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16393 わかれる [[Japanese]] [Verb] わかれる (intransitive, ichidan conjugation, romaji wakareru) 1.分かれる: to split, to fork, to branch off 2.別れる: to separate 3.Passive form of “沸く” 4.Passive form of “湧く” 0 0 2011/11/05 14:44 2012/09/26 20:59
16395 しぬ [[Japanese]] [Verb] しぬ (godan conjugation, romaji shinu) 1.死ぬ: to die 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16396 こう [[Japanese]] [Adverb] こう (kanji 斯う, romaji kō) 1.like this, in this way, so, thus [Kanji reading] こう (romaji kō) 1.口: mouth, opening, entrance, hole; kind, sort; job 2.工: work, craft, art, skill; workman, artisan 3.孔: hole, cavity 4.公: prince, lord; public 5.甲: "A", first, the former, the one; shell, armor, tortoise shell, crab shell; back of the hand; instep; the back 6.功: efficiency, merit, distinguished services, achievement, success, exploit, honor, credit 7.光: light, ray, beam; radiance, brilliance, brightness; shine, flash, gleam, glitter, glimmer, twinkle, sparkle, glow, luster, gloss 8.江: river, creek; inlet, bay 9.香: fragrant, sweet smelling; incense 10.校: (prefix) school; military field officer 11.項: section, member, term 12.鉱: mine; mineral, ore 13.綱: heavy rope, hawser; main points; (biological classification) class 14.稿: draft, manuscript, rough copy 15.鋼: steel; hard, strong, tough 16.衡: measure, weigh, judge, consider 17.購: buy, purchase; hire 18.亘 19.交 [Proper noun] こう (romaji Kō) 1.光: A male given name 2.巧: A male given name [Verb] こう (godan conjugation, romaji kou) 1.請う: ask, beg, request, entreat, appeal, solicit 0 0 2011/12/18 19:01 2012/09/26 20:59
16400 ゆうしょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] ゆうしょう (romaji yūshō) 1.優勝: victory; championship 2.有償: for profit; onerous 3.勇将: a brave general 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16401 しんがく [[Japanese]] [Noun] しんがく (romaji shingaku) 1.神学: theology 2.進学: going on to university 3.心学: Edo-period popularized blend of Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian ethical teachings 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16402 かんか [[Japanese]] [Noun] かんか (romaji kanka) 1.乾果: fruits which dry up in ripening 2.寒家: a poor family 3.寒花: flowers which bloom in cold seasons 4.勘過: investigating well 5.官家: particular south Korean area which served Japan before Taika era 6.官暇: a vacation given by the government 7.寛仮: forgiving a person generously 8.干戈: weapons; shields and pikes; fighting, war 9.患家: a house with a patient 10.患禍: a disaster 11.感化: influence, inspiration, reform, correction 12.感果: (a Buddhist Word) getting a good news in return for its cause 13.感荷: being impressed deeply 14.換価: doing appraisal 15.柑果: a species of fruit similar to orange 16.漢家: imperial house of Hang 17.看過: read through, connivance 18.管下: a range ruled by certain country, government or organization 19.坩堝: crucible, pot 20.閑暇: leisure 21.轗軻, 坎軻: separation from the world 22.鰥寡: widow, widower, lonely people 23.環化: cyclization 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16403 ばしょ [[Japanese]] [Noun] ばしょ (romaji basho) 1.場所: place, location; seat; Sumo tournament 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16404 図書館 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] From 図書 (tosho, “books”) + 館 (kan, “building”). [Noun] 図書館 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 圖書館, hiragana としょかん, romaji toshokan) 1.library (building) [See also] - 図書室 (としょしつ, toshoshitsu), library (room) - (Mandarin) trad. 圖書館, simpl. 图书馆 (túshūguǎn) - (Min Nan) trad. 圖書館, simpl. 图书馆 (tô·-su-kóan) 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16407 あそぶ [[Japanese]] [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 [Verb] あそぶ (godan conjugation, romaji asobu) 1.遊ぶ: to play 0 0 2012/08/23 22:13 2012/09/26 20:59
16408 のる [[Japanese]] [Verb] のる (godan conjugation, romaji noru) 1.乗る: to ride, to take, to get on 2.載る: to record 0 0 2012/08/19 18:58 2012/09/26 20:59
16409 さいきん [[Japanese]] [Adverb] さいきん (romaji saikin) 1.最近: latest, most recent, nowadays, recently 2.マンガで分かるLisp (Manga Guide to Lisp) みりん。地域猫。最近までマクロのことをマグロと思っていた。 みりん。ちいきねこ。さいきんまでまくろのことをまぐろとおもっていた。 Mirin. Chiiki neko. Saikin made makuro no koto o maguro to omotte ita. Mirin: A neighbours' cat. Until recently often confused macros with maguro. [Noun] さいきん (romaji saikin) 1.細菌: bacterium 0 0 2011/12/12 21:56 2012/09/26 20:59
16410 じしん [[Japanese]] [Noun] じしん (romaji jishin) 1.地震: earthquake 2.自身: oneself 3.自信: confidence 4.時針: hour hand 5.磁心: magnetic core 6.磁針: magnetic needle 7.慈心: benevolence, mercy 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16411 かえる [[Japanese]] [Noun] かえる (katakana カエル, romaji kaeru) 1.蛙: frog [Synonyms] - かわず (kawazu; historical kana usage: かはづ) [Verb] かえる (romaji kaeru) 1.換える, 替える, 代える: to exchange, substitute 2.変える: to change 3.帰る: to return home 4.孵る: to be hatched 5.返る: to return (go back) 6.還る: to return (send back) 7.反る: to turn over 8.買える: potential form of 買う 9.飼える: potential form of 飼う 0 0 2011/12/26 22:27 2012/09/26 20:59
16412 わたる [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] わたる (romaji Wataru) 1.亘: A male given name 2.弥: A male given name 3.渉: A male given name 4.航: A male given name [Verb] わたる (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji wataru) 1.亘る: extend over 2.渡る: go over 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16413 しやくしょ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しやくしょ (romaji shiyakusho) 1.市役所: city hall 0 0 2012/06/07 00:05 2012/09/26 20:59
16414 たんじょうび [[Japanese]] [Noun] たんじょうび (romaji tanjōbi) 1.誕生日: birthday 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16415 [[Japanese]] ipa :[bi][Etymology] The hiragana character ひ (hi) with a dakuten (゛). [Syllable] び (Hepburn romanization bi) 1.The hiragana syllable び (bi), whose equivalent in katakana is ビ (bi). 0 0 2012/03/11 21:40 2012/09/26 20:59
16416 やさい [[Japanese]] [Noun] やさい (romaji yasai) 1.野菜: vegetable [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16417 さんか [[Japanese]] [Noun] さんか (romaji sanka) 1.参加: participation 2.酸化: oxidation, combustion 3.惨禍: catastrophe, disaster 4.傘下: subsidiary 5.産科: obstetrics 6.賛歌, 讃歌, 讚歌: song of praise, hymn, paean 7.山家: mountain villa 8.山窩: Sanka, Japanese mountain nomads 9.三夏: the three summer months [Verb] さんか + する (irregular conjugation, romaji sanka suru)さんかする さんか suru 1.酸化: oxidize, become oxidized 2.参加: participate, join, take part 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16418 さんかする [[Japanese]] [Noun] さんか (romaji sanka) 1.参加: participation 2.酸化: oxidation, combustion 3.惨禍: catastrophe, disaster 4.傘下: subsidiary 5.産科: obstetrics 6.賛歌, 讃歌, 讚歌: song of praise, hymn, paean 7.山家: mountain villa 8.山窩: Sanka, Japanese mountain nomads 9.三夏: the three summer months [Verb] さんか + する (irregular conjugation, romaji sanka suru)さんかする さんか suru 1.酸化: oxidize, become oxidized 2.参加: participate, join, take part 0 0 2012/06/09 18:29 2012/09/26 20:59
16419 ぶんじょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] ぶんじょう (romaji bunjō) 1.分譲: selling real estate in lots 2.分乗: riding separately 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16420 ぶん [[Japanese]] [Kanji reading] ぶん (bun) [Noun] ぶん (romaji bun) 1.分: portion, part 2.文: sentence, text 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16421 ぶんしょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] ぶんしょう (romaji bunshō) 1.文章: sentence 2.文相: Minister of Education, Science and Culture 3.分掌: division of duties 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16422 しゅみ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しゅみ (romaji shumi) 1.趣味: hobby; one's taste 0 0 2012/09/26 20:59
16423 べんきょう [[Japanese]] [Noun] べんきょう (romaji benkyō) 1.勉強: study 0 0 2012/05/30 22:39 2012/09/26 21:00
16424 たいへん [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] たいへん (な-na declension, romaji taihen) 1.大変: serious, grave, terrible, difficult, hard [Adverb] たいへん (romaji taihen) 1.大変: very, greatly [Noun] たいへん (romaji taihen) 1.大変: major incident, disaster 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16425 かんじ [[Japanese]] [Adjective] かんじ (たり-tari declension, romaji kanji) 1.莞爾: Smiling, with a smile. [Noun] かんじ (romaji kanji) 1.冠字: Coming of age for a male; a subtitle on a work of art or writing. 2.冠辞: A modifier (word); a conventional epithet for something. 3.寒じ: The state of being cold through; such a deep and penetrating cold. 4.勘事: A reprimand. 5.完治: A complete recovery from an illness or hurt. 6.官事: Public affairs, administration, administrative work 7.官寺: An imperial temple, such as Kokubunji; in the middle ages, one of the 15 major temples of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism. 8.官次: A seating arrangement based on ministerial rank. 9.寛治: The name of a Japanese 年号 (nengō, “era”) starting at the ascension of Japanese Emperor Horikawa in 1087, lasting until 1094. 10.幹事: A manager or secretary (as in Secretary General; not as in a general clerical worker). 11.感じ: A feeling, a sensation, an impression of something. 12.甘子, 柑子: Alternate reading for kōji, a type of citrus tree and fruit, Citrus leiocarpa. 13.漢字: Han Chinese characters used to write Japanese: kanji. 14.甘辞: Flattering words, flattery. 15.監事: An inspector or auditor. 16.監寺: An official position at a Zen temple, responsible for temple oversight and leadership of the temple's monks and priests. 17.閑事: Idleness, wasting time; busy work. [Proper noun] かんじ (romaji Kanji) 1.完二: A male given name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16426 おぼえる [[Japanese]] [Verb] おぼえる (ichidan conjugation, romaji oboeru) 1.覚える: to recall; to memorize 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16427 じしょ [[Japanese]] [Noun] じしょ (romaji jisho) 1.辞書: dictionary 2.字書: character dictionary 3.自書: personal writing 4.自署: signature 5.地所: estate 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16428 [[Japanese]] ipa :[t͡sɯᵝ][Counter] つ (romaji tsu) 1.small items [Etymology] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 川 in the cursive sōsho style. [Syllable] つ (Hepburn romanization tsu) 1.The hiragana syllable つ (tsu), whose equivalent in katakana is ツ (tsu). It is the eighteenth syllable of the gojūon order, and its position in gojūon tables is た行う段 (TA-gyō, U-dan; “row TA, section U”). [Synonyms] - 個 0 0 2012/08/02 09:36 2012/09/26 21:00
16429 すずき [[Japanese]] [Noun] すずき (romaji suzuki) 1.鱸, スズキ: sea bass [Proper noun] すずき (romaji Suzuki) 1.鈴木: a Japanese family name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16430 つづく [[Japanese]] [Verb] つづく (intransitive, godan conjugation, romaji tsuzuku) 1.続く: to continue; to be continued 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16431 [[Japanese]] ipa :[te̞][Etymology] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 天 in the cursive sōsho style. [Noun] て (romaji te) 1.手: hand [Particle] て (romaji te) 1.Request maker sentence-final particle. [Syllable] て (Hepburn romanization te) 1.The hiragana syllable て (te), whose equivalent in katakana is テ (te). It is the nineteenth syllable of the gojūon order, and its position in gojūon tables is た行え段 (TA-gyō, E-dan; “row TA, section E”). 0 0 2011/09/13 23:40 2012/09/26 21:00
16432 てん [[Japanese]] [Counter] てん (romaji -ten) 1.点: goods or items purchased [Kanji reading] てん (romaji ten) [Noun] てん (romaji ten) 1.店: store, shop, establishment 2.典: ceremony, celebration, law code 3.天: heaven, sky 4.点: spot, mark, point, dot [Suffix] てん (romaji -ten) 1.店: store 2.点: point 3.展: exhibition, show 0 0 2011/10/07 21:40 2012/09/26 21:00
16433 からい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] からい (い-i declension, romaji karai) 1.辛い, 鹹い: spicy 2.辛い: harsh on somebody [Noun] からい (romaji karai) 1.渦雷: cyclonic thunderstorm 2.花蕾: flower bud 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16434 こうちゃ [[Japanese]] [Noun] こうちゃ (romaji kōcha) 1.紅茶: black tea 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16435 むずかしい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] むずかしい (い-i declension, kanji 難しい, romaji muzukashii) 1.難しい: difficult 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16436 温泉 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] 温 (おん, on, “warm”) + 泉 (せん, sen, “spring”) [Noun] 温泉 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 溫泉, hiragana おんせん, romaji onsen, historical hiragana をんせん) 1.a hot spring 2.a spa, an onsen [See also] - 銭湯 (せんとう, sentō, “bath house”) [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 温泉 (simplified, Pinyin wēnquán, traditional 溫泉) 1.a hot spring 2.a spa, an onsen [References] - 温泉 on the Mandarin Wikipedia.zh.Wikipedia - hot spring on Wikipedia.Wikipedia:hot spring - 1985, Jingrong (ed.) Wu, The Pinyin CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY (in Mandarin/English), Beijing, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, ISBN 0471867969: 0 0 2012/02/01 22:16 2012/09/26 21:00
16437 しょくじ [[Japanese]] [Noun] しょくじ (romaji shokuji) 1.食事: meal 2.食餌: diet, the food one eats 3.植字: typesetting 0 0 2012/08/15 18:58 2012/09/26 21:00
16438 りょうり [[Japanese]] [Noun] りょうり (romaji ryōri) 1.料理: food, cuisine 0 0 2012/07/14 13:39 2012/09/26 21:00
16440 かみ [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] Old Japanese kami2 [Etymology 2] Old Japanese kami1 [Etymology 3] By extension from the on'yomi kan of 簡 (fumita, “small piece of wood, bamboo, or paper used to write on”). [Etymology 4] By extension from 上 (kami). [Etymology 5] Attributive form of various verbs having the uninflected form かむ: - かみ, from かむ: - 噛む, 咬む, 嚙む, 嚼む: to chew, to bite - 擤む: to blow one's nose [References] - Kodokan Judo Institute Homepage (Japanese) - Kodokan Judo Institute Homepage (English) - Jōdai Tokushu Kanazukai 0 0 2012/08/09 18:58 2012/09/26 21:00
16441 へや [[Japanese]] [Noun] へや (romaji heya) 1.部屋: room (of a house or hotel), chamber, apartment, flat 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16442 ねだん [[Japanese]] [Noun] ねだん (romaji nedan) 1.(colloquial) 値段, 直段: price, the cost of something このラジオの値段はいくらですか。 このラジオのねだんはいくらですか。 Kono rajio no nedan wa ikura desu ka? How much is the price of this radio? あの自転車の値段は高すぎました。 あのじてんしゃのねだんはたかすぎました。 Ano jitensha no nedan wa takasugimashita. The price of that bicycle was too high. [Synonyms] - (price, cost): 価格 (かかく, kakaku) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16443 みどり [[Japanese]] [Noun] みどり (romaji midori) 1.緑, 翠: green, the colour green; greenery, fresh verdure [Proper noun] みどり (romaji Midori) 1.緑: A female given name 2.緑: A surname. 3.翠: A male given name 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16444 おおい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] おおい (い-i declension, romaji ōi) 1.多い: many, much [Noun] おおい (romaji ōi) 1.覆い, 被い, 蓋い, 蔽い: covert, cover 0 0 2012/04/28 21:52 2012/09/26 21:00
16445 けっせき [[Japanese]] [Noun] けっせき (romaji kesseki) 1.欠席: absence 2.結石: (medicine) calculus 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16446 たかぎ [[Japanese]] [Proper noun] たかぎ (romaji Takagi) 1.高木: (literally, tall tree) A surname. 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16447 むり [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] むり (な-na declension, romaji muri) 1.無理: impossible; unreasonable [Noun] むり (romaji muri) 1.無理: impossibility [Verb] むり (romaji muri) 1.無理: overwork oneself 0 0 2012/08/23 22:13 2012/09/26 21:00
16448 ゆうめい [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] ゆうめい (な-na declension, romaji yūmei) 1.有名: famous, renowned, well-known, celebrated [Noun] ゆうめい (romaji yūmei) 1.勇名: a reputation for bravery 2.幽冥: faintness, dimness, and darkness; the underworld 3.幽明: darkness and light, the good and the bad; this world and the underworld 4.有名: fame, renown 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16449 すず [[Japanese]] [Noun] すず (romaji suzu) 1.鈴: a bell 2.錫: tin (metal) 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00
16450 やさしい [[Japanese]] [Adjective] やさしい (い-i declension, romaji yasashii) 1.易しい: easy, simple 2.優しい: kind, gentle, tender [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/09/26 21:00

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