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[979]  Had a try...
□投稿者/ SK 2回-(2007/11/10(Sat) 19:38:01)

    By a win32 version of resource hacker, I managed to modify almost all menus and dialogs into English. I also changed the positions of some controls to make it more suitable. I didn't modify the string resource.

    It's not easy since there are so many strings. However, I can use it now.

    Thanks Mr. TaN.

    BTW: 2 remarks:
    1) The compression of unicode dictionaries (e.g. Jap-Kor) is not significant.
    2) I hope I can change the color of all items.
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←Ask for PDIC CE Unicode English Version /SK →Re[2]: Had a try... /TaN

Nomal Ask for PDIC CE Unicode English Version /SK (07/10/20(Sat) 00:40) [969]
Nomal Had a try... /SK (07/11/10(Sat) 19:38) [979] ←Now
  ┗Nomal Re[2]: Had a try... /TaN (08/01/10(Thu) 03:57) [994]

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