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16577 たま [[Japanese]] [Kanji reading] たま (romaji tama) [Noun] たま (romaji tama) 1.玉: ball; jewel 2.弾: bullet 3.球: globe 4.魂: soul 0 0 2012/09/29 14:08
16579 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 席 (radical 50 巾+7, 10 strokes, cangjie input 戈廿中月 (ITLB), four-corner 00227) 1.seat 2.mat 3.take seat 4.banquet [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 席 (Yale jik6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 席 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 席 (hangeul 석, revised seok, McCune-Reischauer sŏk) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 席 (pinyin xí (xi2), Wade-Giles hsi2) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 席 (tịch, tiệc) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:08
16582 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogrammic compound (會意): 氵 (“water”) + 舌 (“tongue”) – a wet tongue. Ancient Chinese thought that a wet tongue was a sign of life. 口 + 氒 (chisel; the sound "hwet"). [Han character] 活 (radical 85 水+6, 9 strokes, cangjie input 水竹十口 (EHJR), four-corner 32164, composition ⿰水舌) 1.live, exist, survive 2.lively [Synonyms] - 生 [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 活 (Yale wut6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 活 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 活 (hangeul 활, 괄, revised hwal, gwal, McCune-Reischauer hwal, kwal, Yale hwal, kwal) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 活 (pinyin huó (huo2), Wade-Giles huo2) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 活 (huɑt) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 活 (hoạt, oặt, oạc) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:09
16583 近づく [[Japanese]] [Verb] 近づく (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana ちかづく, romaji chikazuku) 1.approach - go/come near in place or time; advance nearer. 0 0 2012/09/29 14:09
16584 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 近 (radical 162 辵+4, 8 strokes, cangjie input 卜竹一中 (YHML), four-corner 32302, composition ⿰辶斤) 1.near, close 2.approach 3.intimate [[Baekje]] [Adjective] 近 (geun) 1.big [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 近 (Yale gan6, kan5) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 近 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.nearby, close [[Korean]] [Hanja] 近 (hangeul 근, revised geun, McCune-Reischauer kŭn, Yale kun) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 近 (pinyin jìn (jin4), Wade-Giles chin4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 近 (cận, cặn, gàn, gần) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:09
16585 一瞬 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 一瞬 (hiragana いっしゅん, romaji isshun) 1.an instant 2.a moment 0 0 2012/09/29 14:10
16588 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogrammic compound (會意): 朿 (“thorn”) + 貝 (“money”) – the thorny part of money is being responsible for debt.Top component now resembles 生 (without the diagonal stroke) – compare 青, 素. [Han character] 責 (radical 154 貝+4, 11 strokes, cangjie input 手一月山金 (QMBUC), four-corner 50806, composition ⿱龶貝) 1.one's responsibility, duty [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 責 (simplified 责, Yale jaak3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 責 (grade 5 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 責 (hangeul 책, 채, revised chaek, chae, McCune-Reischauer ch'aek, ch'ae, Yale chayk, chay) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 責 (simplified 责, pinyin zé (ze2), zhài (zhai4), Wade-Giles tse2, chai4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 責 (trách) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:11
16589 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogrammic compound (會意): 衤 + 刀: start making clothes (衣) by cutting (刀) the cloth. [Han character] 初 (radical 18 刀+5, 7 strokes, cangjie input 中尸竹 (LSH), four-corner 37220) 1.beginning, initial, primary [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 初 (Yale cho1) [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] From Old Japanese.upi > uɸi > uwi > ui. [Etymology 2] From Old Japanese.patu > ɸatu > hatu [Etymology 3] From 始め (hajime, “beginning, first”). [Kanji] 初 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.beginning, start, first [[Korean]] [Hanja] 初 (hangeul 초, revised cho, McCune-Reischauer ch'o) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 初 (pinyin chū (chu1), Wade-Giles ch'u1) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 初 (*chriu) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 初 (sơ, thơ, xưa, xơ) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:13
16590 自己紹介 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 自己紹介 (hiragana じこしょうかい, romaji jikoshōkai) 1.Self-introduction. 0 0 2012/09/29 14:14
16593 辺り [[Japanese]] [Noun] 辺り (hiragana あたり, romaji atari) 1.area 2.surroundings 0 0 2012/09/29 14:14
16595 本気 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 本気 (な-na declension, hiragana ほんき, romaji honki) 1.serious [Noun] 本気 (hiragana ほんき, romaji honki) 1.seriousness [Synonyms] - 真剣 0 0 2012/09/29 14:15
16596 違う [[Japanese]] [Verb] 違う (intransitive, godan conjugation, hiragana ちがう, romaji chigau) 1.to be different; to differ [from something] 0 0 2012/09/29 14:16
16597 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] 辶 + 韋 [Han character] 違 (radical 162 辵+9, 13 strokes, cangjie input 卜木一手 (YDMQ), four-corner 34304, composition ⿰辶韋) 1.disobey, violate, defy 2.be apart from [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 違 (simplified 违, Yale wai4) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 違 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 違 (hangeul 위, revised wi, McCune-Reischauer wi, Yale wi) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 違 (simplified 违, pinyin huí (hui2), wéi (wei2), Wade-Giles hui2, wei2) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 違 (vi) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:16
16598 無駄 [[Japanese]] [Adjectival noun] 無駄 (な-na declension, hiragana むだ, romaji muda) 1.useless, no good [Noun] 無駄 (hiragana むだ, romaji muda) 1.uselessness; no good; being in vain; futility 無駄だ。 むだだ。 Muda da. It's no good. 0 0 2012/09/29 14:16
16600 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 気 (radical 84 气+2, 6 strokes, cangjie input 人弓大 (ONK), composition ⿹气㐅) 1.air, gas, steam, vapor 2.spirit, aura, (spiritual) energy [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 気 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji, shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai form 氣) [Noun] 気 (hiragana き, romaji ki) 1.spirit; mood [[Korean]] [Hanja] 気 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 기 (revised: gi, McCune-Reischauer: ki, Yale: ki) - Name (hangeul): 기운() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 気 (pinyin qì (qi4), Wade-Giles ch'i4) 1.氣 (Japanese variant) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:16
16601 全員 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 全員 (hiragana ぜんいん, romaji zen'in) 1.everybody 0 0 2012/09/29 14:17
16602 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形) – belongings under a roof (入/人): all one’s belongings, complete. [Han character] 全 (radical 11 入+4, 6 strokes, cangjie input 人一土 (OMG), four-corner 80104) 1.maintain, keep whole or intact 2.all, everything 3.a surname (Quán) [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 全 (jyutping cyun4) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 全 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 全 (hiragana ぜん, romaji zen) 1.entire, complete, overall [Prefix] 全 (hiragana ぜん, romaji zen-) 1.all, pan-, omni- [[Korean]] [Hanja] 全 (hangeul 전, revised jeon, McCune-Reischauer chŏn) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 全 (pinyin quán (quan2), liǎng (liang3), liàng (liang4), Wade-Giles liang3, liang4, ch'üan2) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 全 (*dzhiuɛn) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 全 (toàn, tuyền) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:17
16603 奇人 [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 奇人 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin qírén) 1.(literary) an extraordinary man [References] - "奇人" (in Mandarin). Guoyu Cidian On-line Mandarin Dictionary (國語辭典). URL accessed on 2008-04-26. - 2007, Hanyu Da Cidian 3.0 (in Mandarin), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, ISBN 9789620702778: 0 0 2012/09/29 14:17
16604 [[Translingual]] [Alternative forms] - 竒 [Han character] 奇 (radical 37 大+5, 8 strokes, cangjie input 大一弓口 (KMNR), four-corner 40621, composition ⿱大可) 1.strange, unusual, uncanny, occult, odd [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 奇 (Yale kei4) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 奇 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 奇 (hangeul 기, revised gi, McCune-Reischauer ki) or 奇 (hangeul 의, revised Yi, McCune-Reischauer Yi) : 기특할 기, 의지할 의 [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 奇 (pinyin jī (ji1), qí (qi2), Wade-Giles chi1, ch'i2) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 奇 (kì, kỳ, cả, cơ) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:17
16605 [[Japanese]] ipa :[bɯᵝ][Etymology] The hiragana character ふ (fu) with a dakuten (゛). [Kanji reading] ぶ (romaji bu) 1.分: thickness 2.武: military 3.歩: rate 4.部: part [Syllable] ぶ (Hepburn romanization bu) 1.The hiragana syllable ぶ (bu), whose equivalent in katakana is ブ (bu). 0 0 2011/10/08 23:32 2012/09/29 14:17
16606 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 常 (radical 50 巾+8, 11 strokes, cangjie input 火月口中月 (FBRLB), four-corner 90227) 1.common, normal, frequent, regular, often 2.a Chinese surname [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 常 (Yale seung4) [[Japanese]] [Etymology] tokotopa > tokotoɸa > tokotowa. [Noun] 常 (hiragana とこ, romaji toko) 1.eternal 常 (hiragana とことわ, romaji tokotowa, historical hiragana とことは) 1.permanence 常 (hiragana とことば, romaji tokotoba) 1.permanence 常 (hiragana つね, romaji tsune) 1.always 常 (hiragana きた, romaji kita) 1.a unit used to measure the length of cloth 2.a unit for measuring the area of a field 常 (hiragana きだ, romaji kida) 1.a unit used to measure the length of cloth 2.a unit for measuring the area of a field [[Korean]] [Hanja] 常 (hangeul 상, revised sang, McCune-Reischauer sang) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 常 (pinyin cháng (chang2), Wade-Giles ch'ang2) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 常 (*zhiɑng) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 常 (thường, sàn) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:18
16607 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 逸 (radical 162 辵+8, 12 strokes, cangjie input 卜弓日戈 (YNAI), four-corner 37301) 1.flee, escape, break loose [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 逸 (Yale yat6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 逸 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 逸 (hangeul 일, revised il, McCune-Reischauer il, Yale il) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 逸 (pinyin yì (yi4), Wade-Giles i4) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:18
16608 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Japanese shinjitai Simplified from 譯 (睪 → 尺) [Han character] 訳 (radical 149 言+4, 11 strokes, cangjie input 卜口尸人 (YRSO)) 1.translate 2.decode 3.encode [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 訳 (grade 6 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 訳 (hangeul 역, revised yeok, McCune-Reischauer yŏk, Yale yek) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 訳 (pinyin yì (yi4), Wade-Giles i4) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:19
16609 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogrammic compound (會意): 角 (“horn”) + 刀 (“knife”) + 牛 (“cow”) – a knife 刀 separates a horn 角 from a cow 牛. [Han character] 解 (radical 148 角+6, 13 strokes, cangjie input 弓月尸竹手 (NBSHQ), four-corner 27252) 1.loosen, unfasten, untie 2.explain 3.used as a surname [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 解 (Yale gaai2) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 解 (grade 5 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 解 (hangeul 해, 개, revised hae, gae, McCune-Reischauer hae, kae, Yale hay, kay) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 解 (pinyin jiě (jie3), jiè (jie4), xiè (xie4), Wade-Giles chieh3, chieh4, hsieh4) [See also] - 系 - 结、結 [Usage notes] - Zhuyin: ㄐㄧㄝˇ, ㄐㄧㄝˋ, ㄒㄧㄝˋ [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 解 (*gɛ̌i) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 解 (giải, giãi) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:19
16611 校庭 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 校庭 (hiragana こうてい, romaji kōtei) 1.schoolyard 0 0 2012/09/29 14:20
16612 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 木 (“tree”) + phonetic 交 – teach under a tree. [Han character] 校 (radical 75 木+6, 10 strokes, cangjie input 木卜金大 (DYCK), four-corner 40948, composition ⿰木交) 1.school 2.military field officer [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 校 (Yale gaau3, haau6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 校 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 校 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 교 (revised: gyo, McCune-Reischauer: kyo, Yale: kyo) - Name (hangeul): 학교 (revised: hakgyo, McCune-Reischauer: hakkyo, Yale: hakqkyo) 1.school, educational establishment [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 校 (pinyin xiào (xiao4), Wade-Giles hsiao4) [Usage notes] - Can be used in set phrases including the abbreviation 在校 (from 学校), for example: 在校斗殴 ("fighting at school"). [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 校 (giáo, hiệu, hào) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:20
16613 落書き [[Japanese]] [Etymology] From 落書 (らくしょ, rakusho) [Noun] 落書き (hiragana らくがき, romaji rakugaki) 1.graffiti; scribble; doodle [Synonyms] - いたずら書き 0 0 2012/09/29 14:20
16614 落書 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 落書 (hiragana らくしょ, romaji rakusho) 1.a Middle Ages anonymous leaflet [See also] - チラシ [Synonyms] - 落とし文 [Usage notes] Used of usually critical or satirical leaflets dropped (落) or otherwise placed in public view anonymously in the Middle Ages to avoid possible retribution. 0 0 2012/09/29 14:20
16618 石灰 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 石灰 (hiragana せっかい, romaji sekkai) 1.lime (mineral), quicklime, caustic lime [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ʂɚ˧˥xuei˥˥ ][Noun] 石灰 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin shíhuī) 1.(Advanced Mandarin) lime (mineral) [References] - 1985, Jingrong (ed.) Wu, The Pinyin CHINESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY (in Mandarin/English), Beijing, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, ISBN 0471867969: - 2000, Jingmin (ed.) Shao, HSK Dictionary (HSK汉语水平考试词典) (in Mandarin/English), Shanghai: Huadong Teachers College Publishers, ISBN 7561720785: 0 0 2012/09/29 14:21
16620 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Pictogram (象形) – originally an acorn. The character acquired its current meaning of white from the color of the acorn’s flesh. The original meaning has been lost. (Compare 自 – originally “nose”, now “self”.) [Han character] See images of Radical 106 白白 (radical 106 白+0, 5 strokes, cangjie input 竹日 (HA), four-corner 26000) 1.white 2.pure, unblemished 3.bright 4.used as a surname [[Cantonese]] ipa :/paːk˨/[Hanzi] 白 (jyutping baak6, Yale baak6) [[Japanese]] ipa :/ɕi.ꜜɾo/[Kanji] 白 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 白 (hiragana しろ, romaji shiro) 1.white 2.a white go stone 3.innocence [Related terms] - 白い(しろい, shiroi) (Adjective form) - しらを切る(しらをきる, shirawokiru) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 白 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 백 (revised: baek, McCune-Reischauer: paek, Yale: payk) - Name (hangeul): 희다 (revised: huida, McCune-Reischauer: hŭida, Yale: huyta) [See also] - 擘 [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ pai˧˥ ][Adjective] 白 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin bái) 1.(Beginning Mandarin) white 2.(Beginning Mandarin) clear; pure; plain; blank [Adverb] 白 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin bái) 1.(Elementary Mandarin) in vain [Hanzi] 白 (pinyin bái (bai2), bó (bo2), Wade-Giles pai2, po2) [References] - "白" (in Mandarin/English). Pleco Dictionary. URL accessed on 2011-01-30. - 2000, Jingmin (ed.) Shao, HSK Dictionary (HSK汉语水平考试词典) (in Mandarin/English), Shanghai: Huadong Teachers College Publishers, ISBN 7561720785: - "白" (in Mandarin/English). Dr. eye. URL accessed on 2011-01-30. [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 白 (*bhæk) [[Min Nan]] ipa :[ peʔ˥˥ ][Adjective] 白 (traditional and simplified, POJ pe̍h) 1.white 白 (traditional and simplified, POJ pe̍k) 1.used abstractly in compound words to convey the sense of transparent, unobscured or understandable [References] - "白" (in Taiwanese/English). On-line Taiwanese/Mandarin Dictionary (台文/華文線頂辭典). URL accessed on 2011-01-30. [Usage notes] - Read as pe̍h when by itself, and in most compounds. There are only a few compounds in which the pe̍k reading is used. [[Vietnamese]] [Adjective] 白 1.white [Han character] 白 (bạch, bạc) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:22
16624 絵文字 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] 絵 (え, e: “picture”) + 文字 (もじ, moji: “letter”)Historical reading (possibly anachronistic): /wemozi/: wemozi > emozi > emoji. [Noun] Wikipedia has an article on:EmojiWikipedia絵文字 (hiragana えもじ, romaji emoji, historical hiragana ゑもじ) 1.pictograph 2.(Internet) An emoji, a special emoticon used to represent a mood or concept, especially on mobile phones. 0 0 2012/09/29 14:23
16625 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 絵 (radical 120 糸+6, 12 strokes, cangjie input 女火人一戈 (VFOMI), composition ⿰糸会) 1.draw, sketch, paint [Synonyms] - 画 [[Japanese]] [Etymology] we > e. [Kanji] 絵 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 絵 (hiragana え, romaji e, historical hiragana ゑ) 1.picture, painting, drawing, sketch [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 絵 (pinyin huì (hui4), Wade-Giles hui4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 絵 (gói, gối) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:23
16626 [[Japanese]] ipa :[ke̞][Etymology] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 計 in the cursive sōsho style. [Noun] け (romaji ke) 1.毛: hair [Syllable] け (Hepburn romanization ke) 1.The hiragana syllable け (ke), whose equivalent in katakana is ケ (ke). It is the ninth syllable of the gojūon order, and its position in gojūon tables is か行え段 (KA-gyō, E-dan; “row KA, section E”). 0 0 2012/03/17 11:31 2012/09/29 14:24
16627 動詞 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 動詞 (hiragana どうし, romaji dōshi) 1.(grammar) verb [See also] - 二重目的語 (にじゅうもくてきご, nijūmokutekigo): the two objectives (of ditransitive) - 二重目的語を取る動詞 (nijūmokutekigo o toru dōshi): ditransitive verb - 述語 (じゅつご, jutsugo): predicative [[Korean]] [Noun] 動詞 (dongsa) 1.Hanja form? of 동사, “verb”. [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 動詞 (traditional, Pinyin dòngcí, simplified 动词) 1.verb [[Min Nan]] [Noun] 動詞 (traditional, POJ tōng-sû, simplified 动词) 1.verb 0 0 2012/09/29 14:24
16629 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 覚 (radical 147 見+5, 12 strokes, cangjie input 火月月山山 (FBBUU)) 1.to wake up from sleep 2.conscious [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 覚 (Yale gaau3, gok3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 覚 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Proper noun] 覚 (hiragana さとる, romaji Satoru) 1.A male given name [[Korean]] [Hanja] 覚 (hangeul 각, 교, revised gak, gyo, McCune-Reischauer kak, kyo, Yale kak, kyo) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 覚 (pinyin jué (jue2), Wade-Giles chüeh2) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 覚 (giác, dác) 0 0 2012/09/29 14:24
16630 地方 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 地方 (hiragana ちほう, romaji chihō) 1.district, province, area [[Mandarin]] ipa :[ ti˥˩faŋ˥˥ ][Noun] 地方 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin dìfāng or dìfang) 1.(Beginning Mandarin) place 2.John 1.11 他到自己的地方来,自己的人倒不接待他。 Tā dào zìjǐ de dìfang lái, zìjǐ de rén dào bù jiēdaì tā. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 3.(Beginning Mandarin) part; aspect 4.(Elementary Mandarin) local; regional [See also] - (Min Nan) 所在 (só·-chāi) place; part; aspect [Synonyms] - 場地 (trad.), 场地 (simp.) - 地點 (trad.), 地点 (simp.) - 場所 (trad.), 场所 (simp.) - 處所 (trad.), 处所 (simp.) - 去處 (trad.), 去处 (simp.) - 部位 - 位置 - 所在 [[Min Nan]] ipa :[ tə˨˩hŋ˥˥ ][Noun] 地方 (traditional and simplified, POJ tē-hng or tōe-hng) 1.local; regional 2.2006: anon., :zh-min-nan:w:Pò·-tē-hì trad. 布袋戲是一種地方戲劇, simpl. 布袋戏是一种地方戏剧 Pò·-tē-hì sī 1-chióng tē-hng hì-kio̍k Pò·-tē-hì is a kind of regional theater [Related terms] - 所在 (só·-chāi) place; part; aspect [Usage notes] - Unlike Mandarin, 地方 is rarely used in Min Nan to mean place; part; aspect. For that meaning, use 所在 instead. 0 0 2012/09/29 14:24
16636 mimo [[Czech]] [Etymology] From Proto-Slavic *mimo, from Proto-Indo-European *mey- [Preposition] mimo 1.outside of, out of (governs the accusative case) 2.aside from (governs the genitive case) [[Italian]] [Noun] mimo m. (plural mimi) (Feminine: mima) 1.mimemimo m. (plural mimi) 1.(pathology) mocking bird 2.(biology) mime, mimic [Verb] mimo 1.first-person singular present indicative of mimare [[Latin]] [Noun] mīmō 1.dative singular of mīmus 2.ablative singular of mīmus [[Polish]] [Etymology] From Proto-Slavic *mimo, from Proto-Indo-European *mey- [Preposition] mimo (with genitive) 1.despite, in spite of [Synonyms] - pomimo [[Portuguese]] [Verb] mimo (infinitive: mimir) 1.First-person singular (eu) present indicative of verb mimir. [[Serbo-Croatian]] ipa :/mîmo/[Etymology] From Proto-Slavic *mimo [Preposition] mȉmo (Cyrillic spelling ми̏мо) 1.by, past (+ genitive; of movement in relation to an object) 2.outside, in spite of (law, custom, agreement, hardship etc.; contrary to something established or expected) [[Spanish]] [Verb] mimo (infinitive mimar) 1.First-person singular (yo) present indicative form of mimar. 0 0 2012/09/29 22:48 TaN
16638 higai [[Japanese]] [Noun] higai (hiragana ひがい) 1.被害: damage 0 0 2012/09/29 22:53 TaN
16640 kare [[Catawba]] [Adjective] kare 1.dark [[Crimean Tatar]] [Noun] kare 1.quadrat, square. [References] - Useinov & Mireev Dictionary, Simferopol, Dolya, 2002 [1] [[Esperanto]] [Adverb] kare 1.dearly [[Finnish]] [Anagrams] - kera [Noun] kare 1.ripple (small waves) [[Haitian Creole]] [Etymology] From French carré (“square”). [Noun] kare 1.square [[Japanese]] [Noun] kare (hiragana かれ) 1.彼: he; boyfriend [[Marshallese]] ipa :/karˠɘɦʲ/[Etymology] From Japanese カレー (karē), from English curry. [Noun] kare 1.curry. [References] - Marshallese-English Online Dictionary [[Turkish]] ipa :[kaɾe][Etymology] From French carré. [Noun] kare (definite accusative kareyi, plural kareler) 1.(geometry) square 2.(algebra) square 3."#" symbol on a telephone, hash, octothorpe, pound 0 0 2012/09/29 23:47 TaN
16641 irrevocably [[English]] [Adverb] irrevocably (comparative more irrevocably, superlative most irrevocably) 1.In an irrevocable manner; beyond recall; in a manner precluding repeal. [Etymology] irrevocable +‎ -ly [References] - “irrevocably” in An American Dictionary of the English Language, by Noah Webster, 1828. 0 0 2010/02/02 16:57 2012/09/30 09:57 TaN
16642 prevarication [[English]] ipa :/pɹɪvaɹɪˈkeɪʃən/[Etymology] From Anglo-Norman prevaricaciun, Middle French prevarication, and their source, Latin praevaricatio (“collusion with an opponent; transgression; deceit”), from the stem of praevaricari. [Noun] prevarication (plural prevarications) 1.(now rare) Deviation from what is right or correct; transgression, perversion. 2.Evasion of the truth; deceit, evasiveness. Prevarication became the order of the day in his government while truth was a stranger in those halls. 3.Evasiveness as a means of playing for time; procrastination, hesitancy. 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16643 lifemate [[English]] [Etymology] life +‎ mate [Noun] lifemate (plural lifemates) 1.A companion for life. (Can we find and add a quotation of Hawthorne to this entry?)Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing. 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16644 concomitant [[English]] ipa :/kənˈkɒmɪtənt/[Adjective] concomitant (not comparable) 1.Happening at the same time as something else, especially because one thing is related to or causes the other, i.e. concurrent. 2.1970, Alvin Toffler, Future Shock, Bantam Books, pg. 41: The new technology on which super-industrialism is based, much of it blue-printed in American research laboratories, brings with it an inevitable acceleration of change in society and a concomitant speed-up of the pace of individual life as well. 3.1970, Alvin Toffler, Future Shock, Bantam Books, pg. 144: While skills in human interaction will become more important, due to the growing needs for collaboration in complex tasks, there will be a concomitant reduction in group cohesiveness... [Etymology] First attested 1607; from French concomitant, from present participle of Latin concomitari (“accompany”), from con- (“together”) + comitari (“to company”), from comes (“companion”). [Noun] concomitant (plural concomitants) 1.Something happening or existing at the same time. 2.1970, Alvin Toffler, Future Shock, Bantam Books, pg.93: The declining commitment to place is thus related not to mobility per se, but to a concomitant of mobility- the shorter duration of place relationships. 3.1900, Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, Avon Books, (translated by James Strachey) pg. 301: It is also instructive to consider the relation of these dreams to anxiety dreams. In the dreams we have been discussing, a repressed wish has found a means of evading censorship—and the distortion which censorship involves. The invariable concomitant is that painful feelings are experienced in the dream. [Related terms] - concomitance - concomitantly - concomitate [Synonyms] - (following as a consequence): accompanying, adjoining, attendant, incidental - (a concomitant event or situation): accompaniment, co-occurrence [[French]] ipa :/kɔ̃kɔmitɑ̃/[Adjective] concomitant m. (f. concomitante, m. plural concomitants, f. plural concomitantes) 1.concomitant [Etymology] Borrowed from Latin concomitari (“accompany”). 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16645 overripeness [[English]] [Noun] overripeness (uncountable) 1.The state or condition of being overripe. 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16648 by rights [[English]] [Adverb] by rights (not comparable) 1.(idiomatic) Properly, in justice. The post of vice-president should, by rights, have been given to John. [Synonyms] - (properly): by all rights, in fairness 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16649 petitioner [[English]] [Anagrams] - repetition [Noun] Wikipedia has an article on:PetitionerWikipedia petitioner (plural petitioners) 1.(law) Someone who presents a petition to a court. 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16651 amplified [[English]] [Verb] amplified 1.Simple past tense and past participle of amplify. 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16652 amplify [[English]] ipa :/ˈæmp.lɪ.faɪ/[Etymology] From Middle English amplifyen, from Old French amplifier, from Latin amplificare (“to enlarge”), from amplus (“large”) + facere (“to make”). See ample. [Verb] amplify (third-person singular simple present amplifies, present participle amplifying, simple past and past participle amplified) 1.(transitive) To render larger, more extended, or more intense, and the like;—used especially of loudspeakers, telescopes, microscopes, etc. 2.(transitive, rhetorical) To enlarge by addition or discussion; to treat copiously by adding particulars, illustrations, etc.; to expand; to make much of. 3.(transitive) To increase the amplitude of something, especially of an electric current. 0 0 2010/06/16 10:20 2012/09/30 09:57
16653 gustily [[English]] [Adverb] gustily (comparative more gustily, superlative most gustily) 1.In a gusty manner; in gusts. [Anagrams] - gutsily [Etymology] gusty +‎ -ly 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16658 rapt [[English]] ipa :/ˈɹæpt/[Adjective] rapt (comparative more rapt, superlative most rapt) 1.(not comparable, archaic) Snatched, taken away; abducted. 2.(not comparable) Lifted up into the air; transported into heaven. 3.(comparable) Very interested, involved in something, absorbed, transfixed; fascinated or engrossed. The children watched in rapt attention as the magician produced object after object from his hat. 4.1851-2, George W. M. Reynolds, The Necromancer, in Reynolds′s Miscellany, republished 1857; 2008, page 247, It was an enthusiasm of the most rapt and holy kind. 5.1906, Ford Madox Ford, The Fifth Queen; And How She Came to Court, Works of Ford Madox Ford, 2011, unnumbered page, Her expression grew more rapt; she paused as if she had lost the thread of the words and then spoke again, gazing far out over the hall as jugglers do in performing feats of balancing: […] . 6.1908, Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows The Rat never answered, if indeed he heard. Rapt, transported, trembling, he was possessed in all his senses by this new divine thing that caught up his helpless soul and swung and dandled it, a powerless but happy infant in a strong sustaining grasp. 7.1998, Derel Leebaert, Present at the Creation, Derek Leebaert (editor), The Future of the Electronic Marketplace, page 24, 8.(comparable) Enthusiatic; ecstatic, elated, happy. He was rapt with his exam results. 9.1996, James Richard Giles, Wanda H. Giles, American Novelists Since World War II: Fifth Series, page 139, Creatures who navigate long-distance migrations — including the green turtles, wind birds, or great cranes — draw his most rapt commentaries. 10.2010, Michael Reichert, Richard Hawley, Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys: Strategies that Work—and Why, John Wiley & Sons, US, page 121, Even in the most rapt accounts of independent student work, there appears an appreciative acknowledgment of the teacher′s having determined just the right amount of room necessary to build autonomy without risking frustration and failure. 11.2010, Caroline Overington, I Came to Say Goodbye, page 201, One bloke I met in the pub was the owner of the local meatworks. He was rapt to have the Sudanese, and if 1600 more were coming – that was the rumour – well, he′d have been even more rapt. 12.2012, Greig Caigou, Wild Horizons: More Great Hunting Adventures, HarperCollins (New Zealand), unnumbered page, These are worthy aspects of the hunt to give some consideration to with the next generation, because market forces want us to get more rapt with ever more sophisticated gear and an algorithmic conquering of animal instinct. [Anagrams] - part, prat, tarp, trap [Etymology] From Latin raptor (“robber”), from Latin rapere (“seize”) [Synonyms] - See also Wikisaurus:rapt [Verb] rapt (third-person singular simple present rapts, present participle rapting, simple past and past participle rapted) 1.(obsolete) To transport or ravish. (Can we find and add a quotation of Drayton to this entry?) 2.(obsolete) To carry away by force. (Can we find and add a quotation of Daniel to this entry?) [[French]] [Noun] rapt m. (plural rapts) 1.kidnapping, abduction [Synonyms] - enlèvement 0 0 2012/09/30 09:57
16660 sharon [[Finnish]] [Noun] sharon 1.persimmon [Synonyms] - kaki - kakiluumu - persimon - persimoni 0 0 2012/09/01 15:43 2012/09/30 09:57

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