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17069 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 破 (radical 112 石+5, 10 strokes, cangjie input 一口木竹水 (MRDHE), four-corner 14647) 1.rupture, break, ruin, destroy 2.rout, drives-out, drives-away, banishes [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 破 (Yale po3) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 破 (grade 5 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.break 2.break the surface 3.cut 4.(slang) spend all the money one has [[Korean]] [Hanja] 破 (hangeul 파, revised pa, McCune-Reischauer p'a, Yale pha) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 破 (pinyin pò (po4), Wade-Giles p'o4) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 破 (*pɑ) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 破 (phá, vỡ) 0 0 2012/10/07 17:49
17071 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Ideogrammic compound (會意): 木 + 目. [Han character] 相 (radical 109 目+4, 9 strokes, cangjie input 木月山 (DBU), four-corner 46900) 1.mutual, reciprocal, each other [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 相 (Yale seung1) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 相 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Suffix] 相 (hiragana しょう, romaji -shō) 1.minister of state [[Korean]] [Hanja] 相 (hangeul 상, revised sang, McCune-Reischauer sang, Yale sang) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 相 (pinyin xiāng (xiang1), xiàng (xiang4), Wade-Giles hsiang1, hsiang4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 相 (tương, tướng, rương) 0 0 2012/10/07 17:49
17072 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 暇 (radical 72 日+9, 13 strokes, cangjie input 日口尸水 (ARSE), four-corner 67047) 1.leisure, relaxation, spare time [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 暇 (Yale ha6) [[Japanese]] [Adjective] 暇 (hiragana ひま, romaji hima) 1.free 2.leisure 3.idle 4.vacant [Kanji] 暇 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [Noun] 暇 (hiragana ひま, romaji hima) 1.time, free time 2.leisure [[Korean]] [Hanja] 暇 (hangeul 가, revised ga, McCune-Reischauer ka, Yale ka) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 暇 (pinyin xiá (xia2), Wade-Giles hsia2) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 暇 (hạ, hả, há) 0 0 2012/10/07 17:49
17075 [[Translingual]] [Character history] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): phonetic 宓 + semantic 虫 (“small insect, bee”) – honey from a bee. Note that 宓 also means “hidden”, hence connotation of “what the bee hides (in its hive), its honey”. [Han character] 蜜 (radical 142 虫+8, 14 strokes, cangjie input 十心竹戈 (JPHI), four-corner 30136) 1.honey 2.sweet 3.nectar [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 蜜 (Yale mat6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 蜜 [[Korean]] [Hanja] 蜜 (hangeul 밀, revised mil, McCune-Reischauer mil, Yale mil) 1.(꿀 밀, kkul-): honey [[Mandarin]] [Etymology] Modern mì, from Middle Chinese mjit, from Old Chinese *mjit ~ *mit, from Proto-Tocharian *ḿət(ə) (compare Tocharian B mit (“honey”)), from Proto-Indo-European *médʰu (“mead”). [Hanzi] 蜜 (pinyin mì (mi4), Wade-Giles mi4) [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 蜜 (POJ bi̍t) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 蜜 (mật) 0 0 2012/10/07 17:52
17076 花粉 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 花粉 (hiragana かふん, romaji kafun) 1.(botany) pollen [[Mandarin]] [Noun] 花粉 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin huāfěn) 1.pollen [[Min Nan]] [Noun] 花粉 (traditional and simplified, POJ hoe-hún) 1.pollen 0 0 2012/10/07 17:53
17077 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 艹 + phonetic 化 [Han character] 花 (radical 140 艸+4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 廿人心 (TOP), four-corner 44214, composition ⿱艹化) 1.flower 2.blossom 3.fancy pattern [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 花 (jyutping faa1, Yale fa1) [Noun] 花 (traditional and simplified, jyutping faa1) 1.flower [[Japanese]] ipa :/ha.naꜜ/[Alternative forms] - 華 - 英 [Etymology] From Old Japanese. [Kanji] 花 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.flower [Noun] 花 (hiragana はな, romaji hana) 1.a flower; a blossom 2.flower arrangement 3.Japanese playing cards 4.the best days of one's life 5.the best thing 6.essence [[Korean]] [Hanja] 花 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 화 (revised: hwa, McCune-Reischauer: hwa, Yale: hwa) - Name (hangeul): 꽃 화 (kkoch hwa) (/kkoch/, from Middle Korean /koc/)() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 花 (pinyin huā (hua1), Wade-Giles hua1) 1.flower 2.blossom 3.to spend [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 花 (POJ hoe (hoe1), hoa (hoa1), he (he1)) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 花 (hoa, huê) 0 0 2012/10/07 17:53
17078 集める [[Japanese]] [References] - Living Language Japanese Dictionary. New York. Random House: 1993 - UNDO by Cool Joke [Usage notes] - 思い出のかけらを集めてる...: (romaji) Omoide no kakera wo atsumeteru... I am gathering the pieces of my memory... (from UNDO by Cool Joke) - 額を集める: (romaji) Hitai wo atsumeru To put two heads together; to collaborate or deliberate over something [Verb] 集める (transitive, ichidan conjugation, hiragana あつめる, romaji atsumeru) 1.to gather 2.to collect 3.to assemble 0 0 2012/10/07 17:54
17079 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Simplified from 雧 – reduces 3 birds (隹) to one.Ideogrammic compound (會意): 隹 + 木 – originally three birds (隹) gathering in the tree (木). [Han character] 集 (radical 172 隹+4, 12 strokes, cangjie input 人土木 (OGD), four-corner 20904, composition ⿱隹木) 1.assemble, collect together [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 集 (Yale jaap6) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 集 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 集 (hiragana しゅう, romaji shū) 1.collection, assembly [[Korean]] [Hanja] 集 (hangeul 집, revised jip, McCune-Reischauer chip, Yale cip) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 集 (pinyin jí (ji2), kǎi (kai3), sì (si4), yǐ (yi3), Wade-Giles chi2, k'ai3, ssu4, i3) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 集 (tập, tắp, tợp) 0 0 2012/10/07 17:54
17081 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 巣 (radical 47 巛+8, 11 strokes, cangjie input 火田木 (FWD)) 1.nest, hive, web, living quarter in tree [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 巣 (grade 4 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 巣 (pinyin cháo (chao2), Wade-Giles ch'ao2) 0 0 2012/10/07 17:56
17084 からて [[Japanese]] [Noun] からて (romaji karate) 1.空手, 唐手: karate 0 0 2012/10/09 20:23
17085 もうす [[Japanese]] [Etymology] mausu > moːsu. See earlier mawosu. [Verb] もうす (transitive, godan conjugation, kanji 申す, romaji mōsu, historical hiragana まうす) 1.(humble, formal) to say 2.(humble, formal) to be called こちらは田中と申します。鈴木さんはおいででしょうか。 こちらはたなかともうします。すずきさんはおいででしょうか。 Kochira wa Tanaka to mōshimasu. Suzuki-san wa oide deshō ka? This is Tanaka speaking. Is Mr. Suzuki there? ジョンソンと申します。 ジョンソンともうします。 Jonson to mōshimasu. This is Johnson speaking. 0 0 2012/01/20 23:07 2012/10/09 20:29
17086 まっすぐ [[Japanese]] [Adjective] まっすぐ (massúgu) 1.right (straight) This Japanese entry was created from the translations listed at right. It may be less reliable than other entries, and may be missing parts of speech or additional senses. This notice will be removed when the entry is checked. (more information) November 2007 0 0 2012/06/05 23:18 2012/10/09 20:30
17087 [[Japanese]] ipa :[mä][Etymology] Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 末 in the cursive sōsho style. [Noun] ま (romaji ma) 1.魔: demon, devil, evil spirit, evil influence 2.間: space, timing [Syllable] ま (Hepburn romanization ma) 1.The hiragana syllable ま (ma), whose equivalent in katakana is マ (ma). It is the thirty-first syllable of the gojūon order, and its position in gojūon tables is ま行あ段 (MA-gyō, A-dan; “row MA, section A”). 0 0 2012/02/19 18:22 2012/10/09 20:30
17088 もう [[Japanese]] [Adverb] もう (romaji mō) 1.already 彼はもうここに来ている。 かれはもうここにきている。 Kare wa mō koko ni kite iru. He is already here. 2.already the time to do so. shortly, soon. 9時ですからもう失礼します。 9じですからもうしつれいします。 Ku-ji desu kara mō shitsureishimasu. It's nine o'clock so I must leave shortly. 3.(negative sentence) any more 私はもう歩けない。 わたしはもうあるけない。 Watashi wa mō arukenai. I can't walk any more. 4.(もう + 一 + counter) more, further もう一杯ください。 もういっぱいください。 Mō ippai kudasai. Give me another glass. [Antonyms] - まだ [Interjection] もう (romaji mō) 1.(colloquial) jeez!, used to strengthen expression of an emotion such as exasperation もう、何やってんだよ。 もう、なにやってんだよ。 Mō, nani yattenda yo? Jeez, what're you up to? [Kanji reading] もう (romaji mō) - 蒙 - 罔 - 網 - 猛 - 毛 - 盲 - 亡 - 妄 - 耗 - 孟 - 望 - 申 - 耄 - 矇 [Suffix] もう (kanji 網, romaji mō) 1.網: network [Synonyms] - すでに (sense 1) - もはや (sense 3) 0 0 2011/06/18 00:56 2012/10/09 20:30
17089 もす [[Japanese]] [Verb] もす (transitive, godan conjugation, romaji mosu) 1.模す, 摸す: to copy, to imitate 2.模す, 摸す: to forge, to trace 3.燃す: burn 0 0 2012/10/09 20:30
17090 すぐ [[Japanese]] [Adverb] すぐ (kanji 直ぐ, romaji sugu) 1.right away, soon 2.すぐ行くよ I'll be there right away. 3.quick to 4.すぐ怒る quick to anger 5.right (next to, close by) 6.すぐ上に right on top [Synonyms] - (soon): そろそろ 0 0 2011/10/09 19:22 2012/10/09 20:32
17091 tote [[English]] ipa :-əʊt[Etymology 1] [Etymology 2] Shortening of total, with e to distinguish from tot in writing [Etymology 3] Shortening of totalizator [[Interlingua]] [Determiner] tote 1.(quantifying) all, the entire [[Latin]] [Adjective] tōte 1.vocative masculine singular of tōtus [[Middle Dutch]] [Etymology] From Old Dutch tuote, equivalent to toe + te. Compare Old Saxon tōte (“to, until”), Old Frisian tot (“until”), Old High German zuo ze. [Preposition] tote 1.up to, towards, to (a specific destination or point in time) 2.at (a specific point in time) 3.with respect to 0 0 2011/05/21 19:31 2012/10/09 23:03 TaN
17094 twice [[English]] ipa :/twaɪs/[Adverb] twice (not comparable) 1.two times You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not pout, I’m telling you why: Santa Claus is coming to town. He’s making a list, And checking it twice, He’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice. Santa Claus is coming to town. (Santa Claus Is Coming to Town) [Etymology] From twi- meaning two or both. [See also] - once - thrice 0 0 2010/02/08 10:21 2012/10/10 18:42 TaN
17097 binoculars [[English]] ipa :/ˈbɪnˌɒk.jʊ.lə(ɹ)z/[Noun] Wikipedia has an article on:BinocularsWikipedia binoculars (normally plural, singular binocular) 1.A hand-held device consisting of a series of lenses and prisms, used to magnify objects so that they can be better seen from a distance, and looked at through both eyes. 2.1956, Delano Ames, chapter 14, Crime out of Mind[1]: He gazed around until on the lid of a spinet he spotted a promising collection of bottles, gin, whiskey, vermouth and sherry, mixed with violin bows, a flute, a toppling pile of books, six volumes of Grove's Dictionary mingled with paperback thrillers, a guitar without any strings, a pair of binoculars, a meerschaum pipe and a jar half-full of wasps and apricot jam. [See also] - binocular - Binoculars on Wikipedia.Wikipedia [Synonyms] - binocs - field glasses - spyglass 0 0 2012/10/12 10:27
17099 moron [[English]] ipa :/mɔrɒn/[Etymology] From Ancient Greek μωρός (moros, “foolish”). [Noun] moron (plural morons) 1.(obsolete) A person of borderline intelligence in the former classification of mental retardation, having of an intelligence quotient of 50-69. 2.(informal) A person who makes uncool, unfunny, uninteresting, or irrelevant (see lame) attempts to impress others and draw attention to himself, especially in a flawed attempt to act like someone else. 3.(slang) An idiot. [Synonyms] - Wikisaurus:fool - Wikisaurus:idiot [[Turkish]] ipa :[moɾˈon][Adjective] moron (comparative daha moron, superlative en moron) 1.fool, stupid, idiot, moronic [Noun] moron (definite accusative moronu, plural moronlar) 1.a moron Bir morona aşık oldum. — I fell in love with a moron. [[Welsh]] [Noun] moron f. (singular moronen) 1.carrot 0 1 2012/02/09 19:03 2012/10/12 17:14
17100 思い [[Japanese]] [Etymology] omopi > omoɸi > omowi > omoi. The nominalized form of the verb omo-. While not etymologically related, in the historical spelling, the final ひ was often associated with homophonous ひ (“fire”), ie "emotions as hot as fire". [Noun] 思い (hiragana おもい, romaji omoi, historical hiragana おもひ) 1.thought 2.feeling, emotion, sentiment [Synonyms] - 想い (omoi) 0 0 2012/10/12 21:03
17101 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 思 (radical 61 心+5, 9 strokes, cangjie input 田心 (WP), four-corner 60330, composition ⿱田心) 1.think, consider, ponder 2.final particle [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 思 (Yale si1) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 思 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) 1.think [[Korean]] [Hanja] 思 (hangeul 사, revised sa, McCune-Reischauer sa, Yale sa) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 思 (pinyin sī (si1), Wade-Giles ssu1) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 思 (tư, tơ, tứ) 0 0 2012/10/12 21:03
17102 下駄 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 下駄 (hiragana げた, romaji geta) 1.Traditional Japanese wooden clogs. [See also] - 鼻緒 (はなお, hanao) - 草鞋 (わらじ, warají) 0 0 2012/10/12 21:07
17103 [[Translingual]] [Antonyms] - 上, 丄 [Etymology] 下 in its shell and bone form is an ideogram (指事) that shows the concept of down by showing one line below another (contrast 上). The shell and bone form evolved into 下, the character used today. (See earlier forms here.) [Han character] 下 (radical 1 一+2, 3 strokes, cangjie input 一卜 (MY), four-corner 10230) 1.under, underneath, below 2.down 3.inferior 4.bring down [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 下 (Yale ha6, ha5) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 下 (grade 1 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 下 (hiragana した, romaji shita) 1.the below 下 (hiragana しも, romaji shimo) 1.lower portion, end 下 (hiragana もと, romaji moto) 1.lower portion; base 2.under the influence of 下 (hiragana げ, romaji ge) 1.the last volume in a two- or three-volume set [Suffix] 下 (hiragana か, romaji -ka) 1.under a situation [[Korean]] [Hanja] 下 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 하 (revised: ha, McCune-Reischauer: ha) - Name (hangeul): 아래 (revised: alae, McCune-Reischauer: arae) [[Mandarin]] [Adjective] 下 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin xià) 1.low 下層, 下层 (xiàcéng) lower level 1.inferior 下品 (xiàpǐn) inferior products 1.next 下次 (xiàcì) next time [Hanzi] 下 (pinyin xià (xià), Wade-Giles hsia4) [Measure word] 下 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin xià) 1.used when counting time [Preposition] 下 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin xià) 1.under 樹下, 树下 (shùxià) under the tree 在些個條件下, 在这些条件下 (zài zhèxiē tiáojiàn xià) under these conditions 1.down 樓下, 楼下 (lóuxià) downstairs 1.with 在朋友的幫助下, 在朋友的帮助下 (zài péngyou de bāngzhù xià) with help from friends [Verb] 下 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin xià) 1.to go down 下船 (xiàchuán) to disembark from a boat 下樓, 下楼 (xiàlóu) to go downstairs 下山 (xiàshān) to go down the mountain 走下 (zǒuxià) to walk down 2.to get out of 下床 (xiàchuáng) to get out of bed 3.to fall down 落下 (luòxià) to fall down 下雪 (xiàxuě) to snow 下雨 (xiàyǔ) to rain 4.to issue 下令 (xiàlìng) to issue an order 5.to put in 下面條, 下面条 (xiàmiàntiáo) to put noodles into boiling water 6.to give 7.to begin 下筆, 下笔 (xiàbǐ) to start writing 8.to finish 下班 (xiàbān) to get off work 下课 (xiàkè) to finish class 9.to give birth (as an animal) 下豬仔, 下猪仔 (xiàzhūzǎi) to have piglets 10.to lay 下蛋 (xiàdàn) to lay eggs 11.used after a verb to express height 12.used after a verb to express space 13.used after a verb to express the separation of an object 14.used after a verb to express the end of an action [[Min Nan]] [Hanzi] 下 (POJ ē (e7), hā (ha7), kē (ke7), hē (he7)) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 下 (hạ) 0 0 2012/10/12 21:07
17105 [[Translingual]] [Han character] See images of Radical 63 戸戸 (radical 63 戶+0, 4 strokes, cangjie input 一尸 (MS), X一尸 (XMS), composition ⿱一尸) 1.door 2.family [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 戸 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 戸 (hiragana と, romaji to) 1.a door; a plate placed on doorway [[Korean]] [Hanja] 戸 Eumhun: - Sound (hangeul): 호 (revised: ho, McCune-Reischauer: ho, Yale: ho) - Name (hangeul): 지계() [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 戸 (pinyin hù (hu4), Wade-Giles hu4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 戸 (hộ) 0 0 2012/10/12 21:08
17106 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 番 (radical 102 田+7, 12 strokes, cangjie input 竹木田 (HDW), four-corner 20609, composition ⿱釆田) 1.to take turns 2.a turn, a time, to repeat 3.guard 4.foreign/foreigner, barbarian [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 番 (Yale faan1, pun1) [[Japanese]] [Counter] 番 (hiragana ばん, romaji -ban) 1.(sports) matches [Kanji] 番 (grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 番 (hiragana ばん, romaji ban) 1.one's turn (for example, when taking turns in a game) [Suffix] 番 (hiragana ばん, romaji -ban) 1.(applied to numerals) -th: forms ordinal numerals such as 一番 "first", 二番 "second", and so on. [[Korean]] [Hanja] 番 (hangeul 번, 반, revised beon, ban, McCune-Reischauer pŏn, pan, Yale pen, pan) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 番 (pinyin bō (bo1), fān (fan1), fán (fan2), pān (pan1), pán (pan2), pí (pi2), pó (po2), Wade-Giles po1, fan1, fan2, p'an1, p'an2, p'i2, p'o2) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 番 (phiên, phan, ba, bà) 0 0 2012/08/19 18:58 2012/10/12 21:10
17107 洗い [[Japanese]] [Noun] 洗い (hiragana あらい, romaji arai) 1.washing 2.sashimi chilled in ice water 0 0 2012/10/12 21:28
17110 じゃ [[Japanese]] [Etymology 1] [Etymology 2] Contraction of particles で (de, form of copula, referring to preceding statement) + は (wa, topic marker). [Etymology 3] Contraction of で (de, form of copula) + ある (aru, “to be, to exist”). [Etymology 4] Kanji reading. 0 0 2012/10/12 21:30
17111 [[Japanese]] ipa :[d͡ʑi][Etymology] The hiragana character し (shi) with a dakuten (゛). [Kanji reading] じ (romaji ji) [Noun] じ (romaji ji) 1.字: letter, character 2.辞: speech [Suffix] じ (romaji -ji) 1.時: hour, o'clock [Syllable] じ (Hepburn romanization ji) 1.The hiragana syllable じ (ji), whose equivalent in katakana is ジ (ji). 0 0 2012/01/18 22:44 2012/10/12 21:30
17112 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] Phono-semantic compound (形聲): semantic 氵 (“water”) + phonetic 昜 – a kind of liquid, hot water, soup. Note that 昜 derives from 日 (“sun”), so connotations of “hot” – hot liquid, hot water, soup. [Han character] 湯 (radical 85 水+9, 12 strokes, cangjie input 水日一竹 (EAMH), four-corner 36127) 1.hot water 2.soup, gravy, broth 3.Tang of Shang, founder of Shang Dynasty of China 4.used as a surname [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 湯 (simplified 汤, Yale tong1) [[Japanese]] ipa :/ju/[Kanji] 湯 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [Noun] 湯 (hiragana ゆ, romaji yu) 1.warm, hot water 2.a hot spring 3.urine [Synonyms] - 茶 (ちゃ, cha): tea [[Korean]] [Hanja] 湯 (hangeul 탕, 상, revised tang, sang, McCune-Reischauer t'ang, sang, Yale thang, sang) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 湯 (simplified 汤, pinyin shāng (shang1), tāng (tang1), tàng (tang4), yáng (yang2), Wade-Giles shang1, t'ang1, t'ang4, yang2) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 湯 (tɑng) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 湯 (thang) 0 0 2012/10/12 21:31
17114 背中 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 背中 (hiragana せなか, romaji senaka) 1.one's back [References] - The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary. ISBN 0-19-860197-2 0 0 2012/10/12 22:05
17116 映画 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 映画 (hiragana えいが, romaji eiga) 1.movie, film いい映画を観た。 いいえいがをみた。 ii eiga o mita. I saw a good movie'. [Synonyms] - 映像 0 0 2012/03/10 20:21 2012/10/12 22:25
17117 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 映 (radical 72 日+5, 9 strokes, cangjie input 日中月大 (ALBK), four-corner 64034, composition ⿰日央) 1.project 2.reflect light [[Cantonese]] [Hanzi] 映 (Yale ying2) [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 映 (grade 6 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 映 (hangeul 영, revised yeong, McCune-Reischauer yŏng, Yale yeng) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 映 (pinyin yìng (ying4), Wade-Giles ying4) [[Middle Chinese]] [Han character] 映 (*qiæ̀ng) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 映 (ánh) 0 0 2012/10/12 22:25
17118 おつ [[Japanese]] [Etymology] [wot-] > [ot-]. Traces exist in otoko and otome. [Noun] おつ (romaji otsu) 1.乙: second party 2.乙: (slang) Abbreviation of お疲れ様. [References] - 1999 [c. 759], Akihiro Satake; Hideo Yamada, Rikio Kudō, Masao Ōtani, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 1: Man'yōshū 1 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240001-8: - 2000 [c. 759], Akihiro Satake; Hideo Yamada, Rikio Kudō, Masao Ōtani, Yoshiyuki Yamazaki, Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 2: Man'yōshū 2 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, ISBN 4-00-240002-6: [Verb] おつ (godan conjugation, romaji otsu, historical hiragana をつ) 1.復つ: to become young 2.c. 759: Man'yōshū (book 5, poem #847) 和我佐可理 伊多久々 多知奴 久毛尓得夫 久須利波武等母 麻多遠知米也母 3.c. 759: Man'yōshū (book 6, poem #1034) 従古 人之言來流 老人之 變若云水曾 名尓負瀧之瀬 4.復つ: to be reborn 5.c. 759: Man'yōshū (book 4, poem #650) 吾妹児者 常世国尓 住家良思 昔見従 変若益尓家利 6.落つ, 墜つ, 堕つ: fall down, drop; fail an exam 0 0 2012/03/04 21:07 2012/10/12 22:39
17119 インフレ [[Japanese]] [Noun] インフレ (romaji infure) 1.(economics) Abbreviation of インフレーション. inflation, expansion in the money supply 0 0 2012/10/12 23:23
17122 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 掲 (radical 64 手+9, 12 strokes, cangjie input 手日心心 (QAPP), X手日心心 (XQAPP))meaning: reveal [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 掲 (common “Jōyō” kanji) [[Korean]] [Hanja] 掲 (hangeul 게, 갈, revised ge, gal, McCune-Reischauer ke, kal, Yale key, kal) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 掲 (pinyin jiē (jie1), qì (qi4), Wade-Giles chieh1, ch'i4)Meaning: revealCompounds揭开: act of revealing, lift (up), unveil to reveal揭晓: reveal, make known, announce (usually results or information) 0 0 2012/10/12 23:39
17123 経済 [[Japanese]] [Alternative forms] - 經濟 [Noun] 経済 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai 經濟, hiragana けいざい, romaji keizai) 1.economics; the study of economics 「こちらは経済専攻の鈴木さんです。」 「こちらはけいざいせんこうのすずきさんです。」 "kochira wa keizai-senkō no Suzuki-san desu." "This is Mr. Suzuki, who majors in economics" 2.economy 経済が発展すると、人の暮らしは豊かになる。 けいざいがはってんすると、ひとのくらしはゆたかにになる "Keizai ga hatten suruto, hito no kurashi wa yutakani naru." "The economy develops, people's life gets better." アメリカ経済が持ち直してくれば アメリカけいざいがもちなおしてくれば Amerika-keizai ga mochinaoshite kureba If the American economy recovers 0 0 2012/03/04 19:09 2012/10/12 23:39
17126 悪い [[Japanese]] [Adjective] 悪い (い-i declension, hiragana わるい, romaji warui) 1.bad, inferior 0 0 2012/10/12 23:40
17127 [[Translingual]] [Han character] 悪 (radical 61 心+7, 11 strokes, cangjie input 一一心 (MMP), X一一心 (XMMP), composition ⿱亜心) 1.evil, wicked, bad, foul [[Japanese]] [Kanji] 悪 (grade 3 “Kyōiku” kanji) [[Mandarin]] [Hanzi] 悪 (e4) [[Vietnamese]] [Han character] 悪 (ác) 0 0 2012/10/12 23:40
17128 番組 [[Japanese]] [Noun] 番組 (hiragana ばんぐみ, romaji bangumi) 1.program (as in TV program); programming 0 0 2012/10/13 00:16
17129 abatis [[English]] ipa :/ˈæb.əˌtiː/[Alternative forms] - abattis [Etymology] French abatis, abattis, "mass of things beaten or cut down", from abattre. See abate. [Noun] abatis (plural abatis or abatises) 1.A means of defense formed by felled trees, or sometimes by bent trees, the ends of whose branches are sharpened and directed outwards, or against the enemy, and more recently fortified with barbed wire.[Mid 19th century.][1] [References] 1.^ 2003 [1933], Brown, Lesley editor, The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, edition 5th, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-860575-7, page 2: [[Catalan]] [Verb] abatis 1.Second-person singular present subjunctive form of abatre. [[Ido]] [Verb] abatis 1.past of abatar 0 0 2012/10/13 14:25
17140 placebo [[English]] ipa :/pləˈsijbow/[Antonyms] - nocebo [Etymology] From Latin placēbō (“I will please”), the first-person singular future active indicative of placeō (“I please”). [Noun] placebo (plural placebos or placeboes) 1.(pharmacology) A dummy medicine containing no active ingredients; an inert treatment. 2.(by extension) Anything of no real benefit which nevertheless makes people feel better. [[French]] [Etymology] From Latin [Noun] placebo m. (plural placebos) 1.placebo [[Italian]] [Etymology] From Latin [Noun] Italian Wikipedia has an article on:PlaceboWikipedia itplacebo m. inv. 1.(pharmacology, figuratively) placebo [[Latin]] [Verb] placēbō 1.first-person singular future active indicative of placeō [[Spanish]] [Etymology] From Latin [Noun] placebo m. (plural placebos) 1.placebo 0 0 2012/10/13 16:52
17141 dispersal [[English]] ipa :-ɜː(r)səl[Noun] dispersal (plural dispersals) 1.The act or result of dispersing or scattering; dispersion. 0 0 2012/10/13 16:53
17146 meandered [[English]] [Verb] meandered 1.Simple past tense and past participle of meander. 0 0 2012/10/14 11:42
17148 treachery [[English]] [Etymology] From Middle English trecherie, from Old French tricherie, trecherie, from tricher, trichier (“to cheat”), of Germanic origin, from Middle Dutch trek (“a trick”), from trekken (“to draw, play a trick on”). More at trick. [External links] - treachery in Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - treachery in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 - treachery in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911 - treachery at OneLook Dictionary Search [Noun] treachery (plural treacheries) 1.Deliberate, often calculated, disregard for trust or faith. 2.The act of violating the confidence of another, usually for personal gain. 3.Treason. [Synonyms] - treacherousness 0 0 2012/10/14 12:09
17150 crosscurrent [[English]] [Noun] crosscurrent (plural crosscurrents) 1.(nautical) A turbulent stretch of water caused by multiple currents. 2.(by extension) A situation in which there are conflicting opinions. 0 0 2012/10/14 12:09
17153 outrageously [[English]] [Adverb] outrageously (comparative more outrageously, superlative most outrageously) 1.In an outrageous manner; to an outrageous degree. The hotel was wonderful, but the food was outrageously expensive. [Etymology] outrageous +‎ -ly 0 0 2012/10/14 12:11
17154 Capistrano [[English]] [Anagrams] - postcrania [Proper noun] Capistrano 1.(informal) The city of San Juan Capistrano, California, known for its cliff swallows. 2.a. 2003, Talmage Powell, "Survival Exercise", in, 2003, Kit Duane, editor, The Campfire Collection: Ghosts, Beasts, and Things That Go Bump in the Night, Chronicle Books, ISBN 0811837777, page 138, I felt the sick certainty that the thing had antennae, a sense unknown to human beings—a guidance system like the sonar of a bat, the instinct of a Capistrano swallow, the built-in controls of an SAM missile. 0 0 2012/10/14 12:11
17155 britches [[English]] ipa :/bɹɪtʃəz/[Etymology] Alteration of breeches (“trousers, pantaloons”) in use since at least the 18th century in Britain and British colonies. [Noun] britches (plural only) 1.(dialect) Pants, trousers. 2.2003, Thad Sitton, Harder than hardscrabble: oral recollections of the farming life ..., page 124: And Tom Bowles told him, says, "Go up to the store and get you a free pair of britches [on me]." Says, "Them damned old britches you wearing ain't fittin' to wear to town." [Synonyms] - (breeches): knee britches 0 0 2012/10/14 12:12
17157 sort out [[English]] [Verb] sort out (third-person singular simple present sorts out, present participle sorting out, simple past and past participle sorted out) 1.(transitive) To clarify by reviewing mentally. It's a bit confused at the moment, I'll try to sort it out later. 2.(transitive) To fix, as a problem. The computer won't let me delete that file; could you sort it out? 3.(transitive) To organise or separate into groups, as a collection of items, so as to make tidy. Could you sort out your wardrobe and put the clothes you no longer use in one pile to give away and another to throw away? 4.(transitive) To separate from the remainder of a group; often construed with from. We need to sort out the problems we can solve from the ones we can't. They've already sorted out the students in group A, so we just need to worry about groups B and C. 5.(transitive, UK, slang) To attack physically. If you do that again, I'll soon sort you out. 6.(UK, slang) to provide recreational drugs for. Hey man I want some weed. I'll sort you out mate 0 0 2012/10/14 13:07
17158 tourist [[English]] [Etymology] From tour +‎ -ist. [Noun] tourist (plural tourists) 1.Someone who travels for pleasure rather than for business. 2.(derogatory) One who visits a place or attends a social event out of curiosity, wanting to watch without commitment or involvement. 3.(sports, informal) a member of the visiting team in a match. 0 0 2012/10/14 13:15

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