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48235 web [[English]] ipa :/wɛb/[Anagrams] edit - Bew, EBW, WBE [Etymology] editFrom Middle English webbe, from Old English webb, from Proto-Germanic *wabją, from Proto-Indo-European *webʰ- (“weave”). [Further reading] edit - web on Wikipedia.Wikipedia [Noun] editweb (plural webs) 1. 2. The silken structure which a spider builds using silk secreted from the spinnerets at the caudal tip of its abdomen; a spiderweb. The sunlight glistened in the dew on the web. 3.(by extension) Any interconnected set of persons, places, or things, which, when diagrammed, resembles a spider's web. 4.1828, Washington Irving, “Birth, Parentage, and Education of Columbus”, in A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. […], volume I, New York, N.Y.: G. & C. Carvill, […], OCLC 1024134489, book I, page 3: The time of his birth, his birth-place, his parentage, are all involved in obscurity; and such has been the perplexing ingenuity of commentators, that it is difficult to extricate the truth from the web of conjectures with which it is interwoven. 5.1851 (indicated as 1852)​, Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Main-Street”, in The Snow-Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales, Boston, Mass.: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, OCLC 762835503, page 96: [T]he blame must rest on the sombre spirit of our forefathers, who wove their web of life with hardly a single thread of rose-color or gold, and not on me, who have a tropic-love of sunshine, and would gladly gild all the world with it, if I knew where to find so much. 6.2018 February 14, Dan Shive, El Goonish Shive (webcomic), Comic for Wednesday, Feb 14, 2018: "But THAT! Was the OLDEN TIMES! A massive, worldwide web of global information has ENTANGLED THE WORLD! People in Beijing can read about a magical incident in Moperville in seconds, and have video of it in minutes!" 7. 8. (baseball) The part of a baseball mitt between the forefinger and thumb, the webbing. He caught the ball in the web. 9.A latticed or woven structure. The gazebo’s roof was a web made of thin strips of wood. 10.1866, George Bancroft, “New Netherland”, in History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the American Continent, volume II, 21st edition, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, page 281: The colonists were forbidden to manufacture any woollen, or linen, or cotton fabrics ; not a web might be woven, not a shuttle thrown, on penalty of exile. 11.(usually with "spin", "weave", or similar verbs) A tall tale with more complexity than a myth or legend. Synonym: yarn Careful—she knows how to spin a good web, but don't lean too hard on what she says. 12.A plot or scheme. 13.The interconnection between flanges in structural members, increasing the effective lever arm and so the load capacity of the member. 14. 15. (rail transport) The thinner vertical section of a railway rail between the top (head) and bottom (foot) of the rail. Coordinate terms: head, foot 16.A fold of tissue connecting the toes of certain birds, or of other animals. 17.The series of barbs implanted on each side of the shaft of a feather, whether stiff and united together by barbules, as in ordinary feathers, or soft and separate, as in downy feathers. 18.(manufacturing) A continuous strip of material carried by rollers during processing. 19.(lithography) A long sheet of paper which is fed from a roll into a printing press, as opposed to individual sheets of paper. 20.(dated) A band of webbing used to regulate the extension of the hood of a carriage. 21.A thin metal sheet, plate, or strip, as of lead. 22.1600, [Torquato Tasso], “The Tenth Booke of Godfrey of Bulloigne”, in Edward Fairefax [i.e., Edward Fairfax], transl., Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The Recouerie of Ierusalem. […], London: […] Ar[nold] Hatfield, for I[saac] Iaggard and M[atthew] Lownes, OCLC 940138160, stanza 26, page 184: […] And there with ſtately pompe by heapes they wend, / And Chriſtians ſlaine rolle vp in webs of lead […] 1.The blade of a sword. 2.1600, [Torquato Tasso], “The Second Booke of Godfrey of Bulloigne”, in Edward Fairefax [i.e., Edward Fairfax], transl., Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The Recouerie of Ierusalem. […], London: […] Ar[nold] Hatfield, for I[saac] Iaggard and M[atthew] Lownes, OCLC 940138160, stanza 93, page 38: Argant a ſword, whereof the web was ſteele, / Pommell, rich ſtone ; hilts, gold, approu’d by tuch, / With rareſt workmanſhip all forged weele, / The curious art exceld the ſubſtance much. 3.The blade of a saw. 4.The thin, sharp part of a colter. 5.The bit of a key.(dated, US, radio, television) A major broadcasting network. - 1950, Billboard (volume 62, number 43, page 9) […] the first big move toward a contract for television performers was made Friday (20) when the webs agreed to pay them according to the length of the show. […] Altho the major TV webs — NBC and CBS — may fall in line soon, an agreement may possibly be held up by the opposition of DuMont […] (architecture) A section of a groin vault, separated by ribs. (Can we clean up(+) this sense?) [Proper noun] editthe web 1. 2. Alternative letter-case form of Web: the World Wide Web. I found it on the web. Let me search the web for that. 3.2013 May 13, Oliver Burkeman, “Conscious computing: how to take control of your life online”, in The Guardian‎[1]: No, the web probably isn't addictive in the sense that nicotine or heroin are; no, Facebook and Twitter aren't guilty of "killing conversation" or corroding real-life friendship or making children autistic. [Verb] editweb (third-person singular simple present webs, present participle webbing, simple past and past participle webbed) 1.(intransitive) To construct or form a web. 2.(transitive) To cover with a web or network. 3.1853 June 21, R. C. Stone, “A New Insect”, in Simon Brown, editor, The New England Farmer, volume V, Boston: Raynolds & Nourse, page 362: The canker worm has no shelter upon the tree, but lies out upon the leaf or branch ; this forms itself a house by webbing the corner of a leaf, into which it retreats on the first appearance of danger […] 4.1895, “Has Gold Risen?”, in The Forum, volume XVIII, New York: The Forum Publishing Co., page 577: In the meantime continents were being ribbed with railways, the atmosphere was being webbed with telegraph wires connecting every important commercial centre […] 5.(transitive) To ensnare or entangle. 6.(transitive) To provide with a web. 7.(transitive, obsolete) To weave. 8.1511–12, “An Act agaynst deceyptfull making of Wollen Cloth”, in The Statures of the Realm, volume III, London: Dawsons of Pall Mall, published 1963, page 28: Item that the Wever whiche shall have the wevyng of eny wollen yerne to be webbed into cloth shall weve werk […] [paraphrase] Likewise, that the weaver who is to weave any woollen yarn to be woven into cloth shall weave it well. [[Catalan]] ipa :/ˈwɛp/[Etymology] editBorrowed from English web. [Noun] editweb m (plural webs) 1.web, net, internet 2.Clipping of lloc web.editweb f (plural webs) 1.Clipping of pàgina web. [[Dutch]] ipa :/ʋɛp/[Etymology] editFrom Middle Dutch webbe, from Old Dutch *web, from Proto-Germanic *wabją, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *webʰ- (“weave”). [Noun] editweb n (plural webben, diminutive webje n) 1.web 2.the World Wide Web [[French]] ipa :/wɛb/[Proper noun] editweb m 1.Alternative letter-case form of Web [[German]] [Verb] editweb 1.singular imperative of weben 2.(colloquial) first-person singular present of weben [[Hungarian]] ipa :[ˈvɛb][Etymology] editBorrowed from English web.[1] [Noun] editweb (plural webek) 1.(computing) web (Internet) [References] edit 1. ^ Tótfalusi, István. Idegenszó-tár: Idegen szavak értelmező és etimológiai szótára (’A Storehouse of Foreign Words: an explanatory and etymological dictionary of foreign words’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2005. →ISBN [[Indonesian]] ipa :[ˈwɛp̚][Etymology] editFrom English web, from Middle English webbe, from Old English webb, from Proto-Germanic *wabją, from Proto-Indo-European *webʰ- (“weave”). [Further reading] edit - “web” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Language Development and Fostering Agency — Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic Indonesia, 2016. [Noun] editweb (first-person possessive webku, second-person possessive webmu, third-person possessive webnya) 1.(computing) web, the Web. 2.(computing) network. Synonyms: jejaring, jaringan [[Italian]] ipa :/ˈwɛb/[Etymology] editUnadapted borrowing from English web. [Noun] editweb m (invariable) 1.(computing) web (Internet) [References] edit 1. ^ web in Luciano Canepari, Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI) [[Japanese]] ipa :[ɰᵝe̞bɯ̟ᵝ][Alternative forms] edit - WEB [Etymology] editBorrowed from English web. [Noun] editweb(ウェブ) • (webu)  1.the Internet web(ウェブ)上(じょう)で公(こう)開(かい)された webu-jō de kōkai sareta made public online web(ウェブ)番(ばん)組(ぐみ) webu-bangumi online program [[Middle English]] [Etymology 1] editFrom Old English webb. [Etymology 2] editFrom Old English webba. [[Portuguese]] ipa :/uˈɛ.bi/[Etymology] editUnadapted borrowing from English web. [Noun] editweb f (uncountable) 1.the World Wide Web Synonyms: rede, Internet, net [[Spanish]] ipa :/ˈweb/[Etymology] editBorrowed from English web. [Further reading] edit - “web”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014 [Noun] editweb f (countable and uncountable, plural webs) 1.(Internet) web (Internet) 2.(Internet, countable) webpage, website Synonyms: página, página web 3.2022 February 25, Manuel G. Pascual, “La ciberguerra de Rusia contra Ucrania nunca ha acabado [Russia's cyberwar against Ukraine never ended]”, in El País‎[2]: La semana pasada se registraron también ciberataques dirigidos a las webs del Ministerio de Defensa ucranio, a la del ejército y a las de bancos estatales. Last week cyberattacks on the websites of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the army, and state banks were also recorded. [[West Frisian]] ipa :/vɛp/[Etymology] editFrom Old Frisian webb, from Proto-Germanic *wabją. [Noun] editweb n (plural webben, diminutive webke) 1.web 2.World Wide Web 0 0 2009/03/03 15:05 2023/03/02 11:20
48236 LV [[Translingual]] [Etymology 1] edit [Etymology 2] edit [[English]] [Alternative forms] edit - L.V. - L. V. [Anagrams] edit - VL, Vl., v.l. [Noun] editLV (countable and uncountable, plural LVs) 1.Initialism of launch vehicle. Hyponyms: SLV, PSLV, GSLV, KSLV, NLV Coordinate term: RV 2.(anatomy, medicine) Initialism of left ventricle. 3.(statistics) Initialism of latent variable. 4.(computing) Initialism of logical volume. 5.(photography) Initialism of light value. 6.(politics) Initialism of likely voter. 7.(video games) initialism of level [Phrase] editLV 1.Initialism of length varies. [Proper noun] editLV 1.A placename 1.Initialism of Las Vegas: a city in Nevada, United States. 2.Initialism of Lehigh Valley.(fashion) Initialism of Louis Vuitton. Coordinate term: LVMHInitialism of LabVIEW.Initialism of LaserVision.(UK) Initialism of Liverpool Victoria: a British insurance company; also LV=. - 2020 January 1, Miles Brignall, “Sit back, do nothing and the AA will double your bill”, in The Guardian‎[1]: As we have said before, never accept an AA increase – if you phone up and threaten to leave they will, in our experience, drop it back to the previous price. Or better still, just keep switching provider each year. LV’s cover is a good alternative. [Verb] editLV 1.(handbells) Abbreviation of laissez vibrer/let vibrate. [[French]] [Proper noun] editLV ? 1.(fashion) Abbreviation of Louis Vuitton. Coordinate term: LVMH 0 0 2023/03/02 11:21 TaN
48237 h [[Translingual]] [Gallery] edit - Letter styles - Uppercase and lowercase versions of H, in normal and italic type - Uppercase and lowercase H in Fraktur [Letter] edith (upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet. [See also] editOther representations of H: [Symbol] editEnglish Wikipedia has an article on:Voiceless glottal fricativeWikipedia h 1.(IPA) voiceless glottal fricative. 2.(metrology) symbol for the prefix hecto-, indicating multiplication by 100 3.symbol of the hour 4.Planck's constant 5.helion 6.higgson 7.(transcription) aspiration 8.2006, Robin Wooffitt, “Analysing the Organization of Successful Demonstrations of Paranormal Cognition”, in The Language of Mediums and Psychics: The Social Organization of Everyday Miracles (in English), Ashgate Publishing, →ISBN, page 70: PP: ·hh⎡y’know-, / R: ⎣I used it today Doris for the first time. / You used it today? / R: yea(huh)s (Smiling voice) / (0.3) / PP: t·hhhh And ah’ve another voice come, an’ she says, she’s just bought a new cooker you know. ·hh they know-, they get to know everythi:ng, 9.2010, John Heritage; Steven Clayman, “Transcript Symbols”, in Talk in Action: Interactions, Identities, and Institutions (in English), →ISBN, pages 284 and 286: Bee: ·hhh Uh::, (0.3) I don’know I guess she’s aw- she’s awright she went to thee uh:: hhospital again tihda:y, […] Hearable aspiration is shown where it occurs in the talk by the letter h – the more h’s, the more aspiration. The aspiration may represent breathing, laughter, etc. If it occurs inside the boundaries of a word, it may be enclosed in parentheses in order to set it apart from the sounds of the word. If the aspiration is an inhalation, it is shown with a dot before it (usually a raised dot) or a raised degree symbol. Bee: [Ba::]sk(h)etb(h)a(h)ll? (h)(°Whe(h)re.) […] 10.2015, Simona Pekarek Doehler; Elwys De Stefani; Anne-Sylvie Horlacher, “The hanging topic construction as an interactional resource”, in Time and Emergence in Grammar: Dislocation, Topicalization and Hanging Topic in French Talk-in-Interaction (Studies in Language and Social Interaction; 28) (in English), John Benjamins Publishing Company, →ISBN, section 5 (Aphoristic HT formulations as closing devices), page 210: .hhhh (0.1) donc pour moi les hommes eu::h [[English]] ipa :/eɪt͡ʃ/[Etymology 1] edit [Etymology 2] editAbbreviations [See also] edit - Η (Greek eta) - Н (Cyrillic en) [[Azerbaijani]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith lower case (upper case H) 1.The eleventh letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Basque]] ipa :/at͡ʃe/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Basque alphabet, called hatxe and written in the Latin script. [[Dutch]] ipa :-aː[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Dutch alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Egyptian]] ipa :/hɛ/[Noun] edit  m 1.courtyard [Old to New Kingdom] [References] edit - Dickson, Paul (2006) Dictionary of Middle Egyptian in Gardiner Classification Order‎[1] - Erman, Adolf; Grapow, Hermann (1928) Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache‎[2], volume 2, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, →ISBN, page 471 [[Esperanto]] ipa :/ho/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The tenth letter of the Esperanto alphabet, called ho and written in the Latin script. [[Estonian]] ipa :/ˈhɑː/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Estonian alphabet, called haa or hašš and written in the Latin script. [[Faroese]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith (upper case H) 1.The ninth letter of the Faroese alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Finnish]] ipa :/ˈhoː/[Etymology 1] edit [Etymology 2] editFrom German H. [[French]] ipa :/aʃ/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the French alphabet, written in the Latin script. [Symbol] edith 1.Used to indicate the hour in a time indication, either with or without following minutes. 10h ― 10:00 a.m. 20h30 ― 8:30 p.m. [[Fula]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.A letter of the Fula alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[German]] ipa :/uːɐ̯/[Etymology 1] edit [Etymology 2] edit [[Gothic]] [Romanization] edith 1.Romanization of 𐌷 [[Hungarian]] ipa :[ˈx][Etymology 1] edit [Etymology 2] editAbbreviation. [Further reading] edit - (h [sound or letter]): h in Bárczi, Géza and László Országh. A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (‘The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language’). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992: →ISBN - (B in music): h in Bárczi, Géza and László Országh. A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (‘The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language’). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992: →ISBN [See also] edit - (Latin-script letters) betű; A a, Á á, B b, C c, Cs cs, D d, Dz dz, Dzs dzs, E e, É é, F f, G g, Gy gy, H h, I i, Í í, J j, K k, L l, Ly ly, M m, N n, Ny ny, O o, Ó ó, Ö ö, Ő ő, P p, R r, S s, Sz sz, T t, Ty ty, U u, Ú ú, Ü ü, Ű ű, V v, Z z, Zs zs. Only in the extended alphabet: Q q W w X x Y y. Commonly used: ch. Also defined: à ë. In surnames (selection): ä aa cz ds eé eö ew oe oó th ts ÿ. [[Icelandic]] ipa :/hauː/[Letter] edith (upper case H) 1.The tenth letter of the Icelandic alphabet, written in the Latin script. [See also] edit - (Latin-script letters) bókstafur; A a, Á á, B b, D d, Рð, E e, É é, F f, G g, H h, I i, Í í, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o, Ó ó, P p, R r, S s, T t, U u, Ú ú, V v, X x, Y y, Ý ý, Þ þ, Æ æ, Ö ö [[Ido]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith (upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Ido alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Indonesian]] ipa :/ha/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Indonesian alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Irish]] ipa :/h/[Prefix] edith 1.marker of h-prothesis na habhann ― of the river fáilte go hÉirinn ― welcome to Ireland chomh hard le crann ― as tall as a tree [[Italian]] [Letter] edith f or m (invariable, lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Italian alphabet, called acca and written in the Latin script. [[Latvian]] ipa :[x][Etymology] editProposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed by K. Mīlenbahs, which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in German Fraktur, and sporadically in Cyrillic. [Letter] editHh (upper case H) 1.The twelfth letter of the Latvian alphabet, called hā and written in the Latin script. [[Livonian]] ipa :/x/[Letter] edith (upper case H) 1.The twelfth letter of the Livonian alphabet, written in the Latin script. [See also] edit - (Latin-script letters) kēratēḑ; A a, Ā ā, Ä ä, Ǟ ǟ, B b, D d, Ḑ ḑ, E e, Ē ē, F f, G g, H h, I i, Ī ī, J j, K k, L l, Ļ ļ, M m, N n, Ņ ņ, O o, Ō ō, Ȯ ȯ, Ȱ ȱ, Õ õ, Ȭ ȭ, P p, R r, Ŗ ŗ, S s, Š š, T t, Ț ț, U u, Ū ū, V v, Z z, Ž ž [[Lushootseed]] [Letter] edith 1.The fourteenth letter of the Lushootseed alphabet, pronounced as a voiceless glottal fricative. [[Malay]] [Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Malay alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Maltese]] ipa :/-/[Letter] edith (upper case H) 1.The tenth letter of the Maltese alphabet, written in the Latin script. [See also] edit - (Latin-script letters) ittra; A a, B b, Ċ ċ, D d, E e, F f, Ġ ġ, G g, Għ għ, H h, Ħ ħ, I i, Ie ie, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u, V v, W w, X x, Ż ż, Z z [[Norwegian]] ipa :/hɔː/[Letter] edith 1.The eighth letter of the Norwegian alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Nupe]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The tenth letter of the Nupe alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Polish]] ipa :/xa/[Further reading] edit - h in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN - h in Polish dictionaries at PWN [Letter] edith (upper case H, lower case) 1.The eleventh letter of the Polish alphabet, called ha and written in the Latin script. [[Portuguese]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Portuguese alphabet, called agá and written in the Latin script. 1.silent letter used mainly in words derived from Latin, Greek and other Romance languages; word-initial only hoje, hábito, hipnose, hotel ― today, habit, hypnosis, hotel 1.(chiefly obsolete) silent letter used word-medially in loanwords coherente (now coerente) ― coherent 2.(obsolete except in given names) used in the Hellenistic digraphs th, ph and rh thesouro (now tesouro), phalange (now falange), rheumatismo (now reumatismo), Cynthia (alongside Cíntia) ― treasure, phalanx, rheumatism, Cynthia 3.(obsolete except in given names) used in words perceived to be Hellenisms thesoura (now tesoura), Nathalia ― scissors, Natalierepresents /h/ in most recent loanwords from other languages, most commonly English hardcore, hacker, hall hardcore punk, hacker, entry hallused in the digraphs ch, lh and nh, where it indicates a palatal or post-alveolar pronunciation cheio, alho, banho ― full, garlic, bath(obsolete) silent letter used word-initially in monosyllabic verbs with no attack hir (now ir), he (now é) ― to go, issilent letter used syllable-finally in some interjections ih! oh! ― uh oh! ooh!represents /h/ in some expressive terms hahaha! aham, hue hue ― hahaha! yep, hehehe(chiefly Internet slang) used as a replacement for the acute or circumflex accent, or silent infinitive -r, indicating stress eh (standard é), Feh (standard Fê), fazeh (standard fazer) ― is, a nickname, to do(obsolete except in the word Bahia) silent letter used to mark some hiatus sahir (now sair), bahia (now baía) to leave, bay [Noun] edith f (invariable) 1.Abbreviation of hora. 1.used to indicate time in relation to a 24-hour clock O evento é hoje, às 20h ― The event is today at 8 p.m. 09h30 ― 09:30 a.m. 2.used to indicate any sequence of time in hours O atleta completou a corrida em 1h20min45s ― The athlete completed the race in 1 hour, 21 minutes and 45 seconds [[Romani]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.(International Standard) The tenth letter of the Romani alphabet, written in the Latin script. 2.(Pan-Vlax) The eleventh letter of the Romani alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Romanian]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The tenth letter of the Romanian alphabet, called haș, ha, or hî and written in the Latin script. [[Serbo-Croatian]] ipa :/x/[Alternative forms] edit - (uppercase) H [Letter] edith (Cyrillic spelling х) 1.The 12th letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by g and followed by i. [[Skolt Sami]] ipa :/x/[Letter] edith (upper case H) 1.The fifteenth letter of the Skolt Sami alphabet, written in the Latin script. [See also] edit - (Latin-script letters) bukva; A a,  â, B b, C c, Č č, Ʒ ʒ, Ǯ ǯ, D d, Đ đ, E e, F f, G g, Ǧ ǧ, Ǥ ǥ, H h, I i, J j, K k, Ǩ ǩ, L l, M m, N n, Ŋ ŋ, O o, Õ õ, P p, R r, S s, Š š, T t, U u, V v, Z z, Ž ž, Å å, Ä ä, ʹ [[Slovene]] ipa :/xə/[Alternative forms] editSee usage notes for both etymologies. [Etymology 1] editFrom Gaj's Latin alphabet h, from Czech alphabet h, from Latin h. Pronunciation as /xə/ is initial Slovene (phoneme plus a fill vowel) and the second pronunciation is probably taken from German h. [Etymology 2] editFrom Proto-Slavic *kъ 'to', which is itself probably from Proto-Indo-European *ku̯u 'where'. This form is a spirantization of k, which appeared to ease the pronunciation. [Further reading] edit - “h”, in Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, portal Fran [References] edit - Kenda-Jež, Karmen (February 27, 2017) Fonetična trankripcija [Phonetic transcription]‎[3] (in Slovene), Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, retrieved March 19, 2022, pages 27–30 [See also] edit - - (Latin script letters) Aa, Bb, Cc, Čč, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Rr, Ss, Šš, Tt, Uu, Vv, Zz, Žž [[Spanish]] ipa :/ˈat͡ʃe/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Spanish alphabet, written in the Latin script. [[Swedish]] [Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Swedish alphabet, written in the Latin script. [Noun] edith 1.(nonstandard, anglicism) Abbreviation of hour from English. Synonyms: timme, tim. 2.(strictly technology) Abbreviation of hora from Latin. Synonyms: timme, tim. 3.(music) B, note with a frequency close to 493.88 · 2n Hz Synonym: (anglicism) b [[Turkish]] ipa :/ˈheː/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The tenth letter of the Turkish alphabet, called he and written in the Latin script. [[Turkmen]] ipa :/h~x/[Letter] edith (upper case H) 1.The ninth letter of the Turkmen alphabet, called he and written in the Latin script. [See also] edit - (Latin-script letters) harp; A a, B b, Ç ç, D d, E e, Ä ä, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j, Ž ž, K k, L l, M m, N n, Ň ň, O o, Ö ö, P p, R r, S s, Ş ş, T t, U u, Ü ü, W w, Y y, Ý ý, Z z [[Welsh]] ipa :/h/[Prefix] edith 1.marker of h-prothesis ei hiaith ― her language i’n heglwys ― to our church un ar hugain ― twenty-one [[Yoruba]] ipa :/h/[Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The ninth letter of the Yoruba alphabet, called hí and written in the Latin script. [[Zulu]] [Letter] edith (lower case, upper case H) 1.The eighth letter of the Zulu alphabet, written in the Latin script. 0 0 2009/02/03 13:47 2023/03/02 11:30
48238 list [[English]] ipa :/lɪst/[Anagrams] edit - &lits, lits, silt, slit, tils [Etymology 1] editFrom Middle English lī̆st, lī̆ste (“band, stripe; hem, selvage; border, edge, rim; list, specification; barriers enclosing area for jousting, etc.”), from Old English līste (“hem, edge, strip”), or Old French liste, listre (“border; band; strip of paper; list”), or Medieval Latin lista,[1] all from Proto-West Germanic *līstā, from Proto-Germanic *līstǭ (“band, strip; hem, selvage; border, edge”), possibly from Proto-Indo-European *leys- (“to trace, track”). The word is cognate with Saterland Frisian Lieste (“margin, strip, list”), Dutch lijst (“picture frame, list”), German Low German Liest (“edging, border”), German Leiste (“strip, rail, ledge; (heraldry) bar”), Swedish lista (“list”), Icelandic lista, listi (“list”), Italian lista (“list; strip”), Portuguese lista (“list”), Spanish lista (“list, roll; stripe”), Galician lista (“band, strip; list”), Finnish lista (“(informal) list; batten”). [Etymology 2] editFrom Middle English list, liste (“ability, cleverness, cunning, skill; adroitness, dexterity; strategem, trick; device, design, token”), from Old English list (“art, craft; cleverness, cunning, experience, skill”),[2] from Proto-West Germanic *listi, from Proto-Germanic *listiz (“art, craft”), from Proto-Indo-European *leys-, *leyǝs- (“furrow, trace, track, trail”). The word is cognate with Dutch list (“artifice, guile, sleight; ruse, strategem”), German List (“cunning, guile; ploy, ruse, trick”), Low German list (“artifice, cunning; prudence, wisdom”), Icelandic list (“art”), Saterland Frisian list (“cunning, knowledge”), Scots list (“art, craft, skill; cunning”), Swedish list (“art; cunning, guile, wile; ruse, trick; stealth”), and possibly Spanish listo (“clever”). It is also related to learn, lore. [Etymology 3] editFrom Middle English listen, from Old English hlystan (“to listen”), from hlyst (“hearing”), from Proto-West Germanic *hlusti, from Proto-Germanic *hlustiz (“hearing”). [Etymology 4] editFrom Middle English listen, list, liste, leste, lesten (“to choose, desire, wish (to do something)”), from Old English lystan,[3] from Proto-West Germanic *lustijan, from Proto-Germanic *lustijaną, from Proto-Germanic *lustuz (“pleasure”). The word is cognate with Saterland Frisian läste (“to wish for, desire, crave”), West Frisian lêste (“to like, desire”), Dutch lusten (“to appreciate, like; to lust”), German lüsten, gelüsten (“to desire, want, crave”), Danish lyste (“to desire, feel like, want”), Faroese lysta (“to desire”).The noun sense is from the verb, or from Middle English list, liste, lest, leste (“desire, wish; craving, longing; enjoyment, joy, pleasure”), which is derived from Middle English listen, list (verb).[4] [Etymology 5] editUncertain;[5] possibly from tilting on lists in jousts,[6] or from Etymology 4 in the sense of inclining towards what one desires.[7] [Further reading] edit - list (disambiguation) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia - list in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913 - list in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911 - list at OneLook Dictionary Search [References] edit 1. ^ “lī̆st(e, n.(2).”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 16 June 2018. 2. ^ “list(e, n.(1).”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 24 June 2018. 3. ^ “listen, v.(1).”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 17 June 2018. 4. ^ “list, n.(2).”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 17 June 2018. 5. ^ “list”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022. 6. ^ William Long (6 November 2005), “List..the Word II”, in Drbilllong.com‎[1], archived from the original on 2012-04-20. 7. ^ Douglas Harper (2001–2023), “list, n. 3”, in Online Etymology Dictionary, retrieved 24 June 2018. [[Chinese]] ipa :/liː[Etymology] editFrom English list. [Noun] editlist 1.(Hong Kong Cantonese) list; enumeration or compilation of items; the paper or document of which the list is written or printed on (Classifier: 個/个 c; 張/张 c; 條/条 c) [Verb] editlist 1.(Hong Kong Cantonese) to list; to create a list of items [[Czech]] ipa :[ˈlɪst][Etymology] editFrom Old Czech list, from Proto-Slavic *listъ (“leaf”). [Further reading] edit - list in Příruční slovník jazyka českého, 1935–1957 - list in Slovník spisovného jazyka českého, 1960–1971, 1989 - list in Internetová jazyková příručka [Noun] editlist m inan 1.leaf (green and flat organ of vegetative plants) 2.(archaic) letter (written message) Synonyms: dopis, psaní 3.sheet (sheet of paper) 4.newspaper Polský list Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nejdříve napsal, že polská hlava státu podepíše dokument ve středu. (iDNES) 5.certificate (document containing a certified statement) rodný list ― birth certificate úmrtní list ― death certificate [[Danish]] ipa :/ˈlesd/[Noun] editlist c (singular definite listen, not used in plural form) 1.cunning, trick [References] edit - “list” in Den Danske Ordbog [Verb] editlist 1.imperative of liste [[Dutch]] ipa :/lɪst/[Anagrams] edit - silt, stil [Etymology] editFrom Middle Dutch list, from Old Dutch list, from Proto-Germanic *listiz. [Noun] editlist f (plural listen, diminutive listje n) 1.a cunning plan, a ruse, a trick [[Faroese]] ipa :/lɪst/[Noun] editlist f (genitive singular listar, plural listir) 1.art [[Icelandic]] ipa :/lɪst/[Anagrams] edit - slit [Etymology] edit(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.) [Noun] editlist f (genitive singular listar, nominative plural listir) 1.art Þetta er ekki list! That's not art! [[Lower Sorbian]] ipa :/list/[Etymology] editFrom Proto-Slavic *listъ (“leaf”). [Noun] editlist m (diminutive listk) 1.leaf, foliage 2.letter (a written message) [[Norwegian Bokmål]] [Etymology 1] editFrom Old Norse list. [Etymology 2] edit [References] edit - “list” in The Bokmål Dictionary. [[Norwegian Nynorsk]] [Etymology] editFrom Old Norse list. [Noun] editlist f (definite singular lista) 1.cunning, craftiness, slyness [References] edit - “list” in The Nynorsk Dictionary. [[Old English]] ipa :/list/[Etymology] editFrom Proto-Germanic *listiz. Cognate with Old Saxon list, Dutch list, Old High German list (German List), Old Norse list (Swedish list). [Noun] editlist m or f 1.art; cunning, guile, craft [[Old Swedish]] ipa :/list/[Etymology] editFrom Old Norse list, from Proto-Germanic *listiz. [Noun] editlist f 1.skill, proficiency 2.art, craft 3.cunning, slyness 4.resort [[Polish]] ipa :/list/[Etymology 1] editInherited from Proto-Slavic *listъ (“leaf”). [Etymology 2] editSee the etymology of the corresponding lemma form. [Further reading] edit - list in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN - list in Polish dictionaries at PWN [[Romanian]] [Etymology] editBorrowed from Old Church Slavonic листъ (listŭ). [Noun] editlist n (plural listuri) 1.(obsolete) leaf, page [References] edit - list in Academia Română, Micul dicționar academic, ediția a II-a, Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic, 2010. →ISBN [[Serbo-Croatian]] ipa :/lîːst/[Etymology] editFrom Proto-Slavic *listъ (“leaf”). [Noun] editlȋst m (Cyrillic spelling ли̑ст) 1.leaf Synonym: lȉska 2.(computing) leaf 3.sheet (of paper or other material manufactured in thin sheets) 4.a special purpose certificate (any official document attesting a fact, e.g. of birth, ownership etc.) 5.newsletter, newspaper 6.(obsolete) letter (written message) 7.calf (leg part) 8.sole, flatfish (fish species) 9.(card games) leaves [References] edit - “list” in Hrvatski jezični portal [[Slovak]] ipa :/ˈlist/[Etymology] editFrom Proto-Slavic *listъ (“leaf”). [Further reading] edit - list in Slovak dictionaries at slovnik.juls.savba.sk [Noun] editlist m (genitive singular listu, lista, nominative plural listy, genitive plural listov, declension pattern of dub) 1.letter; a written message 2.leaf; a part of a tree 3.sheet; a piece of paper [[Slovene]] ipa :/líːst/[Etymology] editFrom Proto-Slavic *listъ (“leaf”). [Further reading] edit - “list”, in Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, portal Fran [Noun] editlȋst m inan 1.piece of paper 2.leaf 3.sole 4.(anatomy) calf (leg part) [[Swedish]] [Anagrams] edit - lits, silt, slit, stil [Etymology 1] editFrom Old Swedish list, from Old Norse list, from Proto-Germanic *listiz, from Proto-Indo-European *leys-, *leyǝs-. Cognate with Icelandic list. [Etymology 2] editFrom Old Swedish lista, probably from Middle Low German lîste, from Proto-Germanic *līstǭ. Cognate with Danish liste, Icelandic lista. [References] edit - list in Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL) [[Upper Sorbian]] [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Slavic *listъ (“leaf”). [Further reading] edit - “list” in Soblex [Noun] editlist m 1.letter 0 0 2009/03/18 13:08 2023/03/02 11:31
48240 str [[English]] [Adjective] editstr 1.Abbreviation of strong. str-emergent 2.Abbreviation of strict. 3.Abbreviation of straight. [Adverb] editstr 1.Abbreviation of strongly. 2.Abbreviation of strictly. [Alternative forms] edit - str. [Anagrams] edit - RTS, RTs, SRT, TRS, TRs, TSR [Noun] editstr (usually uncountable, plural strs) 1.(music) Abbreviation of string(s). str.-quartet 2.(historical) Abbreviation of steamer. A vessel propelled by steam. 3.(programming) Abbreviation of string. (sequence of text characters) 4.(microbiology) Abbreviation of strain. 5.Abbreviation of strength. 6.(uncountable) Abbreviation of stremma(ta), a Greek unit of land area now equivalent to the decare (1000 m²). 0 0 2023/02/14 18:27 2023/03/02 11:32 TaN
48241 or [[Translingual]] [Symbol] editor 1.(international standards) ISO 639-1 language code for Oriya. [[English]] ipa :/ɔɹ/[Anagrams] edit - R&O, RO, r/o [Etymology 1] editFrom Middle English or; partially contracted from other, auther, from Old English āþor, āwþer, āhwæþer ("some, any, either"; > either); and partially from Middle English oththe, from Old English oþþe, from Proto-Germanic *efþau (“or”). [Etymology 2] editFrom Etymology 1 (sense 2 above). [Etymology 3] editBorrowed from Middle French or (“yellow”), from Old French or, from Latin aurum (“gold”). Doublet of aurum. [Etymology 4] editLate Old English ār, from Old Norse ár. Compare ere. [References] edit 1. ^ Huddleston, Rodney (1988) English Grammar: An Outline, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, pages 198–99 [[Aromanian]] [Alternative forms] edit - oru, auredz, auredzu, aor, aoru [Etymology] editFrom Latin ōrō. Compare Daco-Romanian ura, urez. [Synonyms] edit - angrec, ngrec - pricad - ncljin - pãlãcãrsescu, pãrãcãlsescu - rog [Verb] editor (past participle uratã) 1.I pray. [[Basque]] ipa :/or/[Alternative forms] edit - hor (Souletin) [Etymology] edit1103; variant of hor, from Proto-Basque *hoŕ. Mostly replaced by zakur. [Further reading] edit - "or" in Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy], euskaltzaindia.eus - “or” in Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary], euskaltzaindia.eus [Noun] editor anim 1.dog [Synonyms] edit - txakur - zakur [[Catalan]] ipa :/ˈɔr/[Alternative forms] edit - aur (obsolete) [Etymology] editFrom Latin aurum, from Proto-Italic *auzom, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂é-h₂us-o- (“glow”), from *h₂ews- (“to dawn, become light, become red”). [Noun] editor m (plural ors) 1.gold 2.(heraldry) or [[French]] ipa :/ɔʁ/[Etymology 1] editFrom Middle French or, from Old French or, from Latin aurum, from Proto-Italic *auzom, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂é-h₂us-o- (“glow”), from *h₂ews- (“to dawn, become light, become red”). [Etymology 2] editFrom Old French ore, from Vulgar Latin hā horā, alteration of hāc horā (“(in) this hour”, ablative). Compare Spanish ahora, Portuguese agora. [Further reading] edit - “or”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012. [[Ido]] ipa :/ɔr/[Conjunction] editor 1.now, but (in argument) [Etymology] editBorrowing from French or, Italian ora and Spanish ahora. [[Italian]] [Adverb] editor (apocopated) 1.Apocopic form of ora (“now”), used almost exclusively in the forms or ora (“just now”) and or sono (“ago”). [Anagrams] edit - ro [[Japanese]] [Particle] editor(オア) • (oa)  1.Alternative form of オア (“or”) [[Middle English]] ipa :/oːr/[Etymology 1] editInherited from Old English ōr, from Proto-West Germanic *ōʀ, from Proto-Germanic *ōsaz, form Proto-Indo-European *h₃éh₁os (“mouth”). [Etymology 2] edit [Etymology 3] edit [Etymology 4] edit [Etymology 5] edit [[Middle French]] [Alternative forms] edit - aur (alternate Latinized spelling) [Etymology] editFrom Old French or. [Noun] editor m (uncountable) 1.gold (metal) 2.gold (color) [[Norwegian Bokmål]] [Etymology] editFrom Old Norse ǫlr, órir. [Noun] editor f or m (definite singular ora or oren, indefinite plural orer, definite plural orene) 1.an alder (tree of genus Alnus) [References] edit - “or” in The Bokmål Dictionary. [Synonyms] edit - older [[Norwegian Nynorsk]] ipa :/uːr/[Etymology 1] editFrom Old Norse ǫlr, órir. Akin to English alder. [Etymology 2] editFrom Old Norse ór. [References] edit - “or” in The Nynorsk Dictionary. [[Old English]] ipa :/oːr/[Alternative forms] edit - ōra [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Germanic *ōzô, *ōsaz, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃éh₁os (“mouth”). [Noun] editōr n 1.origin, beginning [References] edit - Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller (1898), “ōr”, in An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press. [[Old French]] ipa :/ˈɔr/[Etymology 1] editFrom Latin aurum. [Etymology 2] editSee ore. [[Old Frisian]] ipa :/ˈoːr/[Adjective] editōr 1.Old West Frisian form of ōther [[Romanian]] ipa :[or][Adverb] editor 1.Alternative form of ori [Verb] edit(ele/ei) or (modal auxiliary, third-person plural form of vrea, used with infinitives to form presumptive tenses) 1.(they) might fiindcă or avea ceva pe care noi nu-l avem, va trebui să așteptăm puțin being that they might have something that we don't, we will need to wait a biteditor (modal auxiliary, ? form of avea, used with ? to form ? tenses) 1.(informal, sometimes proscribed) Variation of o in the third person plural. Or să vină într-un minut. ― They will come in a minute. [[Romansch]] [Alternative forms] edit - (Rumantsch Grischun, Sursilvan) aur - (Surmiran) ôr [Etymology] editFrom Latin aurum. [Noun] editor m 1.(Sutsilvan, Puter, Vallader) gold [[Scots]] [Conjunction] editor 1.before or until (only in certain senses) It'll nae be lang or A gang ma holiday.- It'll not be long until/ before I go on holiday [Etymology] editA variant of ere, obsolete in modern English. [[Scottish Gaelic]] [Etymology] editPossibly from Old Irish amar (“song, singing”). See òran. [Noun] editor m (genitive singular ora, plural ora or orthachan or orrachan or orthannan) 1.hymn, incantation, petition, prayer [Synonyms] edit - ob [Verb] editor (past dh’or, future oridh, verbal noun oradh, past participle orte) 1.chant, sing Tha Màiri ag oradh. ― Mary is singing. [[Swedish]] [Anagrams] edit - ro [Etymology] editRelated to orna (“moldy, spoiled by mites”), Danish oret, of obscure ultimate origin. Compare oren (“impure, dirty, unclean, rotten”).[1] [Noun] editor n 1.a mite [References] edit 1. ^ “or”, in Svenska Akademiens ordbok [Dictionary of the Swedish Academy]‎[1] (in Swedish), 1937 [Synonyms] edit - kvalster [[Tocharian A]] [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Indo-European *dóru, with unexplained loss of initial */d/. Compare Tocharian B or. [Noun] editor n 1.wood [[Tocharian B]] [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Indo-European *dóru, with unexplained loss of initial */d/. Compare Tocharian A or. [Noun] editor n 1.wood [[Yola]] [Conjunction] editor 1.Alternative form of ar 2.1867, “A YOLA ZONG”, in SONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY, number 9: Na, now or neveare! w' cry't t' Tommeen, Nay, now or never! we cry'd to Tommy, [References] edit - Jacob Poole (1867), William Barnes, editor, A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, page 88 0 0 2009/11/10 17:45 2023/03/02 11:33 TaN
48242 SG [[Translingual]] [Symbol] editSG 1.(international standards) ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for Singapore. Synonym: SGP (alpha-3) [[English]] [Anagrams] edit - G's, GS, Gs, G♭s, G♯s, g's, gs [Proper noun] editSG 1.(basketball) Initialism of shooting guard. 2.(sciences) Initialism of specific gravity. 3.(philately) Initialism of Stanley Gibbons, stamp dealer and catalogue publisher. If followed by a value, means that is the cost of that stamp in the SG catalogue. If followed by a number, means that is the stamp's identifying number for that country in the SG catalogue. 4.Initialism of Super Girl (“DC Comics superheroine”). 5.1997 October 25, Lightning, “REVIEW Power Girl #1, uhm, I mean Supergirl #16”, in rec.arts.comics.dc.universe, Usenet‎[1], message-ID <62tta5$a7g$1@>: Although Supergirl fans will relish page 4, I believe the first panel of 5 says it all: after a full force ramming by SG, PG just casually tosses her into a wall. Now *that's* Power Girl. 6.1998 May 6, CaptT...@webtv.net, “Re: Why is TV kind of pre-Crisis and comics Post-Crisis”, in rec.arts.comics.dc.universe, Usenet‎[2], message-ID <6iouoe$1jf$1@newsd-134.iap.bryant.webtv.net>: Actually, a point could be made that the animated Supergirl is much more like Power Girl than the pre Crisis Supergirl. For one thing she adopted the name Karen (Karen Starr was the name Kara Zor-L created), also she wears PG's costume colors and has a strong resentment toward's Clark's overprotectiveness. The only difference is that the animated SG has the Kara Zor-El personality more than she does Power Girl's. 7.2005 September 21, tan...@bellsouth.net, “Re: JLU - WOW”, in alt.tv.cartoon-network, Usenet‎[3], message-ID <SL7Ye.4284$xg3.1881@bignews4.bellsouth.net>: I kinda hate how they made Power Girl (Kara/SG pre-Crisis on World 2 or 3?) evil and a clone of SG. One of my fav comics growing up was Supes, and PG and I think Green Arrow going after Vandal Savage. [[German]] [Proper noun] editSG 1.ISO 3166-2:CH code of St. Gallen (canton) 0 0 2023/03/02 11:35 TaN
48243 HDMI [[English]] [Etymology] editInitialism of High-Definition Multimedia Interface. [Further reading] edit - HDMI on Wikipedia.Wikipedia [Proper noun] editHDMI 1.(often attributive) A compact audio/video interface for transmitting uncompressed digital data. HDMI has become the standard for audio and video connection for home theater gear. I bought a TV with HDMI, but I'll have to get an HDMI cable. 0 0 2023/01/26 11:15 2023/03/02 12:36 TaN
48245 A. [[Translingual]] [Noun] editA. (plural Aa.) 1.Alternative letter-case form of a. [[English]] [Adjective] editA. 1.absent 2.Absolute 3.accepted 4.adjusted 5.alto 6.American 7.amphibious 8.anterior 9.approved 10.arctic 11.arterial 12.Asian 13.asked 14.astragal 15.asymmetric 16.atomic 17.Australian 18.auxiliary 19.avancé (fast) [Adverb] editA. 1.annō (in the year) [Noun] editA. 1.absolute temperature 2.absorbance; absorbancy 3.academy; academician acad 4.accommodation 5.accumulator 6.accusative case 7.acid 8.acre; acres A; a. 9.address 10.adjutant 11.administration 12.admiral 13.adult 14.age; aged 15.air 16.air branch 17.aircraft; airplane 18.airman 19.alfa 20.alto 21.amateur a. 22.ambassador 23.America; Americanization Amer. 24.(biblical) Amos, the book of 25.amphibian 26.amplitude 27.ana; anna 28.Angstrom Å 29.annus (a year) 30.anode 31.answer ans.; ans; A 32.application 33.apprentice 34.April 35.aqua 36.arctic 37.army 38.article 39.artificer 40.Artillery 41.(military) assault, as on a badge 42.associate; association 43.Atlantic 44.atomic weight 45.attack 46.August 47.author 48.automobile [Preposition] editA. 1.after 2.ante (before) 3.at [Verb] editA. 1.admit 2.Americanize [[Latin]] [Abbreviations] editA. 1.(in dates) ante (“before”) A. D. — ante diem 2.(in dates) anno, annus (“year”) A. D. — anno Domini A. U. C. — anno urbis conditae A. P. R. C. — anno post Romam conditam 3.Aulus (a Roman given name) 4.4–5 CE, Inscriptiones Orelli 1530: A. A. — Auli duo 5.aquae (“waters”) 6.(Can we date this quote?) Inscriptiones Orelli 1643 sequens; 2620; 3011: A.A. — Aquae Aponi (“Abano Terme”) 7.auro, argento, or aeri (the three directors of the mint) 8.(Can we date this quote?) Inscriptiones Orelli 569; 2242; 2379; 3134 alia: III. VIRI A. A. A. F. F. — auro, argento, aeri flando, feriundo 9.agris (“fields”) A. D. A. — agris dandis adsignandis A. I. A. — agris judicandis adsignandis 10.(upon the voting tablets in judicial trials) absolvo (“I free”, “I acquit”) 11.(in the Roman Comitia) antiquo — “I leave in its former state”, “I reject” [e.g. the point in question] 12.amicō (“friend”) A. O. — amico optimo — “best friend” 13.a (“of, from”) A. P. — a populo 14.aediliciae A. P. — aediliciae potestatis 15.aerario A. P. R. — aerario populi Romani 16.(in Cicero's Tusculanae Disputationes, “Tusculan Disputations”) adulescens or auditor, one of the disputants, as opposed to M. for magister or Marcus [Proper noun] editA. m (indeclinable) 1.Praenominal abbreviation of Aulus. [[Malay]] [Alternative forms] edit - Ab. [Proper noun] editA. 1.Abdul (a male given name) [References] edit - “A.” in Kamus Dewan Perdana, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2021, →ISBN, page 1. 0 0 2023/01/13 12:24 2023/03/02 12:36 TaN
48246 nanika [[Japanese]] [Romanization] editnanika 1.Rōmaji transcription of なにか 0 0 2023/03/02 13:36 TaN
48247 RDP [[English]] [Anagrams] edit - D.P.R., DPR, DRP, PDR, PRD, rpd [Noun] editRDP 1.(computing) Initialism of Remote Desktop Protocol. 2.Abbreviation of ribavirin diphosphate. [Proper noun] editRDP 1.(Quebec) Initialism of Rivière-des-Prairies (a municipality in the province of Quebec, Canada) [[French]] [Proper noun] editRDP ? 1.(Quebec) Initialism of Rivière-des-Prairies (a municipality in the province of Quebec, Canada) 0 0 2023/03/02 13:36 TaN
48248 henn [[Cimbrian]] [Alternative forms] edit - hénna (Sette Comuni) [Etymology] editFrom Middle High German henne, from Old High German henna, from Proto-West Germanic *hannju, from Proto-Germanic *hanjō (“hen”). Cognate with German Henne, English hen. [Noun] edithenn f (Luserna) 1.hen (female chicken) 2.chicken (meat) Synonym: (Sette Comuni) huun [References] edit - Patuzzi, Umberto, ed., (2013) Luserna / Lusérn: Le nostre parole / Ünsarne börtar / Unsere Wörter [Our Words], Luserna, Italy: Comitato unitario delle isole linguistiche storiche germaniche in Italia / Einheitskomitee der historischen deutschen Sprachinseln in Italien [[Mòcheno]] [Etymology] editFrom Middle High German henne, from Old High German henna, from Proto-Germanic *hanjō (“hen”). Cognate with German Henne, English hen. [Noun] edithenn f 1.hen (female chicken) [References] edit - “henn” in Cimbrian, Ladin, Mòcheno: Getting to know 3 peoples. 2015. Servizio minoranze linguistiche locali della Provincia autonoma di Trento, Trento, Italy. [[Old English]] ipa :/xenn/[Alternative forms] edit - hænn [Etymology] editFrom Proto-West Germanic *hannju, from Proto-Germanic *hanjō. Cognate with West Frisian henn (West Frisian hin), Dutch hen, Old High German henna (German Henne). Compare also Norwegian hœna. [Noun] edithenn f 1.hen 0 0 2023/03/02 13:36 TaN
48249 8 [[Translingual]] [Symbol] edit8 (prev 7, next 9) 1.The cardinal number eight. 2.A digit in the decimal system of numbering, and also hexadecimal. [[English]] ipa :/eɪt/[See also] edit - 2 - 4 [Verb] edit8 1.(text messaging, Internet slang) abbreviation of ate i 8 it — I ate it. 0 0 2009/03/04 15:54 2023/03/02 13:40
48250 10 [[Translingual]] [Symbol] edit10 (previous 9, next 11) 1.The cardinal number ten. [[English]] [Noun] edit10 (plural 10s) 1.(sports, snowboarding, skiing) Clipping of 1080. (10800° spin) 2.Ellipsis of perfect 10. (perfect ten) [[Chinese]] ipa :/i⁵⁵ liŋ³⁵/[Etymology] editFrom slang 1 (yī, “penis or top”) + 0 (líng, “vagina or bottom”). [Noun] edit10 1.(slang) vaginal sex 2.(gay slang) anal sex [Synonyms] edit - 性交 (xìngjiāo) - 肛交 (gāngjiāo) 0 0 2009/02/05 18:45 2023/03/02 13:44
48251 86 [[Translingual]] [Symbol] edit86 (previous 85, next 87) 1.the number eighty-six [[English]] ipa :/ˌeɪtiˈsɪks/[Anagrams] edit - 6/8 [Etymology] editUnknown. The OED suggests possible rhyming slang for nix.Other, more elaborate theories include Delmonico's Restaurant in New York City, as item #86 on their menu, their house steak, the famous Delmonico steak, is supposed to have run out often in the 19th century. Another theory is that this term came from the New York speakeasy Chumley’s, which was a hotspot in the 1920s. Chumley’s is hidden inside a West Village building which has two entrances: a well-set-back main entrance on Barrow Street and an obscure back-door exit on 86 Bedford Street. When police were sighted approaching the main entrance, the barkeeps yelled ‘86 it!’ to signal the patrons to hide the liquor and exit quickly through the back door. [See also] edit - eighty-six [Synonyms] edit - nix - ixnay [Verb] editEnglish Wikipedia has an article on:86 (term)Wikipedia 86 (third-person singular simple present 86s, present participle 86ing, simple past and past participle 86ed) (US) 1.(informal, transitive) To cancel an order for food. 86 the ham and eggs for table two! 2.(informal, transitive) To remove an item from the menu. 86 the lobster bisque – we won’t have the lobster delivery until tomorrow. 3.(informal, transitive) To throw out; discard. We finally had to 86 that old printer after it jammed one too many times. 4.(informal, transitive) To deny service to. The restaurant 86ed us because we didn't fit the dress code. 5.1995, Leaving Las Vegas, 00:10:40: (Ben Sanderson, speaking to a bartender) -- "Please, serve me today, and I'll never come in here again. If I do, you can 86 me." 6.(informal, transitive) To kill. He stole from me and snitched on me, so I 86ed him. 7. 2017 September 28, Josh Corbin, Start Up, season 2, episode 6, spoken by Ronald Dacey (Edi Gathegi), 37:03 from the start: RONALD:”They tried to ghost your girl Isabel right here”. WES CHANDLER(played by Ron Perlman):”Tried to ‘ghost’ her?” RONALD:”Merk. 86. Put her down in the dirt. You feel me?” 0 0 2023/03/02 14:00 TaN
48252 8 [[Translingual]] [Symbol] edit8 (prev 7, next 9) 1.The cardinal number eight. 2.A digit in the decimal system of numbering, and also hexadecimal. [[English]] ipa :/eɪt/[See also] edit - 2 - 4 [Verb] edit8 1.(text messaging, Internet slang) abbreviation of ate i 8 it — I ate it. 0 0 2023/03/02 14:01 TaN
48253 kongou [[Japanese]] [Romanization] editkongō 1.Rōmaji transcription of こんごう 0 0 2023/03/02 14:29 TaN
48254 MSD [[English]] [Anagrams] edit - DMS, DMs, DSM, M.D.s, MDs, SMD [Noun] editMSD (countable and uncountable, plural MSDs) 1.(statistics) Initialism of mean squared deviation. 2.(statistics) Initialism of mean squared displacement. 3.Initialism of musculoskeletal disorder. 0 0 2023/03/02 14:41 TaN
48255 sette [[Corsican]] ipa :/ˈset.tɛ/[Alternative forms] edit - setti [Etymology] editFrom Latin septem, from Proto-Italic *septem, from Proto-Indo-European *septḿ̥. Cognates include Italian sette and Portuguese sete. [Numeral] editsette 1.seven [[Italian]] ipa :/ˈsɛt.te/[Anagrams] edit - teste, testé [Etymology 1] editFrom Latin septem, from Proto-Indo-European *septḿ̥. False cognate of Yakut сэттэ (sette). [Etymology 2] edit [Further reading] edit - sette in Treccani.it – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana [See also] edit [[Norwegian Bokmål]] [Etymology] editFrom Old Norse setja. [References] edit - “sette” in The Bokmål Dictionary. [Verb] editsette (present tense setter, past tense satte, past participle satt, passive infinitive settes, present participle settende, imperative sett) 1.to place, put, set sette under trykk ― to pressurise sette på prøve ― to put into test [[Norwegian Nynorsk]] [Verb] editsette (present tense set, past tense sette, past participle sett, passive infinitive settast, present participle settande, imperative sett) 1.Alternative form of setja [[West Frisian]] ipa :/ˈsɛtə/[Etymology] editFrom Old Frisian setta, from Proto-West Germanic *sattjan. [Verb] editsette 1.to set 0 0 2023/03/02 14:55 TaN
48256 dousa [[Japanese]] [Romanization] editdousa 1.Rōmaji transcription of どうさ 0 0 2023/01/20 16:18 2023/03/02 14:58 TaN
48258 cucu [[Asturian]] [Etymology] editFrom Late Latin cucus or cuccus, or Latin cuculus or Ancient Greek κόκκυξ (kókkux). [Noun] editcucu m (plural cucos) 1.cuckoo [[Brunei Malay]] ipa :/t͡ʃut͡ʃu/[Etymology] editCognate with Malay cucu. [Noun] editcucu 1.grandchild (child of someone's child) [[French]] [Adjective] editcucu (feminine cucue, masculine plural cucus, feminine plural cucues) 1.Alternative form of cucul [Further reading] edit - “cucu”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012. [Noun] editcucu m (plural cucus) 1.Alternative form of cucul [[Indonesian]] ipa :/ˈt͡ʃu.t͡ʃu/[Alternative forms] edit - tjoetjoe (pre-1947) - tjutju (1947-1967) [Etymology] editFrom Malay cucu, from Classical Malay [script needed] (cucu), from Old Malay [script needed] (cucu), attested in the Laguna Copperplate Inscription, from Proto-Malayic *cucuʔ. [Further reading] edit - “cucu” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Language Development and Fostering Agency — Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic Indonesia, 2016. [Noun] editcucu (plural cucu-cucu, first-person possessive cucuku, second-person possessive cucumu, third-person possessive cucunya) 1.grandchild (child of someone’s child) [[Interlingua]] ipa :/ˈkuku/[Noun] editcucu (plural cucus) 1.cuckoo 2.cuckold [[Malay]] ipa :/t͡ʃut͡ʃu/[Etymology] editAttested in the Laguna Copperplate Inscription, 900 AD, as [script needed] (cucu).[1] From Proto-Malayic *cucuʔ.[2] Probably from duplication of Proto-Mon-Khmer *cuuʔ (“grandchild”).[3] [Further reading] edit - “cucu” in Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu | Malay Literary Reference Centre, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2017. [Noun] editcucu (Jawi spelling چوچو‎, plural cucu-cucu, informal 1st possessive cucuku, 2nd possessive cucumu, 3rd possessive cucunya) 1.grandchild (child of someone’s child) [References] edit 1. ^ Postma, Antoon (1991), “The Laguna Copper-Plate Inscription: A Valuable Philippine Document”, in Indo-Pacific Prehistory 1990 Assn. Bulletin 11‎[1] (PDF), volume 2, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines: Mangyan Assistance and Research Center, page 169. 2. ^ Adelaar, K. A. (1992) Proto-Malayic: The reconstruction of its phonology and parts of its lexicon and morphology‎[2], Canberra: The Australian National University 3. ^ H. L. Shorto (2006) A Mon-Khmer comparative dictionary‎[3], Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, →ISBN, OCLC 76699014 [[Mapudungun]] [Noun] editcucu (Raguileo spelling) 1.maternal grandmother 2.grandchild [References] edit - Wixaleyiñ: Mapucezugun-wigkazugun pici hemvlcijka (Wixaleyiñ: Small Mapudungun-Spanish dictionary), Beretta, Marta; Cañumil, Dario; Cañumil, Tulio, 2008. [[Romanian]] [Etymology] editOnomatopoeic. [Interjection] editcucu 1.coo-coo (cry made by a cuckoo) [See also] edit - cuc [[Sakizaya]] [Noun] editcucu 1.(anatomy) breast 2.milk 0 0 2023/03/02 16:01 TaN
48259 timecode [[English]] [Etymology] edittime +‎ code [Noun] edittimecode (plural timecodes) 1.Alternative spelling of time code [Verb] edittimecode (third-person singular simple present timecodes, present participle timecoding, simple past and past participle timecoded) 1.(transitive) To mark with time codes. timecoded data 0 0 2017/04/03 17:13 2023/03/02 16:02 TaN
48260 uu [[Translingual]] [Further reading] edit - W#History on Wikipedia.Wikipedia [Letter] edituu (upper case UU) 1.obsolete typography of w [[English]] [Noun] edituu (plural uus) 1.unitarian universalist [['Are'are]] [Noun] edituu 1.louse [References] edit - Kateřina Naitoro, A Sketch Grammar of 'Are'are: The Sound System and Morpho-Syntax (2013) [[Aiwoo]] [Adverb] edituu 1.up above [References] edit - Ross, M. & Næss, Å. (2007), “An Oceanic origin for Äiwoo, the language of the Reef Islands?”, in Oceanic Linguistics, volume 46, issue 2. Cited in: "Äiwoo" in Greenhill, S.J., Blust, R., & Gray, R.D. (2008). The Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database: From Bioinformatics to Lexomics. Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 4:271-283. [[Alemannic German]] ipa :/uː/[Adverb] edituu 1.very I ha di uu gärn. ― I like you very much. [Alternative forms] edit - u [Synonyms] edit - seer - mega (colloquial) [[Chayuco Mixtec]] [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Mixtec *ùwì. [Numeral] edituu 1.two [References] edit - Pensinger, Brenda J. (1974) Diccionario mixteco-español, español-mixteco (Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas “Mariano Silva y Aceves”; 18)‎[1] (in Spanish), México, D.F.: El Instituto Lingüístico de Verano en coordinación con la Secretaría de Educación Pública a través de la Dirección General de Educación Extraescolar en el Medio Indígena, page 149 [[Estonian]] [Noun] edituu (genitive [please provide], partitive [please provide]) 1.The name of the Latin-script letter U. [[Finnish]] ipa :/ˈuː/[Etymology 1] editFrom Latin ū. [Etymology 2] editFrom Proto-Uralic *uŋe. [[Japanese]] [Romanization] edituu 1.Rōmaji transcription of うう [[Kapingamarangi]] [Noun] edituu 1.(anatomy) breast [[Maquiritari]] ipa :[uː][Noun] edituu 1.cassava bread [References] edit - Cáceres, Natalia (2011), “uu”, in Grammaire Fonctionnelle-Typologique du Ye’kwana, Lyon - de Civrieux, Marc (1980), “cassava (u)”, in ,  David M. Guss, transl., Watunna: An Orinoco Creation Cycle, San Francisco: North Point Press, →ISBN - Guss, David M. (1989) To Weave and Sing: Art, Symbol, and Narrative in the South American Rain Forest, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, →ISBN, page 28 [[Old English]] ipa :/w/[Letter] edituu 1.Alternative form of w [[Tetum]] [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *qihu, compare Malay hiu. [Noun] edituu 1.shark [[Tuvaluan]] [Noun] edituu 1.(anatomy) breast [[Võro]] [Noun] edituu (genitive [please provide], partitive [please provide]) 1.The name of the Latin-script letter U. 0 0 2011/03/10 11:21 2023/03/02 16:10
48262 OCR [[English]] [Anagrams] edit - COR, CRO, CoR, Cor., ORC, R. O. C., R.O.C., ROC, RoC, cor, cor-, orc, roc [Noun] editOCR (countable and uncountable, plural OCRs) 1.(computing, uncountable) Initialism of optical character recognition (the technology or principle). 2.(computing, countable) Initialism of optical character reader (the scanning device). 3.(sports, uncountable) Abbreviation of obstacle course racing. 4.(sports, countable) Abbreviation of obstacle course race. 5.(construction, uncountable) Initialism of one coat render. [Proper noun] editOCR 1.(education, UK) Initialism of Oxford, Cambridge & RSA (examination board) 2.(politics, US) Initialism of Office for Civil Rights. 3.(religion) Initialism of Office of the Chief Rabbi. [Verb] editOCR (third-person singular simple present OCRs, present participle OCRing, simple past and past participle OCRed) 1.(transitive) To perform optical character recognition upon. Google Book Search is a tool from Google that searches the full text of books that Google scans, OCRs, and stores in its digital database.[1] 0 0 2023/03/02 17:27 TaN
48264 32 [[Translingual]] [Symbol] edit32 (previous 31, next 33) 1.The cardinal number thirty-two. 0 0 2023/03/02 17:39 TaN
48265 rikai [[Japanese]] [Romanization] editrikai 1.Rōmaji transcription of りかい 0 0 2023/03/02 17:59 TaN
48266 seikai [[Japanese]] [Romanization] editseikai 1.Rōmaji transcription of せいかい 0 0 2023/03/02 18:01 TaN
48267 naze [[English]] ipa :/neɪz/[Anagrams] edit - Anez, Anze, Zane, zean [Etymology] editFrom Old English næs; cognate with Icelandic nes, Swedish näs, Danish næs. Related to ness. [Noun] editnaze (plural nazes) 1.A promontory or headland. Synonym: ness 2.A cape at the southern tip of Norway (also known as The Lindesnes) [References] edit - "naze" in the Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, MICRA, 1996, 1998. - "naze" in WordNet 2.0, Princeton University, 2003. [[French]] ipa :/naz/[Adjective] editnaze (plural nazes) 1.(informal) worthless; useless; lame Synonyms: nul, pourri, nul de chez nul, nul à chier, à chier, merdique 2.(informal) knackered; beat; exhausted Synonyms: crevé, claqué, mort [Alternative forms] edit - nase [Etymology] editApocopic form of argot nazi or nasi (“syphilis”), probably from dialectal nase (“snot”), from German Nase (“nose”). [Further reading] edit - “naze”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012. [Noun] editnaze m (plural nazes) 1.(informal) loser, moron Synonym: nul [[Japanese]] [Romanization] editnaze 1.Rōmaji transcription of なぜ [[Mauritian Creole]] [Etymology] editFrom French nager. [References] edit - Baker, Philip & Hookoomsing, Vinesh Y. 1987. Dictionnaire de créole mauricien. Morisyen – English – Français [Verb] editnaze 1.to swim [[Seychellois Creole]] [Etymology] editFrom French nager. [References] edit - Danielle D’Offay et Guy Lionnet, Diksyonner Kreol - Franse / Dictionnaire Créole Seychellois - Français [Verb] editnaze 1.to swim 0 0 2023/03/02 19:12 TaN
48268 sn [[Translingual]] [Symbol] editsn 1.(international standards) ISO 639-1 language code for Shona. [[English]] [Anagrams] edit - N's, N.S., N/S, NS, Ns, n's, n.s., ns [Noun] editsn 1.(Internet) Abbreviation of screenname. [[Abinomn]] [Noun] editsn 1.(anatomy) liver [[Demotic]] [Etymology] editFrom Egyptian (sn). [Noun] edit⁠ m 1.brother [References] edit - Erichsen, Wolja (1954) Demotisches Glossar, Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, page 435–436 [[Egyptian]] ipa :/san/[Etymology 1] editRelated to snwj (“two”). Compare with Migaama sin and Blin šan.[1] [Etymology 2] edit [Etymology 3] editCompare with Hausa sansana (“to smell”). [References] edit - James P[eter] Allen (2010) Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, 2nd edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 51. - Revez, J. (2003), “The Metaphorical Use of the Kinship Term sn ‘Brother’”, in Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, volume 40, pages 123–131 1. ^ https://starling.rinet.ru/cgi-bin/query.cgi?basename=\data\semham\afaset 2. ^ Loprieno, Antonio (1995) Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 46, 53, 55 [[Italian]] [Verb] editsn 1.(text messaging, slang) Abbreviation of sono. [[Swedish]] [Anagrams] edit - n.s. [Noun] editsn c 1.Abbreviation of socken (“parish”). Piteå sn parish of Piteå 0 0 2009/02/06 17:36 2023/03/02 20:59 TaN
48269 5 [[Translingual]] [Symbol] edit5 (prev 4, next 6) 1.The cardinal number five. 2.A digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal. [[English]] [Noun] edit5 (plural 5s) 1.(sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing) Clipping of 540. (540° spin) [[Chinese]] ipa :/m̩[Adverb] edit5 1.(Hong Kong Cantonese, leetspeak) alternative form of 唔 (m4, “not”) [Etymology] edit五 (ng5, “five”) and 唔 (m4, “not”) are near homophones. 0 0 2009/04/13 09:53 2023/03/02 21:13 TaN
48271 hida [[Afar]] ipa :/hiˈdʌ/[Noun] edithidá f  1.boastfulness [[Esperanto]] ipa :[ˈhida][Adjective] edithida (accusative singular hidan, plural hidaj, accusative plural hidajn) 1.(literary) hideous Hypernyms: malbelega, timiga, turpa [Etymology] editFrom French hideux and English hideous. 0 0 2023/03/03 08:10 TaN
48272 PCA [[Translingual]] [Etymology] editEnglish Pecora Escarpment [Proper noun] editPCA 1.(planetology, geology) Abbreviation of Pecora Escarpment. [[English]] [Anagrams] edit - ACP, APC, CAP, CPA, Cap, PAC, PAc, Pac, Pac., cap [Noun] editPCA (plural PCAs) 1.(aviation) Abbreviation of propulsion controlled aircraft (system/unit), an aircraft with a control system with two or more engines arrayed abreast, allowing descent, ascent, turns by adjusting the throttle control to the engines (sometimes used attributively). 2.(statistics) Abbreviation of principal components analysis. 3.(medicine) Abbreviation of patient-controlled analgesia; palliator. 4.(anatomy) Initialism of posterior cerebral artery. [Proper noun] editPCA 1.(linguistics) Abbreviation of Proto-Central Algonquian. 2.(US, law) Abbreviation of Posse Comitatus Act. The U.S. law called "Posse Comitatus Act", 20 Stat. 152 aka 18 U.S.C. § 1385 [References] edit Aircraft flight control system on Wikipedia.Wikipedia [See also] edit - (aviation): PIO (pilot-induced oscillation) [[Spanish]] [Etymology] editFrom P compuestas amarillas. [Proper noun] editPCA 1.(botany) DYC; "damn yellow composite" 0 0 2023/03/03 08:20 TaN
48274 moderu [[Japanese]] [Romanization] editmoderu 1.Rōmaji transcription of モデル 0 0 2023/03/03 09:00 TaN
48275 TD [[Translingual]] [Etymology 1] edit [Etymology 2] edit [[English]] [Anagrams] edit - DT [Noun] editTD (countable and uncountable, plural TDs) 1.(American football, Canadian football) Abbreviation of touchdown. 2.(neurology) Initialism of tardive dyskinesia. 3.(travel) Initialism of ticket designator. 4.(video games) Initialism of tower defense. 5.(handbells) Initialism of thumb damp. 6.(politics) Initialism of Teachta Dála, a member of Dáil Éireann, the lower chamber of the Parliament of the Republic of Ireland. 7.(military) Initialism of Territorial Decoration (previously awarded to officers who had more than 12 years commissioned service in the Territorial Army (UK)). 8.Initialism of traveler's diarrhea. 9.Initialism of typically developed. [[French]] ipa :/te.de/[Noun] editTD m pl (plural only) 1.(colloquial, education) (Initialism of travaux dirigés.; tutorials [[Irish]] [Noun] editTD m 1.Abbreviation of Teachta Dála, a member of Dáil Éireann, the lower chamber of the Parliament of the Republic of Ireland. [[Norwegian Bokmål]] ipa :/teːdeː/[Alternative forms] edit - trippel-dobbel [Etymology] editShort form of trippel-dobbel (“triple-double”), which is borrowed from English triple double, an international basketball term. [Noun] editTD 1.(sports, basketball) Abbreviation of trippel-dobbel (“tripple-double”). 0 0 2023/01/22 18:27 2023/03/03 09:06 TaN
48276 110 [[English]] ipa :/wən.wən.oʊ/[Anagrams] edit - 101 [Etymology] editLike 911, 119, &c., selected as a number both fast and easy to call from rotary or touch-tone phones and less likely to be mistakenly dialed. [Proper noun] edit110 1.The telephone number for emergency services in Iran. 2.The telephone number for law enforcement in China, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Latvia, Bolivia, Guatamala, Andorra, Nauru, and the Ivory Coast and on Taiwan. 110 handles police emergencies in Japan and Korea but fires and medical emergencies have a separate number, 119. 3.The telephone number for ambulance services in Jamaica, Syria, and Sri Lanka. 4.The telephone number for firefighting assistance in Norway, Jamaica, Suriname, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Papua New Guinea. [[Chinese]] ipa :/jɑʊ̯⁵⁵ jɑʊ̯⁵⁵ liŋ³⁵/[Noun] edit110 1.(Mainland China, Taiwan, slang) Synonym of 警察: police, law enforcement. [Proper noun] edit110 1.The telephone number for law enforcement in China and on Taiwan. [Synonyms] edit - 999 (Hong Kong, Macau)edit - 999 (Hong Kong, Macau) 0 0 2023/03/03 10:05 TaN
48278 1 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] editTenth century “West Arabic” variation of the Nepali form of Hindu-Arabic numerals (compare Devanagari script १ (1, “éka”)), possibly influenced by Roman numeral Ⅰ. [See also] edit - 1 (number) in Wikipedia - (Arabic digits): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Other representations of 1: [Symbol] editThe digit ‘1’ in a digital seven segment display.1 (previous 0, next 2) 1.The cardinal number one, a single thing or unit. 2.A digit in decimal and every other base numbering system, including binary, octal, and hexadecimal. 15 × 134 = 2010 0010 00112 (the number 35 in binary notation) 0x1000E001 (the number 268492801 in hexadecimal notation) 3.(mathematics) The identity element with respect to multiplication in a ring. a×1 = a 4.(computer science) Bit state corresponding to binary digit 1, or on or true. 5.(mathematics) A Boolean or truth value corresponding to true. f : Bk → B : B = {0, 1} 6.(mathematics) The one-point topological space, trivial ring, trivial group, a category with a single object or a (canonical) singleton. 7.(mathematics, set theory) indicator function of a set. [[English]] ipa :/wʌn/[Noun] edit1 (plural 1s) 1.(sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing) Clipping of 180. (180° spin) [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of !, imitating someone who is too excited to consistently press the shift key while typing exclamation marks. A: sum1 hlep me plz im alwyz l0zin!!1!?!/? B: Thts bcuz ur st00pid!!!!!11!!oneone!!1!!eleven!1 [Synonyms] edit - (sarcastic, deliberate misspelling of !): one, eleven [[Chinese]] ipa :/i⁵⁵/[Noun] edit1 1.one 2.(gay slang) top [[Swedish]] [Suffix] edit1 1.(nonstandard stylistic suffix) -et (“singular indefinite nominative; the”) Apotek1 The Pharmacy Bud1 The Courier [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). Synonyms: ett, en 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of ! 0 0 2023/02/12 13:16 2023/03/03 10:19 TaN
48279 1 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] editTenth century “West Arabic” variation of the Nepali form of Hindu-Arabic numerals (compare Devanagari script १ (1, “éka”)), possibly influenced by Roman numeral Ⅰ. [See also] edit - 1 (number) in Wikipedia - (Arabic digits): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Other representations of 1: [Symbol] editThe digit ‘1’ in a digital seven segment display.1 (previous 0, next 2) 1.The cardinal number one, a single thing or unit. 2.A digit in decimal and every other base numbering system, including binary, octal, and hexadecimal. 15 × 134 = 2010 0010 00112 (the number 35 in binary notation) 0x1000E001 (the number 268492801 in hexadecimal notation) 3.(mathematics) The identity element with respect to multiplication in a ring. a×1 = a 4.(computer science) Bit state corresponding to binary digit 1, or on or true. 5.(mathematics) A Boolean or truth value corresponding to true. f : Bk → B : B = {0, 1} 6.(mathematics) The one-point topological space, trivial ring, trivial group, a category with a single object or a (canonical) singleton. 7.(mathematics, set theory) indicator function of a set. [[English]] ipa :/wʌn/[Noun] edit1 (plural 1s) 1.(sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing) Clipping of 180. (180° spin) [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of !, imitating someone who is too excited to consistently press the shift key while typing exclamation marks. A: sum1 hlep me plz im alwyz l0zin!!1!?!/? B: Thts bcuz ur st00pid!!!!!11!!oneone!!1!!eleven!1 [Synonyms] edit - (sarcastic, deliberate misspelling of !): one, eleven [[Chinese]] ipa :/i⁵⁵/[Noun] edit1 1.one 2.(gay slang) top [[Swedish]] [Suffix] edit1 1.(nonstandard stylistic suffix) -et (“singular indefinite nominative; the”) Apotek1 The Pharmacy Bud1 The Courier [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). Synonyms: ett, en 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of ! 0 0 2023/02/12 13:16 2023/03/03 10:19 TaN
48280 1 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] editTenth century “West Arabic” variation of the Nepali form of Hindu-Arabic numerals (compare Devanagari script १ (1, “éka”)), possibly influenced by Roman numeral Ⅰ. [See also] edit - 1 (number) in Wikipedia - (Arabic digits): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Other representations of 1: [Symbol] editThe digit ‘1’ in a digital seven segment display.1 (previous 0, next 2) 1.The cardinal number one, a single thing or unit. 2.A digit in decimal and every other base numbering system, including binary, octal, and hexadecimal. 15 × 134 = 2010 0010 00112 (the number 35 in binary notation) 0x1000E001 (the number 268492801 in hexadecimal notation) 3.(mathematics) The identity element with respect to multiplication in a ring. a×1 = a 4.(computer science) Bit state corresponding to binary digit 1, or on or true. 5.(mathematics) A Boolean or truth value corresponding to true. f : Bk → B : B = {0, 1} 6.(mathematics) The one-point topological space, trivial ring, trivial group, a category with a single object or a (canonical) singleton. 7.(mathematics, set theory) indicator function of a set. [[English]] ipa :/wʌn/[Noun] edit1 (plural 1s) 1.(sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing) Clipping of 180. (180° spin) [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of !, imitating someone who is too excited to consistently press the shift key while typing exclamation marks. A: sum1 hlep me plz im alwyz l0zin!!1!?!/? B: Thts bcuz ur st00pid!!!!!11!!oneone!!1!!eleven!1 [Synonyms] edit - (sarcastic, deliberate misspelling of !): one, eleven [[Chinese]] ipa :/i⁵⁵/[Noun] edit1 1.one 2.(gay slang) top [[Swedish]] [Suffix] edit1 1.(nonstandard stylistic suffix) -et (“singular indefinite nominative; the”) Apotek1 The Pharmacy Bud1 The Courier [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). Synonyms: ett, en 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of ! 0 0 2023/02/12 13:16 2023/03/03 10:19 TaN
48281 1 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] editTenth century “West Arabic” variation of the Nepali form of Hindu-Arabic numerals (compare Devanagari script १ (1, “éka”)), possibly influenced by Roman numeral Ⅰ. [See also] edit - 1 (number) in Wikipedia - (Arabic digits): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Other representations of 1: [Symbol] editThe digit ‘1’ in a digital seven segment display.1 (previous 0, next 2) 1.The cardinal number one, a single thing or unit. 2.A digit in decimal and every other base numbering system, including binary, octal, and hexadecimal. 15 × 134 = 2010 0010 00112 (the number 35 in binary notation) 0x1000E001 (the number 268492801 in hexadecimal notation) 3.(mathematics) The identity element with respect to multiplication in a ring. a×1 = a 4.(computer science) Bit state corresponding to binary digit 1, or on or true. 5.(mathematics) A Boolean or truth value corresponding to true. f : Bk → B : B = {0, 1} 6.(mathematics) The one-point topological space, trivial ring, trivial group, a category with a single object or a (canonical) singleton. 7.(mathematics, set theory) indicator function of a set. [[English]] ipa :/wʌn/[Noun] edit1 (plural 1s) 1.(sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing) Clipping of 180. (180° spin) [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of !, imitating someone who is too excited to consistently press the shift key while typing exclamation marks. A: sum1 hlep me plz im alwyz l0zin!!1!?!/? B: Thts bcuz ur st00pid!!!!!11!!oneone!!1!!eleven!1 [Synonyms] edit - (sarcastic, deliberate misspelling of !): one, eleven [[Chinese]] ipa :/i⁵⁵/[Noun] edit1 1.one 2.(gay slang) top [[Swedish]] [Suffix] edit1 1.(nonstandard stylistic suffix) -et (“singular indefinite nominative; the”) Apotek1 The Pharmacy Bud1 The Courier [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). Synonyms: ett, en 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of ! 0 0 2023/02/12 13:16 2023/03/03 10:19 TaN
48282 1 [[Translingual]] [Etymology] editTenth century “West Arabic” variation of the Nepali form of Hindu-Arabic numerals (compare Devanagari script १ (1, “éka”)), possibly influenced by Roman numeral Ⅰ. [See also] edit - 1 (number) in Wikipedia - (Arabic digits): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Other representations of 1: [Symbol] editThe digit ‘1’ in a digital seven segment display.1 (previous 0, next 2) 1.The cardinal number one, a single thing or unit. 2.A digit in decimal and every other base numbering system, including binary, octal, and hexadecimal. 15 × 134 = 2010 0010 00112 (the number 35 in binary notation) 0x1000E001 (the number 268492801 in hexadecimal notation) 3.(mathematics) The identity element with respect to multiplication in a ring. a×1 = a 4.(computer science) Bit state corresponding to binary digit 1, or on or true. 5.(mathematics) A Boolean or truth value corresponding to true. f : Bk → B : B = {0, 1} 6.(mathematics) The one-point topological space, trivial ring, trivial group, a category with a single object or a (canonical) singleton. 7.(mathematics, set theory) indicator function of a set. [[English]] ipa :/wʌn/[Noun] edit1 (plural 1s) 1.(sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing) Clipping of 180. (180° spin) [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of !, imitating someone who is too excited to consistently press the shift key while typing exclamation marks. A: sum1 hlep me plz im alwyz l0zin!!1!?!/? B: Thts bcuz ur st00pid!!!!!11!!oneone!!1!!eleven!1 [Synonyms] edit - (sarcastic, deliberate misspelling of !): one, eleven [[Chinese]] ipa :/i⁵⁵/[Noun] edit1 1.one 2.(gay slang) top [[Swedish]] [Suffix] edit1 1.(nonstandard stylistic suffix) -et (“singular indefinite nominative; the”) Apotek1 The Pharmacy Bud1 The Courier [Symbol] edit1 1.The number one (1). Synonyms: ett, en 2.(Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of ! 0 0 2023/02/12 13:16 2023/03/03 10:19 TaN
48283 imano [[Italian]] [Anagrams] edit - -nomia, amino, amnio, animo, animò, mainò, moina, nomai [Noun] editimano m (plural imani) 1.(archaic) imam Synonyms: imam, iman [[Portuguese]] [Verb] editimano 1.first-person singular present indicative of imanar [[Spanish]] [Verb] editimano 1.first-person singular present indicative of imanar 0 0 2023/03/03 10:22 TaN
48284 or [[Translingual]] [Symbol] editor 1.(international standards) ISO 639-1 language code for Oriya. [[English]] ipa :/ɔɹ/[Anagrams] edit - R&O, RO, r/o [Etymology 1] editFrom Middle English or; partially contracted from other, auther, from Old English āþor, āwþer, āhwæþer ("some, any, either"; > either); and partially from Middle English oththe, from Old English oþþe, from Proto-Germanic *efþau (“or”). [Etymology 2] editFrom Etymology 1 (sense 2 above). [Etymology 3] editBorrowed from Middle French or (“yellow”), from Old French or, from Latin aurum (“gold”). Doublet of aurum. [Etymology 4] editLate Old English ār, from Old Norse ár. Compare ere. [References] edit 1. ^ Huddleston, Rodney (1988) English Grammar: An Outline, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, pages 198–99 [[Aromanian]] [Alternative forms] edit - oru, auredz, auredzu, aor, aoru [Etymology] editFrom Latin ōrō. Compare Daco-Romanian ura, urez. [Synonyms] edit - angrec, ngrec - pricad - ncljin - pãlãcãrsescu, pãrãcãlsescu - rog [Verb] editor (past participle uratã) 1.I pray. [[Basque]] ipa :/or/[Alternative forms] edit - hor (Souletin) [Etymology] edit1103; variant of hor, from Proto-Basque *hoŕ. Mostly replaced by zakur. [Further reading] edit - "or" in Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy], euskaltzaindia.eus - “or” in Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary], euskaltzaindia.eus [Noun] editor anim 1.dog [Synonyms] edit - txakur - zakur [[Catalan]] ipa :/ˈɔr/[Alternative forms] edit - aur (obsolete) [Etymology] editFrom Latin aurum, from Proto-Italic *auzom, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂é-h₂us-o- (“glow”), from *h₂ews- (“to dawn, become light, become red”). [Noun] editor m (plural ors) 1.gold 2.(heraldry) or [[French]] ipa :/ɔʁ/[Etymology 1] editFrom Middle French or, from Old French or, from Latin aurum, from Proto-Italic *auzom, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂é-h₂us-o- (“glow”), from *h₂ews- (“to dawn, become light, become red”). [Etymology 2] editFrom Old French ore, from Vulgar Latin hā horā, alteration of hāc horā (“(in) this hour”, ablative). Compare Spanish ahora, Portuguese agora. [Further reading] edit - “or”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012. [[Ido]] ipa :/ɔr/[Conjunction] editor 1.now, but (in argument) [Etymology] editBorrowing from French or, Italian ora and Spanish ahora. [[Italian]] [Adverb] editor (apocopated) 1.Apocopic form of ora (“now”), used almost exclusively in the forms or ora (“just now”) and or sono (“ago”). [Anagrams] edit - ro [[Japanese]] [Particle] editor(オア) • (oa)  1.Alternative form of オア (“or”) [[Middle English]] ipa :/oːr/[Etymology 1] editInherited from Old English ōr, from Proto-West Germanic *ōʀ, from Proto-Germanic *ōsaz, form Proto-Indo-European *h₃éh₁os (“mouth”). [Etymology 2] edit [Etymology 3] edit [Etymology 4] edit [Etymology 5] edit [[Middle French]] [Alternative forms] edit - aur (alternate Latinized spelling) [Etymology] editFrom Old French or. [Noun] editor m (uncountable) 1.gold (metal) 2.gold (color) [[Norwegian Bokmål]] [Etymology] editFrom Old Norse ǫlr, órir. [Noun] editor f or m (definite singular ora or oren, indefinite plural orer, definite plural orene) 1.an alder (tree of genus Alnus) [References] edit - “or” in The Bokmål Dictionary. [Synonyms] edit - older [[Norwegian Nynorsk]] ipa :/uːr/[Etymology 1] editFrom Old Norse ǫlr, órir. Akin to English alder. [Etymology 2] editFrom Old Norse ór. [References] edit - “or” in The Nynorsk Dictionary. [[Old English]] ipa :/oːr/[Alternative forms] edit - ōra [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Germanic *ōzô, *ōsaz, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃éh₁os (“mouth”). [Noun] editōr n 1.origin, beginning [References] edit - Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller (1898), “ōr”, in An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press. [[Old French]] ipa :/ˈɔr/[Etymology 1] editFrom Latin aurum. [Etymology 2] editSee ore. [[Old Frisian]] ipa :/ˈoːr/[Adjective] editōr 1.Old West Frisian form of ōther [[Romanian]] ipa :[or][Adverb] editor 1.Alternative form of ori [Verb] edit(ele/ei) or (modal auxiliary, third-person plural form of vrea, used with infinitives to form presumptive tenses) 1.(they) might fiindcă or avea ceva pe care noi nu-l avem, va trebui să așteptăm puțin being that they might have something that we don't, we will need to wait a biteditor (modal auxiliary, ? form of avea, used with ? to form ? tenses) 1.(informal, sometimes proscribed) Variation of o in the third person plural. Or să vină într-un minut. ― They will come in a minute. [[Romansch]] [Alternative forms] edit - (Rumantsch Grischun, Sursilvan) aur - (Surmiran) ôr [Etymology] editFrom Latin aurum. [Noun] editor m 1.(Sutsilvan, Puter, Vallader) gold [[Scots]] [Conjunction] editor 1.before or until (only in certain senses) It'll nae be lang or A gang ma holiday.- It'll not be long until/ before I go on holiday [Etymology] editA variant of ere, obsolete in modern English. [[Scottish Gaelic]] [Etymology] editPossibly from Old Irish amar (“song, singing”). See òran. [Noun] editor m (genitive singular ora, plural ora or orthachan or orrachan or orthannan) 1.hymn, incantation, petition, prayer [Synonyms] edit - ob [Verb] editor (past dh’or, future oridh, verbal noun oradh, past participle orte) 1.chant, sing Tha Màiri ag oradh. ― Mary is singing. [[Swedish]] [Anagrams] edit - ro [Etymology] editRelated to orna (“moldy, spoiled by mites”), Danish oret, of obscure ultimate origin. Compare oren (“impure, dirty, unclean, rotten”).[1] [Noun] editor n 1.a mite [References] edit 1. ^ “or”, in Svenska Akademiens ordbok [Dictionary of the Swedish Academy]‎[1] (in Swedish), 1937 [Synonyms] edit - kvalster [[Tocharian A]] [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Indo-European *dóru, with unexplained loss of initial */d/. Compare Tocharian B or. [Noun] editor n 1.wood [[Tocharian B]] [Etymology] editFrom Proto-Indo-European *dóru, with unexplained loss of initial */d/. Compare Tocharian A or. [Noun] editor n 1.wood [[Yola]] [Conjunction] editor 1.Alternative form of ar 2.1867, “A YOLA ZONG”, in SONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY, number 9: Na, now or neveare! w' cry't t' Tommeen, Nay, now or never! we cry'd to Tommy, [References] edit - Jacob Poole (1867), William Barnes, editor, A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, page 88 0 0 2023/01/19 17:56 2023/03/03 10:30 TaN
48285 MAL [[Translingual]] [Symbol] editMAL 1.(international standards) Indeterminately reserved&#x20;ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Malaysia. Synonym: MYS (for general use) 0 0 2023/03/03 10:48 TaN
48286 sya [[K'iche']] [Noun] editsya 1.cat [[Tagalog]] ipa :/ˈsja/[Pronoun] editsya 1.Contraction of siya. 0 0 2023/02/03 22:06 2023/03/03 10:49 TaN
48287 ERNIE [[English]] [Anagrams] edit - Irene, irene [Etymology] editInitialism of electronic random number indicator equipment. [Proper noun] editERNIE 1.The machine that draws random premium bond numbers in the United Kingdom. [See also] edit - Wikipedia article on premium bonds 0 0 2023/03/03 10:52 TaN
48289 100% [[English]] [Adjective] edit100% (not comparable) 1.Alternative form of one hundred percent [Adverb] edit100% (not comparable) 1.Alternative form of one hundred percent [Noun] edit100% (plural not attested) 1.(video games) A category in speedrunning which pertains to the goal of a game's completion to the fullest extent while also unlocking every feature possible. 0 0 2023/03/03 11:18 TaN
48290 EB [[English]] [Adjective] editEB (not comparable) 1.Initialism of eastbound. Coordinate terms: NB, WB, SB [Adverb] editEB (not comparable) 1.Initialism of eastbound. Coordinate terms: NB, WB, SB [Anagrams] edit - B&E, B.E., B/E, BE, be, be- [Noun] editEB (plural EBs) 1.(pathology) Initialism of elementary body. [Symbol] editEB 1.(computing, formal) exabyte (1,000 petabytes or 1018 bytes) 2.(computing, informal) exbibyte (210 (1024) pebibytes or 260 (10246) bytes). Synonym: EiB [[Faroese]] [Proper noun] editEB 1.Initialism of Eiðis Bóltfelag. [See also] edit - EB/Streymur 0 0 2009/07/24 16:46 2023/03/03 11:21
48291 4. [[Faroese]] [Adjective] edit4. 1.4th [Synonyms] edit - fjórði [[German]] [Adjective] edit4. (indeclinable) 1.(ordinal number) Abbreviation of vierte. [[Icelandic]] [Adjective] edit4. 1.4th [Synonyms] edit - (4th): fjórði m, fjórða f or n [[Norwegian]] [Adjective] edit4. 1.4th [Synonyms] edit - fjerde [[Turkish]] ipa :[dœɾdyndʒy][Adjective] edit4. 1.4th [Synonyms] edit - 4'üncü - dördüncü 0 0 2023/03/03 11:27 TaN
48292 mottomo [[Japanese]] [Romanization] editmottomo 1.Rōmaji transcription of もっとも 0 0 2023/03/03 11:32 TaN
48293 1. [[German]] [Adjective] edit1. (indeclinable) 1.(ordinal number) Abbreviation of erste. [[Hungarian]] ipa :[ˈɛlʃøː][Adjective] edit1. (not comparable) 1.Abbreviation of első (“first”). Az 1.-t választom. ― I choose the 1st. [Numeral] edit1. 1.(after a month) Abbreviation of elseje (“first [day]”). (dropping the dot before the hyphen in inflected forms) Várjuk május 1-jét. ― We are waiting for May 1st. 2.(after the street name in an address) Abbreviation of egy (“one”). A Tutaj utca 1.-et adtam meg címnek. ― I entered 1 Tutaj Street as my address. [References] edit 1.↑ 1.0 1.1 Section 292 in A magyar helyesírás szabályai, 12. kiadás (’The Rules of Hungarian Orthography, 12th edition’). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2015. →ISBN 2. ^ Section 298 in A magyar helyesírás szabályai, 12. kiadás (’The Rules of Hungarian Orthography, 12th edition’). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2015. →ISBN [[Icelandic]] [Adjective] edit1. 1.1st [Synonyms] edit - (1st): fyrsti m, fyrsta f or n [[Norwegian]] [Adjective] edit1. 1.1st [Synonyms] edit - første [[Turkish]] ipa :[biɾindʒi][Adjective] edit1. 1.1st [Synonyms] edit - 1'inci - birinci - ilk 0 0 2023/03/03 12:04 TaN
48294 2. [[German]] [Adjective] edit2. (indeclinable) 1.(ordinal number) Abbreviation of zweite. [[Icelandic]] [Adjective] edit2. 1.2nd [Synonyms] edit - (2nd): annar m, önnur f, annað n [[Norwegian]] [Adjective] edit2. 1.2nd [Synonyms] edit - andre [[Turkish]] ipa :[icindʒi][Adjective] edit2. 1.2nd [Synonyms] edit - 2'nci - ikinci 0 0 2023/03/03 12:14 TaN

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