ipa :/t͡ɕi³⁵ ʈ͡ʂʊŋ⁵⁵/[Verb]
1.to concentrate; to focus
2.to bring together; to assemble; to converge
3.to centralise
ipa :[ɕɨᵝːt͡ɕɨᵝː][Noun]
edit集中 (hiragana しゅうちゅう, rōmaji shūchū, historical hiragana しふちゆう)
2.2002 December 20, Shimamoto, Kazuhiko, “第1話漫画家死闘熱涙編 [Chapter 1: The Hot Tears in the Comics Artist’s Eternal Struggle]”, in 燃えよペン [The Burning Pen] (fiction, in Japanese), Tokyo: Shogakukan, ISBN 4-09-157191-3, page 22:
Kono kyara no bakku ni shūchūsen o irete kuretamae.
Now draw concentrated lines over the background of this character.
edit集中する (hiragana しゅうちゅう, rōmaji shūchū, historical hiragana しふちゆう)
集 (しゅう)中 (ちゅう)できない。
Shūchū dekinai.
I can't focus. / I keep losing my concentration.
2018/02/01 00:05
1.(airlines) Ethiopian Airlines' IATA airline designator
2.(climate) Tundra climate's Köppen climate classification
3.(Internet) .et, the country code top level domain (ccTLD) for Ethiopia
4.(ISO) Estonian language's ISO 639 code
5.(ISO) Ethiopia's ISO 3166-1 country code
ipa :/ɛt/[Anagrams]
- TE, te
[Etymology 1]
editFrom French et, in turn from Latin et
[Etymology 2]
[Alternative forms]
- etje
editUncertain. Possibly from Proto-Indo-European *i̯et 'to set out for; to strive'. Compare Old Irish ét (“thirst”), Irish éad (“eagerness, jealousy”), Latin sitis (“thirst”), Tocharian A yat (“reach, get”). Alternatively from Proto-Indo-European *eus-ti-, cognate to Greek αἰτέω (aἰtéo, “to demand, to beg”).
editet f (indefinite plural etje, definite singular etja, definite plural etjet)
editFrom Latin tē (accusative of tū), from Proto-Indo-European *twé, *te, accusative of *túh₂ (“you”).
editet (proclitic, contracted t', enclitic te, contracted enclitic 't)
1.you, thee (singular, direct or indirect object)
1.(cardinal, serial counting) one
editet (common en)
1.a, an
editFrom Proto-Finnic *että (compare Finnish että), from the same Proto-Uralic root *e- (“this”) as Hungarian ez
ipa :[eːʰt][Verb]
1.singular imperative of eta
ipa :/ˈet/[Anagrams]
- Te, te
[Etymology 1]
[Etymology 2]
editShortened form of että.
ipa :/e/[Anagrams]
- te
editFrom Latin et (“and; plus”).
[Further reading]
- “et” in le Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
[Usage notes]
- et is never subject to liaison with a following word.
1.(archaic, poetic) Alternative form of e
editFrom Latin et (“and; plus”).
ipa :/et/[Adverb]
editet (not comparable)
1.also, too, besides, or likewise
[Alternative forms]
- &
2.(mathematics) plus
Duo et duo sunt quattuor.
Two plus two equals four.
3.(literary) though, even if
editFrom Proto-Indo-European *éti. Cognate with Old English prefix ed- (“anew, again”). More at ed-.
- et in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- et in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- du Cange, Charles (1883), “et”, in G. A. Louis Henschel, Pierre Carpentier, Léopold Favre, editors, Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (in Latin), Niort: L. Favre
- Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[3], London: Macmillan and Co.
- the perfect harmony of the universe: totius mundi convenientia et consensus
- the elements and first beginnings: elementa et tamquam semina rerum
- gravity: nutus et pondus or simply nutus (ῥοπή)
- rough and hilly ground: loca aspera et montuosa (Planc. 9. 22)
- ebb and flow (of tide): accessus et recessus aestuum
- the alternation of tides: aestus maritimi mutuo accedentes et recedentes (N. D. 2. 53. 132)
- there is a storm at sea: mare ventorum vi agitatur et turbatur
- temperate climate: aer calore et frigore temperatus
- the regular courses of the stars: motus stellarum constantes et rati
- the star-lit sky; the firmament: caelum astris distinctum et ornatum
- to be able to bear heat and cold: aestus et frigoris patientem esse
- to be situate to the north-west: spectare inter occasum solis et septentriones
- to be separated by an immense interval of space and time: intervallo locorum et temporum disiunctum esse
- hither and thither: huc (et) illuc
- twenty years and more: viginti anni et amplius, aut plus
- night and day: noctes diesque, noctes et dies, et dies et noctes, dies noctesque, diem noctemque
- one or two days: unus et alter dies
- to draw every one's eyes upon one: omnium oculos (et ora) ad se convertere
- to see clearly, distinctly: cernere et videre aliquid
- to allay one's hunger, thirst: famem sitimque depellere cibo et potione
- to be able to endure hunger and thirst: famis et sitis patientem esse
- to have a severe attack of fever: aestu et febri iactari
- according to circumstances: pro tempore et pro re
- cause and effect: causae rerum et consecutiones
- source, origin: fons et caput (vid. sect. III., note caput...)
- quite accidentally, fortuitously: temere et fortuito; forte (et) temere
- when life runs smoothly: in rebus prosperis et ad voluntatem fluentibus
- the changes and chances of this life: ancipites et varii casus
- to be at the beck and call of another; to be his creature: totum se fingere et accommodare ad alicuius arbitrium et nutum
- to entreat earnestly; to make urgent requests: orare et obsecrare aliquem
- to know from hearsay: auditione et fama accepisse aliquid
- to pay respect to, be courteous to a person: aliquem colere et observare (Att. 2. 19)
- the matter involves much labour and fatigue: res est multi laboris et sudoris
- to exert oneself very considerably in a matter: desudare et elaborare in aliqua re (De Senect. 11. 38)
- to lose one's labour: operam (et oleum) perdere or frustra consumere
- to strain every nerve, do one's utmost in a matter: contendere et laborare, ut
- to strain every nerve, do one's utmost in a matter: pro viribus eniti et laborare, ut
- to grow slack with inactivity, stagnate: (in) otio languere et hebescere
- to abandon oneself to inactivity and apathy: desidiae et languori se dedere
- to abandon oneself to inactivity and apathy: ignaviae et socordiae se dare
- to pass one's life in luxury and idleness: per luxum et ignaviam aetatem agere
- natural gifts: natura et ingenium
- absolutely perfect: absolutus et perfectus
- to bring to the highest perfection: perficere et absolvere
- ideal perfection: absolutio et perfectio (not summa perfectio)
- an ideal: undique expleta et perfecta forma
- to distinguish true and false: vera et falsa (a falsis) diiudicare
- to banish an error, do away with a false impression: errorem amputare et circumcīdere
- to give a person the advantage of one's advice (and actual support): aliquem consilio (et re) iuvare
- vivid recollection: memoria et recordatio
- many learned men; many scholars: multi viri docti, or multi et ii docti (not multi docti)
- to have a thorough grasp of a subject: penitus percipere et comprehendere aliquid (De Or. 1. 23. 108)
- profound scientific education: litterae interiores et reconditae, artes reconditae
- to be quite uncivilised: omnis cultus et humanitatis expertem esse
- to be quite uncivilised: ab omni cultu et humanitate longe abesse (B. G. 1. 1. 3)
- to do a thing which is not one's vocation, which goes against the grain: adversante et repugnante natura or invitā Minervā (ut aiunt) aliquid facere (Off. 1. 31. 110)
- standard and pattern: auctoritas et exemplum (Balb. 13. 31)
- those ideas have long ago been given up: illae sententiae iam pridem explosae et eiectae sunt (Fin. 5. 8. 23)
- logic, dialectic: dialectica (-ae or -orum) (pure Latin disserendi ratio et scientia)
- an accomplished dialectician: disserendi peritus et artifex
- moral science; ethics: philosophia, quae est de vita et moribus (Acad. 1. 5. 19)
- moral science; ethics: philosophia, in qua de bonis rebus et malis, deque hominum vita et moribus disputatur
- system: ratio; disciplina, ratio et disciplina; ars
- to systematise: ad rationem, ad artem et praecepta revocare aliquid (De Or. 1. 41)
- systematic, methodical knowledge: ratio et doctrina
- to give a scientific explanation of a thing: artificio et via tradere aliquid
- to proceed, carry on a discussion logically: ratione et via, via et ratione progredi, disputare (Or. 33. 116)
- logical consistency: perpetuitas et constantia (Tusc. 5. 10. 31)
- to analyse a general division into its specific parts: genus universum in species certas partiri et dividere (Or. 33. 117)
- minute, captious subdivisions and definitions: spinae partiendi et definiendi (Tusc. 5. 8. 22)
- to determine the nature and constitution of the subject under discussion: constituere, quid et quale sit, de quo disputetur
- to be closely connected with each other: conexum et aptum esse inter se
- systematic succession, concatenation: continuatio seriesque rerum, ut alia ex alia nexa et omnes inter se aptae colligataeque sint (N. D. 1. 4. 9)
- all are unanimous: una et consentiens vox est
- to observe the chronological order of events: servare et notare tempora
- instrumental music: nervorum et tibiarum cantus
- vocal and instrumental music: vocum et fidium (nervorum) cantus
- statues and pictures: signa et tabulae (pictae)
- to be a ready, fluent speaker: facilem et expeditum esse ad dicendum (Brut. 48. 180)
- a carefully prepared speech: oratio accurata et polita
- to be never at a loss for something to say: solutum et expeditum esse ad dicendum
- an easy, fluent style: expedita et facile currens oratio
- pure, correct language: oratio pura, pura et emendata
- a full and copious style of speech: ubertas (not divitiae) et copia orationis
- abundance of material: materia rerum et copia uberrima
- abundance of material: infinita et immensa materia
- to indulge in apt witticisms: facete et commode dicere
- a short, pointed witticism: breviter et commode dictum
- to be now jesting, now in earnest: ioca et seria agere
- the ordinary usage of language, everyday speech: sermo familiaris et cotidianus
- incorrect usage: consuetudo vitiosa et corrupta (opp. pura et incorrupta) sermonis
- the fundamental meaning of a word: vis et notio verbi, vocabuli
- the word aemulatio is employed with two meanings, in a good and a bad sense: aemulatio dupliciter dicitur, ut et in laude et in vitio hoc nomen sit
- to study Plato: Platonem legere et cognoscere
- correspondence: litterae missae et allatae
- to be in correspondence with..: litteras inter se dare et accipere
- to feel acute pain: doloribus premi, angi, ardere, cruciari, distineri et divelli
- to be completely prostrated by fear: metu fractum et debilitatum, perculsum esse
- to show a brisk and cheerful spirit: alacri et erecto animo esse
- to inspire the spiritless and prostrate with new vigour: excitare animum iacentem et afflictum (opp. frangere animum)
- to be cast down, discouraged, in despair: animo esse humili, demisso (more strongly animo esse fracto, perculso et abiecto) (Att. 3. 2)
- hope is vanishing by degrees: spes extenuatur et evanescit
- somebody's darling: amores et deliciae alicuius
- to be some one's favourite: in amore et deliciis esse alicui (active in deliciis habere aliquem)
- having exchanged pledges, promises: fide data et accepta (Sall. Iug. 81. 1)
- to make virtue the standard in every thought and act: omnia consilia et facta ad virtutem referre (Phil. 10. 10. 20)
- to eradicate vice: vitia exstirpare et funditus tollere
- to have self-control; to restrain oneself, master one's inclinations: sibi imperare or continere et coercere se ipsum
- to kill with violence: vim et manus afferre alicui (Catil. 1. 8. 21)
- to threaten some one with death, crucifixion, torture, war: minitari (minari) alicui mortem, crucem et tormenta, bellum
- by the aid of fraud and lies: dolis et fallaciis (Sall. Cat. 11. 2)
- we are united by many mutual obligations: multa et magna inter nos officia intercedunt (Fam. 13. 65)
- the Furies harass and torment some one: Furiae agitant et vexant aliquem
- thought and deed: consilia et facta (cf. sect. X. 1, note For 'thoughts and deeds'...)
- character: natura et mores; vita moresque; indoles animi ingeniique; or simply ingenium, indoles, natura, mores
- inconsistency; changeability: mobilitas et levitas animi
- heavenly things; earthly things: supera et caelestia; humana et citerioria
- belief in God is part of every one's nature: omnibus innatum est et in animo quasi insculptum esse deum
- with incense and perfumes: ture et odoribus incensis
- to profane sacred rites: sacra polluere et violare
- to fight for hearth and home: pro aris et focis pugnare, certare, dimicare
- to change one's clothes (and shoes): vestimenta (et calceos) mutare
- to take only enough food to support life: tantum cibi et potionis adhibere quantum satis est
- interchange of ideas; conversation: commercium loquendi et audiendi
- a safe journey to you: bene ambula et redambula
- imports and exports: res, quae importantur et exportantur
- account-book; ledger: codex or tabulae ratio accepti et expensi
- the account of receipts and expenditure: ratio acceptorum et datorum (accepti et expensi) (Amic. 16. 58)
- credit and financial position: fides et ratio pecuniarum
- the constitution: instituta et leges
- to give the state a constitution: rem publicam legibus et institutis temperare (Tusc. 1. 1. 2)
- to devote one's every thought to the state's welfare: omnes curas et cogitationes in rem publicam conferre
- to devote oneself body and soul to the good of the state: totum et animo et corpore in salutem rei publicae se conferre
- high and low: summi (et) infimi (Rep. 1. 34. 53)
- people of every rank and age: homines omnium ordinum et aetatum
- a citizen of the world; cosmopolitan: mundanus, mundi civis et incola (Tusc. 5. 37)
- to proscribe a person, declare him an outlaw: aqua et igni interdicere alicui
- civil and military offices: magistratus et imperia (Sall. Iug. 3. 1)
- men of rank and dignity: viri clari et honorati (De Sen. 7. 22)
- justly and equitably: ex aequo et bono (Caecin. 23. 65)
- to isolate a witness: aliquem a ceteris separare et in arcam conicere ne quis cum eo colloqui possit (Mil. 22. 60)
- to keep good discipline amongst one's men: milites coercere et in officio continere (B. C. 1. 67. 4)
- by force of arms: vi et armis
- to surround a town with a rampart and fosse: oppidum cingere vallo et fossa
- with wife and child: cum uxoribus et liberis
- to have recourse to force of arms: ad vim et arma descendere (vid. sect. V. 9, note Similarly...)
- fresh troops relieve the tired men: integri et recentes defatigatis succedunt
- to utterly rout the enemy: caedere et fundere hostem
- to utterly rout the enemy: fundere et fugare hostem
- after many had been wounded on both sides: multis et illatis et acceptis vulneribus (B. G. 1. 50)
- to be subject to some one, under some one's dominion: sub imperio et dicione alicuius esse
- a dead calm: malacia et tranquillitas (B. G. 3. 15)
- not to be diffuse on such a well-known subject: ne in re nota et pervulgata multus sim
- it is quite manifest: apparet et exstat
- quite rightly: et recte (iure, merito)
- quite rightly: et recte (iure) quidem
- (and): -que
- (and): atque
ipa :/et/[Etymology]
editFrom Proto-Germanic *hit. Cognate with German es, English it, Dutch het.
1.third-person neuter singular, nominative: it
2.third-person neuter singular, accusative: it, to it
[[Middle Dutch]]
ipa :/et/[Pronoun]
1.Alternative form of het
[[Middle French]]
editFrom Latin et
[[Middle Low German]]
ipa :/ɛt/[Pronoun]
1.Alternative form of it.
1.(Jersey) and
editFrom Old French et, from Latin et.
editet m (plural ets)
1.(Jersey) ampersand
- ampèrsand
[[Norwegian Bokmål]]
ipa :/ɛt/[Article]
editet n
1.a, an (indefinite article used with neuter nouns)
- “et” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
1.imperative of ete
[[Norwegian Nynorsk]]
1.present tense of eta and ete
2.imperative of eta and ete
editet ... e
1.(coordinating) both ... and
[[Old French]]
[Alternative forms]
- e
circa 1170, Chrétien de Troyes, Érec et Énide:
Blanches et verz, bloes et jaunes
Whites and greens, blues and yellows.
editLatin et
ipa :/ˈeːt/[Etymology]
editCompare Classical Nahuatl etl (“bean”)
editēt (plural ejēt)
Shikua et pal titamanat musta
Buy beans to cook tomorrow
[[Saterland Frisian]]
editet n
editet m (plural ets)
[[Tok Pisin]]
editFrom English eight.
[Usage notes]
editUsed when counting; see also etpela.
ipa :/ɛt/[Etymology]
editFrom Old Turkic et (“meat”), from Proto-Turkic *et (“meat”).
editet (definite accusative eti, plural etler)
editFrom Proto-Turkic *et.
editet (plural etlar)
1.second-person plural present of ei
[Alternative forms]
- eyet
editFrom Latin et.
2018/02/02 11:23
[Glyph origin]
editUnorthodox variant of 數. From cursive script.
[Han character]
edit数 (radical 66 攴+9, 13 strokes, cangjie input 火女人大 (FVOK), four-corner 98440, composition ⿰娄攵)
ipa :[sɨᵝː][Kanji]
editSee also:Category:Japanese terms spelled with 数数(grade 2 “Kyōiku” kanji, shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai form 數)
edit数 (hiragana すう, rōmaji sū)
1.numberedit数 (hiragana かず, rōmaji kazu)
1.number; amount
人 (ひと)の数 (かず)
hito no kazu
number of people
夜空 (よぞら)の星 (ほし)の数 (かず)
yozora no hoshi no kazu
the number of stars in the night sky
edit数 (hiragana すう, rōmaji sū-)
数 (すう)百人 (ひゃくにん)
several hundred people
1.↑ 1.0 1.1 1974, 新明解国語辞典 (Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten), Second Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō
edit数 • (su, chok) (hangeul 수, 촉, revised su, chok, McCune-Reischauer su, ch'ok, Yale swu, chok)
1.This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.
2009/04/22 13:10
2018/02/02 12:35
ipa :/ˈlɛvɪteɪt/[Etymology]
editLatin levō (“I elevate, I lift up”), from levis (“light”).
editlevitate (third-person singular simple present levitates, present participle levitating, simple past and past participle levitated)
1.(transitive) To cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity.
The magician levitated the woman.
2.(intransitive) To be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity.
The guru claimed that he could levitate.
- elettiva
1.second-person plural present of levitare
2.second-person plural imperative of levitare
1.ablative singular of levitās
2018/02/03 06:23
ipa :/spuːnz/[Anagrams]
- snoops
1.plural of spoon
2.A child's card game.
3.(music) A pair of spoons used as a musical instrument by tapping them on parts of the body.
1.Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spoon
2018/02/04 03:27
editpanpsychist (plural panpsychists)
1.A proponent of panpsychism.
2018/02/04 03:29
ipa :-əʊpən[Anagrams]
- Perone, opener, pereon, repone
editre- + open
editreopen (third-person singular simple present reopens, present participle reopening, simple past and past participle reopened)
1.(transitive) To open (something) again.
2.1920, Breckinridge Long, US Ambassador to Italy, a speech titled America's Accomplishments
From the moment of the declaration by Germany, she would reopen her inhuman warfare by the indiscriminate use of submarines.
3.(intransitive) To open again.
4.1933, Franklin Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Fireside Chat, 12 March 1933
The new law allows the twelve Federal Reserve Banks to issue additional currency on good assets and thus the banks which reopen will be able to meet every legitimate call.
2018/02/09 21:51
ipa :[o̞t͡ɕa̠][Alternative forms]
- 御茶
editCompound of 御 (o, honorific prefix) + 茶 (cha, “tea”).
editお茶 (hiragana おちゃ, rōmaji ocha)
1.tea, usually green tea
お茶 (ちゃ)はいかがですか。
Ocha wa ikaga desu ka.
How about some tea? (Would you like some tea?)
2.tea ceremony
3.snack with tea or coffee
4.the act of having tea
1.^ 1998, NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 (NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK, ISBN 978-4-14-011112-3
2.^ 1974, 新明解国語辞典 (Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten), Second Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō
[Usage notes]
editお茶 generally refers to a cup of hot green tea. In general, black tea is referred to as 紅茶 (kōcha), though it can be implicitly included within the term お茶, which literally just means "tea."The honorific お (o-) in お茶 is normally written in hiragana, though you will see it from time to time in more formal or official writing as 御 (as in 御茶). Also, お茶 is one of the unusual cases of the honorific お (or 御 (o-)) that can be used to refer to anyone, including the speaker. See the usage note at 御-.茶する without the honorific お is rarely used.
2012/03/12 12:54
2018/02/10 20:20
about to
editabout to
1.(idiomatic, only with bare infinitive) Indicates something that will happen very soon; indicates that something is imminent.
He's standing at the edge, and I think he's about to jump.
2009/12/28 21:18
2018/02/10 21:01
ipa :/ˈɪn.dʒə.ɹi/[Anagrams]
- Ryūjin
editBorrowed from Anglo-Norman injurie, from Latin iniūria (“injustice; wrong; offense”), from in- (“not”) + iūs, iūris (“right, law”).
[Further reading]
- injury in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
- injury in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911
editinjury (countable and uncountable, plural injuries)
1.Damage to the body of a human or animal.
The passenger sustained a severe injury in the car accident.
2.The violation of a person's reputation, rights, property, or interests.
Slander is an injury to the character.
3.(archaic) Injustice.
- See also Thesaurus:injury
editinjury (third-person singular simple present injuries, present participle injurying, simple past and past participle injuried)
1.(obsolete) To wrong, to injure.
2.1603, John Florio, transl.; Michel de Montaigne, Essayes, London: Edward Blount, OCLC 946730821:II.12:
The best of us doth not so much feare to wrong him, as he doth to injurie his neighbour, his kinsman, or his master.
2012/01/28 19:59
2018/02/14 22:19
ipa :/baʊnst/[Anagrams]
- buncoed
1.simple past tense and past participle of bounce
2.unsuccessful delivery of email (help appreciated from editors with more Wiktionary experience than myself)
2012/03/31 18:36
2018/02/14 22:20
ipa :/ɡəʊld/[Alternative forms]
- gould (obsolete)
[Etymology 1]
editFrom Middle English gold, from Old English gold (“gold”), from Proto-Germanic *gulþą (“gold”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰl̥tóm (“gold”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰelh₃- (“yellow; gleam; to shine”). Related to yellow; see there for more.Germanic cognates include Dutch goud, German Gold, Swedish guld, and cognates from other Indo-European languages are Latvian zelts, Russian зо́лото (zóloto), Persian زرد (zard, “yellow, golden”), Sanskrit हिरण्य (hiraṇya).
[Etymology 2]
editFrom gold master, a copy of the code certified as being ready for release.
[Further reading]
- “Gold” in David Barthelmy, Webmineral Mineralogy Database[2], 1997–.
- mindat.org[3], Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, accessed 29 August 2016
editBorrowing from English gold, from Middle English gold, from Old English gold (“gold”), from Proto-Germanic *gulþą (“gold”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰl̥tóm (“gold”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰelh₃- (“yellow; gleam; to shine”).
1.a heavy yellow elemental metal of great value, with atomic number 79 and symbol Au
2.a coin or coinage made of this material, or supposedly so
3.a bright yellow colour, resembling the metal gold
4.a gold medal
5.(fantasy role-playing games board games) miscellaneous unit of currency in fantasy genre
ipa :/ɡɔl/[Adjective]
1.barren, desolate
2.sterile (unable to reproduce)
3.dry, (of a cow) not producing milk
En gold ko.
A dry cow.
1.singular past indicative of gelden
[[Middle English]]
editFrom Old English gold (“gold”), from Proto-Germanic *gulþą (“gold”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰl̥tóm (“gold”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰelh₃- (“yellow; gleam; to shine”).
editgold (plural golds)
1.gold (metal)
[[Old English]]
ipa :/ɡold/[Etymology]
editFrom Proto-Germanic *gulþą, from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰĺ̥tom, from *ǵʰelh₃-. Cognate with Old Frisian gold, Old Saxon gold, Old High German gold (German Gold), Old Norse goll, gull (Swedish guld), Dutch goud, Gothic 𐌲̸̻̿ (gulþ). The Indo-European root is also the source of Proto-Slavic *zolto (Old Church Slavonic злато (zlato), Russian зо́лото (zóloto)), Proto-Baltic *želt-, *želtas (Lithuanian žel̃tas, Latvian zelts).
editgold n
1.gold, riches, treasure
Abram wæs swiðe welig on golde. Abram was very rich in gold. (Genesis)
ipa :[ɡold][Etymology]
editBorrowed from English gold.
editgold (plural golds)
- goldin (chemistry - Au)
2018/02/14 22:19
2018/02/14 22:21
gold medal
editgold medal (plural gold medals)
1.A medal made of, or having the colour of, gold, given as a prize for winning
2.2012, August 1. Owen Gibson in Guardian Unlimited, London 2012: rowers Glover and Stanning win Team GB's first gold medal
Great Britain has collected its first gold medal of the London Games after Heather Stanning and Helen Glover won the coxless pairs with a stunning performance that will spark a mass outpouring of celebration and relief across the country.
3.(by extension) Finishing in first position, winning
2018/02/14 22:21
2018/02/14 22:21
ipa :/sono/[Etymology]
editFrom Old Japanese [script needed] (so₂no₂) → /sono/.
[Proper noun]
editその (rōmaji Sono)
1.園: A surname.
2018/02/14 22:46
editspectacularly (comparative more spectacularly, superlative most spectacularly)
1.In a spectacular manner, extraordinarily, amazingly.
editFrom spectacular + -ly.
2018/02/15 22:11
editspeedskating (uncountable)
1.Alternative form of speed skating
2018/02/15 22:14
ipa :/ˈkɒn.sən.tɹeɪt/[Anagrams]
- concertante
editFrom French concentrer.
editconcentrate (plural concentrates)
1.A substance that is in a condensed form.
editconcentrate (third-person singular simple present concentrates, present participle concentrating, simple past and past participle concentrated)
1.(transitive, intransitive) To bring to, or direct toward, a common center; to unite more closely; to gather into one body, mass, or force.
to concentrate rays of light into a focus
to concentrate the attention
Let me concentrate!
2.To increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore; to intensify, by getting rid of useless material; to condense (as opposed to 'dilute').
to concentrate acid by evaporation
to concentrate by washing
3.To approach or meet in a common center; to consolidate.
Population tends to concentrate in cities.
4.2006, Edwin Black, chapter 2, in Internal Combustion[1]:
Buried within the Mediterranean littoral are some seventy to ninety million tons of slag from ancient smelting, about a third of it concentrated in Iberia. This ceaseless industrial fueling caused the deforestation of an estimated fifty to seventy million acres of woodlands.
5.(intransitive) To focus one's thought or attention (on).
1.feminine plural of concentrato
- concertante, concretante
1.second-person plural present of concentrare
2.second-person plural imperative of concentrare
3.feminine plural of concentrato, past participle of concentrare
2009/12/21 19:03
2018/02/15 22:15
ipa :/ˈmænɪdʒd/[Anagrams]
- Adangme, agnamed
1.simple past tense and past participle of manage
2009/01/19 13:57
2018/02/15 22:26
ipa :/əˈmɛnd/[Anagrams]
- Edman, Mande, Medan, ad-men, admen, deman, maned, named
editFrom Old French amender, from Latin ēmendō (“free from faults”), from ex (“from, out of”) + mendum (“fault”). Confer aphetic mend.
The terms below need to be checked and allocated to the definitions (senses) of the headword above. Each term should appear in the sense for which it is appropriate. Use the templates {{syn|en|...}} or {{ant|en|...}} to add them to the appropriate sense(s).
- ameliorate
- correct
- improve
- See also Thesaurus:improve
- See also Thesaurus:repair
editamend (third-person singular simple present amends, present participle amending, simple past and past participle amended)
1.(transitive) To make better.
2.1594, William Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece,[1]
Mud not the fountain that gave drink to thee;
Mar not the thing that cannot be amended.
3.1820, Walter Scott, Ivanhoe, Chapter 13,[2]
We shall cheer her sorrows, and amend her blood, by wedding her to a Norman.
4.1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 1, in The Celebrity:
I was about to say that I had known the Celebrity from the time he wore kilts. But I see I will have to amend that, because he was not a celebrity then, nor, indeed, did he achieve fame until some time after I left New York for the West.
5.(intransitive) To become better.
6.(obsolete, transitive) To heal (someone sick); to cure (a disease etc.).
7.1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.x:
But Paridell complaynd, that his late fight / With Britomart, so sore did him offend, / That ryde he could not, till his hurts he did amend.
8.1621, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], The Anatomy of Melancholy, Oxford: Printed by Iohn Lichfield and Iames Short, for Henry Cripps, OCLC 216894069:, II.2.6.ii:
he gave her a vomit, and conveyed a serpent, such as she conceived, into the basin; upon the sight of it she was amended.
9.(obsolete, intransitive) To be healed, to be cured, to recover (from an illness).
10.c. 1605, William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 3,[3]
Ay, sir; there are a crew of wretched souls
That stay his cure: their malady convinces
The great assay of art; but at his touch—
Such sanctity hath heaven given his hand—
They presently amend.
11.(transitive) To make a formal alteration (in legislation, a report, etc.) by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.
12.1876, Henry Martyn Robert, Robert’s Rules of Order, Chicago: S.C. Griggs & Co., Article III, Section 23, p. 46,[4]
The following motions cannot be amended:
13.1990, Doug Hoyle, Hansard, Trade Union Act, 1984, Amendment no. 2, 4 July, 1990,[5]
It is necessary to amend the Act to preserve the spirit in which it was first passed into law […]
2017/07/04 21:03
2018/02/15 22:26
editrobotically (comparative more robotically, superlative most robotically)
1.In a robotic (or robotical) fashion.
editFrom robotic + -ally or robotical + -ly.
2018/02/16 10:04
ipa :[kã̠ŋka̠i][Alternative forms]
- 緩解
edit寛解 (hiragana かんかい, rōmaji kankai)
1.(medicine) remission (abatement or lessening of the manifestations of a disease)
edit寛解する (intransitive, hiragana かんかい, rōmaji kankai)
1.(medicine) be in remission
2018/02/16 10:06
editFrom package + -er.
editpackager (plural packagers)
1.A person who packages.
2.A tool or machine used to package objects.
2018/02/23 08:43
- argentite, ganterite
editBorrowed from Latin integrātus, perfect participle of integrō (“I make whole, I renew, I repair, I begin again”), from integer (“whole, fresh”); see integer, integral.
editintegrate (third-person singular simple present integrates, present participle integrating, simple past and past participle integrated)
1.To form into one whole; to make entire; to complete; to renew; to restore; to perfect.
2.To include as a constituent part or functionality.
They were keen to integrate their new skills into the performance.
3.To indicate the whole of; to give the sum or total of; as, an integrating anemometer, one that indicates or registers the entire action of the wind in a given time.
4.(mathematics) To subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of.
5.To desegregate, as a school or neighborhood.
The refugees were well integrated into the community.
6.(genetics) To combine compatible elements in order to incorporate them.
- attingere
- reginetta
1.second-person plural present indicative of integrare
2.second-person plural imperative of integrare
3.Feminine plural of integrato
1.vocative masculine singular of integrātus
2012/04/20 08:58
2018/02/23 08:43
1.(now rare) Alternative form of IV: the Roman numeral for four (4).
2017/05/17 09:48
2018/02/24 14:56
ipa :/ˌɪnədˈvɜːtn̩t/[Adjective]
editinadvertent (not comparable)
1.Not intentional; not on purpose; not conscious.
We check everything because an inadvertent error could be disastrous.
2.(obsolete) Inattentive.
3.1729, Joseph Addison, The Spectator (page 119)
[…] over-reach'd any innocent and inadvertent Man of his Purse.
editBack-formation from inadvertence and inadvertency.
2018/02/24 14:56
[Adjectival noun]
editそっくり (-na inflection, rōmaji sokkuri)
1.spitting image
editそっくり (rōmaji sokkuri)
1.all, entire, everything
2.as is, just as it is, as it is now
2018/02/25 03:02
ipa :/ˈɹɛləvənt/[Adjective]
editrelevant (comparative more relevant, superlative most relevant)
1.Directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic.
His mother provided some relevant background information concerning his medical condition.
2.Not out of date; current.
3.1973 December 20, “Hansen says Christmas time for thanks, hope”, in The Aberdeen Times[1]:
The message of Christmas is still relevant as we near the end of a troubled year and the beginning of an uncertain but challenging new year.
4.2008, Scott Cooper, Fritz Grutzner, Birk Cooper, Tips and Traps for Marketing Your Business[2], McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0071494892, page 39:
Motorola was quickly losing the cell-phone battle to Nokia for a time. When they launched the RAZR phone and combined it with their "Hello Moto" campaign, it made the brand relevant again.
- levanter
- irrelevant
editBorrowed from Old French relevant (“assisting”), from Latin relevāns, relevāntem, present active participle of relevō (“lift up again, lighten, relieve”), from re- (“again”) + levō (“lift”).
- applicable
- germane
- in point (legal)
- pertinent
- salient
- significant
- requisite
editrelevant (comparative relevanter, superlative relevantst)
editFrom Latin relevans, present active participle of relevō (“lift up again, lighten, relieve”), from re- (“again”) + levō (“lift”).
1.present participle of relever
ipa :-ant[Adjective]
editrelevant (comparative relevanter, superlative am relevantesten)
- irrelevant, unbedeutend, unmaßgeblich
[Further reading]
- relevant in Duden online
- bedeutend, maßgeblich
1.third-person plural present active indicative of relevō
[[Norwegian Bokmål]]
editrelevant (neuter singular relevant, definite singular and plural relevante)
- irrelevant
- “relevant” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
[[Norwegian Nynorsk]]
editrelevant (neuter singular relevant, definite singular and plural relevante)
- irrelevant
- “relevant” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
- irrelevant
2012/01/03 19:54
2018/02/25 03:26
- Kinlaws
1.plural of walk-in
2018/02/25 17:19
ipa :/plɑːnt/[Etymology]
editFrom Middle English plante, from Old English plante (“young tree or shrub, herb newly planted”), from Latin planta (“sprout, shoot, cutting”). Broader sense of "any vegetable life, vegetation generally" is from French plante.The verb is from Middle English planten, from Old English plantian (“to plant”), from Latin plantare, later influenced by Old French planter. Compare also Dutch planten (“to plant”), German pflanzen (“to plant”), Swedish planta (“to plant”), Icelandic planta (“to plant”).
editplant (plural plants)
1.(botany) An organism that is not an animal, especially an organism capable of photosynthesis. Typically a small or herbaceous organism of this kind, rather than a tree.
2.2013 May-June, Katrina G. Claw, “Rapid Evolution in Eggs and Sperm”, in American Scientist, volume 101, number 3, page 217:
In plants, the ability to recognize self from nonself plays an important role in fertilization, because self-fertilization will result in less diverse offspring than fertilization with pollen from another individual. Many genes with reproductive roles also have antibacterial and immune functions, which indicate that the threat of microbial attack on the sperm or egg may be a major influence on rapid evolution during reproduction.
The garden had a couple of trees, and a cluster of colourful plants around the border.
3.(botany) An organism of the kingdom Plantae; now specifically, a living organism of the Embryophyta (land plants) or of the Chlorophyta (green algae), a eukaryote that includes double-membraned chloroplasts in its cells containing chlorophyll a and b, or any organism closely related to such an organism.
4.(ecology) Now specifically, a multicellular eukaryote that includes chloroplasts in its cells, which have a cell wall.
5.(proscribed as biologically inaccurate) Any creature that grows on soil or similar surfaces, including plants and fungi.
6.A factory or other industrial or institutional building or facility.
7.An object placed surreptitiously in order to cause suspicion to fall upon a person.
That gun's not mine! It's a plant! I've never seen it before!
8.Anyone assigned to behave as a member of the public during a covert operation (as in a police investigation).
9.A person, placed amongst an audience, whose role is to cause confusion, laughter etc.
10.(snooker) A play in which the cue ball knocks one (usually red) ball onto another, in order to pot the second; a set.
11.2008, Phil Yates, The Times, April 28 2008:
O’Sullivan risked a plant that went badly astray, splitting the reds.
12.(uncountable) Machinery, such as the kind used in earthmoving or construction.
13.(obsolete) A young tree; a sapling; hence, a stick or staff.
14.(Can we date this quote?) Dryden
a plant of stubborn oak
15.(obsolete) The sole of the foot.
16.(Can we date this quote?) Ben Jonson
knotty legs and plants of clay
17.(dated, slang) A plan; a swindle; a trick.
18.(Can we date this quote?) Charles Dickens
It wasn't a bad plant, that of mine, on Fikey.
19.An oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth.
20.(US, dialect) A young oyster suitable for transplanting.
[See also]
- plant on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
editplant (third-person singular simple present plants, present participle planting, simple past and past participle planted)
1.(transitive) To place (a seed or plant) in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow.
2.(transitive) To place (an object, or sometimes a person), often with the implication of intending deceit.
That gun's not mine! It was planted there by the real murderer!
3.(transitive) To place or set something firmly or with conviction.
Plant your feet firmly and give the rope a good tug.
to plant cannon against a fort; to plant a flag; to plant one's feet on solid ground
4.2011 January 15, Sam Sheringham, “Chelsea 2 - 0 Blackburn Rovers”, in BBC[1]:
First Anelka curled a shot wide from just outside the box, then Lampard planted a header over the bar from Bosingwa's cross.
5.To place in the ground.
6.2007, Richard Laymon, Savage, page 118:
Sarah, she kissed each of her grandparents on the forehead. They were planted in a graveyard behind the church.
7.To furnish or supply with plants.
to plant a garden, an orchard, or a forest
8.To engender; to generate; to set the germ of.
9.(Can we date this quote?) Shakespeare
It engenders choler, planteth anger.
10.To furnish with a fixed and organized population; to settle; to establish.
to plant a colony
11.(Can we date this quote?) Francis Bacon
planting of countries like planting of woods
12.To introduce and establish the principles or seeds of.
to plant Christianity among the heathen
13.To set up; to install; to instate.
14.(Can we date this quote?) Shakespeare
We will plant some other in the throne.
1.imperative of plante
ipa :/plɑnt/[Etymology 1]
editFrom Middle Dutch plante, from Latin planta.[1] Doublette with clan (“clan, tribe”).
[Etymology 2]
1.^ Philippa, Marlies; Debrabandere, Frans; Quak, Arend; Schoonheim, Tanneke; van der Sijs, Nicoline (2003–2009) Etymologisch woordenboek van het Nederlands (in Dutch), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
editDeverbal of planter. Doublet of plan (“plan, map”).
[Further reading]
- “plant” in le Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
editplant m (plural plants)
2.young plant or plantation
1.Third-person singular present of planen.
2.Second-person plural present of planen.
3.Imperative plural of planen.
[[Haitian Creole]]
editFrom French plante (“plant”).
1.plant (organism)
[[Norwegian Bokmål]]
1.imperative of plante
[[Norwegian Nynorsk]]
ipa :/plɑnt/[Adjective]
1.neuter singular of plan
[Etymology 1]
[Etymology 2]
1.imperative of planta
[[Old Welsh]]
editBorrowed from Latin planta.
editplant ?
1.absolute indefinite neuter form of plan.
ipa :/plant/[Etymology]
editFrom Old Welsh plant, borrowed from Latin planta.
editplant m (singulative plentyn)
1.children, young people
2.children (of parents), offspring (sometimes of animals), progeny, issue; descendants
3.1620, Revised version of William Morgan’s translation of the Bible, Joel 1:3:
Mynegwch hyn i’ch plant, a’ch plant i’w plant hwythau, a’u plant hwythau i genhedlaeth arall.
Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation. (KVJ)
4.followers, disciples, servants
5.people regarded as product of a particular place, time, event, circumstances, etc.
- “plant”, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies, 2014
2018/02/25 18:02
- Gwendie
editweeding (plural weedings)
1.The removal of weeds; the process by which something is weeded.
My garden requires regular weedings.
1.present participle of weed
2018/02/25 18:02
[Etymology 1]
[Etymology 2]
[Etymology 3]
[Etymology 4]
[Further reading]
- "inse" in Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla, An Gúm, 1977, by Niall Ó Dónaill.
- Entries containing “inse” in English-Irish Dictionary, An Gúm, 1959, by Tomás de Bhaldraithe.
- Entries containing “inse” in New English-Irish Dictionary by Foras na Gaeilge.
[[Matigsalug Manobo]]
editin + se
1.realize; to become aware of
2018/02/25 18:02
ipa :/ˈɪnsɛkt/[Anagrams]
- ceints, incest, nicest, scient
editFrom Middle French insecte, from Latin insectum (“with a notched or divided body, cut up”), from perfect passive participle of insecō (“I cut up”), from in- + secō (“I cut”), from the notion that the insect's body is "cut into" three sections. Calque of Ancient Greek ἔντομον (éntomon, “insect”), from ἔντομος (éntomos, “cut into pieces”).
[Further reading]
- insect on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- insecta on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
- insect on Wikiquote.Wikiquote
- insect on Wikimedia Commons.Wikimedia Commons
editinsect (plural insects)
1.An arthropod in the class Insecta, characterized by six legs, up to four wings, and a chitinous exoskeleton.
2.2013 May-June, William E. Conner, “An Acoustic Arms Race”, in American Scientist, volume 101, number 3, page 206-7:
Nonetheless, some insect prey take advantage of clutter by hiding in it. Earless ghost swift moths become “invisible” to echolocating bats by forming mating clusters close (less than half a meter) above vegetation and effectively blending into the clutter of echoes that the bat receives from the leaves and stems around them.
Our shed has several insect infestions, including ants, yellowjackets, and wasps.
3.(colloquial) Any small arthropod similar to an insect including spiders, centipedes, millipedes, etc
The swamp is swarming with every sort of insect.
4.(derogatory) A contemptible or powerless person.
The manager’s assistant was the worst sort of insect.
[See also]
- arachnid
- arthropod
- beetle
- bug
- chafer
- coleopter
- entomology
- larva
- worm
- bug (Colloquial 1,2)
ipa :/ɪnˈsɛkt/[Alternative forms]
- (before 1996) insekt
editOriginally having a wider meaning (sense 2), as in Aristotle. From Latin īnsectum (“bug; cut up”), from īnsecō (“I cut up into”). The Latin is a calque of Ancient Greek ἔντομον (éntomon, “bug”), from ἔντομος (éntomos).
editinsect n (plural insecten, diminutive insectje n)
1.insect, arthropod of the class Insecta.
Synonyms: gekorven dier
2.(now uncommon) bug (any small arthtropod or invertebrate that somewhat resembles an insect)
Synonyms: gekorven dier
2018/02/25 18:02
ipa :/ɹɪˈfɜː/[Anagrams]
- Ferre, Freer, Frere, freer
editFrom Middle English referren, from Old French referer, from Latin referre.
- delegate
- direct
editrefer (third-person singular simple present refers, present participle referring, simple past and past participle referred)
1.(transitive) To direct the attention of.
The shop assistant referred me to the help desk on ground floor.
2.(transitive) To submit to (another person or group) for consideration; to send or direct elsewhere.
He referred the matter to the principal.
to refer a patient to a psychiatrist
3.(transitive) To place in or under by a mental or rational process; to assign to, as a class, a cause, source, a motive, reason, or ground of explanation.
He referred the phenomena to electrical disturbances.
4.(intransitive, construed with to) To allude to, make a reference or allusion to.
To explain the problem, the teacher referred to an example in another textbook.
5.(Can we add an example for this sense?) (grammar) to be referential to another element in a sentence
6.(computing) To address a specific location in computer memory.
1.second-person singular present active imperative of referō
2009/01/27 10:41
2018/02/25 18:03
ipa :-eɪʃən[Noun]
editquotation (countable and uncountable, plural quotations)
1.A fragment of a human expression that is repeated by somebody else. Most often a quotation is taken from literature or speech, but also scenes from a movie, elements of a painting, a passage of music, etc., may be quoted.
"Where they burn books, they will also burn people" is a famous quotation from Heinrich Heine.
2.The act of naming a price; the price that has been quoted.
Let's get a quotation for repairing the roof before we decide whether it's worth doing.
- (fragment of human expression): quote, citation
2017/11/13 11:31
2018/02/25 18:06
ipa :/ˈɡɹiːnəɹi/[Etymology]
editgreen + -ery
editWikipedia has an article on:greeneryWikipediagreenery (usually uncountable, plural greeneries)
1.Green foliage or verdure.
2.Foliage used as decoration.
3.(slang) Marijuana.
2018/02/25 18:07
editregulation (not comparable)
1.In conformity with applicable rules and regulations.
2.1969, Thomas Wiseman, The Quick and the Dead, page 328:
It is regulation that these directives are to be destroyed on receipt.
3.2004, Marc Miller, The Kettles and the Keeps: Ghosts at War, page 88:
"The hat is regulation as well, I assume."
4.2007, Jim Butcher, Captain's Fury, page 48:
It is the responsibility of every legionare to be sure that he is regulation height as well.
- urogenital
editFrom regulate + -ion.
editregulation (countable and uncountable, plural regulations)
1.(uncountable) The act of regulating or the condition of being regulated.
2.(countable) A law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization.
3.2013 May 17, George Monbiot, “Money just makes the rich suffer”, in The Guardian Weekly[1], volume 188, number 23, page 19:
In order to grant the rich these pleasures, the social contract is reconfigured. […] The public realm is privatised, the regulations restraining the ultra-wealthy and the companies they control are abandoned, and Edwardian levels of inequality are almost fetishised.
4.Army regulations state a soldier AWOL over 30 days is a deserter.
5.(European Union law) A form of legislative act which is self-effecting, and requires no further intervention by the Member States to become law.
6.(genetics) Mechanism controlling DNA transcription.
7.(medicine) Physiological process which consists in maintaining homoeostasis.
2009/12/12 14:28
2018/02/26 21:58
every now and then
ipa :/ˌnaʊ ən(d) ˈðɛn/[Adverb]
editnow and then
1.(idiomatic) sometimes; occasionally; intermittently
Call your mother now and then and let her know you care.
- then-and-now
[See also]
- every so often
- from time to time
- now and again
- once in a while
- sometimes
2018/02/27 01:59
as a matter of fact
[Prepositional phrase]
editas a matter of fact
1.(modal) Actually, in fact.
2.1907, Robert William Chambers, chapter V, in The Younger Set (Project Gutenberg; EBook #14852), New York, N.Y.: D. Appleton & Company, published 1 February 2005 (Project Gutenberg version), OCLC 24962326:
The house of Ruthven was a small but ultra-modern limestone affair, between Madison and Fifth; a pocket-edition of the larger mansions of their friends, but with less excuse for the overelaboration since the dimensions were only twenty by a hundred. As a matter of fact its narrow ornate façade presented not a single quiet space the eyes might rest on […]."
3.1992 May 3, "Comrade Bingo" Jeeves and Wooster, Series 3, Episode 6:
R. Jeeves: An interesting theory, sir. Would you care to expatiate upon it?
B.W. Wooster: As a matter of fact, no, Jeeves. The thought just occurred to me, as thoughts do.
R. Jeeves: Very good, sir.
- actually
- in reality
- really
- truthfully
- truth to tell
2018/02/27 02:00
ipa :-eɪʃən[Etymology]
editFrom Latin annotātiōnem, accusative singular of annotātiō (“remark, annotation”), from annotātus, perfect passive participle of annotō (“note down, remark”).
editWikipedia has an article on:annotationWikipediaannotation (countable and uncountable, plural annotations)
1.a critical or explanatory commentary or analysis
2.a comment added to a text
3.the process of writing such comment or commentary
4.(computing) metadata added to a document or program
5.(genetics) information relating to the genetic structure of sequences of bases
[Further reading]
- “annotation” in le Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
editannotation f (plural annotations)
2009/06/19 16:32
2018/03/02 00:52
ipa :/dɪˈskɹɪpʃən/[Anagrams]
- discerption, predictions
editFrom Old French description, from Latin dēscrīptiō, noun of action of dēscrībō (“I describe”).
editdescription (countable and uncountable, plural descriptions)
1.A sketch or account of anything in words; a portraiture or representation in language; an enumeration of the essential qualities of a thing or species.
2.The act of describing; a delineation by marks or signs.
3.A set of characteristics by which someone or something can be recognized.
The zoo had no lions, tigers, or cats of any description.
4.(taxonomy) A scientific documentation of a taxon for the purpose of introducing it to science.
The type description of the fungus was written by a botanist.
[See also]
- synopsis
- interpretation
- (characteristics): sort, kind, type, variety
ipa :/dɛs.kʁip.sjɔ̃/[Etymology]
editBorrowed from Latin dēscriptiō.
[Further reading]
- “description” in le Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).
editdescription f (plural descriptions)
[[Old French]]
editFrom Latin dēscriptiō.
editdescription f (oblique plural descriptions, nominative singular description, nominative plural descriptions)
2008/12/24 14:58
2018/03/02 00:53
- outcall
editcall + out
editcallout (plural callouts)
1.(communication) Outward-bound telephone calls.
2.(slang) An invitation to fight; the act of one child calling out another.
3.(typography, graphic layout) A pull quote: an excerpt from an article (such as in a news magazine) that is duplicated in a large font alongside the article so as to grab a reader's attention and indicate the article's topic.
4.A summons to someone designated as being on call.
5.An annotation that pertains to a specific location in a body of text or a graphic, and that is visually linked to that location by a mark or a matching pair of marks.
6.The act of calling out from work, i.e. announcing that one cannot attend.
7.2015, Pearley Rufus-Lusan, The Baby Boomer Nurse
On this particular day, I felt ill, mostly from exhaustion, and had to call out from work. This callout caused a stir and a display of animosity.
2018/03/02 00:53
[Alternative forms]
- re-upholstery
editre- + upholstery
editreupholstery (uncountable)
1.The act of reupholstering furniture
2.2000, Mary Ann Young and David Nussbaum, The complete idiot's guide to decorating your home, Penguin:
Sofas and chairs can be coordinated into any design through reupholstery or slipcovers. Reupholstery requires a fabric selection appropriate for your piece.
- “reupholstery”, in OED Online , Oxford: Oxford University Press, launched 2000.
2018/03/03 18:03
editperishable (comparative more perishable, superlative most perishable)
1.Liable to perish, especially naturally subject to quick decomposition or decay.
- imperishable
- unperishable
editMiddle English perysabyl, from Middle French périssable. See perish + -able
editperishable (plural perishables)
1.That which perishes or is short-lived.
2.(in the plural) food that does not keep for long.
- ephemeral
- shortlived
2018/03/03 18:19
ipa :/ˈpɹɪntə(ɹ)/[Anagrams]
- reprint
editA printer (sense 2) in Leipzig, East Germany, inking a rollerA Lexmark X5100 printer (sense 3), which is connected to a computer to print text or imagesprint + -er.
[Further reading]
- printer on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
editprinter (plural printers)
1.One who makes prints.
2.1922, Basil Stewart, “How Colour-prints were Produced”, in Subjects Portrayed in Japanese Colour-prints: A Collector’s Guide to All the Subjects Illustrated including an Exhaustive Account of the Chushingura and other Famous Plays, together with a Causerie on the Japanese Theater, New York, N.Y.: E. P. Dutton, OCLC 6013156; republished as A Guide to Japanese Prints and Their Subject Matter, New York, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 1979, ISBN 978-0-486-23809-8, page 8:
Old Japanese colour-prints are printed on a sheet of mulberry-bark paper, and are the product of three different craftsmen: the artist who drew the original design, the block-maker or engraver who transferred the design to the wood, and the printer.
3.The operator of a printing press, or the owner of a printing business.
4.1545 July 2, Thomas Elyot, A Preservative agaynste Deth, Imprinted at London in Fletestrete: By Thomas Berthelet, printer to the kynges highnes, OCLC 932899924, colophon:
IMPRINTED at London in Fleteſtrete by Thomas Berthelet, printer to the kynges highnes, the ſeconde of July, the yere of our lorde. M. DXLV. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum ſolum.
5.1637 July 11, John Rushworth, “[Appendix.] A Decree of Star-Chamber Concerning Printing, Made the Eleventh Day of July Last Past, 1637”, in Historical Collections. The Second Volume of the Second Part, Containing the Principal Matters which Happened from March 26. 1639, until the Summoning of a Parliament, which Met at Westminster, April 13, 1640. With an Account of the Proceedings of that Parliament; and the Transactions and Affairs from that Time, until the Meeting of Another Parliament, November the 3d following. With Some Remarkable Passages therein during the First Six Months. Impartially Related, and Disposed within Annals. Setting forth only Matter of Fact in Order of Time, without Observation or Reflection, London: Printed by M. Wotton at the Three Pigeons against the Inner-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet, and G. Conyers at the Golden Ring on Ludgate-Hill, published 1686, OCLC 839298645, item XIX, pages 311–312:
The Court doth Declare, as formerly ſo now, That no Apprentices be taken into any Printing-houſe, otherwiſe than according to this Proportion following, (viz.) ever Maſter Printer that is, or hath been Maſter or Upper Warden of his Company, may have three Apprentices at one time and no more, and every Maſter-Printer that is of the Livery of his Company, may have two Apprentices at one time and no more, […]
6.1824, J[ohn] Johnson, “The Origin, Rise, and Progress of the Typographic Art”, in Typographia, or The Printers’ Instructor: Including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the Close of the Sixteenth Century: A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets, and Domesday Characters: Together with an Elucidation of Every Subject Connected with the Art, volume I, London: Published by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, Paternoster Row, London, OCLC 825216509, pages 4–5:
[…] Pecuniary motives induced the first printers (from the large sums which were usually paid for manuscripts) to sell their works as such; so that printing was, for a period, as much the counterfeit as the substitute for writing, it being a facsimile of the most approved Scribes.
7.(now chiefly, computing) A device, usually attached to a computer, used to print text or images onto paper; an analogous device capable of producing three-dimensional objects.
8.1872 February 24, “Telegraph Instruments”, in The Mechanics’ Magazine and Journal of Science, Arts, and Manufactures, volume XCVI, London: Mechanics' Magazine Offices, 166, Fleet Street, and 85, Gracechurch Street, E.C., OCLC 441194743, page 172, column 1:
The use of the Hughes type printer is extending on the main circuits, where speed of transmission is a great object; but it is highly improbable that it will ever be adopted, except on main circuits.
9.1903, “The Rowland Multiplex Printing Telegraph System”, in Telegraph Age. A Semi-monthly Journal Devoted to Telegraphy, volume XX, New York, N.Y.: J[ohn] B. Taltavall, OCLC 64240389, page 461, column 1:
By the use of these keys in conjunction with the other keys, the operator has perfect control over the receiving printer at the distant station.
10.1924, Railway Signaling and Communications, volume 17, number 1, Bristol, Conn.: Simmons-Boardman Publishing, ISSN 0096-2295, OCLC 924600413, page 36, column 1:
For long distance messages, reports, etc., the use of the printer telegraph renders a highly satisfactory and efficient service, especially where the line circuits are derived through a composite or phantom circuit without the exclusive use of wires for this circuit. The Union Pacific recently installed a two-channel multiplex automatic printer on a simplexed circuit, thereby eliminating the necessity for at least one additional overland wire, and also speeding up the service and reducing the cost for each message.
11.1928 August 18, Robert F. Dirkes; Vernon R. Kimball; James W. Long, Operating Simplex Printers in a Multiplex System, US Patent US1802240A, page 5:
In a telegraph system, a multiplex transmission circuit in which the signals transmitted comprise equal-impulse code combinations, a receiving distributor for separating the successive combinations into separate channels, a simplex printer for each channel, and local means including said distributor for generating start and rest impulses for each printer.
12.1959 September, “Compact Printer”, in Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilating, volume 56, New York, N.Y.: Industrial Press, OCLC 1478619, page 103:
Top-quality prints in minutes, at savings up to 80%, are said to be possible with the Satellite printer. Printer is sold by Eugene Dietzgen Co, Chicago, Ill.
13.2015, Nicki Peter Petrikowski, “Introduction”, in Getting the Most out of Makerspaces to Create with 3-D Printers (Makerspaces series), New York, N.Y.: Rosen Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4777-8602-4, page 5:
Much like a regular printer can print out a picture or text file, these machines can turn a digital 3-D model into a real, tangible object, and they are becoming more and more widespread. All over the world, makerspaces (places where people can gather, share ideas, learn, and use tools like 3-D printers to let their dreams become reality) are opening the doors.
editFrom English printer.
editprinter m (Cyrillic spelling принтер)
1.printer (machine used to print)
- pisač
- štampač
2018/03/03 18:24
ipa :/dɪˈpɒzɪt/[Alternative forms]
- deposite (17th-19th centuries)
- dopiest, podites, posited, side pot, sopited, topside
- withdrawal
editBorrowed from Latin depositus, past participle of depono (“put down”).
editdeposit (plural deposits)
1.Sediment or rock that is not native to its present location or is different from the surrounding material. Sometimes refers to ore or gems.
2.That which is placed anywhere, or in anyone's hands, for safekeeping; something entrusted to the care of another.
3.(banking) Money placed in an account.
4.Anything left behind on a surface.
a mineral deposit
a deposit of seaweed on the shore
5.(finance) A sum of money or other asset given as an initial payment, to show good faith, or to reserve something for purchase.
They put a deposit on the apartment.
6.A sum of money given as a security for a borrowed item, which will be given back when the item is returned, e.g. a bottle deposit or can deposit
7.A place of deposit; a depository.
editdeposit (third-person singular simple present deposits, present participle depositing, simple past and past participle deposited)
1.(transitive) To lay down; to place; to put.
A crocodile deposits her eggs in the sand.
The waters deposited a rich alluvium.
2.Jeremy Taylor
The fear is deposited in conscience.
3.To lay up or away for safekeeping; to put up; to store.
to deposit goods in a warehouse
4.To entrust one's assets to the care of another. Sometimes done as collateral.
5.(transitive) To put money or funds into an account.
6.To lay aside; to rid oneself of.
(Can we find and add a quotation of Hammond to this entry?)
2010/12/15 10:40
2018/03/03 18:27
edit根回し (hiragana ねまわし, rōmaji nemawashi)
1.(literally) digging around a tree before transplanting it
2.(figuratively) seeking agreement in meetings and discussions with others before putting a change into action
edit根回しする (hiragana ねまわし, rōmaji nemawashi)
1.(literally) dig around a tree before planting it
2.(figuratively) take measures, lay the groundwork by seeking consensus beforehand
2018/03/06 00:03
ipa :/ˈbɑːˌtɛndə(ɹ)/[Alternative forms]
- bar-tender
editFrom bar + tender.
editbartender (plural bartenders)
1.One who tends a bar or pub; a person preparing and serving drinks at a bar.
- barkeep
- barkeeper
- mixologist
[[Norwegian Bokmål]]
editFrom American English bartender
editbartender m (definite singular bartenderen, indefinite plural bartendere, definite plural bartenderne)
1.a bartender, barman, barmaid (female)
Den hyggelige kvinnelige bartenderen smiler til oss og ønsker oss velkommen. - The pleasant barmaid smiles at us and bids us welcome.
- “bartender” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
[[Norwegian Nynorsk]]
editFrom American English bartender
editbartender m (definite singular bartenderen, indefinite plural bartenderar, definite plural bartenderane)
1.a bartender, barman, barmaid (female)
- “bartender” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
editbartender m (plural bartenderes)
2018/03/07 02:08
ipa :[do̞no̞][Adnominal]
editどの (rōmaji dono)
1.何の: which .. ? (interrogative demonstrative); what .. ? (one out of the available choices)
どの車 (くるま)がいいか?
Dono kuruma ga ii ka?
Which car do you like?
editどの (rōmaji -dono)
1.殿: Mr., Ms., a more formal title than さん (-san) but not so respectful as 様 (さま) (-sama)
2018/03/07 21:43
ipa :[hã̠ndã̠ɴ][Noun]
edit判断 (hiragana はんだん, rōmaji handan)
1.A judgement, a determination, a discernment.
1.^ 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, ↑ISBN
2.^ 1998, NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 (NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK, ↑ISBN
edit判断する (transitive, hiragana はんだん, rōmaji handan)
1.To judge, to decide, to determine.
2.To tell which, to tell what.
2018/03/07 21:46
edit検査 (hiragana けんさ, rōmaji kensa)
1.check, examination, investigation, test
edit検査する (hiragana けんさ, rōmaji kensa)
1.examine, check
2012/05/15 11:15
2018/03/07 21:52
ipa :[iɡa̠kɯ̟ᵝ][Noun]
edit医学 (shinjitai kanji, kyūjitai kanji 醫學, hiragana いがく, rōmaji igaku)
1.medicine (the science)
1.^ 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, ↑ISBN
2.^ 1998, NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 (NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK, ↑ISBN
3.^ 1997, 新明解国語辞典 (Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten), Fifth Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, ↑ISBN
- 2002, Ineko Kondō; Fumi Takano; Mary E Althaus; et. al., Shogakukan Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary, Third Edition, Tokyo: Shōgakukan, ↑ISBN.
2012/11/05 16:54
2018/03/07 21:52
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