, nates, posterior, seat [Synonyms] - тыл, арьергард - задница, попа, попка, ягодицы - задворки, околица 0 0 2012/08/08 18:28
15691 弱い [[Japanese]] [Adjective] 弱い (い-i declension, hiragana よわい, romaji yowai) 1.weak 2.delicate [Antonyms] - 強い (つよい) (“strong”) 0 0 2012/08/08 18:28
15692 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 弱 (radical 57 弓+7, 10 strokes, cangjie input 弓一弓戈一 (NMNIM), four-corner 17127) 1.weak 2.fragile, delicate [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 弱 (Yale yeuk6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 弱 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.weak 2.weakness 3.slightly less than [[Korean]] [Hanja] 弱 (hangeul 약, revised yak, McCune-Reischauer yak, Yale yak) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 弱 (pinyin ruò (ruo4), Wade-Giles jo4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 弱 (nhược, ních) 0 0 2012/08/08 18:28
15693 いじめ [[Japanese]] [Noun] いじめ (romaji ijime) 1.苛め, 虐め: bullying 0 0 2012/08/08 18:29
15694 いじ [[Japanese]] [Noun] いじ (romaji iji) 1.維持: maintenance 2.意字: ideogram 3.位次: ranking order, seating order 4.意地: disposition, spirit, willpower 0 0 2012/08/08 18:29
15696 なか [[Japanese]] [Noun] なか (romaji naka) 1.中: inside, middle 2.仲: relationship 0 0 2012/01/18 22:32 2012/08/08 18:32
15698 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 泣 (radical 85 水+5, 8 strokes, cangjie input 水卜廿 (EYT), four-corner 30118) 1.cry, sob, weep [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 泣 (Yale yap1) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 泣 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 泣 (hangeul 읍, revised eup, McCune-Reischauer ŭp, Yale up) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 泣 (pinyin lì (li4), qì (qi4), sè (se4), Wade-Giles li4, ch'i4, se4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 泣 (khấp, khắp, lớp, rắp, rập, khóc) 0 0 2012/08/08 18:33
15700 cry [[English]] ipa :/kɹaɪ̯/[Anagrams] - Cyr. [Antonyms] - laugh [Etymology] From Middle English crien, from Old French crier (“to announce publicly, proclaim, scream, shout”), from Medieval Latin crīdāre (“to cry out, shout, publish, proclaim”), of Germanic origin, from Old Frankish *krītan (“to cry, cry out, publish”) or Gothic 𐌺̴̴̹͂̈́̽ (kreiten, “to cry, scream, call out”); both from Proto-Germanic *krītanan (“to cry out, shout”), from Proto-Indo-European *greid- (“to shout”). Cognate with Dutch krijten (“to cry”), Middle Low German krīten (“to cry, call out, shriek”), German kreissen (“to cry loudly, wail, groan”), Middle Irish grith (“a cry”), Welsh gryd (“a scream”).etymology note [Noun] cry (plural cries) 1.A shedding of tears; the act of crying. After we broke up, I retreated to my room for a good cry. 2.A shout or scream. I heard a cry from afar. 3.Words shouted or screamed. a battle cry 4.(collectively) A group of hounds. 5.(ambitransitive, of an animal) A typical sound made by the species in question. "Woof" is the cry of a dog, while "neigh" is the cry of a horse. 6.A desperate or urgent request. [References] - “cry” in An American Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster, 1828. - cry in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 - cry in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911 [See also] - breastfeeding - crocodile tears [Statistics] - Most common English words before 1923: individual · girls · wall · #809: cry · step · turning · village [Synonyms] - weep - See also Wikisaurus:weep - See also Wikisaurus:shout [Verb] cry (third-person singular simple present cries, present participle crying, simple past and past participle cried) 1.(intransitive) To shed tears; to weep. That sad movie always makes me cry. 2.(ambitransitive) To shout, scream, yell. The captured bear cub tried to cry out to its mother. [[Middle French]] [Etymology] Old French cri [Noun] cry m. (plural crys) 1.cry; shout [[Scots]] [Verb] tae cry (third-person singular simple present cries, present participle cryin, simple past cried, past participle cried) 1.to call, to give a name to 2.A body whit studies the history is cried a historian an aw. 0 0 2010/12/08 11:00 2012/08/08 18:34
15701 плакать [[Russian]] ipa :/ˈplakətʲ/[Etymology] From Old Russian плакати, from Common Slavonic плакати сѩ (plakati sjɛ̃), плачѫ сѩ (plačɔ̃ sjɛ̃). [Verb] пла́кать (plákat’) impf. 1.to cry, weep 2.to mourn, weep 3.to be lost 0 0 2012/08/08 18:34
15702 плакат [[Russian]] [Noun] плакат • (plakát) m. 1.poster, placard, bill 2.broadsheet [Synonyms] - афиша, постер 0 0 2012/08/08 18:34
15703 666 [[Translingual]] [See also] - hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia [Symbol] 666 1.(biblical) The Number of the Beast. 2.1611, King James Version of the Bible (Authorized Version), Revelation 13:16–18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. 0 0 2012/08/08 18:39
15705 かなしみ [[Japanese]] [Noun] かなしみ (romaji kanashimi) 1.悲しみ: sadness, grief 0 0 2012/08/08 19:22
15707 つかう [[Japanese]] [Verb] つかう (godan conjugation, romaji tsukau) 1.使う: to use 2.ドライバーを使う。 doraibā wo tsukau. (I) use a screwdriver. 3.遣う: to spend 0 0 2011/10/08 13:42 2012/08/08 19:44
15708 にわ [[Japanese]] [Noun] にわ (romaji niwa) 1.庭: garden 0 0 2012/08/08 20:06
15709 はずかしい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] はずかしい (い-i declension, romaji hazukashii) 1.恥ずかしい: ashamed, embarrassed, shy 0 0 2012/08/08 20:15
15710 ようじ [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] ようじ (romaji Yōji) 1.陽二: A male given name 2.洋二: A male given name 0 0 2012/06/09 18:35 2012/08/08 20:16
15711 かんがえる [[Japanese]] [Verb] かんがえる (transitive, ichidan conjugation, romaji kangaeru) 1.考える: to think, to consider 0 0 2012/03/17 11:36 2012/08/08 20:19
15712 ねっしん [[Japanese]] [Noun] ねっしん (romaji nesshin) 1.熱心: zeal, enthusiasm 0 0 2012/08/08 20:48
15713 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): phonetic 臤 + semantic 貝 (“money”) – worthy, valuable (like money) [Han character] 賢 (radical 154 貝+8, 15 strokes, cangjie input 尸水月山金 (SEBUC), four-corner 77806) 1.virtuous, good, clever, wise, worthy 2.able, capable [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 賢 (simplified 贤, Yale yin4) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 賢 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [Proper noun] 賢 (hiragana さとる, romaji Satoru) 1.A male given name賢 (hiragana まさる, romaji Masaru) 1.A male given name [[Korean]] [Hanja] 賢 (hangeul 현, revised hyeon, McCune-Reischauer hyŏn, Yale hyen) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 賢 (simplified 贤, pinyin xián (xian2), Wade-Giles hsien2) [[Min Nan]] [Adjective] 賢 (traditional, POJ hiân, simplified 贤) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 賢 (hiền, hèn) 0 0 2012/08/08 20:48
15716 uso [[Basque]] [Alternative forms] - urzo [Noun] uso 1.dove, pigeon [[Catalan]] [Verb] uso 1.First-person singular present indicative form of usar. [[Galician]] [Noun] uso m. (plural usos) 1.use [[Italian]] [Anagrams] - suo [Antonyms] - disuso [Etymology] Latin usus [Noun] uso m. (plural usi) 1.use 2.custom, habit [Synonyms] - impiego - utilizzo - consumo [Verb] uso 1.first-person singular present tense of usare [[Japanese]] [Noun] uso (hiragana うそ) 1.嘘: a lie, a falsehood; something incorrect 2.嘘: (slang) really?, no way!, unbelievable! [[Latin]] [Participle] ūsō 1.dative masculine singular of ūsus 2.dative neuter singular of ūsus 3.ablative masculine singular of ūsus 4.ablative neuter plural of ūsus [[Portuguese]] [Noun] uso m. (plural usos) 1.use [Verb] uso 1.First-person singular (eu) present indicative of verb usar. [[Samoan]] [Noun] uso 1.a relative of the same generation and gender [See also] - tuafafine - tuagane [[Spanish]] [Noun] uso m. (plural usos) 1.use 2.usage; habit 3.wear (degradation) [Synonyms] - empleo (1) - utilización (1) - usanza (2) [Verb] uso (infinitive usar) 1.First-person singular (yo) present indicative form of usar. [[Swahili]] [Noun] uso 1.face (part of head) This Swahili entry was created from the translations listed at face. It may be less reliable than other entries, and may be missing parts of speech or additional senses. Please also see uso in the Swahili Wiktionary. This notice will be removed when the entry is checked. (more information) August 2009 0 0 2012/08/08 20:58
15717 うそ [[Japanese]] [Noun] うそ (romaji uso) 1.嘘: a lie, a falsehood; something incorrect 2.嘘: (slang) really?, no way!, unbelievable! 0 0 2012/08/08 20:58
15718 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 口 (“mouth”) + phonetic 土 – spew from your mouth. [Han character] 吐 (radical 30 口+3, 6 strokes, cangjie input 口土 (RG), four-corner 64010) 1.vomit, spew out, cough up [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 吐 (Yale tou3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 吐 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 吐 (hangeul 토, revised to, McCune-Reischauer t'o) [Noun] 吐 (토, to) 1.An affixal letter used in kwukyel. [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 吐 (pinyin tǔ (tu3), tù (tu4), Wade-Giles t'u3) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 吐 (*tǒ) [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 吐 (POJ thò͘, thó͘) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 吐 (thổ, nhổ, giổ, giỗ) 0 0 2012/08/09 18:53
15719 しあわせ [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] しあわせ (な-na declension, romaji shiawase) 1.幸せ: happy; fortunate [Noun] しあわせ (romaji shiawase) 1.幸せ: happiness, good fortune 0 0 2012/08/09 18:54
15721 でんわする [[Japanese]] [Noun] でんわ (romaji denwa) 1.電話: a telephone [Verb] でんわ + する (irregular conjugation, romaji denwa suru)でんわする でんわ suru 1.電話: make a phone call 0 0 2012/08/09 18:54
15722 おんがく [[Japanese]] [Noun] おんがく (romaji ongaku) 1.音楽: music 0 0 2011/02/03 00:23 2012/08/09 18:57
15723 てがみ [[Japanese]] [Noun] てがみ (romaji tegami) 1.手紙: letter [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/08/09 18:57
15728 アイロン [[Japanese]] [Noun] アイロン (romaji airon) 1.A clothes iron. アイロンをかける airon o kakeru to iron something 0 0 2012/08/09 19:01
15729 アイ [[Ainu]] [Noun] アイ (ay) 1.arrow [[Japanese]] [Noun] アイ (romaji ai) 1.I 2.eye 0 0 2012/08/09 19:01
15730 [[Translingual]] [Alternative forms] - 銕 - 鐡 - 鋨 - 锇 - 鉃 [Han character] 鉄 (radical 167 金+5, 13 strokes, cangjie input 金竹手人 (CHQO), composition ⿰金失) 1.iron, Fe 2.strong, solid, firm [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 鉄 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.iron [Noun] 鉄 (kyūjitai 鐵, hiragana てつ, romaji tetsu) or literally 鉄 (hiragana くろがね, romaji kurogane) 1.iron, steel 2.iron, Fe 0 0 2012/08/09 19:02
15732 コーヒー [[Japanese]] [Etymology] From Dutch koffie. [Noun] コーヒー (romaji kōhī) 1.珈琲: coffee 0 0 2012/01/28 15:45 2012/08/09 19:05
15734 ロック [[Japanese]] [Noun] ロック (romaji rokku) 1.(music) rock (style of music) 光のロック . Hikari no rokku. Light's rock. 2.lock 0 0 2012/08/09 19:37
15736 вечером [[Russian]] [Adverb] вечером (véčerom) 1.in the evening 2.сего́дня ве́чером — tonight [See also] - днём - ночью - утром [Synonyms] - ввечеру 0 0 2012/08/09 19:47
15737 вечер [[Bulgarian]] ipa :/ˈvɛtʃɛr/[Adverb] вечер (véčer) 1.in the evening [Etymology] From Proto-Slavic *večerъ, from Proto-Indo-European *wekʷsperos. [Noun] вечер (véčer) f. 1.evening, eve, eventide [[Macedonian]] [Etymology] From Proto-Slavic *večerъ, from Proto-Indo-European *wekʷsperos. [Noun] вечер • (večer) m. 1.evening [[Russian]] ipa :/'vʲet͡ɕɪr/[Etymology] From Proto-Slavic *večerъ, from Proto-Indo-European *wekʷsperos. Cognates include Ancient Greek ἕσπερος (hesperos), Latin vesper, Old Armenian գիշեր (gišer). [Noun] вечер (véčer) m. 1.evening 2.tonight, this evening Вечер обещает быть приятным. — Tonight is going to be a pleasant night. 3.(formal) party, social gathering, soiree [[Serbo-Croatian]] [Alternative forms] - ве̏че̄ [Etymology] From Proto-Slavic *večerъ, from Proto-Indo-European *wekʷsperos. [Noun] ве̏че̄р f. (Latin spelling vȅčēr) 1.evening 0 0 2012/08/09 19:47
15738 вече [[Russian]] ipa :/ˈvʲet͡ɕɪ/[Noun] вече • (véče) n. 1.(historical, politics) veche (popular assembly in Ancient Russia) [[Serbo-Croatian]] [Alternative forms] - ве̏че̄р [Noun] ве̏че̄ m. (Latin spelling vȅčē) 1.(colloquial, language of literature) evening 0 0 2012/08/09 19:47
15739 вчера [[Russian]] ipa :/fʨɪ'ra/[Adverb] вчера (včerá) 1.yesterday [See also] - завтра - сегодня 0 0 2012/08/09 19:47
15740 昨夜 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 昨夜 (hiragana さくや,ゆうべ, romaji sakuya, yūbe) 1.last night [[Mandarin]] [Adverb] 昨夜 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin zuóyè) 1.last night [Noun] 昨夜 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin zuóyè) 1.last night [Synonyms] - 昨晚 - 昨晚 0 0 2012/08/09 19:48
15741 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 昨 (radical 72 日+5, 9 strokes, cangjie input 日人尸 (AOS), four-corner 68011, composition ⿰日乍) 1.yesterday 2.in former times, past [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 昨 (Yale jok3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 昨 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 昨 (hangeul 작, revised jak, McCune-Reischauer chak, Yale cak) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 昨 (pinyin zuó (zuo2), Wade-Giles tso2) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 昨 (tạc) 0 0 2012/08/09 19:48
15742 さくや [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] さくや (romaji Sakuya) 1.A female given name 0 0 2012/08/09 19:48
15743 すべて [[Japanese]] [Adverb] すべて (romaji subete) 1.all [Alternative forms] - 全て (most often used) - 凡て - 総て [Derived terms] - すべての (subeteno)(adj.) all, every [Noun] すべて (romaji subete) 1.all, all of it, all of them; everything 0 0 2012/08/09 19:51
15744 こども [[Japanese]] [Noun] こども (romaji kodomo) 1.子供: child 0 0 2012/08/09 19:53
15745 きる [[Japanese]] [Verb] きる (godan conjugation, romaji kiru) 1.切る, 斬る: to cut; to slice 2.着る: to wear 彼女はかわいい水着を着ている。 かのじょはかわいいみずぎをきている。 Kanojo wa kawaii mizugi o kite iru. She's wearing a cute bathing suit. 0 0 2012/05/09 14:28 2012/08/09 19:56
15746 orb [[English]] ipa :/oɹb/[Anagrams] - bor - bro - rob, Rob [Etymology] French orbe, from Latin orbis (“circle, orb”). Compare orbit. [Noun] orb (plural orbs) 1.A spherical body; a globe; especially, one of the celestial spheres; a sun, planet, or star In the small orb of one particular tear. --Shakespeare Whether the prime orb, Incredible how swift, had thither rolled. -- John Milton 2.One of the azure transparent spheres conceived by the ancients to be inclosed one within another, and to carry the heavenly bodies in their revolutions 3.A circle; especially, a circle, or nearly circular orbit, described by the revolution of a heavenly body; an orbit The schoolmen were like astronomers, which did feign eccentrics, and epicycles, and such engines of orbs. --Bacon You seem to me as Dian in her orb. --Shakespeare In orbs Of circuit inexpressible they stood, Orb within orb. --John Milton 4.(rare) A period of time marked off by the revolution of a heavenly body. --John Milton 5.(poetic) The eye, as luminous and spherical A drop serene hath quenched their orbs. --John Milton 6.(poetic) A revolving circular body; a wheel The orbs Of his fierce chariot rolled. --John Milton 7.(rare) A sphere of action. --William Wordsworth But in our orbs we'll live so round and safe. --Shakespeare 8.A globus cruciger 9.A translucent sphere appearing in flash photography [References] - orb in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 [Verb] orb (third-person singular simple present orbs, present participle orbing, simple past and past participle orbed) 1.(poetic) to form into an orb or circle (Can we find and add a quotation of Lowell to this entry?) (Can we find and add a quotation of Milton to this entry?) 2.(poetic) (transitive) to encircle; to surround; to inclose 3.(poetic) (intransitive) to become round like an orb [[Catalan]] [Adjective] orb m. (feminine orba, masculine plural orbs, feminine plural orbes) 1.blind [Etymology] from Latin orbus [Noun] orb m. (uncountable) 1.a fungal disease of wheat and other cereals [Synonyms] - cec [[Estonian]] [Etymology] From Proto-Finno-Ugric *orpa along with Finnish orpo and Hungarian árva. [Noun] orb (??? please provide the genitive and partitive!) 1.orphan [[Romanian]] [Adjective] orb 4 nom/acc forms 1.blind [Etymology] From Latin orbus. Compare Italian orbo. [Noun] orb m. (plural orbi) 1.blind man 0 0 2012/08/10 13:23 TaN
15747 おなか [[Japanese]] [Noun] おなか (romaji onaka) 1.お腹: stomach [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/08/10 19:32
15749 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] To separate (八) with a knife (刀) [Han character] 分 (radical 18 刀+2, 4 strokes, cangjie input 金尸竹 (CSH), four-corner 80227, composition ⿱八刀) 1.divide 2.small unit of time etc. 3.the number 1/10; 0.1 [See also] - Chinese Numeral 分 - Next: 厘 - Last: 一 - Last: 〇 - 丈 , 尺 , 寸 [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 分 (Yale fan1, fan6) [Noun] 分 (traditional and simplified) 1.(Hong Kong) fan, a traditional unit of length, legally defined as 0.1 tsun (寸) or 0.00371475 metres (米) 2.a minute of time 3.an ancient small unit of time [See also] - (unit of length): 丈 , 尺 , 寸 [[Japanese]] [Counter] 分 (hiragana ふん, romaji fun) 1.minutes (duration) [Kanji] 分 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 分 (hiragana ふん, romaji fun) 1.a minute (unit of time) 2.a minute (unit of angle)分 (hiragana ぶん, romaji bun) 1.part; share このケーキは君の分だよ。 kono kēki wa kimi no bun da yo. this piece of cake is yours. (your share; it implies there are other pieces of cake.) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 分 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 분 (revised: bun, McCune-Reischauer: pun) - Name (hangeul): 나눌 (revised: nanul, McCune-Reischauer: nanul) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 分 (pinyin fēn (fen1), Wade-Giles fen1) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 分 (phân, phận, phần) 0 0 2012/08/10 19:36

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